Mainstream Media: Blackface Is MUCH Worse Than Murdering A Newborn Baby
I guess since the “professionals” and “experts” employed in mainstream fake news journalism actually believe that Bruce Jenner is a woman, Global Warming is real (hear that, Chicago?), and that the measles are an existential, Ebola-like threat to mankind, it shouldn’t be surprising that the same corporate-programmed imbeciles also think believe that dressing in blackface […]
“Post-Birth Abortion”: Virginia Governor Proposes Murdering Children Who Make It Out Of The Womb
Who knew that New York’s approach to “legalized” child sacrifice could be upstaged so quickly? We didn’t even get a full week to bask in the satanic glow of The Empire State’s “legalization” of child murder right up until the moment of birth before Virginia’s apparently even more satanically inspired leadership decided to float […]
Clash of the Idols: The NFL vs. American Statism (Round 2)
Here in “the land of the free and home of the brave”, three things are guaranteed to happen each and every August: Tens of thousands of American baby boys and girls will be “legally” murdered in American police/military protected child mass murder and dismemberment facilities operating openly (and for a profit) in the name of […]
Why not just ask the prospective Supreme Court Justice exactly what he thinks of abortion?
Of all the Orwellian doublethink idiocy that passes for “serious political conversation” these days, none is more Orwellian or more idiotic than the prevailing notion that a President (or anyone else) shouldn’t dare ask in a straightforward manner what the exact position of a judge (or anyone else) is on abortion. Could it be that […]
What if Russia launched missile strikes on Planned Parenthood operations in America?
It’s been a revealing year or so here in “the land of the free” and the home of the NSA. The American Perpetual War Machine is as itchy for war with Russia as it’s ever been and we’re as nonchalant as we’ve ever been about committing flagrant acts of war all over the globe while […]
GOP Funds Planned Parenthood To The Tune Of Half A Billion Dollars…While Campaigning On Defunding Planned Parenthood
For those convinced that the Democrat Party is clearly the greater evil when compared to its Republican counterpart, I respectfully offer the following question for your consideration: Is “the lesser evil” political party the one that openly campaigns for things like the mass murder of babies through operations like Planned Parenthood, or the one that […]
The Progressive Feminist “Women’s Champion” Formula: Vote To Keep Abortion Legal So That You Can Grope/Fondle/Assault At Will
Ah, how quickly the world changes…and yes, often for the better… Just yesterday, it seems – or about two months ago, to be more precise – it was the open, accepted norm for progressive feminist types like Bill Clinton, Al Franken, and _______ Kennedy to have free reign to grope, fondle, and even rape women […]
Vaccines & Vampires: How shooting up dead baby bits became “normal” in America.
While there are many reasons to be anything from skeptical to outraged over the manner in which vaccines have proliferated in America, one of the more under-reported problems with many popular vaccines products pumped into the bloodstreams of Americans by the millions each year is the fact that they’ve been crafted using cells harvested from […]
When Uppity Christians Make “Conservative” Politicians Squirm
The whole “Jesus is Lord” thing is easy. To say, anyway. But once those three little words in that oft-repeated phrase are actually taken seriously and applied in real life right here, now, and in detail, things can get weird. Fast. In this, thoughtless use of the “Jesus is Lord” line is not unlike the Big Talk routinely spewing […]
Babies, Culture, And How Math Works In God’s Creation
Our “culture of death” has many faces, some of which we have no trouble confidently identifying and whining about at the drop of the hat. The horror of “legal” child sacrifice through abortion, for example, is an easy target for many on the Right side of the political spectrum (as it should be, of course). But what about […]
What if the US military was used to end the mass murder of American children in America?
Today in America, hundreds of American baby boys and girls will be openly, systematically and “legally” murdered. They will then often be “legally” dismembered and “legally” sold piecemeal to “legally” protected (and often taxpayer funded) ghouls. Today in America, the once-private conversations of American citizens are slurped up and analyzed by an Orwellian surveillance system so thorough in […]
Why is “Tennessee Right To Life” propping up the child sacrifice industry in Tennessee?
“A group of Tennessee pro-life leaders said they will not stand behind a bill that would ban abortions after a fetal heartbeat can be detected.” So begins an NBC post chronicling the latest in a long line of bizarrely anti-life moves being made by professional “pro-life” organizations. The article continued: “A House subcommittee ultimately decided to delay […]
What if American Christians were as serious about preventing child sacrifice as American Leftists are about preventing immigration enforcement?
