Should “The Greater Church of Lucifer” be allowed to operate in America?

“The Greater Church of Lucifer is celebrating its grand opening this month on Main Street. . . ” So begins the clinical, ho-hum, matter-of-fact intro from KPRC Channel 2 News’ television segment this week on the new “church” opening in town. The News 2 article provides some of the very American-friendly spin offered up by advocates […]

Senate candidate admits to sacrificing a goat and drinking its blood.

So what if somebody wants to drink a little goat blood as part of their pursuit of religious liberty in America? I mean, isn’t that what we’re all about? “Religious liberty”, I mean. As in, the “God-given right” to openly worship false gods, including the devil himself. (See how utterly insane that is when you […]

Preachers, Teachers, Bankers and Thugs: How “Experts” Make Us Slaves to the State

“Expert” political puppets from Pagan Political Left to Pagan Political Right relentlessly pitch and preach the religion of American Statism. (See: How’s that Pagan “conservatism” workin’ out for ya, Christian?) “Expert” media muppets faithfully parrot and promote the puppet production in question, doing everything they can to suck us in to the Pagan Left/Right paradigm to which […]

By What Standard?

~ If you know of anyone who might appreciate this or other Stick People for Jesus comics, please share it. If you’d like to see comics like this continue, please click here to help. Please also “like” us on Facebook, “+” us on Google+, follow us on Twitter and feel free to sign up for new articles by email using the […]

Yes, even our Muppets are depraved. (Nothing’s safe when nothing’s sacred.)

Kermit playing the field? Miss Piggy considering breast augmentation? Sure. And why not? Why wouldn’t even our Muppets become jaded and tainted by the rot we’ve tolerated and embraced as a people? One of the most ridiculous lies we’ve embraced is the notion that anything is safe from the corrupting power of unaddressed sin – the […]

Should Muslims and Satanists be allowed to seek public office in America?

Should an openly practicing Muslim be allowed to seek and hold office in America? What about a Satanist? Should an openly practicing Satanist be allowed to seek and hold office in America? If not, why not? If so, should “We the People” be open to voting for them? What about those of us who claim Christ […]

Pedophilia: The next new “Alternate Sexuality”.

What a difference a summer makes, am I right? We now have “gay marriage” (pronounced “gay mirage“) in America, where we like to beg for the wrath of God upon us by pretending to make it “legal”. (See: “Supreme Court” Votes for Wrath of God Upon America.) Then there’s “Transgenderism”. You can’t check out in an […]

Beyond Debate: The never-ending “conservative” pitch for Statism (A biblical review of Round 1 of the GOP “debate” – Fire Breathing Christian Podcast Episode 6)

Ever notice how all the supposedly “conservative” leaders anointed and appointed by the national Republican Party seem to always end up leading us deeper and deeper into the Socialism and state-dependency that they claim to oppose? (See: How’s that Pagan “conservatism” workin’ out for ya, Christian?) Ever notice that no matter how many Republican Representatives, Senators, […]

Christians rally for the “rights” of Satanists to worship Satan in America.

Interesting and important conversations are taking place in America. Critical and challenging thoughts are being entertained in a serious way by many Americans for the first time in a good long while (if ever). We are now being forced, by the grace of God, to consider what it means exactly to worship and what it […]

We really need your help. Thank you for your prayerful consideration!

. Howdy All, First off, a big thank you(!) to those who support the Fire Breathing Christian mission with your prayers, by sharing the blog posts (and now podcast episodes), and by offering up kind and encouraging words by email and social media. That encouragement is like wind in our sails! God has been so very good to us […]

How to actually defeat Islam. Guaranteed.

How can we really and truly defeat Islam, ISIS, ISIL, and every other (genuine or contrived boogeyman) used by our Pagan Political Right and Pagan Political Left Statist “leaders” and “experts” to lead us by the nose to perpetual war abroad and deeper into the living hell of Orwellian Statism at home? (See: Problem>Reaction>Solution – […]

Christ really is conquering EVERYTHING. How cool is that?

Right here and right now in the little sliver of time on the little sliver of land on the little planet we call earth, Jesus Christ is working perfectly by His grace through His Spirit-filled people in accordance with His Gospel-fueled Great Commission so that all things might be restored by the power of His […]

Never forget that apart from God’s grace you and I are complete morons.

