As St. Louis simmers, is America begging to be crushed under the wrath of God? YES! WE! ARE!

As we watch a heartland suburb simmer, boil, and erupt into violence between angry mobs of largely State-subsidized dependents and heavily militarized, State-subsidized “police”, it becomes harder and harder to go on pretending…but that doesn’t stop us from trying. We want to imagine that we are a “basically good” people who have only been led astray by […]

Why Americans don’t do repentance.

  As we watch with awe, wonder, frustration and disgust while the world (both figuratively and literally) burns around us, we as Americans tend to repeat some version of the “why can’t the world be more like us” line. We don’t necessarily phrase it quite that way most of the time, but the idea that’s been rammed home […]

$ocialism, Bangerz, and the Wrath Of God in “The Great State of Tennessee”

You’d have to turn pretty hard and firmly away from the glaring clarity to miss the connection – the near-perfectly synchronized harmony – between Miley Cyrus’ Bangerz Tour stop in Nashville last night and the political scene unfolding on Primary Election Night across the “Great State of Tennessee”. All the dots are there, so close that they barely need to […]

Tennessee’s opportunity to beat Lamar…for biblical reasons.

  Lamar Alexander. He’s folksy. He’s polite. He’s “successful”. And he’s a Republican. So he’s gotta be good then, right? Well… He’s also for adding new taxes, against eliminating Cabinet departments, for raising existing tax rates, for increasing the so-called “debt limit”, for expanding Food Stamps, for “Cash for Clunkers”, against defunding the “Bridge to […]

With evangelicalism like this, who needs a Whore of Babylon?

“I hope you have become nauseated with the tawdry entertainment that passes for the true worship of God in many of our churches and, like the saints of the past, are longing for more of the deep truths of the inerrant Word of God.” ~ James Montgomery Boice .

The Rise of Mr. Potato Jesus

  Everything bad begins with a perversion of the nature of God. Everything. At the same time, as Americans we are used to getting things our way. So it’s not hard to see conflict coming early and often between the biblical truth of God and any number of Americanized versions built to compete with the original by offering […]

Publicly proclaiming this truth will get you run out of many churches in America…all in the name of love, unity, and Jesus.

Did you know that reposting or sharing this sort of thing publicly could well end up being a giant step toward you and your family being actively run out of many “good, conservative, Bible-believing Christian churches” in America? Yep, it’s sad but true. But should we really be surprised? We ought to already understand that, as believers who strive by God’s […]

POLL: Was supporting ISIS a good investment for America?

Was ISIS a good investment for America?

Were the Neo-Cons right?

Was Obama right?

Are we better of with folks like ISIS raping, pillaging, and decapitating their way across the Middle Eastern countryside?

Is the “land of the free” and the home of the NSA benefiting from those murderous rampages?

Yes? No? Maybe?

Make your voice heard! Vote now…it’s the American way…

It Takes a Village Idiot

It’s hard to know whether to laugh, cry, both, or just jump off the tallest available building when someone like MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry pops up to tell us how our children are communal property and that any contention to the contrary is, above all else, glaring evidence of stark raving racism. So with good ol’ Ms. […]

Why We Murder Our Children

  This is a continuation, or Part 2, of yesterday’s post, “Our Murderous Narcissism”. (Click here to read Part 1.) “Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.” ~ Adolf Hitler “If we accept that a […]

Our Murderous Narcissism

  Five years ago I wrote the book Fire Breathing Christians and launched this blog. Feeling a little nostalgic the other day, I decided to thumb through the manuscript again. While I had a good time with that for a bit, I soon found myself stuck on a chapter about the murder of innocent children for convenience in America by […]

You might be a Socialist Republican if…

  You might be a Socialist Republican if…you routinely vote for candidates who have no intention of actually dismantling Social Security, Medicaid, and the rest of the Welfare State. You might be a Socialist Republican if…you are a fan of programs like Social Security and Medicaid. You might be a Socialist Republican if…you believe that State-controlled “education” of […]

My, what a lovely picture of Satan you have there!

