What The World Needs Now Is A Christianity That Has A Pair

Many ask, but few seem to really want to know the answers to, the same basic questions: Why is our culture going to hell on a rocket? How did things get so bad so fast? Why do they only seem to be getting worse at a faster pace with each passing week, month, and year? […]
The Rapture and Global Warming: Laughably Bad Eschatologies with Deadly Serious Consequences

Bad eschatology kills. On the way to death it leads its adherents deeper and deeper into bondage and darkness. Kinda like what we have going on in America right about now. For those new to the term, eschatology is just a big way of saying “future things” or “the future of humanity”. It’s a category […]
One Vine. One Bride. One True Israel.

How important is it to accurately identify True Israel? Very. But why? Why is it important? The first answer to that question is that the identity of True Israel should be important to us because it’s important to Jesus. True Israel is Jesus’ bride. True Israel is the apple of His eye. True Israel is […]
Internet Culture, Lone Ranger Christianity, And The Pornification Of Church

Why settle for the ugliness of a local church body when you can have a much more attractive online version instead? Why gather with and commit to serving with a local bunch of often incredibly immature, confused, messed up, and biblically illiterate yahoos when you can instead bond with a group of awesome people who share your understanding […]
America’s Pastor-Led Abandonment Of The Great Commission

Does your Pastor embrace the Gospel-fueled Great Commission? Or does he not? Is your Pastor all about the full life-, culture-, and civilization Gospel? Or is his gospel something smaller. Much smaller. As in: man-sized with no room for anything else. Sadly, it’s this little man-sized, eek-a-person-into-heaven counterfeit gospel that has become the norm in most self-described “conservative, Bible believing” […]
How State-weaponized churches promote State-centered religion…and what to do about it.

Whatever the State can license or regulate, the State will weaponize to the benefit of the State. Whatever the State can control, the State will use to secure and expand the power of the State. Whatever the State is allowed to oversee or manage, the State will oversee and manage in a manner that facilitates […]
Lone Ranger Christianity and Exception Obsession Syndrome

You know things are getting dark and wacky in America when a simple, clear (yet quite generic) call to encourage, pursue and support the building of the body of Christ on His terms as revealed in His word sends a fair amount of professing Christians – including many aiming to teach and lead others – into something of a […]
Beware The Lone Ranger Super-Critic

Christians are to desire, seek, and encourage healthy local church bodies to serve in and biblically qualified elders to oversee them, submitting to those elders when God provides them. The perfect, sufficient Word of God lovingly makes this much very plain. (See Hebrews 13:17; 1 Timothy 3:1-7; Acts 20:17-28; 1 Peter 5:1-4; and Titus 1:5 […]
10 Ways To Kill “Church” Growth In America

10. Preach the crystal clear (and redundantly detailed) Word of God on the subject of children’s education, calling rebellion against that Word what it is: sin. Simply preaching the clear commands of God on this one critical life- and culture-defining subject will send large chunks of the typical American congregation angrily running for the doors. […]
Sermon Audio Files Posted (Score another one for the awesomeness of technology!)

How awesome are the opportunities we’ve been given? How amazing are the tools that God has provided? How cool is the technology that He has raised up for our use to proclaim His name and advance His Kingdom right here and now? Along those lines, I’m happy to share the following links to audio files […]
Precious Snowflake Syndrome

Ours is a culture increasingly defined by flakes. Precious Snowflakes. These Precious Snowflakes are all around us. They dominate our public schools, our government institutions, our corporate owned media, our fiat currency fueled economy, and even most of our self-described “conservative, Bible-preaching” churches. And they’re killing us. Ever so softly and nicely, with warm smiles and hugs, they’re doing […]
Milk, Meat and Maturity: How dwelling on entry-level truth keeps Christians in the kiddie pool.)

