Roaring Toward Post-America Christianity: King Jesus Is Paving The Way To Something Much Better
Just over five years ago, I posted Roaring Into Post-America Christianity in anticipation of where the United States seemed to be heading through its continued reliance on old pride-fueled institutions and traditions rather than repenting and submitting to Christ as King in practice. It seemed clear then, as it does now, that America – including […]
The Rapture and Global Warming: Laughably Bad Eschatologies with Deadly Serious Consequences
Bad eschatology kills. On the way to death it leads its adherents deeper and deeper into bondage and darkness. Kinda like what we have going on in America right about now. For those new to the term, eschatology is just a big way of saying “future things” or “the future of humanity”. It’s a category […]
One Vine. One Bride. One True Israel.
How important is it to accurately identify True Israel? Very. But why? Why is it important? The first answer to that question is that the identity of True Israel should be important to us because it’s important to Jesus. True Israel is Jesus’ bride. True Israel is the apple of His eye. True Israel is […]
It’s time to recognize the flood…and build accordingly.
Prideful, unrepentant leadership…leading prideful, unrepentant masses of Americans. Apathetic, impotent American churches. Unbiblical, authority- and discipline-despising movements masquerading as “true Christianity”. Rampant State dependence and the open worship of America itself, both promoted and enabled by wicked political leadership and apathetic church leadership. A gender chaos movement that effortlessly sweeps and transforms the culture under the “shocked […]
“Satan, Your Kingdom Must Come Down”
While the notion of Jesus owning and using everyone and everything in His creation to perfectly accomplish His purposes (not ours) for His glory (not ours) on His schedule (not ours) is a terrifying thing to the self-centered, self-serving minds of men, it’s true nonetheless. That truth becomes less and less terrible and more and more beautiful the […]
Welcome to the Year of our Lord, 2017. Now get to work.
Jesus owns and directs 2017 just as completely and perfectly as He owned and directed 2016, 2015, and every previous year in His creation of time. Let that sink in. Then smile accordingly. Our King is in complete control…however much that central fact of time and history may be denied or dismissed by many. So […]
Our Gospel-Fueled Optimism
Howsabout this as cause for optimism: In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. . . ~ Genesis 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not […]
Political Eschatology: How Optimistic Anti-Christs and Pessimistic Christians Are Shaping America
How we view the future dramatically impacts how we conduct ourselves in the present. Is the culture destined to go to hell? Is the plunge of humanity into increasing darkness unstoppable? Is the complete death of culture and civilization inevitable? Or is the Gospel-fueled Great Commission actually going to accomplish what it aims to […]
“What if we are living in early Church history?” – The Hell Razer Report Podcast
Today marks the launch of The Hell Razer Report, a 15 minute-ish weekly podcast that I’m happy and thankful to be hosting on Reconstructionist Radio. The inaugural episode centers on the question “What if we are living in early Church history?” and encourages Christians to understand, embrace, and enjoy the beautiful, matchlessly inspiring and […]
Signs of the times: How we’ve been “educated” to be our children’s worst enemy.
Last week in Yes Charlie Brown, there is a satanic worldview…and it’s the foundation of American public schools, we covered a Kentucky elementary school’s omission of a particularly Christian portion of its production of A Charlie Brown Christmas and how local parents responded with the typical “shock”, “horror”, and “outrage” that we’ve all come to expect for decades now from […]
Jesus is conquering everything…right now.
At 4:41 PM CST today I had the pleasure of hitting “send” to submit the final interior (manuscript) file for use in printing We Win Here: The inevitable triumph of the Gospel in creation, which is based on the following: In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. . . Genesis 1:1 In […]
Our “End Times” Madness: American Pessimillennialism vs. Biblical Optimillennialism
Back in May, we asked the question: What if we are living in early Church history? In today’s most popular versions of Christianity in America, that’s a really weird (and to some a borderline heretical) question to ask. We’ve wandered (or run) far away from our Pilgrim/Puritan founders, who undertook the greatest of adventures and placed their […]
Is Putin killing ISIS and Nicolae Carpathia at the same time?