  Probably the easiest thing for us to forget is that each and every little bit of truth that we’ve learned or blessing that we’ve enjoyed has come completely by way of the grace of God. There is not one single solitary little thing that we’ve truly earned in and of ourselves, aside from hell […]

Little Gospel Syndrome and the Death of American Culture

Wouldn’t it be great if people took God seriously? Wouldn’t it be great if people took God seriously enough to take His Word seriously? In detail, I mean. As in, all of it. As in, out of a true love for Him (see: John 14:15). Wouldn’t it be great if the professing Christian church in America […]

Resistance to Tyranny is Obedience to God (Thank you for the reminder, Kim Davis.)

Thank God for Kim Davis! Thank God for the example she has been at this critical moment. (See: Woman jailed for obeying God in America…while Gay America chants “love wins!”) Thank God for the thoughts and conversations that her biblical stand has ignited. (See: Do we actually believe that God’s Law is binding? Or do […]

The Difference Between Thumping the Bible and Believing It

  All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. ~ 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (emphasis added) Do we believe this? Do we actually believe that Scripture equips us adequately for every […]

What does a “culture of death” look like and how do we change it?

It’s easy to see things like “legal” child sacrifice and the “legality” of “gay marriage” and gender chaos as clear signs of a culture of death. It’s easy to point to “Caitlyn” Jenner and roll our eyes. It’s easy to point to Planned Parenthood’s openly operating baby butchering facilities with disgust. But what was it about our culture […]

The Awesome Theology Of John Wayne

“Life is tough. It’s tougher when you’re stupid.” ~  John Wayne (as Sergeant Stryker) in Sands of Iwo Jima (1949) . Truer words have never been spoken. Oh sure, whatever we may think of his career or any particular film in which he may have appeared, most would – and probably should – have a hard time […]

Want to end abortion, corruption, and the Big Gay Wave? Start killing sacred cows.

Deer, duck, and turkey seasons may come and go, but sacred cow season is always open. The trouble is, we tend to be more into protecting these beasts than we are into killing ’em. After all, they’re called sacred because they’re sacred to us even though the Lord we claim with our lips despises them…which is why He wants us […]

10 Reasons Christians Should Not Teach In Public Schools

Some of my favorite people have been public school teachers. Some of my favorite people are public school teachers. Some of my favorite people are Christians who are teaching or have taught in American public schools. As a product/victim of American State-run worldview programming myself, I have much to be thankful for. High on the list is God’s perfect, purposeful use […]

Planned Parenthood Zombie Rips Brain from Living Child. Yes, Really.

R.C. Sproul Jr. once appropriately noted that the topic of abortion is very much like the topic of hell in that if we allow ourselves to actually think about it for anything beyond the briefest of moments, it will drive us mad. The horrors of hell and abortion, when seriously contemplated in an honest, inquisitive […]

What if Christians in public “schools” taught Christ instead of Paganism?

What are professing Christians who work for the State-run “education” system supposed to do? How are they supposed to teach? How are they to supposed to present truth? How are they supposed to define and share knowledge? What approach the pursuit of knowledge are they supposed to model for their students? How are they commanded […]

The Joy (and Necessity) of Dismembering Planned Parenthood

Not all that far from now on down the human history timeline, triumphant Christians will be looking back with gratitude to God for His victory over the likes of Planned Parenthood through the perfect, purposeful use of His Spirit-filled obedient people. There may well be some who wonder how something like the mass murder and dismemberment of children […]

Taking Children’s Education and Video Games Captive to Christ (Interview with Colin Gunn of “The Colin Gunn Show”)

“Christian, Liberty and Scottish Perspectives” With a tagline like that, you know something supercool is coming. That’s exactly what you get with Colin Gunn, the creative force behind some of the finest Christian worldview based documentaries that have ever been made (see: IndoctriNation:Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity in America and Wait Till It’s Free). Colin also […]

Year Two Begins…and maybe a Fire Breathing Christian podcast?

Howdy y’all and Happy Anniversary! Yesterday was the last day in Year One of the Fire Breathing Christian blog experiment. Yesterday’s article was also the 365th FBC post for the year, which was kinda cool. So we’re jazzed and very thankful for all of the support, encouragement, and new connections we’ve made with Brothers and Sisters as a result […]

Everything orbits the Son.

