The Dying Dinosaur Of Centralized Education
Let’s get the State out of our children’s heads, shall we?
Temples of the State: The VERY Religious Mission of American Public Schools
Contact: Kevin R. Novak, President, Deconstructing the Coliseum, 706-952-2467, kevin@deconstructingthecoliseum.com
LYNCHBURG, Va., July 24, 2018 /Christian Newswire/ — On Saturday, August 18, 2018 in Appomattox, Virginia, the Fourth Annual Great Education Forum will be held, sponsored by Deconstructing the Coliseum (“DtC”), the organization that promotes abolishing the public school system. The Forum will be at New Geneva Christian Leadership Academy, which is owned and operated by the Rev. Dr. Paul Michael Raymond. New Geneva is located at 222 Harrell Street in Appomattox, VA. The Forum starts at 11:00 a.m. (EST). There is no charge to attend the Forum.
This year’s Forum will be addressing Leadership in Christian Education. There will be five Forum speakers: Scott Alan Buss (Fire Breathing Christian); Historian Bill Potter (Landmark Events); Reverend Doctor Paul Michael Raymond (New Geneva); Pastor Travis Witt (Virginia First Foundation); Jay Jusino (Author, Truth is Fallen in the Street). Rev. E. Ray Moore (Director, Exodus Mandate Project) will be the emcee.
Those unable to attend in person can watch the entire Forum live on Sermon Audio, via this link: www.sermonaudio.com/source_detail.asp?sourceid=hisglory.
DtC is owned and operated by attorney Kevin R. Novak, whose organization established the annual Great Education Forum as a way of bypassing what he calls the Christian Establishment: Christian leaders who refuse to discuss and debate whether the Bible justifies the existence of civil government schools. “The Forum, just like home school conventions, is a great way to speak to people directly, instead of having to deal with a Christian leader, who likely thinks the public school system can be reformed and that it is okay for the civil government to disciple children. But public schools cannot be reformed because they should not exist. The public schools are 100% responsible for the American decline.”
Mr. Novak released a book two years ago called Abolition: Overcoming the Christian Establishment on Education, in which he detailed how the Bible does not justify force and coercion to advance humanism or Christianity. “The book builds on those who wrote before me on abolition and adds some new ideas to how we are accomplishing it.”
To reserve your free spot, you may R.S.V.P. through the website by visiting www.deconstructingthecoliseum.com, via email kevin@deconstructingthecoliseum.com or by telephone, 706-952-2467. At the website, you may click on the “4AGEF” link for more specific details.
Getting to know and work with Kevin Novak has been an incredible blessing!
Please pray that this forum equips and inspires God’s people to cast down idols, abandon counterfeit systems, and advance the Kingdom of God by grace-fueled obedience to the loving commands of Christ, the Lord of children’s education…and everything else.
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The forum was just as you described last year. Awesome! See you there.