Our Golden Opportunity: Restoring the Power and Beauty of Home

A radically debased approach to the concept of Home is one of the telltale signs that we’ve devolved into a very unhealthy, fragile, and weak culture. This is one of many painful but important truths being made plain through the unfolding Chinese Coronavirus Pandemic. One of the primary reasons for our inability to weather storms […]
10 Major Positives Of The Chinese Coronavirus Pandemic

When a major civilizational shift occurs in a sudden, unexpected lurch, it’s easy for those living through the transition to focus on the negatives and miss the positives, especially when the negatives associated with the shift are – or at least seem to be in the moment – catastrophically bad. While the early stages of […]
Coronavirus And The Viral Spread Of Decentralization: How A Big Government Manufactured Bioweapon Could Accidentally Help Kill Big Government

For those who haven’t heard, China decided to reboot The Stand late last year, only with an incredibly annoying twist: They decided to do the whole thing for real. Before you assume that I’m frantically typing these words in wide-eyed terror while frothing at the mouth in slavish devotion to a massive conspiracy theory complex, […]
FBC Video Channel Update & New MSNPC News Channel

First off, Happy Reformation Day! In the Spirit of Reformation that oughta define our every day, I’d like to share a brief update on the FBC Video Channel that’s been taking so much of my FBC-related time lately as we aim to get it off the ground. For those who are new to this FBC […]
Saving Comics, Sci-Fi, and Super Heroes: The Power of Fan-Set Canon Over SJW-Stolen Icons

Does the enthusiasm of SJW’s to turn long-established cultural icons into perversion-promoting tools make you ill? Does the determination of SJW’s to sacrifice cherished heroes and franchises on the alter of their warped worldview make you sick? If your answer to these questions is yes, then I have some very good news: We don’t have […]
How SJW’s Are (Accidentally) Liberating Comics By Running Marvel & DC Into The Ground

With the new Captain Marvel movie coming soon to a silver screen near you, and with the print comic book industry circling the drain under the weight of its newfound SJW religion, it seems like a good time to have a look at a beautiful little (but rapidly growing) thing known as #Comicsgate. In a […]
The Left’s Long March To Dominating . . . Dying Dinosaur Institutions?

It’s easy to be distracted from a good joke when the world is burning around you. But sometimes the joke is so good – so delicious in its irony and powerful in its purpose – that we’re well served to take a sec out of our crazy busy lives to savor the awesomeness of the […]
“Progressives” promote #MeToo, #TimesUp, Snoop Dogg, and Hillary Clinton at the same time…and why that’s a good thing. #Grammys2018

It takes a special kind of moron (or, in this case, group of morons) to even attempt to simultaneously promote #MeToo, #TimesUp, Snoop Dogg, and Hillary Clinton, yet that’s exactly what we got from the good “Progressives” running the music industry these days. While this sort of thing fits with the brazenly hypocritical and bizarrely […]
What “National Security” Really Means

One of the Pavlovian trigger phrases routinely deployed to promote our blind adoration and defense of The Establishment ruling over us is the notion of “national security”. This phrase and concept – “national security” – has been and continues to be used regularly to consistently nudge us toward accepting and even advocating scores of systems […]
The System-Shaking Power Of Cryptocurrency

Of the many things causing The Establishment to soil itself these days, cryptocurrency is high on the list. Few things terrify Establishment elites and dependents like the thought of a currency system operating outside of State control. Without the power to magically produce “money” out of thin air, their endless programs and wars would die […]
“Indivisible” Government = Idolatry Of Government

Every time a so-called conservative in America argues for the “indivisibility” of any particular government above any particular people, which they can’t seem to help doing when it comes to their beloved United States of America, I can’t help but imagine Twilight Zone theme music accompanying their presentation. Throw in the fact that most of these […]
Decentralization, the *real* Gospel, and how we’ll soon wave buh-bye to Big Everything.