Whether it’s the earth and its moon or the little yellow star around which they twirl, everything ultimately revolves around Christ. Whether Voyager in space or Enterprise in the minds of men, everything ultimately serves Him. Whether art or science or economics or law, everything ultimately lives through Him. That’s the creation in which we live, […]

Our Inevitable Victory Over Satanic “Education”

These days in America, it’s often professing Christians who seem to least believe that Christ the King actually owns and defines all of reality (see: Colossians 1:16). After generations of immersion in a man-centered, emotion-driven, and culturally disengaged religious worldview masquerading as Christianity, we’ve largely come to expect the victory of Christ’s enemies all around us here on His […]

Presuppositional Law: Where we begin with law determines where we end.

What is law? What is the basis for law? What ultimately determines whether a thing is lawful or lawless? What we often automatically and unconsciously presuppose about the origin and nature of law determines what we will allow ourselves to see and consider from that point forward. Our presuppositions about the essence of law dictate which “truths” we […]

God bless America. And Planned Parenthood.

Revelation leading to repentance can be a very hard thing. That’s it’s nature. But that doesn’t make it any less a blessing from God. Thankfully, these days we’re getting a whole lotta revelation. Not much in the way of repentance yet, but God is graciously keeping the revelations coming anyway. (See: Will America repent or will America be […]

What if America had as many Christians as it does gay activists?

3%. That’s what it took to move America to where it is now. 3%. That’s all that was required to transition us from a people who at least loosely based their morality on some vaguely understood and appreciated Christian foundation into one that is openly and proudly based on self-centered, self-referential, and self-serving lust. (See: Limp Wristed Gospels […]

Happy Secession Day!

Happy Secession Day, America! After last week’s wave of catastrophic “Supreme Court” decisions handed down from the Federal level (see: “Supreme Court” Votes for Wrath of God Upon America), more and more Americans are beginning to think long and hard about the radical decentralization of political power that played such a pivotal role in bringing […]

Limp Wristed Gospels Make Limp Wristed Cultures

How’s that “real world”, “pragmatic political” approach to life working out for you, American Christian? How’s it actually shaping and molding the future of your children and grandchildren here in the “land of the free” and the home of the NSA? How are all o’ those mountains of votes and billions of dollars spent on “good […]

So this is what a (church built) zombie apocalypse looks like…

There’s something surreal about what’s happening here in “the land of the free” and the home of the NSA. Something creepy. Something disturbing. Many are understandably captivated by the looming “Supreme Court” decision as to whether American “law” is going to submit to God’s perfect, unalterable definition of marriage or become further broken by another sad, suicidal attempt to rebel against Truth. But […]

Jesus Conquers Everything

There’s nothing like serving the living, active, reigning King of Creation on a lifelong mission of eternal consequence that He has personally called and perfectly equipped you to assuredly accomplish by His grace, for His glory, and to the eternal benefit of His people. I mean, WOW! Can I get an “amen!”? [I know you’re […]

What if I told you that marketing and memes can be used for good?

Sometimes things here seem so corrupted through sinful abuse that it’s hard to even imagine, much less clearly comprehend, a sinless version of them. Things like politics, economics, law, justice and art can seem “so far gone” because of the pervasiveness and depth of their abuse that they begin to feel somehow sinful or bad in and of […]

Do we love America enough to call her to repentance? Or are we too proud for that?

Nobody likes to have a spotlight shine on their own huge sins. We recoil at even the thought of it, and understandably so. We naturally want to preserve the lie that while “nobody’s perfect” and “we’re only human” just like “everyone else”, we’re really not nearly as bad as this obviously awful dude over here or that glaringly […]

Who owns America? (Hint: Not “We the People”.)

Who owns America? Contrary to popular ‘Merican belief, the correct answer is not “We the People”. (See: We the people…are not God.) The correct answer is Christ. While that is the correct answer, it is not at this time in ‘Merican history a particularly popular answer, even (and often especially) among many self-identified “conservative Christians” […]

What if Christians are most responsible for our wrecked culture?

Like a kid who desperately wants to ignore the increasingly clear meaning of increasingly bad report cards, American “Christians” have been conditioned to give themselves a million fantastically childish ways out – a never-ending list of reasons to dismiss any and all reports of their persistent failure and betrayal of both the culture in which they’ve been placed and the Lord they […]

What’s with that shark-fishie graphic thing?

