Fake Money & The Collapse Of The American Empire

Lest we allow ourselves to be swept up (again) in the avalanche of distractions being hurled our way from every angle (again) where the economic health and vitality of America are concerned, it’s important to remember and constantly remind ourselves of a few key points: The US dollar, as fiat currency (money magically created out […]

Trumpanomics 101: Just print more “money”!

So how does the increasingly Orwellian American Welfare/Warfare State seemingly manage to go on and on suspending the God-ordained laws of economics? How do we seem to hear more and more talk about how we’re “broke”, “out of money”, “deep in debt” and the like year after year while government power and programs only grow, grow, […]

The Theft-by-Inflation Shell Game (that none of the President wannabes will stop)

It’s flat out amazing (and incredibly embarrassing) to see how easily we’ve been spun, programmed and propagandized to the point that we don’t even notice that pretty much everything we’re most encouraged to pour our passion into is a distraction from the gigantic pulsing tap root that’s feeding and fueling all of the cultural rot and decline that […]

Quick! The rigged markets are crashing (again)! Time to print more “money”!

Few things are as thoroughly fictional as professional wrestling, the presidential-level political system in America, and the satanic “money out of thin” air economic system that keeps ’em both afloat. Along those lines, if you’re honestly wondering what a sure sign of a real, serious, meaningfully and positively impactful (in a biblical way) presidential candidate would look […]

Chinese Dragon Eats Economy: Stock Market off to Worst Start Ever

Not since Godzilla ate Tokyo and threatened to swim the Pacific for dessert in (or of) Seattle has an oriental threat to America’s stability made for such a compelling monster. As China’s centrally planned fiat economy begins to break apart in the opening week of 2016, the “experts” and “leaders” propping up the centrally planned fiat […]

Our Unraveling Economic Fiction

With the opening economic headlines of 2016 hawking stories of market selloffs, market instability, market panic, and a general sense of economic dread, we’re well served as Christians to calmly, coolly note that these things are to be expected – and even, in a sense, welcome – as the natural and inevitable consequences of an […]

US Debt Soars $339 Billion in a Single Day [Insert “U! S! A!” chant here]

Last month in Debt ceiling? What debt ceiling? Let’s just print more fake money! we tried to encourage folks to keep their eyes fixed on reality as the freakishly fictional economic construct under which we presently live begins to unravel, crack up, and come tumbling down around us. We began by making plain that when a fiat […]

Debt ceiling? What debt ceiling? Let’s just print more fake money!

Debt ceiling? Who needs a debt ceiling? Sure, as a rhetorical device to keep the programmed, State-dependent masses thinking that this whole unbiblical economic Jenga Tower of Babel is somehow manageable and will work out just swell for us in the end, yeah, that sort of “debt ceiling” has all kinds of value to a political elite […]

Why stop spending when you can just print more “money”?

Can you feel the surge? Do you hear the hum? The surge of manufactured power and the hum of warming printing presses, I mean. (See also: Fear not, stock-holders! The Monopoly money printing presses are here to save you (and bury the rest of us)…again.) As the “expert”-programmed fiction known as the global economy teeters (again) […]

Why our economic Jenga Tower Of Babel must fall. (Hint: Proverbs 11:1)

So the stock market is careening (again), the talking heads are flipping out (again), and our dearly beloved pagan “leaders” and “experts” are being looked to for economic security and salvation (again). Welcome to the world of Fiat $lavery, an economic construct built upon the laughably insane and wildly unbiblical notion that some should have the […]

Greece is the word. (That nobody wants to hear.)

There are two topics that we write on fairly regularly here that routinely cause site traffic and interest to dive. But we keep writing about ’em anyway because they’re important. One of those subjects is technology. The other is economics. For various reasons – many of which are rooted in lousy “end times” views that fuel […]

Putting Teeth into “Mark of the Beast” Economics

Ever wonder what a “Mark of the Beast” style economic system would look like in real world practice? Well, if the “leaders” we’ve allowed to design and direct the current global anti-Christian economic engine get their way, we’ll soon find out. As reported today in The Telegraph in How to end boom and bust: make […]

Inflation Kills. Purposefully.

Inflation kills. It enslaves. And purposefully so. As Christians, we’ve been called and equipped with God’s essential, life-defining Word on all things, including economics. As such, and as a part of our Great Commission mandate to make disciples who do all that He has commanded (see: Matthew 28), we ought to take a look at the […]

Decentralization and our Christian duty to confront the economic rape of civilization.

Decentralization. It’s a good thing. A great one, actually, especially from where we stand now. The increasing unbiblical centralization of power in the hands of an unbelieving (read: “anti-Christian”) elite is one of the defining trends of American history. All of it. While developments along these lines have picked up steam in recent generations, the seeds […]

Banks Inch “Mark of the Beast” Economics Toward Reality

“If the Bank of Montreal gets its way, Christians will not be able to work with any major corporation in this country. ” So warns an article posted by Canadian Values. The piece goes on to describe the increasingly aggressive approach of the Bank of Montreal on behalf of various anti-Christian groups, all in the name “diversity” and […]

The slow boil and economic rape of the biblically illiterate.

What if God was real? I mean really real…not just “real to you” or “real to me” or some other self-centered silliness. What if He was not only real, but had spoken…with clarity and in detail? What if this actual, real God had spoken with detailed clarity as to how certain areas of life and […]

The love of [fake] money is the root of all kinds of evil.

  “Of all the problems with fiat currency, the most basic is that it empowers the dark side of human nature. We’re potentially good but infinitely corruptible, and giving an unlimited monetary printing press to a government or group of banks is guaranteed to produce a dystopia of ever-greater debt and more centralized control, until […]

Dead Babies and Dying Dollars in Romans 1 America

  For many of us, this isn’t even real anymore. It just can’t be. The steep and increasingly speedy decline of the America Idol is something that most Americans understandably have a hard time fully acknowledging, much less addressing in any meaningful way. The fall that we are personally experiencing doesn’t seem real or even possible […]

Oops! Ukraine’s gold just “disappeared”.

Robbery. Theft. Piracy. Fraud. These are synonyms for the fiat currency system of mass enslavement and elite empowerment under which we now live as crafted and deployed by Central Banks the world over. (See: Fiat $lavery: We have been bought and paid for…with nothing.) At the end of the day, for all of its flash, […]