History in the Making: July 2020 Snapshot and Predictions

“A hundred years from now, there will be history professors who specialize in the study of one quarter of the year 2020.” I remember instantly thinking, “Yeah, that’s about right” as I read that a few weeks back, on Twitter I think. It’s a paraphrase, but you get the idea: We are living in an […]
Our Golden Opportunity: Restoring the Power and Beauty of Home

A radically debased approach to the concept of Home is one of the telltale signs that we’ve devolved into a very unhealthy, fragile, and weak culture. This is one of many painful but important truths being made plain through the unfolding Chinese Coronavirus Pandemic. One of the primary reasons for our inability to weather storms […]
King of Kings: Political, Patriarchal & All-Conquering

He will tread the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty. On his robe and on his thigh he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords. . ~ Revelation 19:15-16 . There’s a whole lotta crazy sweeping the culture these days, particularly on the patriarchy front, […]
A Stack Of Foundations Does Not A Building Make

Film, literature, art. Movies, poems, comic books. For some weird and wildly unbiblical reason, these sorts of things are looked down on by many self-assessed “mature” or “deep” Christians. Just to be clear, I’m not talking merely about the perverted versions of these things presently permeating the culture. I’m talking about the things themselves – […]
To despise the Law of God is to despise the Son of God. (Or: Truth you won’t hear in most American churches.)

If we have a low regard for God’s Law, we a have a low regard for God’s Son. We don’t hear that much from American church pulpits these days, do we? Yet few truths are more clearly conveyed in God’s Word. Again and again, Jesus is described as the embodiment and fulfillment of what? The […]
The Purposefully Paralyzing Power Of Identity Politics . . . And Why It’s Destined To Fail

The cultural chaos unfolding around us is no accident. The assault upon God-given institutions and (*gasp*) hierarchies is quite purposeful. It’s no coincidence that as our culture loses its grip on even the most basic terms, like boy and girl, we also see wishful revolutionaries raging against God’s creations of family and church structure. The […]
The Increasing Gayness Of The [Social] Gospel Coalition

Of all the flagrantly anti-Christ concepts pitched by “The Gospel Coalition” these days, one of most heinous is that of “gay Christian” as a legitimate category or condition that should be embraced by both the church and the individual afflicted with what Scripture clearly defines as an inherently dishonorable desire. While there are many approaches […]
We’re not saved by our theology. We’re saved in spite of our theology.

We’re not saved by our theology. We’re saved in spite of our theology. And when we are saved – really, truly, and quite supernaturally saved by the grace of God alone and totally in spite of ourselves – we are saved by Him unto the ever-deepening pursuit and application of sound theology in each and […]
Claiming “In Christ” To Avoid Christ: Militant Vagueness As The Hip New Thing

“I don’t need to worry about the details of _______ , because I’m ‘in Christ’.” “Since I’m content being ‘in Christ”, I don’t have to worry about doing any particular thing in any particular way.” “As long as we’re ‘in Christ’, we don’t need to make a big deal out of specifics on things like […]
Bookends Of History And The Resurrection Of Knowledge

Why are we here? Why do bad things happen all around us? Is there any meaning or purpose to it all? If so, what is that meaning? These are some of the fundamental questions that we explored in last week’s Tennessee General Assembly Bible study as we wrapped up our six-part “Know Your Enemy” series. […]
Remember: Apart from God’s grace, you and I are complete morons.

It’s easy to nod and agree with the idea of grace. It’s easy to say “amen” when we hear someone proclaim the beauty and necessity of having grace toward one another. But when we’re “in the moment” – particularly a moment of confrontation with someone holding a position or advocating a cause with which we […]
A Blowtorch In The Darkness: Bible Study And Discipleship In The State Capitol

Amidst the craziness and cultural rot that’s been defining things around here for far too long, something supernaturally cool is going on. Many things, actually, but one I want to take a sec to get you up to speed on is the Bible study and discipleship ministry that was launched just over two weeks ago […]
Everything Is Theological

Everything we do conveys our understanding of God. Everything we touch, and how we touch it, says something meaningful about our relationship with the Creator of everything. Everything that we think, say, eat, wear, buy, sell, play, promote, tolerate, laugh at, dread, or enjoy manifests a sort of doctrinal position regarding our appreciation and respect […]
Thank God for the big things, the little things, and everything in-between.

We’re blessed to live in amazing times – times that seem to get more interesting and more intense with each passing month. While many professing Christians would agree with this general sentiment, most of ’em would also tend to spin it in a negative direction. The temptation is great to zone in on things like […]
From Manger to Throne: The King of Kings and His Everything-Conquering Kingdom

Everybody loves babies. They’re easy to adore. Cute…helpless…dependent… Which is why celebrations of Christ’s birth that define this time of year are such an easy sell for many who openly despise the notion of a King of kings ruling over them (including many who claim to be Christian). It’s easy to fawn over a baby. […]
Who is Jesus? (1 Minute of Truth VIDEO)

Howdy and Happy Reformation Day! What better way to fan the fires of Reformation than by diving deep into the all-important question: Who is Jesus? To help inspire exploration on this most challenging and beautiful of subjects in an approachable and provocative way, we made the following one-minute video: If the above embedded player doesn’t work, you can […]