What I want my kids to know about how I saw the world on April 4, 2020.

Every now and then the period of time in which we live seems to launch into a higher gear than we imagined possible just before the shift happened, bringing with it high stakes and a high octane vibe the likes of which usually only come along once in a lifetime, if that often. Every now […]

The Rank Evil Of Our Counterfeit Economic System Is On Full Display

As a Coronavirus-coated pin pops the massive asset bubbles defining our fundamentally warped counterfeit economic system, the true evil at the core of that system is becoming more and more clearly exposed. Just this morning the Federal Reserve announced that it will be buying up even more assets (real things) with the black magic fiat […]

10 Major Positives Of The Chinese Coronavirus Pandemic

When a major civilizational shift occurs in a sudden, unexpected lurch, it’s easy for those living through the transition to focus on the negatives and miss the positives, especially when the negatives associated with the shift are – or at least seem to be in the moment – catastrophically bad. While the early stages of […]

Free “Money” For Everyone!!! (Or: How Coronavirus Is About To Kill The U.S. Dollar)

As Coronavirus continues to make its way onto the stage (remember: it’s still just getting started), we’ve been hearing a lot about “high risk categories” or types of people who might have heightened reasons to personally fear the bug (older people, smokers, and America’s specialty: the obese). But one important High Risk category that people […]

Fear Mongering from Anti-Preppers Soars (All in the Name of Fighting Fear)

Do you like having access to things like food, water, and toilet paper? Do you like for your children to have access to things like food, water, and toilet paper? Are you a happy, calm, responsible adult who thinks that having a couple months’ supply of such things on hand for your family is a […]


Can you feel it? Can you sense it? Can you smell it? There is a dark terror stalking the land. [insert Darth Vader breathing here] A great evil has come. And it is hungry. [add Jaws theme music here to accompany Darth Vader’s breathing] It feeds on misery and pain. Few can imagine the horror […]

Ebola is an STD? So what? We have ObamaCare!

We Americans are indeed a very funky people. Unfortunately, almost all of our funkiness is of the bad sort these days. As we covered earlier this month, 110 million Americans have an STD at any given moment. That’s over one third of our population. Clearly, generations of State-controlled education and corporate-controlled pop-culture are paying off. […]

Can we please stop unnecessarily importing Ebola now? Pretty please?

Okay, is two enough? Are two unnecessarily imported seeds for possible (and I do mean possible, not inevitable) Ebola pandemic in America enough? Assuming that we manage, by the grace of God, to contain the New York City and Dallas events and hold them to a total of four infected people, can we please stop playing […]

New York City, Ebola, and the Insanity of Our Anti-Quarantine Policy

Lord willing, Dr. Craig Spencer does not have Ebola. Lord willing, this will turn out to be nothing more than the latest and loudest warning proclaiming the suicidal insanity of our refusal to prevent likely Ebola-exposed people from freely and easily entering our country in stark dismissal of the most basic protocols normally deployed by […]

As fear goes viral, Christians should calmly embrace reality and prepare. Right now.

So we now have two confirmed Ebola sufferers who contracted the virus from America’s Ebola Airways-delivered Patient Zero, Thomas Duncan. Both of them are trained professional medical workers who, presumably, took fairly thorough precautions in dealing with Mr. Duncan. We also learned that, according to a report released by the World Health Organization yesterday, present strain(s) […]

Of course Ebola is airborne. It flies in from Africa all the time.

  So the hits just keep a-comin’… Sure, ISIS, Ebola and the like are inherently horrifying and all, but it’s the way in which these threats are understood and handled by our “leaders” that just seems to amplify the tragedy and terror in…well…a sometimes comically awful sort of way. Has this year not been one incredible […]

What do we actually know about Ebola and why does it matter?

  One of the more annoying realities of “crises” such as the Ebola scare is that we get to witness (and often become willing participants in) some of the wackiest, weirdest, over the top crazy hysteria- and/or denial-laced idiotic behavior known to man. Okay, maybe that’s a stretch. Or not. Either way, we are all […]

Preparing for Ebola with Confidence and Hope

Since this week’s revelation of America’s own Patient Zero having been diagnosed with the Ebola virus, many of us have become either glued, unglued, or both. Americans by the tens of millions have become glued to their computers, radios, televisions and cell phones for the latest developments, and sometimes unglued by falling headlong into “NOOOOOOO! It’s the […]

Ebola? Don’t worry. The “trained professionals” have it, like, totally under control, and stuff.

If Ebola didn’t scare you yesterday, Governor Perry’s response to Ebola should have. Only a neutered, thoroughly domesticated and intellectually hobbled American population could be expected to endure, much less embrace as positive, the tragic/comedic spectacle that was yesterday’s address by Governor Rick Perry on the emerging Ebola crisis in Texas. Before diving too deep into the […]

Faith, Courage, and Hope in the Face of Ebola

What a difference a day makes. Just 24 hours ago, we had not yet gotten the news that an Ebola-infected “patient zero” had been diagnosed in America. Up until that moment, many of us prayed and hoped that this devastating plague would not find its way to our land. Others artificially preserved their optimistic take through an ignorance-is-bliss […]