To bow or not to bow: President Trump, American pride, and submitting to the King.

To bow or not to bow. That is the question. Or at least it has been over the past few days of President Trump’s diplomatic adventure to Saudi Arabia. While there’s a truckload of strangeness worthy of examination where the nature of Saudi Arabia and its relationship the United States is concerned, the hope here is to take this opportunity […]
What Do Paganized Conservatives Mean By “Respect For The Law”?

“We must respect the law!” We hear this all the time, especially in election years, and most loudly from self-identified conservatives in America. But what does it mean? What do these “conservatives” mean when they say something like “we must respect the law”? Well, what they usually mean is this: The American State must be respected and obeyed as […]
Temples of the State: The VERY Religious Mission of American Public Schools

Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?” And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat of the fruit of the trees in […]
Want to see America in Scripture? Try Psalm 2.

Every now and again someone somewhere tries to “find America” in Scripture. It’s in this context that I offer for your consideration… Psalm 2 Verse 1: Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain? Why do “We the People” rage against Christ as King? Why do we despise and reject even the […]
Pulling Things Together vs. Tearing Things Apart

Christ revives. Christ restores. Christ reconciles. Christ resurrects dead things and gives them true life. As Christians living in the West at the tail end of 2015, we tend to have little trouble accepting this beautiful truth as it applies to men’s souls. And that’s about it. When it comes to art, law, economics, business, […]
Celebrating the Conquering King (Or: Why Christmas is Cool)

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end, on the throne of […]
Disciples of the State: 10 ways that State-run “education” is (purposefully) killing us.

I love public school kids. Teachers, too. Some of my favorite memories and most cherished relationships were born in an American public school setting. Most reading this post can probably relate to that sentiment. While we can and should be thankful for the many good and beautiful things that God allows us to experience in any […]
“On Education: Thoughts on Christ as the essential core of children’s education” book released.

The On Education: Thoughts on Christ as the essential core of children’s education book is now available in print and eBook/Kindle formats. This is a compilation book featuring articles from Fire Breathing Christian that center on the vital life- and culture-shaping subject of children’s education. One of the great benefits of this sort of book is that […]
Pagan Goes Christian Hunting in Oregon “Gun Free” Zone

Unrepentant sinners hate God. We’re all born this way, and until the God we hate supernaturally intervenes in our lives by raising our dead, selfish, sin-loving, holiness-hating selves into living, sin-resisting, holiness-pursuing New Creatures in Christ, we quite naturally do all that we can to mock and overturn the sovereignty of God above us. We […]
How Islam and Satanism in America are fueled through satanic approaches to “religious liberty”. (Fire Breathing Christian Podcast Episode 5)

The freedom to worship the one true God is a beautiful thing. The freedom to worship the one true God in ways that may well differ from the way in which another worships the one true God is also a very beautiful thing. This, of course, does not make the open worship of Satan a […]
There are no “Sword of Truth-free” zones anywhere in God’s creation. Just sayin’.

We’re “educated” from toddlerhood in America to keep The Sword of Truth “in its place” (if we must have one at all), which is, as we are reminded again and again and again: In its sheath and safely stored away at home. Or at church. Or in a prayer closet. Or in our precious, sweet little heart. Or whatever…you […]
But “Our Schools Are Different!”, Says The State-Discipled Mind

So what if our children are taught that all religions are to be respected equally? So what if our children are taught as much about Islam as they are about Christianity…and all from a supposedly “neutral perspective” (in stark contrast to a biblical perspective)? So what if our children are taught to presuppose no absolute […]
Statism 101: State-run “education” makes a State-dependent population.

It’s August in America – that time of year when tens of millions of professing Christians in the “land of the free” and the home of the NSA happily send their precious little children off to the State for State-run, pro-State, explicitly anti-Christian “education” in direct violation of the crystal clear Word of God. It […]
Who needs church discipline when you can have “church” growth instead?

Church discipline. Now there’s a hip, cool, trendy subject in the modern American church, am I right? For most reading this, including even most professing Christians in most supposedly “conservative” Christian churches, the term is at best odd, unfamiliar, and, more of often than not, tends to be viewed as something ugly. Church discipline sounds […]
Happy Secession Day!

