From One Ark To Many: How God Is Preserving His People And Purging His Enemies

Contrary to popular opinions currently dominating American evangelicalism (and thereby leading the rest of American culture down the drain), it isn’t God’s people who are destined to be swept off the face of His earth. It isn’t the people of God who ultimately lose out here in “the real world”. It isn’t supernaturally saved, Spirit-filled New Creatures […]
How can we be anything but optimistic when we’re destined to conquer EVERYTHING?

What with all o’ the “Trump this” and “Clinton that” flyin’ ’round these days – including tons of our own posts both here and over at the satire site – is sure seems like a good time to remind ourselves of a few key things, most important among them that Christ is King, He holds […]
Our Gospel-Fueled Optimism

Howsabout this as cause for optimism: In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. . . ~ Genesis 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not […]
Education, worldview wars, and the lions who’ve come before us.

A true Christian education and worldview centers on the fact that good things are happening and ultimate victory is assured. It assumes and builds itself upon on the inevitable victory of the King of Creation over every realm of His creation in accordance with His unstoppable, unbreakable Word and Gospel-fueled Great Commission. It’s in this context that even […]
The more we are in the Word, the more dangerous to the world we become.

God is reconciling everything by the blood of the cross. He is doing this through His Spirit-filled people faithfully proclaiming and applying His Gospel-fueled Great Commission, all by His grace and all for His glory: . . . we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge […]
Celebrating the Conquering King (Or: Why Christmas is Cool)

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end, on the throne of […]
The True Gospel Conquers Everything; The Modern American “Gospel”…Not So Much

Here’s some good news about the Good News of the Gospel: It’s about much more than your precious personal salvation. It’s about everything. The Gospel of King Jesus touches, purifies and conquers everything. It’s not about a Kingdom waiting out there in the future somewhere. It’s not about a Kingdom off in some far distant […]
Preachers, Teachers, Bankers and Thugs: How “Experts” Make Us Slaves to the State

“Expert” political puppets from Pagan Political Left to Pagan Political Right relentlessly pitch and preach the religion of American Statism. (See: How’s that Pagan “conservatism” workin’ out for ya, Christian?) “Expert” media muppets faithfully parrot and promote the puppet production in question, doing everything they can to suck us in to the Pagan Left/Right paradigm to which […]
How to actually defeat Islam. Guaranteed.

How can we really and truly defeat Islam, ISIS, ISIL, and every other (genuine or contrived boogeyman) used by our Pagan Political Right and Pagan Political Left Statist “leaders” and “experts” to lead us by the nose to perpetual war abroad and deeper into the living hell of Orwellian Statism at home? (See: Problem>Reaction>Solution – […]
A Tale of Two (Gay American) Cities

Yesterday I encountered another version of something that I must have experienced – and I suspect that you’ve also witnessed – a million (or more) times before. In the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s suicidal (re-)declaration of war on God, I heard the story of a professing Christian who, when asked what the court decision meant to him and how he was going to […]
Jesus Conquers Everything

There’s nothing like serving the living, active, reigning King of Creation on a lifelong mission of eternal consequence that He has personally called and perfectly equipped you to assuredly accomplish by His grace, for His glory, and to the eternal benefit of His people. I mean, WOW! Can I get an “amen!”? [I know you’re […]
Behold, He makes all things new.

Nothing beats focusing on Christ. Nothing is more awe-inspiringly cool or supernaturally invigorating than staring at Him in contemplative wonder and soaking up the matchless splendor of His Nature on display. While there is value and importance in considering the nature and methods of His enemies, it is only by keeping Him at the center of […]
The devil only holds what we leave in his hands.

What does Satan own? What does the devil control? What does the enemy dominate? Only what we leave in his wicked, pathetic little hands. Put another way: The devil only holds what we let him keep. Our mission – our Great Commission – is to press the crown rights of King Jesus in every realm of […]
Want relief from the stress, fear, and anxiety of Ebola, ISIS, and Obama? Focus on Christ the King.

What has unfolded before our eyes, ears, and increasingly frazzled psyches over the past few months hasn’t exactly been a ready-made plot-line for next year’s first great “feel good hit of the summer”, has it? We’ve got Ebola killing thousands and transmitting at an alarming rate in Africa while making its first appearances off-continent in America […]