One question I get from time to time is some version of, “So what’s with the shark-fishie graphic thing?” That seems like a fair and reasonable thing to ask, so here’s what I hope will be a helpful answer. The shark/fish image that I use here at Fire Breathing Christian is meant to convey several things, including: […]

Education Wars: Raising Corporate Cogs vs. Raising Jedi

Who are we and why are we here? What makes for a good life right here and now? What makes for a productive life right here and now? What is success? How is it best defined? How is it best pursued? The answers that we provide – and have been conditioned to provide – to […]

Man up, buttercup. Rome wasn’t conquered in a day.

Let’s be honest: things can seem pretty grim at times. This world can look pretty bad. Abortion. ISIS. Justin Bieber. The list of horrors goes on and on… At home and abroad, on literal and cultural battlefields of major import, minor import, and all levels in between, things seem to only be going from bad […]

What if we are living in early Church history?

What if we are living in early Church history? What if we are at this moment going about our lives in a day that is much closer to when Christ initiated His Great Commission than it is to the day that He will physically return in total triumph? What if there are thousands and thousands […]

Hitler, Legos and the Art of Worldview Domination

Dictators and other wannabe gods can be funny things. Tragic too, but funny nonetheless, and I’m not talking about the little things like goofy little square mustaches or diva complexes. I’m talkin’ ’bout the Big Problem with these folks: They wanna be God. This desire is in each of us from birth, and there it remains until and […]

Art, math, beauty, logic, law and economics…it’s all about Him.

Who is the personal source of perfect beauty, art, mathematics, language, drama, technology, astronomy, politics, and economics? He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him […]

The Vision of The Avengers and the Vision of Christianity

I was four when Star Wars happened and pretty much changed my world. About a year and a half later, Superman: The Movie hit the scene escorted by the promotional tagline, “You’ll believe a man can fly.” It was a magical time. From there, it was off to Battlestar Galactica, Buck Rogers, a reborn Star Trek and […]

Whose flag should fly highest over America?

Flags are symbols. Symbols of power and authority. You know that, I know that, and the powers that be atop the Corporate American State know that. So it should come as no surprise that those powers have trained us since childhood to pledge allegiance on cue to the selected symbol of the American State’s “indivisible” political union and power. […]

Thank you for your encouragement and support!

  For those who’ve been following things here at Fire Breathing Christian for a while, you know that the busiest time of the year where my “day job” is concerned has finally wound down to a close. The Tennessee State General Assembly has finished this year’s Session and with that I should get a little […]

Happy Earth as the Lord’s Footstool Day!

Isn’t it awesome to live in the real world? And by “real world” I do not mean the real world as the world and worldly like to imagine and portray it to be. I mean the real world as it is. Really. More specifically, I mean the world – the creation – that is right […]

Toybox Christianity: Trading the comprehensive splendor of the Gospel for a cheap, shiny little plaything.

  First off, in a spirit of full disclosure and a God-given desire for the pursuit of truth, the whole truth, and nothin’ but the truth, I am compelled to report that: I love toys. Which is why I hate Toybox “Christianity”. Through its happy/smiley/fluffy promotion of rank, self-serving spiritual immaturity, apathy, and laziness, Toybox “Christianity” retards and destroys everything […]

Behold, He makes all things new.

Nothing beats focusing on Christ. Nothing is more awe-inspiringly cool or supernaturally invigorating than staring at Him in contemplative wonder and soaking up the matchless splendor of His Nature on display. While there is value and importance in considering the nature and methods of His enemies, it is only by keeping Him at the center of […]

Roaring into Post-America Christianity

Christ is the perfection and embodiment of justified optimism. Satan is the epitome and lowly priest of delusional pessimism. The present, all-encompassing rule of Christ as King over every realm of His creation is the most invigorating, inspiring, optimism-igniting truth that can wash over the mind, spirit, and soul of man. This is why everything that the enemy does and […]

Christ, Culture War, and the Gospel-fueled Great Commission

What is the true Gospel? What is the biblical Great Commission? And what is the inherent cultural impact of that Gospel-fueled Great Commission? I had the awesome privilege of once again joining the Stand Up for the Truth program for most of the hour’s broadcast, where we kicked around these big, important questions and had a blast […]

Encouragement from Satan

  If you’ve benefitted from the work done at Fire Breathing Christian, we ask that you consider financially supporting the cause. You can do this in one of three ways: You can drop a few bucks in the tip jar by making a one-time donation through PayPal. You can make a regular contribution by joining our monthly […]

A Tale of Two Churches

If you’ve benefitted from the work done at Fire Breathing Christian, we ask that you consider financially supporting the cause. You can do this in one of three ways: You can drop a few bucks in the tip jar by making a one-time donation through PayPal. You can make a regular contribution by joining our monthly support […]

If we love Him, we will keep His commandments.