Happy Secession Day, America! After last week’s wave of catastrophic “Supreme Court” decisions handed down from the Federal level (see: “Supreme Court” Votes for Wrath of God Upon America), more and more Americans are beginning to think long and hard about the radical decentralization of political power that played such a pivotal role in bringing […]
Jesus Conquers Everything

There’s nothing like serving the living, active, reigning King of Creation on a lifelong mission of eternal consequence that He has personally called and perfectly equipped you to assuredly accomplish by His grace, for His glory, and to the eternal benefit of His people. I mean, WOW! Can I get an “amen!”? [I know you’re […]
What if Christians are most responsible for our wrecked culture?

Like a kid who desperately wants to ignore the increasingly clear meaning of increasingly bad report cards, American “Christians” have been conditioned to give themselves a million fantastically childish ways out – a never-ending list of reasons to dismiss any and all reports of their persistent failure and betrayal of both the culture in which they’ve been placed and the Lord they […]
The devil only holds what we leave in his hands.

What does Satan own? What does the devil control? What does the enemy dominate? Only what we leave in his wicked, pathetic little hands. Put another way: The devil only holds what we let him keep. Our mission – our Great Commission – is to press the crown rights of King Jesus in every realm of […]
From Post-Christian America to Post-America Christianity

How necessary is America to Christ? How necessary is America to Christians? How submissive to Christ as King is the modern American Corporate State? How has the pervasive, unquestioned Christian adoration of America been manipulated by those atop the U.S. Super State in order to distract, distort, and redirect Christian energy toward building and strengthening an increasingly obvious anti-Christian kingdom […]
A Cool Moment At The State Capitol

Howdy All, I hope that this post finds each of you well and that the Lord is moving you even in this moment toward deeper adoration, pursuit, and application of His nature. As many of you know, these past couple of weeks have been extraordinarily busy for me at my day job as a Legislative […]
American Culture as the American Church’s Report Card

In light of the Gospel-fueled Great Commission of Jesus Christ (see: Matthew 28), the present condition of the American culture can be rightly described as a “report card” for the professing Christian church in America. And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore […]
Well color me cool and call me villainous!

Darth Vader. Agent Smith. Dracula. Lex Luthor, Kahn, and The Joker. If there’s one unifying theme purposefully captured and propelled through the culture by these wildly popular mythological figures, what might it be? Is it darkness? Perhaps evil? Nope. Not that these fictional folks aren’t known for being openly and proudly dark and evil. They […]
Will American Christians get even lazier in Heaven?

Will American Christians get even lazier in Heaven? That’s a tough one. First off, is it even possible to be lazier than the average American professing Christian? Perhaps, but only with supernatural assistance. Don’t laugh! (Okay, laugh a little, but after that please pull yourself together and continue reading…) If we stop to think about it, […]
The Satanic approach to children’s education…as embraced by most professing Christians in America.

What if Satan was not only real, but had a particular perspective on the pursuit of knowledge (aka “education”)? What if his approach to education – particularly children’s education – after purposefully slithering its way into the Christian sub-culture, was able to grow and grow in influence to the point that, many generations after its initial infection, […]
Why do most professing Christians dismiss God’s Word on children’s education?

What if God was not only real, but had lovingly provided us with the information and understanding by which we might tackle every important subject and challenge that could come our way? What if He, in His infinite wisdom and matchless grace, had given us such detail as to the nature of every realm of human experience, culture, and […]
The Eternal Model for Marriage is Christ the King and His Bride, the Church.

There are those who wonder what marriage is and why it is sacred. To those who sincerely ask this question, I offer the following: Then the LORD God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” Now out of the ground […]
Are we all Socialists now?

Way back in ’09, which, in light of all the wackiness that has transpired since then, sure does seem to be an eternity ago, Newsweek published We Are All Socialists Now as its cover story. This was an interesting statement and makes for a interesting question, both then and now. As with any statement or question […]
The Alpha of Apologetics…and Everything Else

There’s a popular saying: ‘live and learn’. That is exactly the first lie that Satan told Adam and Eve. . . . what God was teaching was ‘learn and live’. ‘Do what I tell you. You don’t have to experience it, just do what I tell you. If I tell you it’s good, it’s […]
Enemy of the Statist: Christ-Centered Liberty vs. Man-Centered Tyranny

Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole […]
The Beginning of Learning: Christ as the Essential Core of Children’s Education

Ever wonder why, no matter how many gajillions of dollars we spend, how many studies we undertake, or how many reforms we make to address the subject of children’s education in America, we only seem to be able to continue the steady decline in knowledge, understanding, and character from one generation to the next? If you have […]
Weaponized “Love”: The perversion of Christian love into a weapon of Christian persecution

Ever been called a big, bad meanie for sharing Truth publicly? Ever been called disruptive, divisive, unkind or unloving for taking a clear, public stand on a culturally controversial issue that’s addressed in detail within the pages of Scripture? Have you ever been pressured to be silent after speaking up in such a manner? Have you ever been […]
Publicly proclaiming this truth will get you run out of many churches in America…all in the name of love, unity, and Jesus.

