Take Tim Challies To School Day
Most of us have heard some version of the saying: “There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers.” While the spirit of the phrase seems virtuous enough at a passing glance, it’s important for us to understand that, in certain contexts, there are indeed stupid questions, and that some of those questions are dangerously stupid […]
Salt, Light, & Child Sacrifice To Drag Queens
As we roll into August, two sad trends are likely to continue: 1. Public schools will continue to deny Christ as Lord while embracing the satanic model of education first advocated in Genesis 3, discipling the young accordingly, and 2. Millions of professing Christian parents will continue to feed their precious little 4-, 5-, and […]
Nothingness, infinity, our ability to grasp neither, and why it’s all good for us.
Wanna try a fun and illuminating little exercise? Think of nothing. I mean nothing, as in: No thing. Can’t do it, can ya? And no, imagining a black space, a blank page, or an empty room doesn’t count as a win here, since a black space is a space, a blank page is a […]
Why is each successive generation of public school product more Socialist than the last?
It’s August again, which, in even numbered years like this one, means two things ’round these parts: 1.) The vast majority of Americans – including most self-described conservative Christians, are dutifully feeding their children to the State for another year of explicitly anti-Christian, pro-Socilism/Statism “education”, and 2.) The same folks just finished happily supporting […]
The Left’s Long March To Dominating . . . Dying Dinosaur Institutions?
It’s easy to be distracted from a good joke when the world is burning around you. But sometimes the joke is so good – so delicious in its irony and powerful in its purpose – that we’re well served to take a sec out of our crazy busy lives to savor the awesomeness of the […]
Salt, Light, & Children’s Education – Prepping For The Fourth Annual Great Education Forum
Who said you can’t curse the darkness and light a great big glorious candle at the same time? . We can multitask, right? . When it comes to the life-and culture-shaping subject of children’s education, we ought to be able and willing to expose and tear down the educational idols of our age while at […]
Should “Salt And Light” Christians Take A Knee During The Socialist-Written, Socialism-Promoting Pledge of Allegiance?
Should those claiming to be “salt and light” in State-run children’s schools take a knee or protest/decline in some other way when prompted to take the Socialist-written, Socialism-promoting Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag? Or should they just be like the rest of the Socialists-in-training gathered around them and take The (Socialist) Pledge? Should […]
See you in Appomattox!
It. Is. ON! The third annual Great Education Forum is this weekend at the New Geneva Christian Leadership Academy in Appomattox, Virginia, where I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to make the event’s first presentation. My subject: The Satanic Foundation Of Public Schools (with a focus on Genesis 3). Please pray that this mission will be […]
The Dying Dinosaur Of Centralized Education
Dinosaur media empires are dying. Dinosaur business empires are dying. Dinosaur political empires are dying. But perhaps the most exciting (and important) news on the dino front is that dinosaur models of education are dying, too. By God’s grace and right in the nick o’ time, an age of radical decentralization is beginning to dawn all around us, and while […]
Let’s get the State out of our children’s heads, shall we?
Goliath towers. He thinks big, talks tough, and actually seems to believe in the inevitability of his victory. His gaggle of hangers-on and yes-men cheer him on and bask in the glow of his largeness, toughness, and perceived inevitability. Then he gets popped in just the right place at just the right time and goes down. […]
Let’s get together to expose and crush satanic forms of education, shall we?
If education is the acquisition of knowledge, then where we begin with our understanding of knowledge is vital to how we will pursue education. So what is knowledge? More specifically, what is true knowledge? Is the fear of the Lord really “the beginning of knowledge” (Proverbs 1:7), as Scripture informs us again and again? Or […]