What if American Christians were as serious about preventing child sacrifice as American Leftists are about preventing immigration enforcement? Before diving too deep into that one, check out this report from CBS Los Angeles earlier this week, which began as follows (with bold emphasis added): “California may prohibit local law enforcement from cooperating with federal […]
Say it with me now: Abortion. Is. Murder.
Abortion. Is. Murder. This simple, powerful truth – necessary as it is to the faithful proclamation and application of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ in our desperate and dying culture – is often avoided like the plague by most so-called conservative Christians in America. They want to be nicer than Jesus, they want to be more popular than His […]
7 Things Christians Should Look For At The Republican Convention
Is more money what we need to save us? Maybe better corporate jobs? Or more corporate jobs? Or more corporate jobs paying more Federal Reserve-printed Monopoly money? Or better State-run Temples of anti-Christian children’s education? Or maybe a bigger military and a more empowered police state to “keep us safe”? Are these the things that we need to “Make […]
10 Things The US Flag Actually Stands For
What with all the political posturing and campaigning kicking into high gear heading into the 4th of July of a presidential election year, it seems like a good time to take an honest, sober look at what the US flag actually represents right here and now in reality on planet earth, as opposed to what we […]
A Christian Response to Russell Moore’s “Pro-Life” Movement
For those of us still blaming “The Democrats” or “The Liberals” or “The Gays” or “The Progressives” for the already advanced and rapidly accelerating state of darkness and decay in our culture, we need to understand one critical and increasingly obvious fact while there’s still time: It is “conservatives” who claim to be Christians yet reject the Word of […]
Why are “Pro-Life” leaders preserving abortion in Oklahoma?
Legislation has been introduced to abolish abortion in Oklahoma. So you might be surprised to hear that high profile “Pro-Life” leaders have come out against the bill…but you shouldn’t be. Why have they come out against it? Why would “Pro-Life” leaders oppose a bill that aims to really, truly, and actually abolish human baby murder? Because, so say the […]
Satanists + Bernie Sanders = American Religion On Display
When your culture cherishes the “right” to openly worship the devil as a virtue, the open pursuit of comparatively little things like Socialism and Marxism ought to be taken as a given. They’re inevitable. So being all “shocked” and “horrified” when they finally come into full cultural bloom, as they’ve been working at doing here in ‘Merica […]
Well, at least SOMEONE got indicted over those Planned Parenthood/baby massacre videos…
Well, at least someone got indicted over those “shocking” and “horrifying” videos revealing the grotesquely satanic and literally child sacrificing policies and procedures of “legally” protected abortuary businesses operating openly all across “the land of the free” and the home of the self-described “brave”. But was it the child sacrificing, organ harvesting, Lamborghini-inspired profiteering of […]
American “conservatives” fund Planned Parenthood (again) in new budget deal.
In case you haven’t heard, a new “budget deal” has apparently been struck between the Pagan Political Right and the Pagan Political Left in Washington DC. So did we defund Planned Parenthood? Nope. Did we even reduce the public funding of Planned Parenthood? Nuh-uh. Not even a little? Nah. Not even a teeny, tiny, eensy-weensy […]
With “pro-life Christians” like these, who needs Planned Parenthood?
Before anyone flips out over the phrase “useful Christian idiot” in the above graphic, please consider the following bit of Wiki wisdom: “In political jargon, useful idiot is a term for people perceived as propagandists for a cause whose goals they are not fully aware of, and who are used cynically by the leaders of the […]
Focus on the Family Pimps for the Abortion Industry
What happens when a “Christian” organization that rejects the Nature of God as revealed in His Word as the binding basis for law, life, and everything else aims to “confront” a culture that also refuses to have Christ rule over it in practice and in detail? Well, you end up with “conservative Christian” organizations like Focus on the […]
“America’s Team”, domestic violence, dead babies, and how a picture trumps a thousand lies.
Sometimes pictures of a savagely brutalized human being are seized upon to move culture in a particular direction (ideally – though not always – away from the activity or behavior reflected in the picture in question). Sometimes they are not. Recently released pictures of the damage allegedly done by NFL defensive end Greg Hardy to his […]
No Child Sacrifice Left Behind: New GOP Speaker of the House “doubtful about defunding Planned Parenthood”.
It looks like video documentation of Planned Parenthood ghouls doing everything from casually chit-chatting over drinks about profiting from the sale of baby body parts to plucking the brain from a living child for profitable harvest wont be enough to get us to even remove federal funding from Planned Parenthood …much less shut down Planned […]
It’s time to wake up and smell the dead babies: The Republican Party is playing us.
After 40+ years of “legal” mass child sacrifice for convenience in America, it’s time for Christians to wake up and smell the foul truth that we’ve been played like cheap fiddles by the Republican Party and other Pagan Political Right tools when it comes to protecting – or not protecting – the most vulnerable among us […]
Pedophilia: The next new “Alternate Sexuality”.
