Government Run Children’s Education Leads To Government Run Everything Else

Just look at all of those American schoolkids being led by their teacher in a mass, Nazi-style Socialist salute. Hard to believe that was common in U.S. public schools not so long ago. What? You had no idea? You think I’m making it up? You’ve never heard (or seen the many pictures) of American kids […]

Vouchers vs. The Separation of Education and State

Let’s be clear about a few key facts: 1. Government distributed vouchers are Socialism. 2. Vouchers are the forced redistribution of resources in accordance with basic Marxist/Socialist principles. 3. Vouchers are funded through the confiscation (theft) of private property by using the coercive power of the state. I understand that there are many good, God-fearing, conservatively […]

Is it ever okay to refuse to salute (or sing or pledge) to the U.S. flag?

Little children, keep yourselves from idols. ~ 1 John 5:21 Is it ever okay to refuse to salute the U.S. flag? Is it ever okay to refuse to sing the U.S. national anthem? Is it ever okay, or maybe even proper, to refuse to take pledges of loyalty to the indivisible power of whatever State rules […]

Babies, Culture, And How Math Works In God’s Creation

Our “culture of death” has many faces, some of which we have no trouble confidently identifying and whining about at the drop of the hat. The horror of “legal” child sacrifice through abortion, for example, is an easy target for many on the Right side of the political spectrum (as it should be, of course). But what about […]

How Creepy Clown “Conservatism” Sells America’s Young Into Bondage

Right now American children are being sold into bondage. You know it. I know it. Everybody knows it. But we keep doing it anyway. Why? This seems like a timely question with the United States’ national debt having recently crossed the twenty trillion dollar threshold (that’s $20,000,000,000,000.00) at the same time that the whole notion of a “debt ceiling” is about to […]

As The Social Security Scam Nears Its End, Working Millennials Can’t Help But Notice They’re Being Pillaged While They’re Being Mocked

Do many Millennials have a well-deserved reputation for being lazy, self-absorbed, emotion-driven snowflakes with a mind-blowingly awful entitlement mentality? Oh yeah, sure. After generations of American parents singing the praises of overtly Marxist/Socialist constructs like public schools and Social Security, what else did we expect? Yet again and again we hear self identified conservative Christians express shock and […]

Republicans Preserve Obamacare (Again)

If only we had Republicans running the show in DC, we’d get small government, right? If only we had Republicans in control of the Senate, the House, and the White House all at the same time, we’d see the massive growth in American State power and American citizen dependence reversed, right? This is the rhetorical […]

New FBC videos on gender chaos, freedom, and American Socialism.

Hello All, As we mentioned last week, we’ve recently started tinkering with a new video channel in support of the Fire Breathing Christian mission. The general idea is to provide simple, straightforward video commentary in line with the articles we share here at the site. Here are the first four videos posted (with the most recent listed […]

The 10 Planks Of American Socialism

One of the most surreal aspects of modern American culture is the manner in which the vast majority of self-identified conservative Christians have simultaneously embraced three bizarrely (and embarrassingly) contradictory approaches to life: We’ve become stark raving Socialists in practice. From public schools, Social Security, and Medicare to the State-licensing/controlling of finance, industry, medicine, media, […]

You have to vote for TrumpCare to find out what’s in TrumpCare.

Oh yeah, Republicans are different. Republicans are our only real hope here in ‘Merica. Trump will save us…from what, exactly? Socialism? Uh, no. Trump and the GOP are wholly committed to Socialism, just with a few sprinkles of crony capitalism (meaning: not free market based at all) thrown in to flavor things up a bit. […]

So the GOP wants to “repair” rather than “repeal” ObamaCare (and every other satanic Socialist program in America). How awesome is that?!

So the GOP is gonna “fix” Socialism for us! Again! Like they’ve “fixed” the satanic/Socialist public school system. And like they’re “fixed” the satanic/Socialist Social Security system. And like they’ve “fixed” the satanic, black magic fiat economic system that inherently makes masses dependent upon those who claim for themselves the power to magically create fake money out […]

Taking an honest, biblical sledgehammer to Ted Cruz mythology. (Part 1)

    With millions of evangelicals once again offering up pretty much zero resistance as they’re herded on cue and right on schedule into a fear-fueled Pagan Left/Right paradigm box so that they might choose from the American Statists placed before them in this cycle’s installment of The American Political Puppet Show, it’s probably a good idea to take an honest, biblically […]

Want bigger government? Vote Republican.

When’s the last time you heard a Republican President or a Republican Party nominee for President actively campaign on the elimination of Social Security? Or on the elimination of Medicare? Or on the elimination of Medicaid? Or on a dramatic reduction of the military industrial complex? Or on the elimination of the property tax, through which actual home […]

Our Immigration/Socialism/Statism Problem (Part 1)

  So here we are in the probably very early stages of a probably never ending “war on terror” through which the powers of the State will probably perpetually (and quite purposefully) grow and the liberty of the masses will probably perpetually (and quite purposefully) shrink. Paris has just been attacked by a handful of evil people, […]

Young Americans protest and pout to take parents’ Socialism to the next level.

