Take Tim Challies To School Day
Most of us have heard some version of the saying: “There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers.” While the spirit of the phrase seems virtuous enough at a passing glance, it’s important for us to understand that, in certain contexts, there are indeed stupid questions, and that some of those questions are dangerously stupid […]
The Revealed Character of MLK and TGC
What a difference a year makes. With each passing month God seems to be highlighting his sense of humor (see: Psalm 2) as he exposes and humiliates enemies who are, in their laughably delusional state, convinced that their ultimate victory is inevitable and just a few short steps away from being realized. The latest installment […]
The Rapture and Global Warming: Laughably Bad Eschatologies with Deadly Serious Consequences
Bad eschatology kills. On the way to death it leads its adherents deeper and deeper into bondage and darkness. Kinda like what we have going on in America right about now. For those new to the term, eschatology is just a big way of saying “future things” or “the future of humanity”. It’s a category […]
Is it really possible to be “too heavenly minded to be any earthly good”?
Is it really possible to be “too heavenly minded to be any earthly good”? Of course not. The proposition is just plain stupid. Unless you have the typical (and quite satanic) modern American Christianese understanding of things like heaven, the Kingdom of God, the Gospel, and the Great Commission. The modern American Evangelical take/spin/perversion of the […]
10 Ways To Kill “Church” Growth In America
10. Preach the crystal clear (and redundantly detailed) Word of God on the subject of children’s education, calling rebellion against that Word what it is: sin. Simply preaching the clear commands of God on this one critical life- and culture-defining subject will send large chunks of the typical American congregation angrily running for the doors. […]
10 Things Americans Won’t Sacrifice To Save Their Children From Public Schools
“But I can’t do that!” This is the typical response of most American Christians to the simple, clear biblical command that God’s people educate their children in an explicitly Christ-centered manner throughout each and every day (see: Deuteronomy 6:5-7). This typical Americanized Christian response is enabled and promoted throughout our dying culture by way of our State-managed “education” systems, […]
What’s in a church name? (Hint: A lot.)
What’s in a church name? A lot. Even when it’s a little. Because even a little says a lot…especially when what precious little is said centers on peripheral personal preferences rather than biblically sound distinctives. How should a local church name itself? How should a local church present itself to the world? Is what we’re […]
The Simple Reason Christians Must Oppose Public Schools
Jesus Christ is the essential core of children’s education…or He is not. There is no “middle ground” or third option where essential cores are concerned. Either they are essential and core, or they are not. Either Christ is the essential core of the pursuit of knowledge (also known as “education”) where the formation of young, […]
A simple, foolproof solution to the 501(c)(3) church problem.
For American churches experiencing some angst over what to do about preserving their precious State-sanctioned 501(c)(3) status, I respectfully offer for your consideration this simple, foolproof, and utterly biblical solution to the 501(c)(3) problem: Stop licensing/regulating church speech in accordance with standards imposed by the American State. Stop encouraging the ludicrous and dangerous notion that the State […]
What do American Christians believe most about the Great Commission? That it can’t be done.
What do American Christians believe most about the Great Commission? Before diving into any potential answers, let’s take a moment to consider the most concise, clear reference point in Scripture regarding the Great Commission: And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore […]
Pikachu!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! (Or: When Christians are terrified by Pokemon, you know we’re in serious trouble.)
There are certain telltale signs of how the culture war is going. Whether we notice ’em or not, whether we like ’em or not when we do notice them, or whether we want to deal with them or not once we decide we don’t like ’em, they’re there all around us, jumping up and down […]
Foundations are the beginning, not the end. (So can we please get on with building something already?)
Countless ministries, organizations, churches and Christian business are dedicated to laying (or restoring) a firm foundation in what Hebrews 5 describes as “the elementary doctrines of Christ”. The nature of God. The nature of man. The fact of sin and the necessity of repentance, submission, and salvation. The sovereignty of God. These “elementary doctrines” are obviously important. They’re […]
Please pray that Donald Trump will be saved from the evangelical leaders who are sacrificing him for political gain.
Is Donald Trump playing America’s politically obsessed and thoroughly paganized evangelicals like a bunch of cheap fiddles, just like pretty much every GOP nominee before him? Oh yeah. Sure thing. No doubt about it. No surprise either. But could it be that these evangelicals – particularly the leaders of American evangelicalism – are actually playing Trump? […]
Andy Stanley, Joel Osteen, and how the bad theology of preaching fathers produces nightmarish preacher sons.