What a difference a summer makes, am I right? We now have “gay marriage” (pronounced “gay mirage“) in America, where we like to beg for the wrath of God upon us by pretending to make it “legal”. (See: “Supreme Court” Votes for Wrath of God Upon America.) Then there’s “Transgenderism”. You can’t check out in an […]
Planned Parenthood’s “Fresh” Baby-fueled Lamborghini Quest (Or: America’s “Legal” Protection of Child Sacrifice and Satanism)
“Everything we provide is fresh.” That line from a Planned Parenthood ghoul is one of the satanic jems permeating the latest expose video released this week by the Center for Medical Progress. And lest there be any confusion here, we’re talking about “fresh” baby body parts taken from babies who’ve been freshly murdered so that these […]
Get with the Big Gay Program…or go to jail.
How ready for jail time are you? How ready for jail time is your family? How willing and how prepared to suffer serious persecution for the Word of God in a lawless culture are you, your family, your friends, and your local church? How ready are you to lose friendships, connections, status, employment, employment opportunities, and material […]
Will the “Pro-Life Movement” be exposed and aborted by the Planned Parenthood expose videos?
So let’s see here… We have clear, recorded evidence of Planned Parenthood ghouls employing a business model that includes the sale of human baby body parts (which are somehow magically extracted from not-human/not-baby bodies, of course). (See also: Planned Parenthood’s Baby Body Part Trophy Sale.) . We have clear, recorded evidence of Planned Parenthood fiends acknowledging […]
Murdered language, murdered babies, and how one leads to the other.
In America, we claim a lot of things, usually in a loud and proud fashion. That’s just how we roll (and have been encouraged to roll by the State/Corporate-owned schools and pop-culture under which we’ve been discipled). As a natural and purposeful consequence of our Pagan discipleship, we proudly claim the “right” to do any […]
Defunding Mass Murder Is Not Enough (#ProsecutePlannedParenthood)
Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for defunding Planned Parenthood. I’m all for picketing Planned Parenthood. I’m all for (and enthusiastically participated in) last Saturday’s nationwide protest against Planned Parenthood (see: Picketing the Gates of Hell: The good, the bad, and the ugly.)…and the hopefully many more large and effective protests to come. With that said, […]
How many severed baby heads can you fit in an economy mailer?
Remember when things like Jeffrey Dahmer’s refrigerator were viewed as a generally bad thing? Disgusting, even? You know: Unacceptable. Well, no more. As we careen toward the natural, increasingly dark destination of “We the People”-based law and life in practice, we are finding out just how quickly the unthinkably vulgar and evil can transition into a new sort […]
If ISIS did to one American child what Planned Parenthood does to millions, we’d go to war and kill them for it.
What if ISIS released a video of one of its agents calmly, coolly, and clinically murdering and dismembering an American baby? What if ISIS did to one single solitary American baby boy or girl what Planned Parenthood is “legally” empowered by America to do to American babies here in “the land of the free” and the […]
Picketing the Gates of Hell: The good, the bad, and the ugly.
My family was blessed to join over thirty other folks from Christ the King Church in today’s Nashville contribution to the nationwide protest of Planned Parenthood. The overall size of the crowd at our location has been reported in in the 500-600 range (which was reported by local “news professionals” as “dozens and dozens” rather than “hundreds and hundreds”, of […]
Planned Parenthood Zombie Rips Brain from Living Child. Yes, Really.
R.C. Sproul Jr. once appropriately noted that the topic of abortion is very much like the topic of hell in that if we allow ourselves to actually think about it for anything beyond the briefest of moments, it will drive us mad. The horrors of hell and abortion, when seriously contemplated in an honest, inquisitive […]
The Joy (and Necessity) of Dismembering Planned Parenthood
Not all that far from now on down the human history timeline, triumphant Christians will be looking back with gratitude to God for His victory over the likes of Planned Parenthood through the perfect, purposeful use of His Spirit-filled obedient people. There may well be some who wonder how something like the mass murder and dismemberment of children […]
“Another boy!”, admits the Planned Parenthood ghoul.