[Note: As the title and content of this article should make plain, the above is not a picture of Jesus Christ.] The above gem of a meme-starter-wannabe was spotted on Facebook a little while back, so I set it aside and admired it for a while before sharing it with you fine folks here. In this rendition […]

Pin the Tail on the Antichrist: Barack Obama (Episode #593)

Barack Hussein Obama. AKA Barry Soetoro. AKA Keyser Soze. AKA…today’s candidate for consideration on Pin the Tail on the Antichrist! [insert Omen theme music and applause here] So you may be asking, “How could it possibly have taken us so long to consider this guy as a serious contestant on PToA?” We here at Pin the Tail have heard your pleas and couldn’t agree […]

Let Them Eat Gay Cake: Corporate America’s Pro-Gay Blitz Hits Delicious New Lows

Mmmmm….gay cake. Thank you, Betty Crocker! Who knew that giving God the finger could be so delicious? And so profitable. There’s no doubt about it: Here in “god bless ‘merica”, where profit is god and God is bad for business, it’s become all the rage to openly mock biblical Christianity by any and all frosted, fruity and delicious means […]

Retarded by Design: The Mind Blowing Success of State-Controlled “Education”

“Public schools are a failure!” is one of the most thoroughly idiotic lines that we can ever let slip through our mouths as Christians. “But my school is different,” is another. “It’s filled with wonderful Christian teachers who pray all the time and go to good churches. They even preach the gospel by hidden code embedded in […]

Singing Sweet, Sweet Lies in the “Land of the Free” and the Home of the NSA

A.W. Tozer once said that “Christians don’t tell lies, they just go to church and sing them”. Sad and true as that observation may be, lying to one’s self by song is hardly an affliction unique to believers. It’s human nature to imagine that uncomfortable truths aren’t really true at all or, if they are, that […]

Shields up! Ready Weapons! The Globalists are De-cloaking…

As a confirmed sci-fi geek since…well…basically conception, I’ve always loved things like the original Star Trek. Those gloriously cheesy Styrofoam sets, the over-the-top sound effects, the under-the-bottom visual effects, and [insert Shatner voice here] the…most…hyper…dramatic…dialogue…ever! [end Shatner voice now, please] What’s not to love, right?! (Please either agree or just humor me and play along.) All of […]

Tears of a Clown: How Republicans mourn the death of America…while making it happen.

  In The Crisis on the Border, published this week by The Wall Street Journal, Peggy Noonan dutifully resumes her well-worn role of conservative-ish Republican voice of reason/propaganda, showing us once again that at least some of the good folks in Republicanville are paying very close attention and are very, very, very concerned about our nation’s desperate and rapidly deteriorating condition. Yessiree, they […]

The Sweet Taste of Control: Why Americans Love Food Stamps

Republican, Democrat, liberal, and conservative American leaders agree: Soup lines Food stamps EBT Cards are awesome! And why are they awesome? ‘Cause dependence on the State is awesome, that’s why! Oh sure, most Left/Right leaders or activists won’t say it quite that way, but the remarkably similar actions of both major parties over the course of many long, painful […]

So even the Germans are creeped out by our Surveillance State.

  So even the Germans are creeped out by our Surveillance State. Nice. I mean, you’ve got to admit, that’s a pretty impressive thing we just did there. Way to go, ‘merica! [insert “U!-S!-A!” chant here] As The Washington Post reported today, Germany has formally requested that the US CIA station chief based in the country just go ahead […]

Christ-less Economics: It’s Pretty Gay, too.

It’s not exactly news that Christians who dare operate their businesses in accordance with biblical principles are increasingly taking it on the chin as America’s Corpo-Fascist spin on “the mark of the beast” rolls out and over the culture. It’s also not exactly stunning anymore to hear that Christ-honoring folks are getting economically hammered for their lack […]

American “Freedom Fighting” Tool Sledgehammers Jonah’s Tomb

As reported by many sources today, including The Daily Mail, ISIS militants have taken a sledgehammer to Jonah’s tomb in Iraq’s Nineveh province. You can click here for the whole sad, but not very surprising story. This same ISIS was just months ago the object of support and encouragement from none other than the powers that control “the […]

American Pride and Romans 1 Cheeseburgers.

