Lunatic Left Champions Taxpayer Funded Abortions For “Trans”/Fake Women
At the risk of appealing to mathematics and logic, both of which are obviously racist (duh!), what do you get when you add up the following: “Free” healthcare for illegal immigrants is a good thing (with “free” meaning that you and I are made into slaves who are forced to pay for it), . Child […]
Newly Minted Bisexual Senator Rejects Bible At Swearing-In Ceremony
Newly minted Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema, an open bisexual, has refused to be sworn in on a Bible and has instead opted to be sworn in on a book of man made laws. This is supposed to inspire shock and outrage among professing conservatives and Christians even though, when it comes to civil government, the […]
The Progressive Inquisition’s Rage Against Biology
Remember when everyone understood that Bruce Jenner was a man? Remember when generally healthy, sane men and women in America could and would, without fear or hesitation, publicly acknowledge that a man dressing as a woman was not actually a woman and was, in fact, still a man? Ah, the good ol’ days…well, sort of… […]
Wanna MAGA? Model Hungary.
Guess which country just cracked down on “gender studies” and shored up its economic future by increasing gold holdings by ten fold? That would be Hungary. Which is why Hungary is so hated by the NPC/Fake News media that would have us believe that such shifts in government and culture can’t actually be accomplished in […]
Yoda Declares Bert & Ernie NOT Gay; Sends SJW’s Into Hateful Rage
So if Bert and Ernie are “gay”, we’re all supposed to be thrilled, happy, accepting, and supportive of them in their precious little homosexual puppet pursuits. But if they’re not gay and we’re happy that they’re not gay, well, then that’s obviously a sign of our being evil, bigoted, hate-filled creatures, and there’s no amount […]
Marvel Re-Launches Failed Gay (Per)Version of Iceman
One of the many ways in which the inherent bankruptcy and laziness of Social Justice Warrior ideology presents itself is in its advocates’ inability to create their own compelling fictional characters, stories, and settings from which to advance their agenda. Instead, SJW’s rely on capturing existing icons and perverting them into tools to use in […]
Wonder Woman’s Creepy SJW Origin Story
Bondage, bisexuality, polygamy, and a mission to move the culture towards a more favorable view of each of these things. That’s the Wonder Woman origin story that DC Comics doesn’t promote much…yet…and that’s the origin story we discuss in the following video, with an emphasis on the character of Wonder Woman, her creators, and those […]
Asgard & Wakanda: Marvel’s SJW Racial Theory On Display
Why would self-proclaimed champions of social justice, diversity, tolerance, and inclusion create two kingdoms with polar opposite approaches to race, tolerance, and inclusion? Because, as with practically every hot button buzzword Social Justice Warriors use, terms like diversity, tolerance, and inclusion don’t mean…well…what those words actually, objectively mean in the real world. In the alternate […]
The insanity of reality is sure making satire tough to ID. (While also killing our children, of course.)
While satire may not be the most important casualty (or even in the top ten) where our culture’s headlong, church apathy-fueled plunge into darkness is concerned, it’s worth noting that the more off-the-rails bat-guano crazy our All-American rocket ride to hell gets, the harder it becomes to easily identify satire. . Again, this is not […]
Salt, Light, & Child Sacrifice To Drag Queens
As we roll into August, two sad trends are likely to continue: 1. Public schools will continue to deny Christ as Lord while embracing the satanic model of education first advocated in Genesis 3, discipling the young accordingly, and 2. Millions of professing Christian parents will continue to feed their precious little 4-, 5-, and […]
The Increasing Gayness Of The [Social] Gospel Coalition
Of all the flagrantly anti-Christ concepts pitched by “The Gospel Coalition” these days, one of most heinous is that of “gay Christian” as a legitimate category or condition that should be embraced by both the church and the individual afflicted with what Scripture clearly defines as an inherently dishonorable desire. While there are many approaches […]
Does MAGA Trump Scripture? Mike Pence Seems To Think So. . .