Another day, another video. Another video, another reminder. Another reminder that “another boy!” has been murdered, pulled to pieces, and had those pieces taken to market all in the name of “liberty” and the “right” of a woman to murder her own child here in “the land of the free” and the home of “the brave”. (See: […]
Just in case you still think Republicans are ever going to actually stop abortion…
So which of the two All-American Pagan political parties gave us the majority of Supreme Court Justices who gave us “legal” abortion in America? The Republicans. And which of the two All-American Pagan political parties gave us the majority of Supreme Court Justices who gave us ObamaCare, which expands federal funding of…you guessed it…abortion. The Republicans. […]
Planned Parenthood’s Baby Body Part Trophy Sale
Lemme get this straight: Walter Palmer’s killing and subsequent decapitation of Cecil the Lion so that he might have a trophy to commemorate the kill is evil. (A position with which I would agree.) …and… Planned Parenthood’s ongoing, systematic mass slaughter of baby boys and girls, from whose still twitching bodies little lung and liver trophies are […]
Save the lions. Kill the babies. Welcome to hell.
“Legally” sacrifice our own little baby boys and girls by the tens of millions on the altar of convenience and profit? Sure. Why not? Openly operate “legal” baby butchering businesses who carefully preserve the parts of those systematically massacred baby boys and girls so that said baby bits might be sold for maximum profit? Sure. Why not? […]
If only Walter Palmer had killed baby humans instead of Cecil the Lion…
The world is in shock. The masses are horrified. Supermodels lead waves of international outrage. Jimmy Kimmel chokes up on air at the mind-blowing ugliness and brutality of it all. “A coward and a killer” sign is placed on the door of the healthcare business owned and operated by Walter Palmer, perpetrator of the repulsive act of extreme evil that has […]
The (All-American) Demonic Defenses of Planned Parenthood
If one thing is being made painfully clear these days, it’s that America is a thoroughly satanic culture. Pride defines us. And we’re proud of that. “We the People” see ourselves (and are encouraged by our Corporate-owned American State to see ourselves) as the gold standard for goodness on earth. We’re the “last best hope for humanity”. We’re […]
God bless America. And Planned Parenthood.
Revelation leading to repentance can be a very hard thing. That’s it’s nature. But that doesn’t make it any less a blessing from God. Thankfully, these days we’re getting a whole lotta revelation. Not much in the way of repentance yet, but God is graciously keeping the revelations coming anyway. (See: Will America repent or will America be […]
Selling murdered baby parts in America? Sure. Why not?
So let me see if I get this straight: We can openly murder tens of millions of our own little babies in a cold, clinical, systematic manner for the sake of convenience and profit in the name of “freedom”, “liberty” and our “God-given right” to do that sort of thing day after day, year after year, […]
Dukes of Hazzard vs. Planned Parenthood: A Body Count Comparison
There’s something wild, wacky, surreal, and downright evil about the selective outrage over things like icons of the Confederacy while, right here and now all across the fruited plain from sea to shining sea in the “land of the free” and the home of the NSA, there are baby butchering facilities operating proudly and openly […]
Will “We the People” have Christ to rule over us? (Radio Interview on the “Stand Up for the Truth” Program)
Yesterday’s Stand Up for the Truth program with Mike and Amy was an absolute blast! Over the first 45 minutes or so of air time, we touched on some of the heavier issues of the day, including the advance of the homosexual agenda and the continued entrenchment of child sacrifice (via abortion) as the norm […]
Note to ‘Merica: There is no “God-given right” to murder children. Repent accordingly.
What would you call a person who casually discusses over a nice crunchy salad their personal role in the systematic murder and dismemberment of innocent children so that their little baby body parts might be most effectively marketed and fed to others? Evil? Sure. Demonic? Yeah. Disgusting, vile, and repulsive? Yes, yes, and yes. But […]
Black Lives Matter (Even in the Womb)
In the wake of Wednesday’s tragic murder of nine image-bearers of God in Charleston, one predictable path that has been chosen by virtually every mainstream media mouthpiece speaking on the matter is that of “race”. I put the word race in quotes because in reality there is but one human race, though everything that we are […]
If Dylann Roof really wanted to kill a lot of black people, he should’ve gotten a job at Planned Parenthood.
[To better understand this post in context, readers are highly encouraged to consider the accompanying article: Black Lives Matter (Even in the Womb). Thank you.] Shooter Dylann Roof, perpetrator of the horrific murder of nine at a place of worship in Charleston last night is by all early accounts a thoroughly troubled character with a seething hatred […]
51,000,003 reasons why America owes Nazi Germany an apology.
[Author’s note: Since this was written in the summer of 2015, America has added millions to the death toll of innocent baby boys and girls murdered in the name of “freedom” and “liberty”. – SAB 11/8/17] The typical American guy is a stat hound. In the Internet-fueled era of things like fantasy football and day-trading, we’ve become […]
America’s “freedom” to murder children and worship false gods.