Big Government. Big Business. Big Education. Big Banks. Big Media. These are the Big Problems routinely propped up and promoted by the Big Political Parties on the Left and the Right. Oh sure, the Right regularly pretends to oppose Big Government and the Left routinely poses as though it’s not in the pocket of Big Business, but […]
What Barcelona Is Teaching America (And The Rest Of The World) About Freedom And Political Decentralization

While most “conservative” Americans have been racing to see who can bend over backwards the fastest to lick the proverbial boot of compelled American Socialism and defend the various icons, songs, and traditions used by the American State to prop up the notion of centralized power in Washington DC being an essential to life, liberty, […]
The Rise Of Decentralization And The Fall Of Fake News

Decentralization. It’s one of our most favoritest things to chronicle here at Fire Breathing Christian. The decentralization of media, education, publishing, industry, finance and political power is a beautiful thing, and it’s happening all around us as God empowers His people with technologies, tools, and opportunities undreamt of just a few generations ago. [For more on […]
It’s time to recognize the flood…and build accordingly.

Prideful, unrepentant leadership…leading prideful, unrepentant masses of Americans. Apathetic, impotent American churches. Unbiblical, authority- and discipline-despising movements masquerading as “true Christianity”. Rampant State dependence and the open worship of America itself, both promoted and enabled by wicked political leadership and apathetic church leadership. A gender chaos movement that effortlessly sweeps and transforms the culture under the “shocked […]
DC isn’t the answer. DC is the problem.

What is – or should be, anyway – the most glaring lesson of the Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama/Trump era? What should be the most obvious truth revealed by the manner in which DC has operated over the past several decades (if not over the past century and a half or so)? One glaring, flaming, white hot revealed truth that should certainly […]
The Dying Dinosaur Of Centralized Education

Dinosaur media empires are dying. Dinosaur business empires are dying. Dinosaur political empires are dying. But perhaps the most exciting (and important) news on the dino front is that dinosaur models of education are dying, too. By God’s grace and right in the nick o’ time, an age of radical decentralization is beginning to dawn all around us, and while […]
Soaring Above The “Need” For State Managed Roads

One of the biggest (supposed) hurdles routinely trotted out by those clinging to (or lazing in) a “we need the State to manage our lives” mentality is the subject of roads. As in, “if the State didn’t build and manage roads, what on earth would we do?!” Because obviously there wouldn’t even be roads if […]
At what point do we break up the USA?

At what point do we break up the USA? If your answer is “NEVER!” accompanied by some version of “How could you even consider seriously considering such a thing?!”, then you are a cultist. An Americultist. For the non-Americultists out there, the question – and it is an important one – stands: At what point do we […]
Preparing For Terminator, Part 1: Identifying Our God-Given Talents In An Age Of Radical Change

We live in an age of radical change, challenge, and opportunity. This hit again as I read through an interesting article, The End of Employees, posted yesterday at The Wall Street Journal. The piece chronicled yet another profoundly challenging economic reality facing those enmeshed in the Corporate/Statist approach to life. The challenge in question centers on the fact that […]
How The City On A Hill Leads To Cities On The Seas

In articles like How God’s Gift Of Technology Is Forcing Us To Think And Grow Biblically and Technology, Family, and the Awesome Opportunity for Decentralization, we’ve tried to remind Christians of the beautiful truth that God owns everything and that He’s using it all to build His Kingdom in His creation on His schedule through His people […]
Hillary, “Pneumonia”, and the Inevitable Death of Centralized Power

Despite the oodles and oodles of fear and anxiety now routinely pitched at us from every direction as we head into the home stretch of The American Political Puppet Show (2016 Edition), there are increasingly bright signs of hope and great things to come rising all around us. Centralized government power – the likes of which both Clinton […]
From Babel To Pentecost: How The Kingdom Of God Is Built Upon The Ruins Of Enemy Empires

From the rubble of Babel through the fire of Pentecost, a Kingdom is rising. A Kingdom has come. Even now this Kingdom is conquering everything, building itself upon the ruins of all wannabes and pretend empires built by men who will not have Christ to rule over them. That’s what’s going on here, Christian. That’s why things […]
As America Begs For Tyranny To “Save It”, The Kingdom Of God Advances On All Fronts

One empire is dying. While another emerges. As I sat through about an hour of live coverage of the Dallas police shootings earlier tonight (please pray!), this heavy but beautiful truth seemed to become clearer with each passing minute of professional commentary and expert analysis, not that this was the goal of said experts, of course. […]
5 Beautiful Things About Brexit