  Burger King Sells Gay Pride Whopper. That’s the title of an article posted Tuesday at USA Today. Not. Even. Kidding. But should we really be surprised? I mean, hasn’t corporate America been pushing “the gay pride whopper” in various ways for a very looooooooong time now?  So why not in burger form, then? Seems reasonable enough…in […]

Corporate “Mark of the Beast” Rollout Continues

Here we go again… Today the Drudge Report posted a headline that read, CHASE Bank asks employees if they are “allies of the LGBT community”, which connected to a Breitbart article posted yesterday, entitled Second Employee Alleges Chase Bank Surveyed Staff’s LGBT Loyalty. Chronicling the steady rollout of corporate America’s “mark of the beast” style economic […]

Christ-less “Education”: It’s Pretty Gay

  Recent stories on “the horrors of public schools” (and there are always scores and scores of “recent stories” on this subject, aren’t there?) can be hard to stomach. Very hard to stomach, but not because of the particular details contained in any single incarnation of these never-ceasing, ever-increasing, seemingly omnipresent State-controlled “education” horror stories, but because people – […]

You might be a “useful idiot” if…

  The phrase “useful idiot” was probably born as a political pejorative aimed at describing “people perceived as propagandists for a cause whose goals they are not fully aware of, and who are used cynically by the leaders of the cause.” Vladimir Lenin is often credited with coining the term, though, far as I can […]

Four Marks of Conservatism’s Counterfeit Gospel

For those of you hoping to find validation for leftist progressive causes or worldviews here after reading (and perhaps smiling at) the title of this post, lemme save you some time and say plainly from the get go: Not. Gonna. Happen. Not at all. The manner in which leftist progressives passionately wage their futile, pouty […]

Prancing Ponies, Bible Belt Satanists, and America’s Proud Rebellion

. . . At this moment in our history, our unique claim to fame is that, when it comes to sheer size and scale of blasphemy and idolatry, there has never in all of human history been a greater, more boastful spiritual whore than America. There’s not even a close second, really, though one could make the case for Old Testament Israel being the closest thing to a competitor for this particular award.

What makes America truly untouchable in this contest isn’t just the globe-spanning scope and influence of her rank prostitution. It’s the fact that she does it all while mouthing her “love for Jesus” that makes it a truly unique and bone chilling horror. This combo gives allows her to coast to the easiest of wins where the gold medal for rebellion is concerned.

But hey, if you’re gonna do something, be the best at that thing, right?

And in America, if there’s one thing we know, it’s that we’re #1!

A Mark of the Beast

Throughout church history there’s been intense curiosity and fascination with the “mark of the beast” described in the book of Revelation. While serious interest in the truth of God as revealed in His Word is a wonderful thing, in recent decades much of what is marketed as end times intrigue has been detached from its biblical foundation. Once that happened, it was bound to blossom into something quite ugly, and blossom it has.

Intro to Fire – The Power and Purpose of a Common Believer (Excerpt from “Fire Breathing Christians”)

This has been a long time in the making, but the day has finally come…

Posted here is the introduction from Fire Breathing Christians – The Common Believer’s Call to Reformation, Revival, and Revolution. The book will be released in late October. In the days leading up to launch, I will be posting excerpts from many of its 21 chapters so that you might get a feel for the material without having to go to the trouble or expense of purchasing a copy. Of course, if you like what you see, I fully expect you to buy at least three copies.

Whole Lotta News

Howdy All,

Nearly four months after the last post here, God has been very good to (and busy with) me, so there is a whole lot to report.

I will post much more in the way of detail in the next week or so, but, for now, here are the basics:

New Vision and the Perception of Depth

When a Christian is born through their supernaturally imposed spiritual regeneration, they are made anew. They are fundamentally transformed in an instant. They are literally brought from spiritual death to spiritual life. In that magnificent moment of conversion, they are made into what God describes in His perfect Word as “new creatures”.

As new creatures, these reborn men, women, boys, and girls become defined and definable by new parameters, and they are imbued with a new heart, a new will, and a variety of amazing new abilities and attributes.

The attribute I’d like to touch on briefly here is that of new vision.

Jihad Butch – The Legend of Ergun Caner

Meet Butch.

Butch has quite a tale to tell, and telling it has served him well.

He has fortune. He has power. He has fame. And each of these were brought Butch’s way through the creative use of his compelling story.

Our Future in the Stars

Not so long ago, in a galaxy not nearly far enough away… Actually just a few weeks back and in this galaxy – on this very planet, even – there was a particular mansion-wandering mega-consumer and hyper-capitalist who was basking in the glow of his most recent multi-gazillion dollar earning success story. Well, this particular success was much […]

All Mighty vs. Most Mighty

As Christians, we worship and serve the one true and Almighty God.

That gets cooler to me every time I think about it. I’m sure that you who are also Christians feel the same way. And hopefully that means it gets cooler to you and to me quite often, since we should be naturally inspired to frequently dwell on His nature.