This is the first published version of what has gone on to become the Stick People for Jesus web comic here at FBC. ~ If you know of anyone who might appreciate this post, please share it. If you’d like to help support the Fire Breathing Christian mission, please click here. Please also “like” us on […]

American Culture as the American Church’s Report Card

In light of the Gospel-fueled Great Commission of Jesus Christ (see: Matthew 28), the present condition of the American culture can be rightly described as a “report card” for the professing Christian church in America. And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore […]

“Theonomy” is dead! Long live Theonomy!

  The title of this post is my spin on the closing line from an article by American Vision’s Joel McDurmon, who recently debated Jordan Hall (of Pulpit & Pen) on subject matter central to theonomy. While I’ve not yet seen the debate (cannot wait! …but will have to), and I anticipate numerous future opportunities to tackle many […]

The 7 Most Important Differences Between Islam and Christianity

  With ISIS now regularly cutting a bloody swath through our consciousness by way of nightly news clips and high def online presentations, and with President Obama unable unwilling to honestly deal with the glaringly religious motivations behind these Muslims’ ongoing murderous rampage, secular conservatives, including a great many professing Christians, have taken to citing differences between Christianity and […]

Decentralization and our Christian duty to confront the economic rape of civilization.

Decentralization. It’s a good thing. A great one, actually, especially from where we stand now. The increasing unbiblical centralization of power in the hands of an unbelieving (read: “anti-Christian”) elite is one of the defining trends of American history. All of it. While developments along these lines have picked up steam in recent generations, the seeds […]

One year closer to the perfect world to come…

It’s an awesome thing, this mission we’ve been given: And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them […]

The Rubber Sword of Toothless Truth

It looks awesome from a distance. Sounds great, too – whistling through the wind as its proud owner swings it here , there and everywhere, like a skilled and dangerous soldier or knight. But, at the end of the day, it’s just a toy. The wannabe soldier is merely pretending. His sword is a fake; an imitation without an edge. […]

How American “Christianity” leads to Statism.

It is so very cool to have true Christian Family preserved throughout God’s creation of time and through whom we might learn of His perfect plan and purpose for His creation. . It’s also so very cool to have a loving, God-fearing wife who is interested in chasing after the life-preserving truths shown by the grace of God to […]

Would the Great Commission seem impossible if we believed in God?

Imagine, if you will, the following game-show scenario: The production features ten intelligent, honest, and sincere adults. These people, though they are very well educated in every other area of inquiry, have absolutely no knowledge of the Bible or Christianity whatsoever. One last bit of info on our ten hypothetical folks: They have a perfect […]

Gender Chaos: The Insanity (and Impossibility) of “Sex Change”

One of the more, um, flamboyant manifestations of the wrath of God pouring out upon a proud, unrepentant America, is our culture’s embrace of an “anything goes” approach to sexuality, which has metastasized into an anything goes attitude on the very concept of gender itself. We see it everywhere – in Starbucks commercials, Apple ads, […]

How did Christians destroy conservatism?

  How did we end up with “conservatives” defending everything from Social Security and Medicare to State-controlled children’s “education”, which is straight out of the Communist Manifesto? How did we get a supposedly “right wing” political movement in America that is effortlessly molded and mobilized in support of one explicitly Socialist/Marxist policy after another, all while most of its […]

On October 31, are we walking dead or are we supernatural reformers?

So what is today to you? Is it Halloween, Reformation Day, or just another Friday? Most professing Christians would go with the first or the last. The middle option usually isn’t even on our radar. Most of us don’t even know that there is such a thing as Reformation Day…or that there is, in fact, right here […]

Does the Gospel teach us to oppose or embrace the Law of God?

