Three Points To Ponder On Primary Election Day
I’m only in my forties, but it seems very old of me to remember a day back when American conservatives actually seemed to want small government. I say “seemed” because I now realize that they never wanted small civil government. At least not for as long (and far longer) than I’ve been alive. What American […]
It’s Not Government’s Job To License Professionals
Free men and women don’t go to the State for permission to pursue a profession. They simply pursue the profession. Free men and women aren’t required to submit to the State in order to earn the right to use their God-given talents and abilities. They simply use their God-given talents and abilities. Free men are […]
It’s Not Government’s Job To Protect Us From Weeds
It’s not the job of government to protect us from weeds. You’d think that much would be obvious, especially to self-described conservatives, and doubly so for conservative Christians, but you’d be wrong. Most “conservative Christians” in America are quite certain that it is government’s job to protect us from weeds (or, to be more precise, […]
Nobody Does Mass Shootings Like Governments Armed With Gun Control
Every time there’s a mass shooting in America, advocates of centralized power in media, politics, and government use that event as an opportunity to do two things: 1. Continue to ignore the most massive of mass shootings and mass murders in human history while they… 2. Aggressively promote the core policy that made most, if […]
Swamps, Shitholes, And 13 Things To Remember As The FISA Memo Nuke Explodes Over DC
How sadly appropriate it is that a week begun with relentless media obsession over President Trump having supposedly referred to certain nations as “shitholes” now ends with the looming release of a detailed memo that could seriously threaten and possibly even crack the very foundation of America’s farcical approach to freedom, liberty, and democracy? Before […]
True Freedom REQUIRES The Freedom To Fail
1. The primary purpose of State “help” is to foster State dependence. 2. More and more Americans love – and demand – State “help” in practically every area of life. These two realities make it plain that, barring radical repentance and reformation, we are (and should be) a doomed people – and by “people” here […]
What “National Security” Really Means
One of the Pavlovian trigger phrases routinely deployed to promote our blind adoration and defense of The Establishment ruling over us is the notion of “national security”. This phrase and concept – “national security” – has been and continues to be used regularly to consistently nudge us toward accepting and even advocating scores of systems […]
49% Of Americans Now Support Slavery…As Long As It’s Slavery To The American Military Industrial Complex
“Who owns you? Does the American State own you or do you own you? According to most American Christians, particularly those of a self-identified conservative bent, if you are an able-bodied male within a certain age range (which is always adjustable according to the “needs”/whims/desires of The State, of course), the American State owns you. […]
The Evil of Gun Control (1 Minute of Truth VIDEO)
What’s so evil about gun control? That’s a question we addressed in a recent post entitled What Gun Control Really Means, and that’s the question we aim to cover here in our third 1 Minute of Truth video: If the above embedded player doesn’t work, you can access the clip by clicking here. Please share it wherever […]
Catalonia Votes To Secede From Spain; State-Programmed Americans Confused And Suspicious
How cool would it be if there was a real group of people somewhere in the West who would actually take a stand by peacefully seeking independence from the massive Socialist State ruling over them? How neat would it be for an actual group of actual people to come together right here in the 21st century to peacefully pursue actual independence from such a […]
Why not revoke the government’s license to issue licenses?
What could be more idiotic than the notion of requiring a professional to attain a license from the U.S. government in order to practice their craft in “the land of the free”? Remember: The government in question can’t even figure out the difference between a boy and a girl. Or the difference between an actual marriage […]
“Indivisible” Government = Idolatry Of Government
Every time a so-called conservative in America argues for the “indivisibility” of any particular government above any particular people, which they can’t seem to help doing when it comes to their beloved United States of America, I can’t help but imagine Twilight Zone theme music accompanying their presentation. Throw in the fact that most of these […]
Know Your Flags
Nothing says scam like the ol’ switcheroo. And nothing screams switcheroo like the way we’ve been programmed to pretend that the current flag of the United States of America is essentially, if not literally, the same flag that inspired Francis Scott Key to write The Star Spangled Banner back in 1814. The two flags are […]
False Flags vs. Real Action: Could the President please stop tweeting long enough to shut down the Department of Education?
