Clash of the Idols: The NFL vs. American Statism (Round 2)

Here in “the land of the free and home of the brave”, three things are guaranteed to happen each and every August: Tens of thousands of American baby boys and girls will be “legally” murdered in American police/military protected child mass murder and dismemberment facilities operating openly (and for a profit) in the name of […]

South Carolina Evangelicals Ditch Scripture and Vote Trump

Ever heard the “we’re electing a president, not a pastor” line? Ever heard that sort of thing passionately flung from the mouth of a politically active professing Christian? Perhaps even from a popular Christian “leader”? Ever wondered what that line is supposed to mean exactly, aside from serving as an escape hatch or quick dodge away from anything the Bible actually says on leadership, […]

Pope vs. Trump: Battle of the Anti-Christs!

On Thursday, The Pope called The Donald “not a Christian”. Later on Thursday, The Donald called The Pope’s claim “disgraceful”. And with that, it…was…ON! Pope vs. Trump. Godzilla vs. Kong. Dracula vs. Frankenstein’s Monster. The unstoppable farce of man-made, man-centered religion vs. the immovable, megalomaniacal ego of the ultimate “self-made” casino promoting billionaire. So yeah, it’s pretty obvious that […]

What if Planned Parenthood butchered pensions and savings accounts instead of babies?

It’s funny how a major drop in the stock market helps to put things in perspective. There are obviously a lot of things you can mess with, trample, and destroy here in America without much fear of serious repercussions…like the lives and bodies of little baby boys and girls, for example. You can attack, mock, perpetually redefine, and strive […]

Want to end abortion, corruption, and the Big Gay Wave? Start killing sacred cows.

Deer, duck, and turkey seasons may come and go, but sacred cow season is always open. The trouble is, we tend to be more into protecting these beasts than we are into killing ’em. After all, they’re called sacred because they’re sacred to us even though the Lord we claim with our lips despises them…which is why He wants us […]

Men: Do you know more about sports than you do about Scripture?

What with gay rodeos going on in Arkansas; the NCAA, NFL, ESPN, and pretty much every other Sports Corporation wholly embracing (and enforcing) a pro-homosexual agenda), and things like American Pharoah’s “eternal glory” attaining win over the weekend, it’s pretty clear that Corporate-produced sports theater plays a major role in captivating, defining and controlling the […]

Appreciating America vs. Worshiping America

As we roll into another Memorial Day, we must remember to keep the things we hold dear in their place, lest they become the things we hold dearest. Our families. Our friends. Our traditions. Our things. Even (and perhaps especially) our country. (See: The America Idol: How “Christians” Worship and Enable the Anti-Christ State.) If they are to inspire […]

Don’t be fooled by Hillary.

As if a witch leading Iowa legislators in prayer last week wasn’t comically tragic enough, the weekend followed up by treating us to the official launch of Hillary 2016. Adding some interesting zing to the Hillary launch was what some have called an “astounding typo”. Apparently, in promotion of her Big Day, the official Hillaryland press release phrase that included the line: “fought children […]

Loving America by Killing the America Idol, Part II

If the conflation of Christianity with America has indeed been one of the most effective tools for the advance of Statism (as discussed in Part I), and if the “America Idol” has been enshrined and worshiped for generations now even by most professing “conservative Christians” in our land, then it stands to reason that there would be many clear, […]

The America Idol: How Christians Worship and Enable the Anti-Christ State

  Okay, so we all know that Barack Obama is openly and quite religiously worshipped by many folks on the Left. Tales of the ridiculous and blasphemous extremes to which his followers often go to express their adoration have become tragically common. As such, they’ve provided fuel for countless jokes and condemnations aimed at Obama […]

Why is the beast of Socialism eating our children? Ask your pastor.

Ah, State-controlled children’s “education”. Is there anything more warmly regarded by the typical American? Right outta the Communist Manifesto, yet adored and defended by most professing conservatives in America. Built plainly upon the satanic approach to the pursuit of knowledge, yet adored and defended by most professing Christians in America. Talk about a gigantic, disgusting, yet very much cherished […]