His sheer power is nothing short of incomprehensible to our finite little minds, and that’s one of many great reasons that we have for our constant awe, wonder, and amazement over Him.

That said, I’ve got a natural tendency that I think comes to most of us where this “Almighty” idea is concerned, and when I take the time to consciously check it when it rears its ugly head, I invariably shift into a much higher gear of the aforementioned awe, wonder and amazement. It works for me every time, so I wanted to share just in case it might help you a bit too.

The Smell of Progress

I can remember living in Seattle just over a decade ago, right before the world was scheduled to end by way of another colossal Microsoft screw-up. Maybe all the techno-apocalyptic hubbub was just another marketing ploy concocted for the likes of Hal Lindsey and Pat Robertson, or maybe it was all a part of prepping the world for Vista. We may never know, but, whatever the case on the Y2K front, Seattle in 1999 definitely was an interesting place to be.

The political sea was churning.

The world was watching.

Progress was in the air.

The Brilliance of Corpseman Obama

Corpseman Obama has a plan. And it’s working. (In the progressive sense of “working”.)

Sure, he may not be the brightest bulb in the pack, but he’s still The One and can at least usually read accurately from a teleprompter. When he does, his message is clear:

He’s all about expanding the slave state in America.

There are No Ducks

In this present era of happy progressive Orwellian hope and change, if something walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and generally goes about the business of acting like a duck, not only are you discouraged from imagining, much less speaking of it actually being a duck, you’re probably a racist, right-wing, hyper-religious, Palin-worshipping nutcase for even recognizing the possibility that it might be so.

Of course, ducks aren’t really the problem here. Unless they vote Republican. (And why would any self-respecting creature of the wild ever do that?)

Gentle Reminder to Biblical Christians: This World Hates You, Your God, and Pretty Much Everything That You [Should] Stand For

Biblical truth cuts.


The whole, undiluted Gospel that we as Christians are charged to proclaim to a fallen, God-hating world will inspire discomfort, disdain and, more often than not, open repudiation and persecution from those who choose rebellion in response to God’s command to repent.

This is not merely a matter of high probability.

It’s not a maybe kind of thing.

It’s a certain kind.

As in 100%.

Comrade Oxymoron and His Deconstruction of Christianity

Did you know that “Christian worldview” is an oxymoron?

Me neither.

And don’t worry; it isn’t.

Yet just this weekend I spoke with a professing Christian who actually believes that “Christian worldview” is indeed oxymoronic. He said so. Out loud. He wrote about it, too.

Don’t Mind Bubba; It’s Just the Syphilis Talking

While Democrat Presidents still can’t seem to bring themselves to identify the “Allahu Akbar!” shouting, American soldier massacring Nidal Malik Hasan as an Islamic terrorist, they exhibit far less restraint when it comes to dealing with those who would dare oppose the rise of an almighty state in America. As the health care debate roared on, at least one adored Democrat leader didn’t hesitate to tag tens of millions of American patriots, including millions of veterans, as “tea-baggers”, a pejorative term normally associated with preferred activities of the Bawny Fwank/Keith Olbermann wing of the Statist movement.

Apparently, this is what “progressive” leadership sounds like.

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell – It’s Not Just for Homos Anymore

In the wake of last week’s horrifying act of anything-but-Islamic-terrorism perpetrated by the “Allahu Akbar!” shouting Nidal Malik Hasan and the subsequent State-controled media’s comically persistent attempts at promoting spin the likes of which would’ve made George Orwell’s imagination explode, we have learned something:

If you’re an Islamic fanatic currently embedded in the ranks of the U.S. military, we really don’t wanna know.

So do try to keep it to yourself, okay?

Move Along; No Islamic Terrorism to See Here…

So let’s see here…

Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan was known to oppose the American war efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan.

He made it clear that he viewed the American-led “war on terror” as a “war on Islam”.

He was a Muslim.

He liked to post at radical Islamic websites.

He agreed with much of what they had to say.

The Gayness of State Controlled Media

In the aftermath of yesterday’s elections, I stumbled upon the following gem from our professional, unbiased, utterly trustworthy and dependable journalists at the state controlled Associated Press. I’ve reproduced it in its entirety so that you might bask in the full, undiluted glow of this shining example of contemporary American journalistic brilliance: Dejection fills Maine ballroom after marriage vote […]

Magnificent Joel’s MMA Jesus

You’d think that any serious, thoughtful, biblically literate Christian with at least two God-given brain cells to rub together would be able to identify sound theology at least where the cornerstone basics are concerned. Sadly, I find that assumption challenged every time I hear the likes of Joel Osteen open his pie hole to the thunderous applause of enormo crowds of professing believers.