So the President tweets endlessly about making people sing to the flag, yet he can’t seem to find the time to do something real like shut down the Department of Education. Coincidence? Probably not. Flag (and thereby State) worship is a primary function of the Temples of Statism known as American public schools. Shaping the […]
There were two mass shootings last weekend. They will both impact your freedom.
What if just hours before the terrible mass shooting in Las Vegas, a “democratic” government deployed mass violence against citizens because millions of those citizens were daring to cast votes on a subject that the “democratic government” in question didn’t want voted on? How would such an event impact the gun control debate? How would a […]
Why are “conservatives” using the blood of soldiers as a shield against criticism and a weapon against dissent?
When an emotion-fueled zealot can’t manage to stitch together an actual argument to accompany or justify their passion, they tend to double down on emotion and hope nobody will notice. If anyone does notice and dares to point out the problem, then the passionate snowflake in question usually defaults to crybully mode by tripling down on emotion in a desperate attempt to bludgeon, shame, […]
When Idols Collide: What is God showing us by pitting two American idols against one another?
While many of the conversations and commentaries supposedly aimed at examining the ongoing Patriotism vs The NFL drama are loaded with silliness and distract from far more meaningful points than they illuminate, there’s still much gold to be mined here. There are many worthwhile points to notice and questions to consider. Questions like, “What is God […]
Newsflash: Singing The National Anthem *IS* A Political Statement
Of all the mind-blowingly stupid ideas being tossed around during The Great American National Anthem Crisis of 2017, one of the more revealing nuggets of idiocy is the oft-repeated contention that those who are protesting by not singing the national anthem before a football game “shouldn’t mix sports with politics”. They “shouldn’t use that time to make a […]
Would the Founding Fathers say the Pledge of Allegiance?
Here’s a question that modern day America worshippers don’t want you to ask: Would the Founding Fathers pledge their undying personal loyalty to the indivisible power of the State above them? Would they consider such a thing? Would they make the time to take such a pledge? You know, when they’re not doing other stuff, like […]
The Blessing Of Inequality
Let’s consider what is rapidly becoming a forbidden question: Isn’t it good that some people are made by God to be better than others in particular ways? And I don’t just mean trivial, unimportant ways. I mean in significant, life- and culture-impacting ways. People are that kind of different. Which is another way of saying that […]
Taxes In “Land Of The Free” Overtake Cost Of Food, Clothing, And Housing…Combined
As we’ve covered here time and again, thanks to the advent of property tax, it’s impossible for an American to actually own a home in “the land of the free” and the home of the NSA. We’re all renters. We are all serfs. The State owns every home in the land. If that wasn’t bad […]
Why True Freedom Is Now Un-American
What if you saw a very large middle aged woman with her back arched proudly and her nose pointed in the air as she slowly rolled through town on a big, expensive pink bike tricked out with all the latest shiny new accessories…including adult-sized training wheels? What if as this woman clumsily peddled her ridiculous ride down main street, barely managing to stay […]
White Noise/Black Hearts
Since we’re apparently in the process of taking yet another plunge down the postmodern path to State-managed societal chaos and increasing government crackdowns on little things like speech, we probably ought to take a sec to at least notice some of the reasons for our continued march into darkness, beginning with: Americans no longer think. We feel. We emote. And of […]
Voluntary Exchange vs. Coercive Force (Or: True Freedom vs. American Socialism)
Is it okay to covet your neighbor’s property? And then take some of it? To spend on yourself? Or others? In America, the answer is a loud and clear: Of course! Especially if and when your neighbor has more stuff than you, and doubly so if they have a whole lot more than you. But […]
The 10 Planks Of American Socialism
One of the most surreal aspects of modern American culture is the manner in which the vast majority of self-identified conservative Christians have simultaneously embraced three bizarrely (and embarrassingly) contradictory approaches to life: We’ve become stark raving Socialists in practice. From public schools, Social Security, and Medicare to the State-licensing/controlling of finance, industry, medicine, media, […]
Reaping What We’ve Sown
In case you haven’t noticed, repentance isn’t exactly “a thing” here in ‘Merica. Pride is. ‘Cause we’re clearly God’s favorite. Without America, what would God do? What would He have to work with? Not much, as far as Americans are concerned. Which is why, when it comes to our many openly unbiblical approaches to business, politics, […]
DC isn’t the answer. DC is the problem.