Weak theology and the inconsistent pursuit of Scripture by fathers naturally tends to produce worse theology and a more flagrant disregard for the Word of God in sons. Nowhere is this truth more evident than in the world of modern American Megachurchism. Joel Osteen and Andy Stanley are two more obvious examples of the day, with the latter […]
Why are we in this political nightmare? Ask your “evangelical Christian” pastor.
American evangelical leaders have worked very hard for a very long time to get us to where we are now. They’ve done more than anyone else to lead us into the socio-political hellhole in which we find ourselves sinking deeper with each passing Drudge Report refresh, and it’s very important that they get the credit they […]
Dr. Everett Piper stands firm against waves of evangelical Trump whores.
While at times it may seem (or smell) as though the whole of American evangelicalism is being led by a gang of smarmy, worldly, empire-building, numbers-driven spiritual whores and prostitutes, nothing could be further from the truth. God always provides. God always preserves a remnant within what often seems to be a hopeless and unsalvageable situation. While ginormo-ministries […]
“Evangelical Leaders” Bet On Strip Club Profiteer To “Make America Great Again”
Et tu, Robert Jeffress? As in, pastor Robert Jeffress of the First Baptist (Mega-)”Church” in Dallas. As in, the same Robert Jeffress we covered back in July when we chronicled his ridiculously anti-Christian, pro-Statist approach to the biblically defined subject of children’s education. So it really shouldn’t come as much of a shock to learn […]
The Blood Mooning of American “Christianity”
Well here we are at the end of September 2015 and doggone it if the world ain’t still standing (and spinning) in spite of the coming and going of the “Blood Moon” phenomena as massively promoted and then just as massively cashed in upon by one John Hagee. Oh sure, there have been others – […]
5 Reasons Why American “Christians” Cheer the Persecution of American Christians
We live in wild and wacky times. And its probably gonna get a whole lot wilder and wackier before it gets much better. That much seems certain. The America of 2015 is so far down the pike (and drain) from the America of just 2000 or 2005 that it really can be hard for many […]
America’s Ashley Madison “Christianity”: How we escort people to hell by “protecting” them from conviction under the true Gospel.
“Life’s short.” “Have an affair.” Why not? I mean, really, why not?! If the Gospel is only about personal salvation and not linked directly to repentance and obedience to Christ as King in practice and in detail in every realm of life in accordance with His Nature as revealed in His Word, then why shouldn’t American “Christians” […]
Sin is not merely “less than God’s best for you”. Sin is our personal rejection of the holiness of God.
One bit of Osteen-esque lingo that seems to be gaining traction in our suicidally unbiblical culture is the “itching ear friendly” description of sin as something like “not the best” or “less than the best” that “God has for you”. Such phrases as “not the best that God has for you” are increasingly being used […]
TD Jakes takes American Religion to its inherently gay conclusion.
What does “We the People” religion look like in action? Where does a “We the People”-centered worldview lead in practice? Well, if you live in America, all you need to do is have a look around. The “We the People” worldview inherently, inevitably and quite proudly leads to everything from the “freedom” to murder tens […]
We’re not here to watch. We’re here to fight…and win (by His grace and for His glory).
Contrary to popular American “Christian” mythology, true believers are not placed here to be polite, culturally compliant observers passively watching the world go to hell while nurturing a nice, neat little “gospel” that is kept safely sequestered and tucked away in “its proper place” (at church, in Bible studies, in “our hearts”, etc.). (See also: Beware the “Gospel in a […]
“Christian leaders” STILL encourage Christians to keep feeding their children to the beast of anti-Christian/State-run “education”.
There comes a point at which the warm handshakes, friendly smiles, and killer pot-lucks just can’t cover things up anymore. There comes a point at which even the most naïve and immature Christian begins to sense through the Spirit of God within them that something is way off. Something isn’t right. Something stinks. For year after year, […]
What if America had as many Christians as it does gay activists?
3%. That’s what it took to move America to where it is now. 3%. That’s all that was required to transition us from a people who at least loosely based their morality on some vaguely understood and appreciated Christian foundation into one that is openly and proudly based on self-centered, self-referential, and self-serving lust. (See: Limp Wristed Gospels […]
Who needs church discipline when you can have “church” growth instead?
Church discipline. Now there’s a hip, cool, trendy subject in the modern American church, am I right? For most reading this, including even most professing Christians in most supposedly “conservative” Christian churches, the term is at best odd, unfamiliar, and, more of often than not, tends to be viewed as something ugly. Church discipline sounds […]
Southern Baptists flip out over “gay marriage”, but are okay with government-run children’s “education”.