Did you know that reposting or sharing this sort of thing publicly could well end up being a giant step toward you and your family being actively run out of many “good, conservative, Bible-believing Christian churches” in America? Yep, it’s sad but true. But should we really be surprised? We ought to already understand that, as believers who strive by God’s […]
Prancing Ponies, Bible Belt Satanists, and America’s Proud Rebellion
. . . At this moment in our history, our unique claim to fame is that, when it comes to sheer size and scale of blasphemy and idolatry, there has never in all of human history been a greater, more boastful spiritual whore than America. There’s not even a close second, really, though one could make the case for Old Testament Israel being the closest thing to a competitor for this particular award.
What makes America truly untouchable in this contest isn’t just the globe-spanning scope and influence of her rank prostitution. It’s the fact that she does it all while mouthing her “love for Jesus” that makes it a truly unique and bone chilling horror. This combo gives allows her to coast to the easiest of wins where the gold medal for rebellion is concerned.
But hey, if you’re gonna do something, be the best at that thing, right?
And in America, if there’s one thing we know, it’s that we’re #1!
Intro to Fire – The Power and Purpose of a Common Believer (Excerpt from “Fire Breathing Christians”)
This has been a long time in the making, but the day has finally come…
Posted here is the introduction from Fire Breathing Christians – The Common Believer’s Call to Reformation, Revival, and Revolution. The book will be released in late October. In the days leading up to launch, I will be posting excerpts from many of its 21 chapters so that you might get a feel for the material without having to go to the trouble or expense of purchasing a copy. Of course, if you like what you see, I fully expect you to buy at least three copies.
New Vision and the Perception of Depth
When a Christian is born through their supernaturally imposed spiritual regeneration, they are made anew. They are fundamentally transformed in an instant. They are literally brought from spiritual death to spiritual life. In that magnificent moment of conversion, they are made into what God describes in His perfect Word as “new creatures”.
As new creatures, these reborn men, women, boys, and girls become defined and definable by new parameters, and they are imbued with a new heart, a new will, and a variety of amazing new abilities and attributes.
The attribute I’d like to touch on briefly here is that of new vision.
Heresy Chic: Denningtonism Jumps, Stumbles and Splatters onto the Evangelical Stage
Denningtonism is here.
And it ain’t pretty.
Monica Dennington, self-appointed Bible interpreter and theologian, has declared war on Bible interpreters, theologians and those who might find value in what God has done through them. At the top of her list: Calvinists.
The Zombie-Driven Church: Finishing Off the “Wounded Sinner”
When I was a kid, I had a thing for zombie flicks. I adored them.
They never really gave me the creeps or kept me up at night because I always knew they weren’t real. Unfortunately, there’s been something of a resurgence of the zombie concept lately and, in this instance, they are quite real.
Candy Christianity: The Counterfeit Gospel of the American Church (Part 1 of 4)
Our pews are full, but our heads are empty. Our spirits starve for truth.
Perhaps these pews are full because our heads are empty, having been spoon-fed a gospel of convenience, ease and worldly accommodation. The hollow theology pouring forth from American pulpits today may have attracted quite a crowd, but for the most part these are little more than gatherings of rebels come to loot the honor of God as they relentlessly seek to conform Him to their will.
God’s Call to War: Fire Breathing Christianity (Part 4 of 4)
“The Christian should reject decisively the thought that eternal life is to begin when this physical life is over. We read on a tombstone that a man “entered into eternal life” on the day of his death, but the Bible teaches that for a Christian eternal life begins, not on the day a man enters heaven, but on the day eternal life enters into the man through the new birth.”
Donald Grey Barnhouse
Pray for Tresa. Pray for Bertha. Pray for Every ACORN Advocate.
…at this moment, I think I am most compelled to pray for those who have been caught in these remarkable demonstrations of good ol’ fashioned investigative journalism. And I would like to encourage every Christian to do the same. Take a moment to pray specifically for each of those who have been exposed.