What is – or should be, anyway – the most glaring lesson of the Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama/Trump era? What should be the most obvious truth revealed by the manner in which DC has operated over the past several decades (if not over the past century and a half or so)? One glaring, flaming, white hot revealed truth that should certainly […]
How To Drain The Swamp In Three Simple Steps
Wanna drain the swamp? I mean really drain the swamp. Starting right now. Contrary to popular opinion, it can be done. Yes, really. Here are three simple (not to be confused with “easy” or “small”) guaranteed-to-work steps: Take self government seriously. Strive to know and submit to the loving, life-giving and culture-defining Word of God in every beautiful […]
Looking For Frodo (To Run For Congress)
Back when the Trump Train was steaming through the Republican primaries last summer, we asked two questions: Can overtly unbiblical power be seized and reliably used for good? Or must it be destroyed? The reason for asking had a whole lot to do with the fact that politically active professing Christians in America were yet again […]
Fear is worship…so stop fearing anything or anyone but God.
Fear is the language of our day. It’s the defining theme of life, culture, and civilization in 2017 America and throughout the West. Fear is how we got to where we are now as a people; it’s the means by which we’ve been led into political, legal, economic, and religious bondage. Fear of freedom, liberty, guns, […]
Meet The Deep State – America’s Liberty Obliterating Machine
When even the sitting President of the United States becomes an open target of the American Deep State, you know the end is near. What is the Deep State? So glad you asked. The American Deep State is the true governing force of the United States. It transcends presidential administrations and party affiliations. It remains entrenched and […]
Roach Motel “Freedom”: States Can Check In, But They Can’t Check Out
Back in the day, there were some nifty little commercials for something called a “roach motel”. The actual item being advertised was a small black bug-killing box that would attract unsuspecting victims in and then never allow them to leave. This clever product was smartly marketed using the tagline: “Roaches check in…but they don’t check out.” Much like states in […]
Say it with me now: Abortion. Is. Murder.
Abortion. Is. Murder. This simple, powerful truth – necessary as it is to the faithful proclamation and application of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ in our desperate and dying culture – is often avoided like the plague by most so-called conservative Christians in America. They want to be nicer than Jesus, they want to be more popular than His […]
10 Marks Of A True “Land Of The Free”
What will a true “land of the free” look like? Make no mistake, such a land is coming, and it’s coming right here to this temporarily beleaguered little planet, courtesy of God’s Kingdom as it inevitably and unstoppably advances over all of His creation in accordance with His Gospel-fueled Great Commission. But what will it […]
Hope, Change, Lies and Greatness
One of the themes of this election cycle in America is clarity. God is showing us what we’ve become. Clearly. With each passing political curveball and October surprise, painful and embarrassing clarity abounds. We’ve learned and are continuing to learn a lot about our “Christian leaders”. Same goes for our concepts of freedom, liberty, justice, […]
Satanists leading invocations in American government? Sure. Why not?
Satanists leading invocations in American government? Sure. Why not? What could be more American than that? When “We the People” decided that we had the “right” to openly worship any god we like, then this what the real God was sure to give us in return. Put another way: He’s given us what we want. “We the […]
As America Begs For Tyranny To “Save It”, The Kingdom Of God Advances On All Fronts
One empire is dying. While another emerges. As I sat through about an hour of live coverage of the Dallas police shootings earlier tonight (please pray!), this heavy but beautiful truth seemed to become clearer with each passing minute of professional commentary and expert analysis, not that this was the goal of said experts, of course. […]
The War For Independence…From Washington DC
It’s the fourth of July in America, and there’s something heavy in the air. Something both serious and surreal at the same time. It’s creepy and unnerving to some. Depressing and downright terrifying to others. And it’s getting a thicker with each passing year. Ideas, propaganda, hard realities, and desperate spin are ramping up all […]
The Ol’ Switcheroo: How We Use Counterfeits And Abuses Of God’s Law To Mock And Dismiss God’s Law
People have all kinds of motives and uses for the perversion of God’s Law. American “conservative Christians” and atheists routinely unite around use of counterfeit law or abuses of law as cover for dismissing or even openly mocking God’s Law as a credible basis for law here and now in the real world. One particularly clear example of […]
Are we really free? Are we really brave? Do we even want to know?