The basics of the Gospel are no doubt supernatural beauties and profound truths worthy of infinite contemplation and celebration…but if we do not move through those matchless gems at the foundation of our faith and onto the deeper things and details made clear through them, we will remain forever stuck in the kiddie pool. If we do not […]
Thank God for the Gospel-fueled Great Commission

Can you believe that God has each and every one of us here and now for perfect purpose to play specific roles in an unstoppable mission and adventure established before the very foundations of the world? (See: Ephesians 1:3-14 and Romans 8:28-31.) Can you believe that He has chosen to use such undeserving little wormy creatures as […]
Which “god” would grant the “right” to openly worship Satan? Hmmm…I wonder…

Even Saturday Night Live is ultimately God’s tool. Yes, really. Even something like a foolish, mocking swipe at Christ and His Bride, the Church, when taken by the likes of SNL, is always ultimately going to be used perfectly by God for His glory to accomplish His purposes for the benefit of His people (see: Romans 8:28). With […]
Little Gospel Syndrome and the Death of American Culture

Wouldn’t it be great if people took God seriously? Wouldn’t it be great if people took God seriously enough to take His Word seriously? In detail, I mean. As in, all of it. As in, out of a true love for Him (see: John 14:15). Wouldn’t it be great if the professing Christian church in America […]
Technology, Family, And Our Awesome Opportunity For Decentralization

I don’t know about you, but I like good news. Especially The Good News, which thankfully carries along with it an infinite amount of lesser (but still incredibly powerful) good news through which we can actually do great things right here and now. (See: The Awesome Gospel.) And probably like you, I could really use […]
Who needs church discipline when you can have “church” growth instead?

Church discipline. Now there’s a hip, cool, trendy subject in the modern American church, am I right? For most reading this, including even most professing Christians in most supposedly “conservative” Christian churches, the term is at best odd, unfamiliar, and, more of often than not, tends to be viewed as something ugly. Church discipline sounds […]
Churches Get Their Flags In Order (Please send this on to your pastors)

Ready for some good news? News that is so good, so inspiring, and so practically applicable that you’ll want to share it with your pastor and local church leadership? As regular readers know, one of the drumbeat issues here at Fire Breathing Christian has been the loving but firm confrontation and correction of the now commonplace idolatry of America […]
What would happen if Christians just said no to American Statism?

“Follow the money.” “Money makes the world go ’round.” These are reliable clichés for good reason; they point to truth. The ability to control individuals, cultures and civilization through control of their ability to pursue, attain and multiply wealth is as well established a fact of human history as one will find. Money is practical. It’s […]
Who owns America? (Hint: Not “We the People”.)

Who owns America? Contrary to popular ‘Merican belief, the correct answer is not “We the People”. (See: We the people…are not God.) The correct answer is Christ. While that is the correct answer, it is not at this time in ‘Merican history a particularly popular answer, even (and often especially) among many self-identified “conservative Christians” […]
How “Judge Not!” Phony Christianity Has Fundamentally Transformed America

When it comes to “fundamentally transforming America” into a living hell of Corporate State power over (happily) ignorant and dependent masses, who needs Barack Obama when you have…biblically illiterate, apathetic and detached “conservative Christians”? Ever notice how “Christians”, including the most supposedly “conservative” in the camp, aren’t really all that into submitting to the clear truths of […]
What if Christians are most responsible for our wrecked culture?

Like a kid who desperately wants to ignore the increasingly clear meaning of increasingly bad report cards, American “Christians” have been conditioned to give themselves a million fantastically childish ways out – a never-ending list of reasons to dismiss any and all reports of their persistent failure and betrayal of both the culture in which they’ve been placed and the Lord they […]
Easy Button Christianity…the Devil’s (and most Americans’) favorite kind.

If there’s one thing the Devil loves, it’s “easy Christianity”. Fortunately for him, America loves it, too. Easy Christianity is our favorite kind of Christianity. While there are many varied ideas as to exactly how the “easy” part is best applied to religion in America, the unifying theme of apathy- and laziness-enabling perversions of biblical Christianity is […]
The Eternal Model for Marriage is Christ the King and His Bride, the Church.

There are those who wonder what marriage is and why it is sacred. To those who sincerely ask this question, I offer the following: Then the LORD God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” Now out of the ground […]