Could Russia’s Vladimir Putin be killing – or at least seriously wounding – two forces of satanic thought and cultural decimation at once? Could “Mad Vlad” at this very moment be dealing death blows to not one but two manifestations of the true (meaning: biblical) spirit of antichrist? Could the Putin-directed Russian army and air force even now […]
The Blood Mooning of American “Christianity”
Well here we are at the end of September 2015 and doggone it if the world ain’t still standing (and spinning) in spite of the coming and going of the “Blood Moon” phenomena as massively promoted and then just as massively cashed in upon by one John Hagee. Oh sure, there have been others – […]
A Tale of Two (Gay American) Cities
Yesterday I encountered another version of something that I must have experienced – and I suspect that you’ve also witnessed – a million (or more) times before. In the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s suicidal (re-)declaration of war on God, I heard the story of a professing Christian who, when asked what the court decision meant to him and how he was going to […]
Man up, buttercup. Rome wasn’t conquered in a day.
Let’s be honest: things can seem pretty grim at times. This world can look pretty bad. Abortion. ISIS. Justin Bieber. The list of horrors goes on and on… At home and abroad, on literal and cultural battlefields of major import, minor import, and all levels in between, things seem to only be going from bad […]
What are you, some kind of [insert label here] or something?!
So what are you, some kind of Calvinist or something? Are you postmillennial? Are you…*gasp*…a __________?! [Note to readers: Before continuing this post, if you’re a professing Christian, please take a moment to prayerfully consider whether you actually believe that truly converted, supernaturally reborn New Creatures in Christ can (and often will as a part of the individual […]
The Vision of The Avengers and the Vision of Christianity
I was four when Star Wars happened and pretty much changed my world. About a year and a half later, Superman: The Movie hit the scene escorted by the promotional tagline, “You’ll believe a man can fly.” It was a magical time. From there, it was off to Battlestar Galactica, Buck Rogers, a reborn Star Trek and […]
Lowered Expectations: When the Gospel Gets “Left Behind”
If you know of anyone who might appreciate this post, please share it. If you’d like to help support the Fire Breathing Christian mission, please click here. Please also “like” us on Facebook and feel free to sign up for new articles by email using the button in the upper right corner of the FBC home page. Thank you […]
Our great eternal adventure is underway…right here and now…
While reading about the looming presidential dictate regarding the legalization of millions of presently “illegal aliens”, a headline link in the margin of the page grabbed me. It read, “It’s ridiculous how beautiful Scarlett Johansson is!” While I’m not about to argue for or against the theoretical or actual ridiculousness of Ms. Johansson’s appearance, the […]
Want relief from the stress, fear, and anxiety of Ebola, ISIS, and Obama? Focus on Christ the King.
What has unfolded before our eyes, ears, and increasingly frazzled psyches over the past few months hasn’t exactly been a ready-made plot-line for next year’s first great “feel good hit of the summer”, has it? We’ve got Ebola killing thousands and transmitting at an alarming rate in Africa while making its first appearances off-continent in America […]
Enterprise, Falcon, or Galactica? What will Christians use to explore the restored cosmos?
Enterprise, Falcon, or Galactica? What’ll it be? Yeah, I’m serious. And yeah, this is a big deal. (I will explain later; please hang in there and humor me ’til then.) Now, back to the important question: If you were living in a place and a time where things like space travel and space traveling ships were […]
Pin the Tail on the Antichrist: Barack Obama (Episode #593)
Barack Hussein Obama. AKA Barry Soetoro. AKA Keyser Soze. AKA…today’s candidate for consideration on Pin the Tail on the Antichrist! [insert Omen theme music and applause here] So you may be asking, “How could it possibly have taken us so long to consider this guy as a serious contestant on PToA?” We here at Pin the Tail have heard your pleas and couldn’t agree […]
A Mark of the Beast
Throughout church history there’s been intense curiosity and fascination with the “mark of the beast” described in the book of Revelation. While serious interest in the truth of God as revealed in His Word is a wonderful thing, in recent decades much of what is marketed as end times intrigue has been detached from its biblical foundation. Once that happened, it was bound to blossom into something quite ugly, and blossom it has.