Here we are in late May of 2016, and since asking the question “Are we really free?” in last year’s Memorial Weekend post, we’ve witnessed some truly amazing developments in a still very proud and still very much unrepentant America, including: ObamaCare has been validated by a Republican Supreme Court. The advance of even more Socialism […]
Disney’s Big Gay Push Continues: All-American Icons Deployed To Destroy Americans
One of the more painfully obvious yet persistently ignored realities of our culture is the manner in which American Corporate power is routinely used to steer us away from the religion of Christianity and into the religion of American Statism (which is, from the perspective of American Corporate elites, a wholly owned subsidiary of American Corporate elites). Disney, […]
The first thing The Devil wants us to do is the last thing The Devil needs us to do.
Let’s keep this simple, short, and sweet: Jesus Christ is the personal Source, Creator, Definer and Sustainer of everything in His creation. (See: Colossians 1:15-20.) And “everything” means everything, which certainly and obviously includes law, logic, art, economics, technology, civil government and everything else. So it is that the Person of Jesus Christ is the […]
We don’t need another Constitution. We need another Declaration.
So now we have “legalized” “gay marriage” to go along with our “legalized” child sacrifice to go along with our “legalized” porn to go along with our “legalized” adultery-based business models to go along with all the rest of our now flagrantly, obviously, and catastrophically anti-Christ approach to law and civil government. And in the […]
The opportunity to stand for law, marriage, and family RIGHT NOW in Tennessee.
Are you heartbroken by the disintegration of our culture? Is your head spinning at how quickly everything seems to be falling apart around us? Are you sickened by the way in which openly lawless anti-Christian leaders and cowardly professing Christian politicians have succeeded in dragging us down to depths of darkness unthinkable only a few years ago? Are you […]
Why a Constitutional Convention can’t save us…and why so many Americans can’t understand why.
Have you ever had a friendly (or at least friendly-ish) debate or discussion with someone who was kind, intelligent, and generally courteous, yet they just couldn’t conceive of, much less embrace the notion that after carefully listening to and considering their position, you both A) understood it accurately, and B) disagreed with it reasonably? No matter how many […]
Porn, America, and what “rights” look like to people at war with God.
Welcome to America, where there is a “right” to porn. And of course a “right” to buy porn. And a “right” to sell porn. And a “right” to produce porn. And a “right” to divorce for any reason or no reason at all. And a “right” to “marry” anyone (and soon any number of anyones at once). And a “right” to […]
The State only “keeps us safe” by “protecting us” from freedom, liberty, and privacy.
Wanna make a professing Christian in America roll their eyes and laugh out loud? Maybe even make ’em point, smirk, dismiss you as utterly disconnected from reality and accuse you of not living in “the real world”? If so, just try this: Calmly and clearly state that we as people here in “the real world” (as in: […]
How the “born gay” lie led us to infinite “sexual fluidity”.
Nobody’s “born gay”. And most homosexual deathstyle advocates know it. How does that “make you feel”? Used? Spun? Disrespected? Deceived? In Born…or Soft-Wired to be Gay?, Eric Holmberg of The Apologetics Group follows up on an important article that he wrote back in October on the subject of pomosexuality (which we then covered in Is Pomosexuality a […]
When the Crybullies pout, that’s our cue to spank them.
Why oh why(!!!) is each generation of Americans more secular, statist, and openly anti-Christian than the last? Why is each successive wave of human product flowing from the American culture more open than the last when it comes to “gay marriage” and more State-supervision in practically every area of life? (See: Why is the beast of Socialism […]
Our Immigration/Socialism/Statism Problem (Part 1)
So here we are in the probably very early stages of a probably never ending “war on terror” through which the powers of the State will probably perpetually (and quite purposefully) grow and the liberty of the masses will probably perpetually (and quite purposefully) shrink. Paris has just been attacked by a handful of evil people, […]
Privacy? Who needs privacy?! (Or: What are you, some kind of terrorist or something?)