  So the “kids” are protesting again. They want free stuff. More and more free stuff. They want “their share” of the All-American Socialism pie. And who can blame ’em? After all, they’re just following their parents’ and grandparents’ lead. Apparently, as demonstrated by recent waves of college campus convulsions aimed at securing things like […]

How do we keep American Socialism going? Get ready for negative interest rates.

One of the things frequently heard during the many commonplace critical rants of older generations against the young is that the younger crew “just doesn’t save money”. They “just don’t appreciate the power of saving” and they “just don’t have the self-control and discipline to apply the power of compounding interest over time.” We’ll come back […]

America’s open economic rape of the young via Social Security.

  For as long as I’ve been alive and politically aware, Social Security has been known as “the third rail” of American politics, meaning that it is charged, untouchable, and sure to bring death to anyone who tries to grab hold and do something about it. That third rail is more dangerous and more entrenched […]

Our “Free Money” Heroin Habit: Why “conservative Christian” Americans sell their own children for just one more hit of Socialism.

How many “conservative Christian Americans” are willing to sell their own children, grandchildren, and untold future generations deeper into slavery to the American State in order to squeeze just one more hit of temporary “benefit” from the Statism-fueled insanity of Social Security, Medicare, public schools, and the perpetual All-American war machine? The vast majority, that’s how many. […]

10 Reasons Christians Should Not Teach In Public Schools

Some of my favorite people have been public school teachers. Some of my favorite people are public school teachers. Some of my favorite people are Christians who are teaching or have taught in American public schools. As a product/victim of American State-run worldview programming myself, I have much to be thankful for. High on the list is God’s perfect, purposeful use […]

How do we stop America’s voter-assisted suicide?

  It’s Election Day in America, and all the familiar gears, wheels, and tools of propaganda are in full motion. The (mostly) controlled game is on and the (mostly) contrived drama is thick. “Will the Republicans be returned to power in the Senate?” “Will the Democrats be taught a painful lesson?” “Will the country be saved […]

Are we all Socialists now?

Way back in ’09, which, in light of all the wackiness that has transpired since then, sure does seem to be an eternity ago, Newsweek published We Are All Socialists Now as its cover story. This was an interesting statement and makes for a interesting question, both then and now. As with any statement or question […]

How American Conservatives happily forge the chains of American Socialism

Memes, themes, and the like have become all the rage in this little blip of time known as the social media era. Everything from kittens to politics is now often presented in short, high-octane bursts able to quickly inspire everything from hysterical laughter at what the cute, cuddly little kitties are doing, to burning outrage at what […]

It Takes a Village Idiot

It’s hard to know whether to laugh, cry, both, or just jump off the tallest available building when someone like MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry pops up to tell us how our children are communal property and that any contention to the contrary is, above all else, glaring evidence of stark raving racism. So with good ol’ Ms. […]

You might be a Socialist Republican if…

  You might be a Socialist Republican if…you routinely vote for candidates who have no intention of actually dismantling Social Security, Medicaid, and the rest of the Welfare State. You might be a Socialist Republican if…you are a fan of programs like Social Security and Medicaid. You might be a Socialist Republican if…you believe that State-controlled “education” of […]

The Brilliance of Corpseman Obama

Corpseman Obama has a plan. And it’s working. (In the progressive sense of “working”.)

Sure, he may not be the brightest bulb in the pack, but he’s still The One and can at least usually read accurately from a teleprompter. When he does, his message is clear:

He’s all about expanding the slave state in America.

There are No Ducks

In this present era of happy progressive Orwellian hope and change, if something walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and generally goes about the business of acting like a duck, not only are you discouraged from imagining, much less speaking of it actually being a duck, you’re probably a racist, right-wing, hyper-religious, Palin-worshipping nutcase for even recognizing the possibility that it might be so.

Of course, ducks aren’t really the problem here. Unless they vote Republican. (And why would any self-respecting creature of the wild ever do that?)

Comrade Oxymoron and His Deconstruction of Christianity

Did you know that “Christian worldview” is an oxymoron?

Me neither.

And don’t worry; it isn’t.

Yet just this weekend I spoke with a professing Christian who actually believes that “Christian worldview” is indeed oxymoronic. He said so. Out loud. He wrote about it, too.

Defy the Laws of Mathematics, Economics and Logic? YES! WE! CAN!

“I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits either now or in the future. Period”.

Thus saith The One.

So let it be written; so let it be done.

Only in an America populated by drones primarily educated through a government controlled idiot factory could such a contention inspire serious applause.

Create a Godless Nation? YES! WE! CAN!

The people of Martin Luther’s Reformation became the nation of Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich in much the same way that the people of the American Revolution have become the nation of Barack Obama’s “Yes We Can [insert whatever you like here]!”

Hope, Change and the Creepy Face of American Socialism

What a difference seven and a half months makes. In that short span of time Americans have witnessed a political plunge unparalleled since the days of the post-Watergate Ford administration. The untouchable icon of political progressivism that was Barack Hussein Obama has become something less.

Much less.

The One from on high has been brought low. The great, articulate (and clean, even) Agent of Change has been exposed as little more than an arrogant, oblivious advocate of most tired and failed policies of the past.

And what brought about this radical shift? What happened to inspire this Jeckyll-to-Hyde revelation in the eyes of most Americans?


Obama style.