When it comes to the contrived, controlled Left/Right paradigm promoted by the system under which we (temporarily) live here in the “land of the free” and the home of the NSA, there are all kinds of fundamental questions that Christians are encouraged not to even notice, much less contemplate or answer. Questions like: Is it […]
No, It’s Not Because He’s A White Guy – 3 Simple Reasons Why Star Wars Fans Took A Pass On “Solo”
Like it or not and believe it or not, the Star Wars saga has become one of the most timely, relevant, and informative fronts in the culture war. Just to be clear, by “Star Wars saga” I don’t mean the films that are a part of the franchise. The saga to which I refer is […]
Pando Calrissian And Disney’s Ongoing Rape Of Star Wars
Let’s begin with the obvious: Disney loves to sexualize children. Disney also loves to bring chaos (“fluidity”) to the foundations of healthy sexuality, healthy family life, and healthy culture in general both through the sexualization of children and as the means by which more and more children might be sexualized in the future. So now […]
Who needs Boy Scouts when there are no boys?
Who needs Boy Scouts when there are no boys? To be more precise, when there is no objective, biologically defined construct known as “a boy”, and when even one’s sex is regarded as subject only to the subjective, feelings-based whims of any given moment, then what place could there be for an organization like the […]
What Does “International Women’s Day” Even Mean When Men Are Women Too?
What does “International Women’s Day” even mean in a world where men are women too? Besides the obvious fact that I’m a woman-hating, transphobic bigot for even asking the question. If being a woman is simply a matter of momentary identification, then what’s the big deal? Where’s the value? Where’s the meaning? What exactly is […]
Bambi vs. Godzilla vs. Christianity
For those who don’t know of or follow Jordan B. Peterson, you should probably start paying attention. Not because Dr. Peterson has a Christian worldview. He doesn’t. (So please pray for him on that count.) We should be paying attention to him because he’s moving – or at least forcefully nudging – culture in a […]
West Point Hosts “Wedding” Between Two Active Duty Homosexuals
When it comes to the U.S. military giving God the finger again and again and again, I don’t write the mail. I just deliver it. So please don’t go off in a military-worshiping snowflakey little tizzy because I simply report basic ugly realities, like: we now have a lesbian general leading in our increasingly gay […]
Why Trump Should Identify As A Woman To Become The First Woman President
During the 2016 presidential campaign, there was a whole lotta noise about how Hillary was going to “break the glass ceiling” by becoming the first woman President. But why would we need an actual woman for that? If Bruce Jenner can be a woman, then why can’t Donald Trump? Why can’t Trump just “identify as […]
US Army Gives God The Finger (Again)
Pride kills. America is all about pride. You do the math. For those who are a little slow (or a lot in denial) where such simple calculations are concerned, the Lord is graciously piling mountains of undeserved (and generally unwanted) evidence all around so that none can coherently claim to have anything remotely resembling a […]
American Military Celebrates Gayness; Begs For Wrath Of God Upon America
The formula is simple: Pride kills. Repentance and submission to Christ saves – it saves people, cultures, and civilizations – while unrepentant pride kills the same people, cultures, and civilizations. Those are the inescapable basics. And yes, this applies to America. So where are “We the People” in relation to the choice between suicidal pride and […]
Drag queen performance “horrifies” parents at public school talent show…but not enough to yank their kids from public school, of course.
If you thought that something like a literal drag queen erotic dance performance at a public school talent show would be enough to get parents to yank their kids from public school, you’d be wrong. Oh, but don’t worry, the parents in question were “horrified”. They were “outraged”. Like they always are when they hear about […]
New FBC videos on gender chaos, freedom, and American Socialism.
Hello All, As we mentioned last week, we’ve recently started tinkering with a new video channel in support of the Fire Breathing Christian mission. The general idea is to provide simple, straightforward video commentary in line with the articles we share here at the site. Here are the first four videos posted (with the most recent listed […]
If a system can’t define “boy” and “girl”, we shouldn’t send boys or girls to that system for an “education”.
What is a boy? What is a girl? These days, nobody seems to know, particularly the “professionals” running the State-managed children’s education system in America. After many generations of immersion in a State-run, Corporate-managed approach to education lifted from the serpent’s tongue in Genesis 3, we’re so far down the rat-hole of anti-Christian, State-centered discipleship that we can’t […]
How God Is Using “Gay Marriage” To Teach Us About Law
Ask any remotely coherent Christian if, just because a (local, state, or national level) government proclaims a homosexual couple to be “married”, that then makes said “marriage” legitimate and real, and the Christian in question would likely have little trouble rightly and rationally coming down on the side of: No, of course not. Just because a judge […]
No, you can’t be anything you want to be. Deal with it.
