Fear Mongering from Anti-Preppers Soars (All in the Name of Fighting Fear)

Do you like having access to things like food, water, and toilet paper? Do you like for your children to have access to things like food, water, and toilet paper? Are you a happy, calm, responsible adult who thinks that having a couple months’ supply of such things on hand for your family is a […]
You Can’t Vaccinate Away Stupidity (But You Can Vaccinate Toward It)

It’s flu season again in America. Which means that every Walgreen’s, CVS, school, and hardware store here in “the land of the free” and the home of the NSA seems to be relentlessly pimping and profiting from flu vaccines. Which also means that we are well served to remember that once upon a time, not […]
Fear is worship…so stop fearing anything or anyone but God.

Fear is the language of our day. It’s the defining theme of life, culture, and civilization in 2017 America and throughout the West. Fear is how we got to where we are now as a people; it’s the means by which we’ve been led into political, legal, economic, and religious bondage. Fear of freedom, liberty, guns, […]
When feelings trump everything, everything dies.

We feel, therefore we think we’re thinking. But we’re not thinking much, if at all, these days. We’re emoting. We’ve venting. We’re ranting. And we’re dying. Dying as slaves; slaves to emotion. According to Psychology Today, “The average high school kid today has the same level of anxiety as the average psychiatric patient in the […]
Experience doesn’t make one wise. God does.

“Experience makes you wise.” We hear that one again and again and again. And like most lines we hear again and again and again, we tend to believe it. Yet even experience itself should tell us that this is simply not true. Experience – real experience witnessing and reading about real people doing real things […]
Want to actually save America? Stop fearing Hillary and start fearing the Lord.

Yeah, there’s an election tomorrow. So how worried should Christians be? How fearful? Not at all. Really. With the Trump/Clinton farce hitting its highest gear before finally blowing up tomorrow, it seems like a good time to focus on the things that matter infinitely more than Trump/Clinton to the pursuit or preservation of true liberty, freedom, peace, […]
What if persecution is exactly what American Christianity needs?

As we draw closer to Election Day in America, we are predictably being encouraged to fear anything and everything but God so that we might then spin, rationalize, and fabricate all manner of imaginary cover to justify our supporting this year’s incarnation of “the lesser evil”, so that said evil might take us down the path to cultural implosion and […]
Pikachu!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! (Or: When Christians are terrified by Pokemon, you know we’re in serious trouble.)

There are certain telltale signs of how the culture war is going. Whether we notice ’em or not, whether we like ’em or not when we do notice them, or whether we want to deal with them or not once we decide we don’t like ’em, they’re there all around us, jumping up and down […]
Technology, Opportunity, Hope and Decentralization – Fire Breathing Christian Podcast Episode 8

In this episode we take a look at the incredible blessing that God is even now making available through His provision of rapidly improving technology. We explore several ways in which technology is being purposefully used by God to challenge and equip His people while also paving the way for radical decentralization of economic, industrial, […]
How fear-fueled politics compels cowardly American Christians to choose wicked leadership. – Fire Breathing Christian Podcast Episode 7

In this installment of The Fire Breathing Christian Podcast, we begin a week-long run of diving deep into subjects and issues shaping the culture around us, beginning with America’s fear-fueled approach to politics. We examine the useful myth of “the lesser evil” and take look at how we’ve allowed fear of everything and everyone but God to […]
Obama to Select Scalia Replacement for US Supreme Court as Fear Grips (and Steers) the Hearts of American “Christians”

The US Supreme Court that imposed “gay marriage” and ObamaCare upon America is about to take a lunging lurch leftward. With today’s passing of Antonin Scalia, the laughably unfree “land of the free” is almost certain to see a significant slide even further down the rat-hole of DC-down tyranny and the perversion of law. A proud, unrepentant nation that exalts […]
Fear Not: The Future Is Christian

One of the great things about a new Star Wars flick blowing through the land is the incredible opportunity that it gives Christians to engage, process, and clarify to a watching culture what is truly beautiful, what is truly ugly, what is truly good, what is truly bad, why it all matters and where it’s all really going from […]
The Fear-Fueled Politics of American Statism

Ever wonder what a culture dominated and defined by fear might look like? Fear of the world and what’s in it, I mean. Not a fear of the Lord. While the latter sustains and enables the increase of all true life, hope, joy, prosperity and security, the former erodes all of the same until they have completely vanished. […]
The Fear-Driven Voting of America’s “Conservative Christians”

Terrorism! Radical Muslims! The gay agenda! Barack Obama! Hillary Clinton! Justin Bieber! Fear! Fear! Fear! Panic! Panic! Panic! Crisis! Crisis! Crisis! If one thing is plain about the “conservative Christian” portion of America’s electorate, it is that fear is the primary motivator determining how its members spend their energy, resources, and votes. What Scripture refers […]
Isn’t our robotic future exciting? (Or: Should Christians fear or embrace technology?)

China has announced plans to construct an all-robot manufacturing plant. And this scares some people. There are good reasons for healthy concern (not to be confused with fear). A whole lotta folks and families are about to have their economic worlds – and overall worldviews – fundamentally rocked. They’re going to learn the hard way that the “reality” […]
As fear goes viral, Christians should calmly embrace reality and prepare. Right now.

So we now have two confirmed Ebola sufferers who contracted the virus from America’s Ebola Airways-delivered Patient Zero, Thomas Duncan. Both of them are trained professional medical workers who, presumably, took fairly thorough precautions in dealing with Mr. Duncan. We also learned that, according to a report released by the World Health Organization yesterday, present strain(s) […]