Drag queen performance “horrifies” parents at public school talent show…but not enough to yank their kids from public school, of course.

If you thought that something like a literal drag queen erotic dance performance at a public school talent show would be enough to get parents to yank their kids from public school, you’d be wrong. Oh, but don’t worry, the parents in question were “horrified”. They were “outraged”. Like they always are when they hear about […]
The Gender Chaos Corporate Media Matrix: Second Wachowski Brother Comes Out As A Pretend Woman; Wins Instant Approval

Isn’t it weird how announcements of celebrity “transgender” conversions are instantly canonized, lionized and accommodated in any way possible by every American Corporate owned mass media tool covering ’em? Gender chaos is clearly a primary goal and focus of the Corporate/State System here in 2016 America. Few things are as pervasively and promiscuously pimped, pumped, and promoted […]
Corporate America Crowns Bruce Jenner King (and/or Queen) of Courage

Welcome to our Brave New America, where nothing is sane and nothing is safe…except for our pride, of course. No gender is safe. No concept is safe. No area of life is safe. No word is safe. And ultimately, no thought is safe. This tragic reality becomes more and more clear when we bother to consider […]
Is Bruce/”Caitlyn” Jenner the new face of American Christianity?

What does it look like when a culture dives deep into the Kool-Aid of “We the People” as god in practice? What does it look like when everything – beginning with the Nature of God and the necessity of His Word to life – is left open to our self-serving, self-centered interpretation (and perpetual re-interpretation)? A […]
State-run schools teach sexual perversion (again). “Christians” pretend to be “shocked” and “horrified” (again)…and keep right on feeding their children to the beast.

So according to a report published late last week, some “shocked” American parents are “furious” about their government run school’s plan to teach kids about stuff like “gender fluidity” and “the gender spectrum”. To which one might be rightly compelled by concern and true love for these folks and their children to respond: What did you expect?! I […]
How to NOT stop the Big Gay Bullies that are raping the culture.

First off, let’s take a moment to duly note how pathetic and emasculated we’ve become here in the “land of the free and the home of the brave” when it is the assumed norm that American culture and civilization is going to be nagged, bullied and bought into compliance by a bunch of loudmouthed and fabulously malicious androgynous fruitloops. Way to go, ‘Merica! And […]
Bruce Jenner Transitions Into Republican Christian Woman

So last night America and the world was treated to the “news” that Bruce Jenner is now not only a woman, but also a Republican and a Christian. And by now there are tens and perhaps hundreds of millions of professing Christians in America and across the globe shaking their head and rolling their eyes […]
Our Big, Gay, Cross-dressing Army. (Or: How ridiculously ungodly have we and our military become?)

The big, gay hits just keep a-comin’. This week we’ve already touched on the gloriously progressive turn that has come to and through American culture by way of “Transgender” approaches to Kindergarten. Last week it was the launch of a “Transgender” Girl(?) Scouts program in Utah(!). Today we’re acknowledging America’s fabulous new high heels wearing crop of U.S. […]
And now for “Transgender” Kindergarten, as brought to you by…American “Christianity”

Last week we covered the new move to support “Transgender” Girl(?) Scouts in, of all places, Utah, so this week it should come as little surprise to anyone with half a clue that we’re now able to confirm…Transgender-friendly Kindergarten! Woohoo! Isn’t tolerance awesome?! Isn’t Christ-dismissing “education” sweet?! And isn’t it great that professing Christians have […]
What exactly is a “Transgender Girl Scout”? (Or: How to destroy children and language at the same time.)

As Breitbart reports, a Utah Girl Scout troop is hoping to attract “transgender” recruits: “The idea is to attract “transgender” youth and children living with an LGBT parent.” So if there was to actually be such a thing as a transgender Girl Scout, one question that seems to leap to mind is: Would they still […]