Should it really be surprising that we have boys who think they’re girls, men who think they’re women, women who think they’re men, and girls who think they’re boys in a culture loaded with pagans who think they’re Christians? Of course not. Yet while we shouldn’t be surprised, most of us are, which, in and of […]
American “Conservative” Milo Enablers Draw The Line At Pedophilia…For Now
As we’ve chronicled again and again and again, American “conservatism” has become quite smitten with the LGBTQRSTD movement. Pagan conservatism is getting more gay by the minute. So much so that a raging, raunch-peddling, cross-dressing senior editor at Breitbart (you know, that “conservative” website) by the name of Milo Yiannopoulos has become the darling of millions of […]
Just How Gay Will Trump/Pence Get?
There’s a whole lotta gay news coming out of Trumpworld these days. As in pro-gay. As in pro-“let’s obliterate the meaning of terms like family, marriage, husband, wife, and even gender itself and pretend it’ll all somehow work out in the long run as long as we have better jobs, more money, bigger houses and more stuff”. […]
America’s Growing Appetite For Gay Conservatism
Back in August and September, we chronicled the rise of gay conservatism in America by having a painful, necessary and painfully necessary look at Milo Yiannopoulos, a stark raving pagan homosexual who has become something of a darling with what passes for conservatives these days in ‘Merica. Now comes news that Simon & Schuster has ponied up a […]
Woman plans to marry robot. And why not?
Marry a robot? Sure. Why not? If “We the People” are the makers of law and we end up wanting to redefine marriage to allow for whatever we want, then such things are inevitable. It’s only a matter of time. As we touched on in an article back in August – The one (and only) […]
Pray for President-Elect Donald Trump. Pray for President Obama. Pray for American repentance.
Pray for President-elect Donald Trump. Pray for his repentance. Pray that he will submit to Christ as King while God graces him with the time to do so. Pray for America. Pray for America’s repentance – a culture-wide repentance that, if it is to actually happen, must be led and inspired by the repentance of a […]
Anti-Christ American Conservatism: It’s All The Rage
For those still clinging to the increasingly flamboyant delusion that the secular Republican Party and its secular conservatism isn’t gonna lead its followers to hell just as surely as any gang of (more openly) Communistic, Progressive, anti-Christ thugs, God is shouting at you right now. He doesn’t have to, of course. He owes you nothing. But He’s showing you things […]
Yes “Christian” Trump supporters, your daughters notice your hypocrisy…and are stripping accordingly.
What do you call a person (other than Donald Trump himself) who’s well known for their criticism of Bill Clinton’s open infidelity and abuse of women, Hillary Clinton’s power-mad enabling of that abuse, and Barack Obama’s proud assault upon the institutions of marriage and family, all while somehow managing to dismiss and ignore Donald Trump’s […]
Prince was right about one big thing: Everything is spiritual.
Prince seemed to understand and appreciate one vital worldview forming fundamental in a way that is vigorously (and you might say religiously) avoided by most professing Christians permeating the culture that he reshaped and molded through his decidedly anti-Christ approach to music. Everything is theological. Everything is spiritual. Music is a vehicle for spirituality. It is a medium for the expression of […]
How the “born gay” lie led us to infinite “sexual fluidity”.
Nobody’s “born gay”. And most homosexual deathstyle advocates know it. How does that “make you feel”? Used? Spun? Disrespected? Deceived? In Born…or Soft-Wired to be Gay?, Eric Holmberg of The Apologetics Group follows up on an important article that he wrote back in October on the subject of pomosexuality (which we then covered in Is Pomosexuality a […]
Charlie Sheen, Hedonism, and How America Defines Winning
[Since publishing this article, I’ve had the honor to appear on the Generations Radio program, where guest host Adam McManus and I explored the subject for nearly a full hour. You can listen to the program by clicking here. – SAB] I can still remember “Charlie Sheen Meltdown Day” like it was yesterday. It was February of […]
Is Pomosexuality a product of sexual abuse?
What is Pomosexuality? Just look around. It’s everywhere. The consequences of postmodernism’s collision with sexuality are smoldering all around us. All in the name of American pride, freedom, and liberty, of course. In Sex and the Singularly Abused Girl, Eric Holmberg of The Apologetics Group provides some excellent insight into the plague of pomosexuality and its religiously ignored […]