Child sacrifice is about as ugly – and as American – as it gets. With “we the people” as god in practice, and Christ the King utterly disregarded whenever His crystal clear commands conflict with the desires, traditions and feelings that god, we have for generations been proudly set upon on a sure path to the wildest […]
Our Love of Money and Child Sacrifice
“For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.” ~ 1 Timothy 6:10 This passage, as many, tends to suffer from one (or some combination) of three treatments at the hands of people […]
Torture for Terrorists + Christians as Terrorists = Torture for Christians
[5/16/15: As open hostility toward biblical Christianity in America continues to ramp up, and with the enforced culture-wide embrace of sexual perversion building momentum, this seems like a useful post to revisit.] Okay, let’s see if we can connect the dots here: “Terror” is what the State and its tools tell us it is. It’s what ISIS, al-Qaeda, […]
Dead Babies and Dying Dollars in Romans 1 America
For many of us, this isn’t even real anymore. It just can’t be. The steep and increasingly speedy decline of the America Idol is something that most Americans understandably have a hard time fully acknowledging, much less addressing in any meaningful way. The fall that we are personally experiencing doesn’t seem real or even possible […]
Another Islamic State beheading and another 2,700 American babies butchered. Will we repent?
Tragedy and horror have stricken again. An act of great evil has been repeated and proudly publicized. The perpetrators of these vile acts are clearly operating from a place of great, demonic darkness. They are on a mission on behalf of their god, and they really, truly believe in their god and that mission. Meanwhile, […]
Why should we stay biblically balanced through political tidal waves?
I must admit to having had a giddy good time of it last night, watching Democrat after Democrat fall. It was an absolute blast. Even better, as a Tennessee resident who had the opportunity to support the “Yes on 1” campaign, it was thrilling and gratifying to see that amendment pass, allowing for my Bible-belt […]
Why are we surprised that “educated” Americans are open to murdering toddlers and infants?
More and more “educated” Americans are in favor of legalizing the murder of toddlers and infants. In an article published by The College Fix today titled Trending: More college students support post-birth abortion, we learn that a large and growing number of young “educated” folks in America are openly, matter-of-factly supportive of allowing the murder of […]
Our Murderous Hypocrisy: How America is “outraged” by ISIS…while strangely comfortable with mass baby butchering at home.
Though we are rightly horrified and reasonable in our anguished howls of outrage at the great and graphic evil unfolding in Syria and Iraq, there’s something peculiar about our “outrage”. Something foul. Something hypocritical to the point of vulgarity. We understandably clamor for immediate and decisive military intervention to “save the children” and others […]
POLL: What should the American military do about the systematic mass murder and dismemberment of American children on American soil?
What should the American military do about the mass murder and dismemberment of American children on American soil? Nothing? Whatever it takes? Something in between? cast your vote through the linked headline and picture above…it’s “the American way”!
If only ISIS would murder and dismember children in nice little downtown clinics…
If only ISIS would murder and dismember children in nice little downtown clinics, most Americans would probably be united in arguing against bombing them. But no, ISIS had to go and do its baby butchering out in the open for the whole wide world to see, so…game on and let the bombing begin! As Christian pilgrims […]
Note to Allen West: American “Christians” have dismembered FAR more children than ISIS this year.
In case y’all haven’t heard, Allen West, along with pretty much every other Neo-Con tool in America, thinks that we need to man up, get serious, and roll headlong into serious war mode in Iraq…again… Why, you may ask? (While such questions are still allowed to be asked here in the “land of the free” and […]
Why We Murder Our Children
This is a continuation, or Part 2, of yesterday’s post, “Our Murderous Narcissism”. (Click here to read Part 1.) “Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.” ~ Adolf Hitler “If we accept that a […]
Our Murderous Narcissism
Five years ago I wrote the book Fire Breathing Christians and launched this blog. Feeling a little nostalgic the other day, I decided to thumb through the manuscript again. While I had a good time with that for a bit, I soon found myself stuck on a chapter about the murder of innocent children for convenience in America by […]
Holocaust x 7
Hitler’s Holocaust:
Roughly 6,000,000
America’s Holocaust:
Roughly 41,000,000
The sacred ‘right’ to murder innocent children at any time, in any place, for any reason (or no reason at all), all on the taxpayer’s dime:
No Child Rapist (or Child Rape Profiteer) Left Behind – Change for America, ACORN Style
And the hits just keep on comin’…
First, broke the ACORN/child prostitution story. Then they broke another.
Of course, in between stories number one and two, the cocked-and-loaded “you’re just a buncha racists!” guns were blazing, as they always seem to be these days. All who oppose Obama, Obamaism, Obamacare or Obama pals are, of course, racist.