Privacy. Who needs it? Well, terrorists, that’s who! Yeah, it’s those evil terrorists who make use of things like private communications in order to plot, plan, and promote their evil terroristic deeds! So obviously if we’re gonna deal with terrorists we need to get rid of the terrorist-enabling tool of privacy. That’s basically the line […]
Gaystapo Calls for Arrest of “Unenlightened” Pastor
We live in a Crybully dominated culture – a cowardly, weak, yet very proud Pansy Nation brought about by the progressive multigenerational surrender of God-given individual, family, and church responsibilities to the State. None of this is accidental. None of it is random. And it is all purposefully designed to lead us deeper and deeper into […]
What is true freedom?
Ever wonder why a nation loaded with supposedly “freedom loving” people following so many supposedly “freedom loving” talk radio hosts, media personalities, and politicians only seems to find itself sinking deeper and deeper into bondage to the ever-growing power of the American State year after year, decade after decade, and generation after generation? For all the oodles of […]
Here’s what’s up this weekend…
With work surrounding the current wave of new FBC-related books taking up a whole lotta time lately, other projects have had to wait in line on back burners. Happily, that should be changing now since On Education and There is no “God-given right” to worship false gods are already out and We Win Here is one […]
The Many “Conservative” Faces of American Statism
“Fixed” Social Security…”improved” State-run children’s education…”strengthened” Medicare…”necessary” State-run “safety nets”… Welcome to the New Conservatism – a “conservatism” that is flat out socialistic. State-run this, that, and the other thing aren’t just the cherished, protected tools of the Pagan Political Left. They are equally adored and useful to the Pagan Political Right. Just look at […]
Drone Wars: Because only the American State should have the power to spy on and kill innocents.
According to the American State, American citizens should be forced to register their private drones with said American State. You know, ’cause citizens might hurt somebody with their drones…unlike the American State, which only regularly spies on and routinely kills innocent people because…well…that’s just what The State does, you know? But citizens just can’t handle the responsibilities that […]
The Crime of Pre-Crime: How Christians in America will be “preemptively” dealt with by the American State.
What does a culture at war with Christ look like? What does a culture at war with Christians look like? Even a casual glance around today’s American cultural landscape gives us more answers than we should ever want to find to these questions, yet there they are, staring unblinkingly right back at us. Our long slide from the deep, […]
It’s time to wake up and smell the dead babies: The Republican Party is playing us.
After 40+ years of “legal” mass child sacrifice for convenience in America, it’s time for Christians to wake up and smell the foul truth that we’ve been played like cheap fiddles by the Republican Party and other Pagan Political Right tools when it comes to protecting – or not protecting – the most vulnerable among us […]
By What Standard?
~ If you know of anyone who might appreciate this or other Stick People for Jesus comics, please share it. If you’d like to see comics like this continue, please click here to help. Please also “like” us on Facebook, “+” us on Google+, follow us on Twitter and feel free to sign up for new articles by email using the […]
Should Muslims and Satanists be allowed to seek public office in America?
Should an openly practicing Muslim be allowed to seek and hold office in America? What about a Satanist? Should an openly practicing Satanist be allowed to seek and hold office in America? If not, why not? If so, should “We the People” be open to voting for them? What about those of us who claim Christ […]
Christians rally for the “rights” of Satanists to worship Satan in America.
Interesting and important conversations are taking place in America. Critical and challenging thoughts are being entertained in a serious way by many Americans for the first time in a good long while (if ever). We are now being forced, by the grace of God, to consider what it means exactly to worship and what it […]
Dear America: Jesus isn’t running for King and His Law isn’t “up for a vote” either. Repent accordingly.