There’s something bizarre about watching someone try to kill a hornet with a nuclear strike while simultaneously protecting the hornet’s nest from which it came, but that’s pretty much what we’re witnessing now from many “Christian leaders” who seem to take every opportunity to express outrage and even threaten civil disobedience over the looming Supreme Court pronouncement on […]
Who owns America? (Hint: Not “We the People”.)
Who owns America? Contrary to popular ‘Merican belief, the correct answer is not “We the People”. (See: We the people…are not God.) The correct answer is Christ. While that is the correct answer, it is not at this time in ‘Merican history a particularly popular answer, even (and often especially) among many self-identified “conservative Christians” […]
What if Christians are most responsible for our wrecked culture?
Like a kid who desperately wants to ignore the increasingly clear meaning of increasingly bad report cards, American “Christians” have been conditioned to give themselves a million fantastically childish ways out – a never-ending list of reasons to dismiss any and all reports of their persistent failure and betrayal of both the culture in which they’ve been placed and the Lord they […]
Creflo and the Dollar Whores (almost) get their jet!
Spiritual prostitution is an illustration frequently used by God to describe those who claim Him with their lips while openly and unrepentantly embracing worldly passions and idols. Chasing after everything from power, fame and wealth for one’s own glory and benefit is a theme of human history because it is a theme of unregenerate human character. Modern American culture only amplifies […]
Have the “We will not obey!” Christian “leaders” repented of their role in bringing us to this hellish condition in the first place?
Have you ever known someone who’s been pursuing a destructive path for a very long time and has been warned by many friends at many times all along the way that what they were doing was wrong, dangerous, and would ultimately lead to serious consequences? We’ve all experienced, witnessed or heard about such situations. You could say that we’ve all been […]
Toybox Christianity: Trading the comprehensive splendor of the Gospel for a cheap, shiny little plaything.
First off, in a spirit of full disclosure and a God-given desire for the pursuit of truth, the whole truth, and nothin’ but the truth, I am compelled to report that: I love toys. Which is why I hate Toybox “Christianity”. Through its happy/smiley/fluffy promotion of rank, self-serving spiritual immaturity, apathy, and laziness, Toybox “Christianity” retards and destroys everything […]
Easy Button Christianity…the Devil’s (and most Americans’) favorite kind.
If there’s one thing the Devil loves, it’s “easy Christianity”. Fortunately for him, America loves it, too. Easy Christianity is our favorite kind of Christianity. While there are many varied ideas as to exactly how the “easy” part is best applied to religion in America, the unifying theme of apathy- and laziness-enabling perversions of biblical Christianity is […]
Beware the “Gospel in a Bottle”
It is beautiful. It is captivating. It boasts an inspiring, powerful message presented in the most stirring of words – language more than capable of making eyes weep and chins quiver with emotion. It comforts millions with its sweet, spiritual sounding assurances of safety and salvation. And it is presented as a gateway to infinite spiritual depth…all while bobbing harmlessly on […]
The Curse of Magic Christianity: Praying that God will do miraculously what we refuse to do through obedience.
Why do we pray for God to “magically” do what He has commanded and equipped us to do through His Spirit and Word? Why do we pray for God to “do something” to protect our children from the consequences of the very things that we personally encourage them to pursue and experience in direct violation of […]
Heaven Is Fo Reals! (And other extra-biblical “revelations”)
People inherently love to learn about Jesus and Heaven. Not the real Jesus or the real (purged of sin and unrepentant sinners) world to come, of course, but the happy, fluffy, man-affirming versions that they’ve made up in their self-referential little heads. You know, smiling, happy, uncritical Jesus, and “everybody but Hitler will be there” Heaven. As for […]
The Rubber Sword of Toothless Truth
It looks awesome from a distance. Sounds great, too – whistling through the wind as its proud owner swings it here , there and everywhere, like a skilled and dangerous soldier or knight. But, at the end of the day, it’s just a toy. The wannabe soldier is merely pretending. His sword is a fake; an imitation without an edge. […]
The cool new Christ-less Christianity is getting old fast.
Thankfully, most fashion trends come and go quickly. Also thankfully, this seems to apply to most fashionable flash-in-the-pan religious trends as well. While religious trendiness can have a thankfully short life-span, the lingering effects of once-popular lame teachers and teachings tend to leave deep and lasting impressions upon the culture in which they made their unbiblical impact. It […]
What do Barack Obama and Joel Osteen have in common…with George W. Bush?