Maybe another false assumption would be that these “believers” actually believe in and on the one and only Jesus of the Bible and subscribe to what was once referred to reverently as “orthodox Christianity”.

Biblically Submissive Change: The Only Path to Hope

One concept that I’ve been thinking about a lot is that of change. What makes for good change and when should we pursue and encourage change not only in ourselves but in others? Moreover, how do we rightly go about such a touchy thing as encouraging said change in others?

These are some of the questions I’ve been trying to wrap my little mind around.

We are Each Equipped, Empowered…and Responsible

“The Lord says that the anointing by the Spirit renders us capable of understanding, so that we do not need to have any one teach us (1 John 2:27). The existence of teachers by divine order and arrangement is like the original institution of divorce, not because it was God’s first choice, but because of the hardness of the hearts of men (Matthew 19:8). The responsibility for reading and knowing the Word and will of God is upon every individual, who must find out for himself, conclude what he believes and be ready to give an answer for the hope that is within him, knowing that he will be answerable to the Lord for the content of his faith, and that he will not be permitted to present the excuse that he believed what some church or group of clergy interpreted for him.”

Dr. James White: Barack Obama’s Dream for a Secular, Non-Christian Nation

While basking in the nuke-like afterglow of The One’s recent speech to the “Human Rights Campaign”, a homosexuality/bisexuality/pick-your-sexuality/anything-goes advocacy group, I’ve been cobbling together information for a project on this subject and recently came across an outstanding video posted on YouTube by Dr. James White of Alpha and Omega Ministries.

I’ve placed this video at the Fire Breathing Christian home page as well as at the James White video page.

Put the Baby in the Beemer

Dr. Voddie Baucham has presented a nifty little poem that captures the sentiment of our age on this subject, entitled Put the Baby in the Beemer:

Hmmm…a connection? Maybe?

Man must realize that a fundamental law of necessity reigns throughout the whole realm of Nature and that his existence is subject to the law of eternal struggle and strife . . .where the strong are always the masters of the weak and where those subject to such laws must obey them or be destroyed, one general law leading to the advancement of all organic beings . . . let the strongest live and the weakest die.”

Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

President Calls for All to Obey the Will of God

Just imagine if a prominent politician admonished Americans to “obey His will” again…what might that bring? What might it mean?

Glory to God and a fighting chance for America. That, and the unleashed fury of the “progressive” left.

But wait…aren’t we getting that last part anyway?

Doesn’t that pretty much remove any downside? (As if such a bonus should even be necessary…)

Holocaust x 7

Hitler’s Holocaust:

Roughly 6,000,000

America’s Holocaust:

Roughly 41,000,000

The sacred ‘right’ to murder innocent children at any time, in any place, for any reason (or no reason at all), all on the taxpayer’s dime:


From the Crowd that Brought Us Zyklon B: “Religion is an insult to human dignity.”

“In 2007, a number of scientists gathered in a conference entitled “Beyond Belief: Science, Religion, Reason, and Survival” in order to attack religious thought and congratulate one another on their fearlessness in so doing. The physicist Steven Weinberg delivered an address. As one of the authors of the theory of electroweak unification, the work for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize, he is a figure of great stature. “Religion, he affirmed, “is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion” (italics added).

In speaking thus, Weinberg was warmly applauded, not one member of his audience asking the question one might have thought pertinent: Just who has imposed on the suffering human race poison gas, barbed wire, high explosives, experiments in eugenics, the formula for Zyklon B, heavy artillery, pseudo-scientific justifications for mass murder, cluster bombs, attack submarines, napalm, intercontinental ballistic missiles, military space platforms, and nuclear weapons?

If memory serves, it was not the Vatican.”

Obama Youth Continue Socialism Sing-Along

Another day, another gaggle of kiddos paraded about to sing their programmed praises of Statism and its messianic advocate-in-chief, Barack Hussein Obama.

On the up side, this installment of Obamaism praise and worship was orchestrated in a private school setting.

On the down side, this installment of Obamaism praise and worship was orchestrated in a private school setting.

