Claiming “In Christ” To Avoid Christ: Militant Vagueness As The Hip New Thing

“I don’t need to worry about the details of _______ , because I’m ‘in Christ’.” “Since I’m content being ‘in Christ”, I don’t have to worry about doing any particular thing in any particular way.” “As long as we’re ‘in Christ’, we don’t need to make a big deal out of specifics on things like […]
To bow or not to bow: President Trump, American pride, and submitting to the King.

To bow or not to bow. That is the question. Or at least it has been over the past few days of President Trump’s diplomatic adventure to Saudi Arabia. While there’s a truckload of strangeness worthy of examination where the nature of Saudi Arabia and its relationship the United States is concerned, the hope here is to take this opportunity […]
Why Our Constitution Cannot Endure In God’s Creation

Who rules over us? Who rules over America? Who creates true and immutable rights? Who creates true and unbreakable law the likes of which must be obeyed right here and now? The answers to these questions tell us much, and in this present chapter of God-ordained history the answers that most professing Christians in America […]
If You Vote Today, Do This

If you’re going to vote today, do this: . . . look for able men from all the people, men who fear God, who are trustworthy and hate a bribe, and place such men over the people . . . ~ Exodus 18:21 If you know of anyone who might appreciate this post, please share […]
How A “Two Kingdoms” Mindset Is Escorting America To Hell

“Jesus is Lord over all or He isn’t Lord at all.” Heard that one before? Yeah, me too. Funny thing is, I usually hear it from Americanized Evangelicals who rather emphatically do not believe that Jesus is Lord over all sorts of things – like politics, economics, business, art, law, games, sports, civil government, and children’s education […]
Yes, the Bible trumps the Constitution here in America (and everywhere else in God’s creation).

With “The Bible Bill” once again getting national press as it nears the finish line in the Tennessee State General Assembly, which is to consider an override of Governor Bill Haslam’s veto later today, this seems like a good time to share a few simple truths – truths that are intensely despised and actively opposed by even most professing […]
Dear America: Jesus isn’t running for King and His Law isn’t “up for a vote” either. Repent accordingly.

Jesus is King. King over America. Right now. Really. And not just King in some hyper-spiritual, intangible “out there” sense in some (safely) distant heaven or in some (safely) future kingdom. Not in some way that limits Him to church buildings or to choir lofts or to the precious little hearts of His sheep. Nope, He is Lord right […]
Liars, Jokers, and Thieves: Do we really want Jesus or do we just want His stuff?

“In God We Trust!” “God bless America!” “Oh, how I love Jesus!” This lingo is all over the place in America. As the culture war rages, loud and proud appeals are constantly made by tens of millions of American professing Christians – especially “conservatives” – who claim to love, trust, and adore God. But what do […]
A Cool Moment At The State Capitol

Howdy All, I hope that this post finds each of you well and that the Lord is moving you even in this moment toward deeper adoration, pursuit, and application of His nature. As many of you know, these past couple of weeks have been extraordinarily busy for me at my day job as a Legislative […]
American Culture as the American Church’s Report Card

In light of the Gospel-fueled Great Commission of Jesus Christ (see: Matthew 28), the present condition of the American culture can be rightly described as a “report card” for the professing Christian church in America. And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore […]
Remember: Jesus doesn’t need your vote. He owns it (and you) aready.

With another election year November in the books, American Christians are well served to remind ourselves and the rest of the world (especially the proud American part) that Jesus Christ isn’t running for anything. Never has. Never will. He doesn’t need your vote (or anything else). Jesus is King. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is God. He […]