Barack Obama. Joel Osteen. Barack Obama…Joel Osteen… Now what could these two possibly have in common? Hrmmmm… Maybe the better question to many of us would be to ask what they don’t have in common. After all, for those of us with a biblical worldview and the naturally following conservative political bent, we tend to view these men in […]
Christianity in a Box: Containing the Contagion of Obedience to Christ
If there’s one thing that secular progressive liberals, the vast majority of professing American Christians, and Satan can agree on, it is this: The Word of God is not to be our source, standard, and blueprint for education, economics, business, law, government and politics right here and now on planet earth, in America or anywhere else. For […]
Judgment begins with the Church…not the Democrats.
Like most of you who are reading this, when it comes to politics, I consider myself to be very conservative. I consider myself to be so because, by the grace of God and to the best of my knowledge and ability, I seek to submit my political understanding to biblical standards and have, as a result, […]
Weaponized “Love”: The perversion of Christian love into a weapon of Christian persecution
Ever been called a big, bad meanie for sharing Truth publicly? Ever been called disruptive, divisive, unkind or unloving for taking a clear, public stand on a culturally controversial issue that’s addressed in detail within the pages of Scripture? Have you ever been pressured to be silent after speaking up in such a manner? Have you ever been […]
The Zombie Appeal of American Churchianity
(This is a continuation of Zombie Religion and McGospel Salvation: So easy a dead man can do it., which you can read by clicking here.) . Like any good network marketer or pyramid scheme advocate, the wise American Churchianity religionist knows that the last thing you want to do in the process of courting a […]
Zombie Religion and McGospel Salvation: So easy a dead man can do it.
The Sticky Sweet Poison of Easy Believism . “If you love soft preaching, you love a hard heart.” ~ Doug Wilson . “Sermonettes make Christianettes.” ~ A.W. Tozer . In November of 1970, George Harrison released the single My Sweet Lord, a folk rock tune that would rocket to the top of the international charts, all […]
Waging War on the Church of the Living Dead
(This is a continuation of yesterday’s post, The (church built) Zombie Apocalypse is upon us…, which can be viewed by clicking here. Not a lot here will make sense if you haven’t read part one, so I would recommend checking out The (church built) Zombie Apocalypse is upon us… before diving into Part 2 here. […]
The (Church Built) Zombie Apocalypse Is Upon Us
“I don’t read the Bible very much, and I really don’t want to.” She spoke calmly and clearly, sitting there as we talked over the kitchen table the way we had a hundred times before. Then, between sips from a favorite black coffee cup, she almost casually elaborated, “And I don’t feel bad about it […]
With evangelicalism like this, who needs a Whore of Babylon?
“I hope you have become nauseated with the tawdry entertainment that passes for the true worship of God in many of our churches and, like the saints of the past, are longing for more of the deep truths of the inerrant Word of God.” ~ James Montgomery Boice .
The Rise of Mr. Potato Jesus
Everything bad begins with a perversion of the nature of God. Everything. At the same time, as Americans we are used to getting things our way. So it’s not hard to see conflict coming early and often between the biblical truth of God and any number of Americanized versions built to compete with the original by offering […]
Let Them Eat Gay Cake: Corporate America’s Pro-Gay Blitz Hits Delicious New Lows
Mmmmm….gay cake. Thank you, Betty Crocker! Who knew that giving God the finger could be so delicious? And so profitable. There’s no doubt about it: Here in “god bless ‘merica”, where profit is god and God is bad for business, it’s become all the rage to openly mock biblical Christianity by any and all frosted, fruity and delicious means […]
Prancing Ponies, Bible Belt Satanists, and America’s Proud Rebellion
. . . At this moment in our history, our unique claim to fame is that, when it comes to sheer size and scale of blasphemy and idolatry, there has never in all of human history been a greater, more boastful spiritual whore than America. There’s not even a close second, really, though one could make the case for Old Testament Israel being the closest thing to a competitor for this particular award.
What makes America truly untouchable in this contest isn’t just the globe-spanning scope and influence of her rank prostitution. It’s the fact that she does it all while mouthing her “love for Jesus” that makes it a truly unique and bone chilling horror. This combo gives allows her to coast to the easiest of wins where the gold medal for rebellion is concerned.
But hey, if you’re gonna do something, be the best at that thing, right?
And in America, if there’s one thing we know, it’s that we’re #1!
Flu-Shot Jesus: Candy Christianity’s Magical Superpal (Sample Chapter from “Apathetic Christianity – The Zombie Religion of American Churchianity”)
The following sample is the complete third chapter from the book, “Apathetic Christianity – The Zombie Religion of American Churchianity”. If you like it, please pass along this link to anyone else you know who might me interested and inspired by the message of this book. Thank you for your prayers, patience, and support!