Well whaddaya know? Something very big and very awesome just happened. To the great shock and disappointment of millions and millions of globalists, elitists, and dispensationalists across the globe, and in spite of all the fear-mongering, political pessimism, late-breaking polling data, and a general expectation of failure by many Christians enmeshed in a Left Behind […]
Why Brexit Scares DC To Death (And Why That’s A Beautiful Thing) – The Hell Razer Report Podcast (Episode 10)

In last week’s installment of The Hell Razer Report podcast (sorry for sharing it here a week late!), we explored the upcoming “Brexit” vote that could enable Britain to finally leave the European Union. We examine how the concept of decentralization highlighted by this historic vote is both beautiful and ultimately inevitable as the Kingdom of God […]
Why Brexit Scares DC To Death (And why that’s a beautiful thing)

Let’s start with some good news: It’s just a matter of time before Washington DC ceases to control the people living in what we now call America. One day soon there will be no more DC-centered power. One day soon there will be no pledges taken to the indivisible power of a DC-centered political beast. The time of […]
“God’s Gifts Of Technology And Decentralization” – The Hell Razer Report Podcast (Episode 9)

In this edition of The Hell Razer Report podcast, we explore the purpose and nature of technology, with an emphasis on the opportunities God is providing right here and now for the radical decentralization of power, as well as the economic and creative liberation of individuals, families, and local church bodies. You can access the program by clicking here. […]
Technology, Family, And Our Awesome Opportunity For Decentralization

I don’t know about you, but I like good news. Especially The Good News, which thankfully carries along with it an infinite amount of lesser (but still incredibly powerful) good news through which we can actually do great things right here and now. (See: The Awesome Gospel.) And probably like you, I could really use […]
Happy Secession Day!

Happy Secession Day, America! After last week’s wave of catastrophic “Supreme Court” decisions handed down from the Federal level (see: “Supreme Court” Votes for Wrath of God Upon America), more and more Americans are beginning to think long and hard about the radical decentralization of political power that played such a pivotal role in bringing […]
Biblical decentralization of power. Learn it. Live it. Love it.

First off, before anyone gets any wacky ideas about hijacking and mutilating the point of this article, let me make something crystal clear: The practice of chattel slavery as practiced in and advocated by the Confederacy was (and is, in the many lands that still practice it today) a vile, disgusting thing. It is one of the most […]
The Great American Purge of Decentralized Thought Continues

The Great American Purge of decentralized thought continues. Anyone advocating the radical decentralization of power must be silenced. Anything inspiring people to seriously consider and possibly embrace such decentralization must be eliminated. Any challenge to the supremacy and indivisible nature of the almighty American Corporate State cannot and will not be tolerated. (See: The God of Government […]
America’s Preferred (and Protected) Symbol of Slavery and Oppression

As you may have noticed, people are talking a lot about flags lately. And slavery. And oppression. And hate and feelings and sensitivities. And how Confederate flags and icons are uniquely worthy of a purge here in “the land of the free” and the home of the NSA. That’s the Corporate American Statists’ spin on […]
Decentralization and our Christian duty to confront the economic rape of civilization.

Decentralization. It’s a good thing. A great one, actually, especially from where we stand now. The increasing unbiblical centralization of power in the hands of an unbelieving (read: “anti-Christian”) elite is one of the defining trends of American history. All of it. While developments along these lines have picked up steam in recent generations, the seeds […]
Four Family-Empowering Techs That Christians Should Master

For all the “end times” wackiness unfolding around us, there’s a whole lot to be excited about in a very good way right here and right now in God’s creation. Sure, American culture is coming apart at the seams on a macro level in pretty much every realm of life as a consequence of its proud, ongoing rebellion against […]
Are people who cannot dissolve a political union really free?

In the wake of Scotland’s recent spirited attempt at leaving the “United Kingdom”, many folks have been inspired to ask and contemplate some important fundamentals regarding true freedom, liberty, and the decentralization of government. Separating from the binding controls of large and ever-growing socialistic states has great appeal to many, including most who hold to […]