Reaping What We’ve Sown

In case you haven’t noticed, repentance isn’t exactly “a thing” here in ‘Merica. Pride is. ‘Cause we’re clearly God’s favorite. Without America, what would God do? What would He have to work with? Not much, as far as Americans are concerned. Which is why, when it comes to our many openly unbiblical approaches to business, politics, […]
Just a quick reminder: The American State desperately wants war with Russia.

Ah, October…leaves change color, the air gets crisper, and, if you live in America (or the America-led West), the clarion call to war with Russia picks up pace and gets really loud. So here we are in early October of 2016 and, just as surely as Pumpkin-flavored everything makes its annual assault on menus across “the land of the […]
Turkey, NATO, and the US-backed Funding of ISIS

When even The Washington Post is forced to cover (and try to spin) the widespread suspicion of ISIS as a US supported tool, you know things are gettin’ really wacky. And that’s exactly what happened earlier today in a piece titled “Iraqis think the U.S. is in cahoots with the Islamic State, and it is hurting […]
The American re-branding (and re-arming) of Al-Qaeda.

What a difference a few years make. Seems like just yesterday that al-Qaeda was the living embodiment of evil and the reason why we must surrender our freedom and liberty to the State for the sake of “security” while pursuing wars here, there, and everywhere across the globe in the name of “fighting terror”. Today […]
Begging For War (Again): Russian jet shot down by “accomplices of terrorists”.

If there’s one thing ‘Merica will not tolerate, it’s Russians attacking our “moderate terrorist” allies…like al-Qaeda in Syria. (See: Russians Launch Plot to Kill Neo-Con GOP Senators…by way of Syrian Air Strikes.) This aggression will not stand! So when a Russian fighter was recently shot down by a Turkish F-16 and the subsequently parachuting Russian […]
Oops, we “accidentally” armed al Qaeda with anti-tank missiles…again…

Over the past week – a week in which US President Barack Obama once again put a fine point on America’s long running desire to see Syria’s Bashar Al-Assad deposed – Russia has responded by pointing out an obvious and very inconvenient truth for proponents of US-as-Global-Good-Guy fiction. That inconvenient truth is that ISIS is, like al Qaeda before […]
ISIS: Priceless Tool of American Statism

It’s not hard to see what’s going on here. It’s more a matter of desire than ability for most; of not wanting to see that which is obvious but far too frightening and intimidating to acknowledge as truth. The US and its allies routinely find ways of “accidentally” funding and fueling ISIS, al Qaeda, and […]
Is Putin killing ISIS and Nicolae Carpathia at the same time?

Could Russia’s Vladimir Putin be killing – or at least seriously wounding – two forces of satanic thought and cultural decimation at once? Could “Mad Vlad” at this very moment be dealing death blows to not one but two manifestations of the true (meaning: biblical) spirit of antichrist? Could the Putin-directed Russian army and air force even now […]
Oops, we “accidentally” gave ISIS a boatload of Toyotas.

No wonder the American State is all “outraged” and such over Russia’s deadly serious not-playin’-around-at-all strikes on ISIS in Syria. America has way too much invested in this ISIS outfit to just let it get all blowed up and stuff. As we reported in October in Oops! We “accidentally armed ISIS”…again…, we’ve “accidentally” airlifted weapons to ISIS in Syria before. […]
Russians Launch Plot to Kill Neo-Con GOP Senators…by way of Syrian Air Strikes

Just when you think you have the Russians figured out, they go and do something…devious. But that’s what Russians do, isn’t it? Be devious, I mean. (See also: Need (another) war? No sweat! Just play The Hitler Card.) In this case, they’ve taken their native deviousness to daring extremes by launching surprise air strikes […]
If ISIS did to one American child what Planned Parenthood does to millions, we’d go to war and kill them for it.

What if ISIS released a video of one of its agents calmly, coolly, and clinically murdering and dismembering an American baby? What if ISIS did to one single solitary American baby boy or girl what Planned Parenthood is “legally” empowered by America to do to American babies here in “the land of the free” and the […]
Another Islamic State beheading and another 2,700 American babies butchered. Will we repent?

Tragedy and horror have stricken again. An act of great evil has been repeated and proudly publicized. The perpetrators of these vile acts are clearly operating from a place of great, demonic darkness. They are on a mission on behalf of their god, and they really, truly believe in their god and that mission. Meanwhile, […]
ISIS gets biblically sound with its currency while America clings to Monopoly Money economics.

Well, at least someone is actively pursuing a biblically sound approach to money, currency, and economics at some level. And who is this maverick rising up against the fiat-currency fueled fiat-slavery system of Monopoly Money that now, for a season, dominates the globe? Who is it that has risen to shake off the shackles of […]
Mosques over America: Will we live by the First Commandment or die by the First Amendment?

One of the more memorable moments in Cecil B. Demille’s The Ten Commandments comes when Charlton Heston – I mean, Moses – comes down from Mount Sinai with the Ten Commandments of God to man. He makes this dramatic return after a long absence during which the people of Israel engaged in rank idolatry and open […]
Oops! We “accidentally armed ISIS”…again…

Hot on the heels of a report earlier this week that we had “accidentally” fueled ISIS with humanitarian aid, we get word that we have also “accidentally” supplied them with arms and ammo…again. “At least one bundle of U.S. weapons airdropped in Syria appears to have fallen into the hands of ISIS. . .” Nice. […]
Will we worship America and protect Islam or will we worship God and defeat it?