One of the most beautiful, awe-inspiringly amazing truths of God’s plan for His people is that they are saved by His grace alone through faith alone in His Son alone. Helping to further amplify and clarify the incomparable graciousness of the gift of salvation is the mind-boggling fact that it is supernaturally imposed upon His people while they still hate Him. He […]

How has the professing church in America taught Dolly Parton to hate the Word of God?

Don’t blame Dolly for promoting emotion over Truth when it comes to touchy, hot-button issues like the embrace and promotion of homosexuality as a perfectly good and legitimate lifestyle. She’s just following the lead of the professing church in America. Before we get into the church-fueled movement away from Scripture and towards emotion as the […]

Why do most professing Christians dismiss God’s Word on children’s education?

What if God was not only real, but had lovingly provided us with the information and understanding by which we might tackle every important subject and challenge that could come our way? What if He, in His infinite wisdom and matchless grace, had given us such detail as to the nature of every realm of human experience, culture, and […]

As fear goes viral, Christians should calmly embrace reality and prepare. Right now.

So we now have two confirmed Ebola sufferers who contracted the virus from America’s Ebola Airways-delivered Patient Zero, Thomas Duncan. Both of them are trained professional medical workers who, presumably, took fairly thorough precautions in dealing with Mr. Duncan. We also learned that, according to a report released by the World Health Organization yesterday, present strain(s) […]

Of course Ebola is airborne. It flies in from Africa all the time.

  So the hits just keep a-comin’… Sure, ISIS, Ebola and the like are inherently horrifying and all, but it’s the way in which these threats are understood and handled by our “leaders” that just seems to amplify the tragedy and terror in…well…a sometimes comically awful sort of way. Has this year not been one incredible […]

Christianity in a Box: Containing the Contagion of Obedience to Christ

If there’s one thing that secular progressive liberals, the vast majority of professing American Christians, and Satan can agree on, it is this: The Word of God is not to be our source, standard, and blueprint for education, economics, business, law, government and politics right here and now on planet earth, in America or anywhere else. For […]

Judgment begins with the Church…not the Democrats.

  Like most of you who are reading this, when it comes to politics, I consider myself to be very conservative. I consider myself to be so because, by the grace of God and to the best of my knowledge and ability, I seek to submit my political understanding to biblical standards and have, as a result, […]

The Obacalypse continues…but are we any closer to repentance?

Last month, in Obacalypse Now: War, Famine, Pestilence, and Wicked Leadership in Romans 1 America, we covered things like ISIS, Ebola, the emerging Orwellian NSA State, our teetering Monopoly Money economy, and the aggressive homosexualization of the culture. You know, the basics of our culture’s hopey-changey vibe of the moment. In just the few weeks that […]

What do the Gospel and Great Commission have to do with Ebola?

  One of the greatest tools of the enemy and the old, worldly nature against which Christians struggle is distraction. We are easily distracted. Everything in this world tells us that everything but the whole, undiluted Gospel should be our focal point in life. Oh sure, you can “believe the Gospel” and “love the Lord” […]

Intro to Fire: The Power and Purpose of the Common Believer

  “FIRE…God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, and not of the philosophers and savants. Certitude. Feeling. Joy. Peace.” ~ Blaise Pascal . I can remember holding my wife’s hand when she died. Even now I can vividly recall the moment before and the moment after, but it was the difference […]

Fiat Bread and Football Circuses in Romans 1 America

As the Monopoly Dollar-fueled global fiat economic system teeters on the brink, as the American military lurches from war to war abroad, and as the Orwellian American NSA Security State continues its rollout over the homeland, what is the one question we are all now programmed to purposefully ponder right on cue with all the passion we can […]

POLL: Does the Great Commission make the world here and now a better place?

  [polldaddy poll=”8242138″]     Click here to return to the Fire Breathing Christian site. If you think that this poll would be interesting to others, please share it. Thank you. Please see also: 7 Empowering Truths for Politically Active Christians .A Mark of the Beast The Rise of Mr. Potato Jesus Publicly proclaiming this truth will […]

7 Empowering Truths for Politically Active Christians

1. All power in heaven and on earth belongs to Jesus…right now. The living Lord of creation was not at all vague when He tasked His people with the Great Commission before flying into the clouds: “And Jesus came and said to them, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go […]