A Thought on Fire

I baptize you with water for repentance, but he who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.

John the Baptist (Matthew 3:11 – ESV)

When I think about the “fire” terminology used in verses such as this, I am struck by the power given each and every Christian man, woman and child. For far too long, I simply skimmed past such sentiments, both as they were presented in Scripture and as they appeared in life. Now, wherever I look, I see the fire that God has given His people and I am in awe. While there are far too few who’ve embraced it, those who have bring such glory to God and peace to their lives that I want more than anything to just try to get there myself.

Obama Administration Shock, Awe and Anger…at U.S. General Stanley McChrystal

In an article appearing in today’s Telegraph, advisors close to President Obama were said to be “shocked and angered” by a recent speech given by General Stanley McChrystal.

“The relationship between President Barack Obama and the commander of NATO forces in Afghanistan has been put under severe strain by Gen Stanley McChrystal’s comments on strategy for the war.

From The One to Number Two: Racist Nations Conspire to Give “Messiah” a New Complex

Somebody on the international advance team forgot to dispense the Kool-Aid, and for the first time in my life, I am proud of the IOC.

In what the Associated Press called, “one of the most shocking defeats ever handed down by the International Olympic Committee”, the city of Chicago was eliminated in the first round of votes cast to decide the host of the 2016 Olympics. “Even Tokyo, which had trailed throughout the race, did better — eliminated after Chicago in the second round,” the story continued.

Apparently, ACORN just didn’t have enough time to mobilize.

God’s Chosen Race: Christian Articles of Racial Supremacy

In this age of the Obama Cult, Jeremiah Wright-style religion and the rapid expansion of man-centered Statism in America, it is important for all to know that biblical Christianity does indeed advocate racial superiority.

It is a racial supremacy that stands opposed to every core tenant and sacred rite of the religion of liberalism.

One-Trick Donkey: The Democrat and His Precious Race Card

Bubba Clinton…Van Jones…Jimmy Carter…Al Gore…Walter Mondale…Jesse Jackson…Jeremiah Wright!

Arianna…Donahue…Charlie Rangel…Barry O…Chris Matthews…John Dingell… Janeane Garafalo!

Think Billy Joel’s We Didn’t Start the Fire and just keep adding names as they pop into your head. I stopped at verse three-hundred-twenty-nine, but there’s nothing to keep you from going on with this little musical exercise, well, forever. If there’s one thing that might (remember, I said might) rival the sanctity of infanticide as a holy rite in the cult of progressive liberalism, it is the sacred art of playing the race card.

Thank God for Grass

While prepping for a much needed lawn-mowing session, I was impressed by something that would normally bother me, that being a neglected yard. Some of the blades had gotten to around that 5-6 inch range, and that’s not a good thing. Not normally, anyway.

But today it was.

It’s All About Future Me! (The Rise of Science-Fiction Christianity)

I am a sucker for good sci-fi.

Star Wars hit the scene when I was five, and that was all she wrote. I was hooked. From there I dove deep into the original Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica series and have been thrilled to see both successfully relaunched in recent years. There’s no doubt about it: I have embraced my inner geek.

The Zombie-Driven Church: Finishing Off the “Wounded Sinner”

When I was a kid, I had a thing for zombie flicks. I adored them.

They never really gave me the creeps or kept me up at night because I always knew they weren’t real. Unfortunately, there’s been something of a resurgence of the zombie concept lately and, in this instance, they are quite real.

Candy Christianity: The Counterfeit Gospel of the American Church (Part 1 of 4)

Our pews are full, but our heads are empty. Our spirits starve for truth.

Perhaps these pews are full because our heads are empty, having been spoon-fed a gospel of convenience, ease and worldly accommodation. The hollow theology pouring forth from American pulpits today may have attracted quite a crowd, but for the most part these are little more than gatherings of rebels come to loot the honor of God as they relentlessly seek to conform Him to their will.

Candy Christianity: A Kinder, Gentler God (Part 2 of 4)

As the origin and object of all that is good, He alone is worthy of glory. The harmony here is both apparent and essential to Christianity. If we believe that God is the author and objective of every good thing, then it is impossible to conceive of a valid justification for the assignment of glory – any glory – to anyone other than Him. He is the beginning and the end – the alpha and omega – of all that is good.

Enter: Pride. The hand that claims honor for any self outside of Him; the wide and welcoming gateway through which all other evil marches.

