The Gift Of Trump As Godzilla

As we watch and wonder at the cultural convulsions escorting us through the death of old concepts, systems, and lies that have defined much of our past and present as a people, it’s important to at least try to get a solid grip on reality as it actually is, as opposed to what we’re told […]
10 Reasons To Thank God For President Trump (Even If You Didn’t Vote For Him)

With the Deep State deploying its Fake News and Leftist pop culture assets for yet another desperation assault to take down the President, it seems like a good time to take stock of the many significant reasons We the People should thank God for President Trump. While I’ve expressed many serious concerns about Mr. Trump […]
Why Trump Should Identify As A Woman To Become The First Woman President

During the 2016 presidential campaign, there was a whole lotta noise about how Hillary was going to “break the glass ceiling” by becoming the first woman President. But why would we need an actual woman for that? If Bruce Jenner can be a woman, then why can’t Donald Trump? Why can’t Trump just “identify as […]
Coulter Gets A Clue (Sort Of)

Here we are not even four months into Trumptopia and things are already so bad and so disappointing on so many levels that even Ann Coulter is noticing…and admitting that she’s noticing. Here’s how The Daily Caller addressed Coulter’s semi-awakening in an article posted yesterday: “Conservative author Ann Coulter was one of the most vocal […]
Just How Gay Will Trump/Pence Get?

There’s a whole lotta gay news coming out of Trumpworld these days. As in pro-gay. As in pro-“let’s obliterate the meaning of terms like family, marriage, husband, wife, and even gender itself and pretend it’ll all somehow work out in the long run as long as we have better jobs, more money, bigger houses and more stuff”. […]
Theft In The Name Of The Law: Trump Enthusiastically Defends Police Theft Of Private Property

“The White House has riled the country’s civil libertarian wing after President Trump enthusiastically voiced support for a controversial law enforcement tool that allows an individual’s property or assets to be seized without a guilty verdict.” That’s the opening line from a Fox News report chronicling the latest hyper-Statist pronouncements to flow from the Trump […]
Why do American “conservative Christians” fight so hard for anti-Christian children’s education?

With President-elect Trump opting to select yet another Secretary of Education rather than moving to dismantle the Department of Education, it seemed like a good time to note how it is that “conservative Christians” in America have become willing accomplices and tools of the American State in building, defending, and expanding the systematic anti-Christian approach to children’s […]
How Trump’s SBA pick confirms (yet again) his commitment to vice as the key to “greatness”.

As we ramp up to the inauguration of Donald Trump, one of the surest signs of God’s judgment upon America since the second inauguration of Barack Obama, we’re getting good look (again) at his vice-fueled worldview in action as he goes about the business of choosing people to fill Cabinet and Administration positions. One of […]
Lock her up? Nah. (Or: Trump instantly caves on justice for Hillary.)

Well that didn’t take long. The chants of “lock her up!” barely had a chance to finish echoing through the countryside before The Donald decided that justice for Hillary really isn’t such a big deal after all. So what about all o’ those “Hillary for Prison” yard signs, bumper stickers, and t-shirts? How are they lookin’ […]
If you voted for President-elect Trump while shipping your kids off to public school last week…

If you are one of the millions of Americans who thought that you were actually helping to save America in a meaningful way by voting for Donald Trump while shipping off your little ones for yet another installment in their regularly scheduled, all-day-long, five-days-a-week, nine-months-a-year, 13-year-long mind-sculpting session as managed by the American State in its public schools, you are much […]
Pray for President-Elect Donald Trump. Pray for President Obama. Pray for American repentance.

Pray for President-elect Donald Trump. Pray for his repentance. Pray that he will submit to Christ as King while God graces him with the time to do so. Pray for America. Pray for America’s repentance – a culture-wide repentance that, if it is to actually happen, must be led and inspired by the repentance of a […]
When Christians who can’t stand Harry Potter will campaign for Donald Trump, you know the end is near.

When Politico (Politico!) becomes way more theologically coherent than the majority of politically active professing conservative Christians in America, you know the end is near. The end of America, I mean, not to be confused with the Kingdom of God, which will advance and conquer everything everywhere whether America makes it or not. In a recent article appropriately […]
As if the Trump campaign wasn’t gay enough already. . .

“Show your pride and your support for Trump with this exclusive equality tee.” That’s the tagline posted for a neat new “LGBTQ for TRUMP” shirt posted at the Trump campaign’s online shop (pictured below): I wonder how many Veep wannabe Mike Pence has ordered? Whatever the answer to that one, other answers are, by the grace of […]
What happens after Trump thumps Hillary in November?

For whatever my thoughts on such things are worth (which is probably somewhere between very little and absolutely nothing), I’ve been suspecting for a while now that Trump is probably gonna win this thing pretty big in November. If pressed for a guesstimate, I’d say The Donald will likely have the biggest blowout win since the […]
What The Republican Convention Taught Us About Christian Prostitution

For all of my adult life, and much of my pre-adult life, I’ve been very interested in politics. For most of my Christian adult life, I was a proud member of what I’d now describe as the Rush Limbaugh conservative camp and an ardent adherent of “lesser of two evils” political philosophy. Then, by the grace […]
Yes “Christian” Trump supporters, your daughters notice your hypocrisy…and are stripping accordingly.