Everything in God’s creation is constantly about the business of validating His nature as revealed in His Word. Everything. “There is not one single, solitary maverick molecule in the universe”, as R.C. Sproul might say. All of creation belongs to God and it is all in the process – even at this very moment – […]
Of course Ebola is airborne. It flies in from Africa all the time.

So the hits just keep a-comin’… Sure, ISIS, Ebola and the like are inherently horrifying and all, but it’s the way in which these threats are understood and handled by our “leaders” that just seems to amplify the tragedy and terror in…well…a sometimes comically awful sort of way. Has this year not been one incredible […]
What if a “Religion of Peace” activist decapitated a “Gay Rights” activist (or two) in America?

The Twilight Zone weird world in which we live presents us with wave after wave of challenge to our worldview as Christians. That’s to be expected to some extent, of course. Even so, the sheer speed and trajectory of our culture’s decline at present, combined with the quantity of symptoms now seeming to come into full […]
Want relief from the stress, fear, and anxiety of Ebola, ISIS, and Obama? Focus on Christ the King.

What has unfolded before our eyes, ears, and increasingly frazzled psyches over the past few months hasn’t exactly been a ready-made plot-line for next year’s first great “feel good hit of the summer”, has it? We’ve got Ebola killing thousands and transmitting at an alarming rate in Africa while making its first appearances off-continent in America […]
The Obacalypse continues…but are we any closer to repentance?

Last month, in Obacalypse Now: War, Famine, Pestilence, and Wicked Leadership in Romans 1 America, we covered things like ISIS, Ebola, the emerging Orwellian NSA State, our teetering Monopoly Money economy, and the aggressive homosexualization of the culture. You know, the basics of our culture’s hopey-changey vibe of the moment. In just the few weeks that […]
Call me crazy, but I think this Islam thing just might be evil.

I know, I know…it’s a “religion of peace”. So says Barack Obama. And George W. Bush. It’s also not biblical Christianity, which pretty much instantly qualifies it as some kind of a good thing these days. And yes, I know that Islam and its many defenders, both Muslim and non, frequently pitch Islam as a great force for peace, love, and […]
US raises terror threat level to “Orwellian”. Citizens line up to hand over more freedoms.

What does it look like when the people of a land abandon the Gospel and openly oppose the Great Commission of the Church to “make disciples of all the nations” and teach those disciples to do all that the Lord has commanded in His perfect Word? What does it feel like to live in a land captivated […]
Imagine there’s no borders…it’s easy if you try…

What if I told you that the southern U.S. border crisis, the pending U.S. invasion of Syria, the ongoing murderous rampage of ISIS/Islamic State in Iraq, and the pending eruption of similar acts right here in the U.S. were all clearly and purposefully connected? Well, if you’re like me, you might be depressed (or […]
Problem>Reaction>Solution – Why we will beg to have our freedoms taken away and go to war forever.

Ever wonder how it is that most “conservative Christians” have been so successfully morphed into enthusiastic tools to help bring about an increasingly socialistic, Orwellian State? Ever wonder why it is that many so-called conservatives in America are now openly socialistic in practice when it comes to everything from Social Security and Medicare to Medicaid […]
Our Murderous Hypocrisy: How America is “outraged” by ISIS…while strangely comfortable with mass baby butchering at home.

Though we are rightly horrified and reasonable in our anguished howls of outrage at the great and graphic evil unfolding in Syria and Iraq, there’s something peculiar about our “outrage”. Something foul. Something hypocritical to the point of vulgarity. We understandably clamor for immediate and decisive military intervention to “save the children” and others […]
POLL: What should the American military do about the systematic mass murder and dismemberment of American children on American soil?

What should the American military do about the mass murder and dismemberment of American children on American soil? Nothing? Whatever it takes? Something in between? cast your vote through the linked headline and picture above…it’s “the American way”!
If only ISIS would murder and dismember children in nice little downtown clinics…

If only ISIS would murder and dismember children in nice little downtown clinics, most Americans would probably be united in arguing against bombing them. But no, ISIS had to go and do its baby butchering out in the open for the whole wide world to see, so…game on and let the bombing begin! As Christian pilgrims […]
Note to Allen West: American “Christians” have dismembered FAR more children than ISIS this year.

In case y’all haven’t heard, Allen West, along with pretty much every other Neo-Con tool in America, thinks that we need to man up, get serious, and roll headlong into serious war mode in Iraq…again… Why, you may ask? (While such questions are still allowed to be asked here in the “land of the free” and […]
POLL: Was supporting ISIS a good investment for America?

Was ISIS a good investment for America?
Were the Neo-Cons right?
Was Obama right?
Are we better of with folks like ISIS raping, pillaging, and decapitating their way across the Middle Eastern countryside?
Is the “land of the free” and the home of the NSA benefiting from those murderous rampages?
Yes? No? Maybe?
Make your voice heard! Vote now…it’s the American way…