Candy Christianity: The Devil’s Favorite Flavor (Part 3 of 4)

The god of this permissive kingdom is not necessarily to be feared. He is neither holy nor sovereign. He is open to interpretation and just as open to your input. He changes and grows. He is the author of many truths. Many paths lead to him. He will be your savior if you feel the need for one, but he need never be your lord.

And he absolutely loves “Girls Gone Wild, Bible Style”.

God’s Call to War: Fire Breathing Christianity (Part 4 of 4)

“The Christian should reject decisively the thought that eternal life is to begin when this physical life is over. We read on a tombstone that a man “entered into eternal life” on the day of his death, but the Bible teaches that for a Christian eternal life begins, not on the day a man enters heaven, but on the day eternal life enters into the man through the new birth.”

Donald Grey Barnhouse

Change for America, Jackass Style – The Democrat Party’s War on Christianity

The chosen symbol of the Democrat Party offers a compelling testimony both to God’s providential hand and His perfect sense of humor.

It also syncs well with a party broadly committed to legalized infanticide, the legitimization of homosexuality and open war upon the God-ordained institutions of marriage and family. From this launching point, little things like voter-fraud, child prostitution or the state’s corruption of the arts for the purpose of pushing “progressive” propaganda seem like no-brainers. When you think like this jackass, the ends justify the means.

Any means.

Sprechen Sie Propaganda?

The One and his disciples have been quite ambitious in their efforts to bring change to America. Nowhere has their zealotry been more evident than in their desire to co-opt and employ federally funded arts programs for the purpose of advancing the Statist cause.

Everybody Expects…the Liberal Inquisition! (Part 2)

On April 29th, 2004, Canada’s governor general signed into law a measure that criminalized public expression in opposition to homosexual behavior, officially categorizing some orthodox Christian beliefs, when verbalized publically, as “hate speech”.

Welcome to the hopey, changey world of tolerance and inclusiveness, Perez Hilton style.

The Scarlet ‘R’

Every protest of the “progressive” agenda is fundamentally fueled by pervasive racism in America…or so the Liberal Inquisition would have you believe. Any expression of even the slightest suspicion regarding President Obama, Obamacare, Obama pals like Charlie Rangel or ACORN is immediately tagged as racially motivated.

Everybody Expects…the Liberal Inquisition!

By now, everybody expects the Liberal Inquisition. Before one can even finish the thought preceding any pronouncement critical of anything “progressive”, they must resign themselves to the knowledge that, should they actually let their politically incorrect words fly, they will be branded.

The Scarlet R will be upon them.

Prostitution: Do it for the Children. (An ACORN Public Service Announcement)

The ACORN wars have gone guerilla on the right side (they’ve been operating that way on the left from the start). Earlier today, posted two shots of these lovely little painted ACORN PSAs as they were found in the Los Anges area.

With the recent outbreak of “ACORN Funded Prostitution Zone” signs popping up in, on and around L.A., it looks like area residents will be treated to some visual reminders of the sorts of activities promoted by ACORN not just in L.A., but from coast to coast across the nation.

POLL: What does Al Gore regret most about inventing the Internet?

This is a poll associated with the post titled “Another Reason Al Gore Regrets Inventing the Internet” as posted on September 17, 2009. [polldaddy poll=2006265] Of all the regrets that Al Gore may have regarding his fateful decision to invent the Internet, which one bugs him the most? What better way to explore this question than […]

Another Reason Al Gore Regrets Inventing the Internet

It’s hard to believe that just over seven days ago,, the website that broke the ACORN story, didn’t even exist. In just that week’s time, the ongoing saga of corruption, child-prostitution and Charlie Gibson’s blissful ignorance has produced remarkable results and awakened many Americans to the sad realities defining mainstream media coverage and contemporary […]

Crushed Nuts: How ACORN Got Trampled by the “Racist” Stampede

It’s enough to make Al Gore wish he’d never invented the Internet.

Earlier today, broke the story that ACORN had suspended operations. This after the same just-launched website broke story after story exposing the top-to-bottom, coast-to-coast corruption of the organization.

Pray for Tresa. Pray for Bertha. Pray for Every ACORN Advocate.

…at this moment, I think I am most compelled to pray for those who have been caught in these remarkable demonstrations of good ol’ fashioned investigative journalism. And I would like to encourage every Christian to do the same. Take a moment to pray specifically for each of those who have been exposed.