What do you call a person (other than Donald Trump himself) who’s well known for their criticism of Bill Clinton’s open infidelity and abuse of women, Hillary Clinton’s power-mad enabling of that abuse, and Barack Obama’s proud assault upon the institutions of marriage and family, all while somehow managing to dismiss and ignore Donald Trump’s […]
Trump Owns Evangelicals Through Relentless Barrage of Jedi Mind Tricks

GOP front-runner (and likely sith lord) Donald Trump continued to maintain a magical, svengali-like grip on the simple, submissive minds of thousands of voting evangelicals as his dark march toward the Republican nomination rolled through Super Tuesday and on into March. “Man, I wish I could do anything close to that,” said a still-recovering, disheveled and […]
Pope vs. Trump: Battle of the Anti-Christs!

On Thursday, The Pope called The Donald “not a Christian”. Later on Thursday, The Donald called The Pope’s claim “disgraceful”. And with that, it…was…ON! Pope vs. Trump. Godzilla vs. Kong. Dracula vs. Frankenstein’s Monster. The unstoppable farce of man-made, man-centered religion vs. the immovable, megalomaniacal ego of the ultimate “self-made” casino promoting billionaire. So yeah, it’s pretty obvious that […]
Dr. Everett Piper stands firm against waves of evangelical Trump whores.

While at times it may seem (or smell) as though the whole of American evangelicalism is being led by a gang of smarmy, worldly, empire-building, numbers-driven spiritual whores and prostitutes, nothing could be further from the truth. God always provides. God always preserves a remnant within what often seems to be a hopeless and unsalvageable situation. While ginormo-ministries […]
“Evangelical Leaders” Bet On Strip Club Profiteer To “Make America Great Again”

Et tu, Robert Jeffress? As in, pastor Robert Jeffress of the First Baptist (Mega-)”Church” in Dallas. As in, the same Robert Jeffress we covered back in July when we chronicled his ridiculously anti-Christian, pro-Statist approach to the biblically defined subject of children’s education. So it really shouldn’t come as much of a shock to learn […]
Jerry Falwell Jr. Endorses Biblically Illiterate Strip Club Owner for President

So American evangelicals have found their strip club owner! They’ve found the one strip club owner capable of saving the culture. They’ve found the one strip club owner able to “Make America Great Again!” At least that’s the proclamation of one Jerry Falwell Jr., who, according to various reports published today, has decided that Donald […]
Two Corinthians and Donald Trump walk into a bar…

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. ~ 2 Corinthians 3:17 Two Corinthians and Donald Trump walk into a bar…or make that a strip club. More specifically, the strip club in the Trump Taj Mahal casino, the first casino-housed strip club in America, opened by Trump in […]
Trump on terrorists: Kill ’em all…and their families. [Insert American “Christian” applause here]

Kill ‘Em All! It’s not just a snappy Metallica album title anymore. Now it’s effectively become the slogan of many (if not most) politically active professing Christians in America as both evidenced and inspired by the latest America Idol worship leader to tickle their ears and capture their fancy, one Mr. Donald Trump. (See: When Conservatism Trumps Christianity.) […]
Americans Embrace Trump’s Dismissal of Repentance

Who needs God? Especially when you have the world’s largest military and the world’s reserve (fictional) currency? (See: Fiat $lavery: We have been bought and paid for…with nothing.) Who needs repentance? Especially when good ol’ America-centered American pride has gotten ya this far, right? (See: How’s that Pagan “conservatism” workin’ out for ya, Christian?) Who […]
How unrepentant and lost is Donald Trump? And what does that tell us about America?

The Donald is on fire. And so is American culture. Coincidence? Nope. In the past month, The Trumpinator has moved from a merely dominant top spot in the polls to an even more “absolutely amazing” position, leaving his fellow Republicans struggling to figure out just how to tackle the brash billionaire who promises to “make America great again” without […]
Trumpamania runs wild! (Yes, he can really win…and yes, we really deserve him.)

August 6. That’s the day America is waiting for. That’s the day that it is on! August 6 in Cleveland, Ohio: Trumpamania gets real. Or unreal. Or more unreal. Or…well…you get the picture. Whatever it is, this Trumpamania thing is getting serious. Seriously funny, seriously sad, and seriously bizarre all at the same time. It’s […]
When Conservatism Trumps Christianity

One of the most simultaneously mystifying and terrifying realities of our day is that there are those who really, truly, and actually believe that professional wrestling is real. I mean really real. Not just that it exists. Not just that it’s “fun” for some in a silly kinda way. Not just that it’s like a harmless, if idiotic, parody […]