Swamps, Shitholes, And 13 Things To Remember As The FISA Memo Nuke Explodes Over DC

How sadly appropriate it is that a week begun with relentless media obsession over President Trump having supposedly referred to certain nations as “shitholes” now ends with the looming release of a detailed memo that could seriously threaten and possibly even crack the very foundation of America’s farcical approach to freedom, liberty, and democracy? Before […]
What “National Security” Really Means

One of the Pavlovian trigger phrases routinely deployed to promote our blind adoration and defense of The Establishment ruling over us is the notion of “national security”. This phrase and concept – “national security” – has been and continues to be used regularly to consistently nudge us toward accepting and even advocating scores of systems […]
Unplugging Sauron: Even Some In Washington Are Beginning To See The Trouble With Mount Doom

Even some fans of massive State power are beginning to grow weary of our increasingly Orwellian situation here in “the land of the free” and the home of the NSA. In a rare flicker of good news on this front, an article posted by McClatchy yesterday revealed that at least some partial clarity may finally be coming […]
Meet The Deep State – America’s Liberty Obliterating Machine

When even the sitting President of the United States becomes an open target of the American Deep State, you know the end is near. What is the Deep State? So glad you asked. The American Deep State is the true governing force of the United States. It transcends presidential administrations and party affiliations. It remains entrenched and […]
Privacy? Who needs privacy?! (Or: What are you, some kind of terrorist or something?)

Privacy. Who needs it? Well, terrorists, that’s who! Yeah, it’s those evil terrorists who make use of things like private communications in order to plot, plan, and promote their evil terroristic deeds! So obviously if we’re gonna deal with terrorists we need to get rid of the terrorist-enabling tool of privacy. That’s basically the line […]
The Crime of Pre-Crime: How Christians in America will be “preemptively” dealt with by the American State.

What does a culture at war with Christ look like? What does a culture at war with Christians look like? Even a casual glance around today’s American cultural landscape gives us more answers than we should ever want to find to these questions, yet there they are, staring unblinkingly right back at us. Our long slide from the deep, […]
The Dennis Hastert Example and NSA Control of National Government

Okay, so let’s put on our thinking caps and try real hard to concentrate for just a second or two and consider the (probably very significant) relationship between two points… 1. The NSA needs to “protect our freedom and liberty” by gathering information on the citizens of the United States on a scale and at a level […]
The question we’re not supposed to ask on Memorial Day (or any other).

We’re encouraged to feel and do a lot of things on Memorial Day. We’re purposefully immersed in countless emotion-provoking images, speeches and sentiments. We’re encouraged to lovingly admire, support and adore our beloved American State. To that end, we’re called to remember the great sacrifices made by many to secure the freedoms and liberties that we now enjoy […]
Rand Paul calls out the NSA (again); Establishment Republicans Defend Orwellian Statism (as usual)

As National Journal reported this morning, After Over 10 Hours, Rand Paul Ends His NSA Filibuster. The article chronicled Senator Paul’s recent stand on the Senate floor in bold opposition to the Orwellian Surveillance State that has taken deep, diabolical root here in the “land of the free” and the home of the…you guessed it…NSA. (See: […]
How Jeb Bush despises privacy and freedom for the masses…yet will still get millions of “conservative Christian” votes (and campaign contributions).

There are roughly 2.4 gajillion good reasons to not vote for Jeb (or any other) Bush to “lead” us (or anyone else that we care about), but one of the best has to be his open, flagrant, bone-chillingly creepy adoration of the emerging Orwellian State in America. The man simply despises in practice the core values […]
So the American State has to destroy our freedom in order to protect it? Oh yeah, that makes sense.

If the incredible rate of loss of freedom in “the land of the free” and the home of the NSA isn’t inspiring profound concern and intense prayer for the fate of your families and your children’s futures…then please, ditch the football/circus distraction, dive into Truth, and start acting like an adult this weekend. There’s still […]