Jesus is King. King over America. Right now. Really. And not just King in some hyper-spiritual, intangible “out there” sense in some (safely) distant heaven or in some (safely) future kingdom. Not in some way that limits Him to church buildings or to choir lofts or to the precious little hearts of His sheep. Nope, He is Lord right […]
How Islam and Satanism in America are fueled through satanic approaches to “religious liberty”. (Fire Breathing Christian Podcast Episode 5)
The freedom to worship the one true God is a beautiful thing. The freedom to worship the one true God in ways that may well differ from the way in which another worships the one true God is also a very beautiful thing. This, of course, does not make the open worship of Satan a […]
Liars, Jokers, and Thieves: Do we really want Jesus or do we just want His stuff?
“In God We Trust!” “God bless America!” “Oh, how I love Jesus!” This lingo is all over the place in America. As the culture war rages, loud and proud appeals are constantly made by tens of millions of American professing Christians – especially “conservatives” – who claim to love, trust, and adore God. But what do […]
Resistance to Tyranny is Obedience to God (Thank you for the reminder, Kim Davis.)
Thank God for Kim Davis! Thank God for the example she has been at this critical moment. (See: Woman jailed for obeying God in America…while Gay America chants “love wins!”) Thank God for the thoughts and conversations that her biblical stand has ignited. (See: Do we actually believe that God’s Law is binding? Or do […]
There are no “Sword of Truth-free” zones anywhere in God’s creation. Just sayin’.
We’re “educated” from toddlerhood in America to keep The Sword of Truth “in its place” (if we must have one at all), which is, as we are reminded again and again and again: In its sheath and safely stored away at home. Or at church. Or in a prayer closet. Or in our precious, sweet little heart. Or whatever…you […]
Do we actually believe that God’s Law is law? Or do we not?
Is God’s Word truth? Or is it not? This is what’s known in deep theological terms as “an important question”. This important question has been highlighted by Kim Davis’ arrest and incarceration in Grayson, Kentucky. So what is our answer? Our real answer, I mean? All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for […]
Murdered language, murdered babies, and how one leads to the other.
In America, we claim a lot of things, usually in a loud and proud fashion. That’s just how we roll (and have been encouraged to roll by the State/Corporate-owned schools and pop-culture under which we’ve been discipled). As a natural and purposeful consequence of our Pagan discipleship, we proudly claim the “right” to do any […]
How many severed baby heads can you fit in an economy mailer?
Remember when things like Jeffrey Dahmer’s refrigerator were viewed as a generally bad thing? Disgusting, even? You know: Unacceptable. Well, no more. As we careen toward the natural, increasingly dark destination of “We the People”-based law and life in practice, we are finding out just how quickly the unthinkably vulgar and evil can transition into a new sort […]
Planned Parenthood Zombie Rips Brain from Living Child. Yes, Really.
R.C. Sproul Jr. once appropriately noted that the topic of abortion is very much like the topic of hell in that if we allow ourselves to actually think about it for anything beyond the briefest of moments, it will drive us mad. The horrors of hell and abortion, when seriously contemplated in an honest, inquisitive […]
The Ultimate (and completely safe) “Debate”-Watchers’ Drinking Game
D-Day has arrived. Zero hour is nearly upon us. I am of course speaking of The Big Show (of the moment): Tonight’s 10-man corporate controlled political puppet cage match being put on by Fox News in Cleveland. The stakes are high and the contrived drama is higher. Trumpamania is already running wild and The Donald will be taking center […]
Welcome to the 2016 Parade of Republican Statists
Wanna know where the long term embrace of a wildly unbiblical “lesser of two evils” approach to leadership selection leads? Wanna know how easy it is for anti-Christian corporate/banking elites to steer us straight on into hard core Statism through their production, promotion, and control of The All-American Political Puppet Show? Well there’s no need to wonder. Just […]
We’re not here to watch. We’re here to fight…and win (by His grace and for His glory).
Contrary to popular American “Christian” mythology, true believers are not placed here to be polite, culturally compliant observers passively watching the world go to hell while nurturing a nice, neat little “gospel” that is kept safely sequestered and tucked away in “its proper place” (at church, in Bible studies, in “our hearts”, etc.). (See also: Beware the “Gospel in a […]
“Another boy!”, admits the Planned Parenthood ghoul.
Another day, another video. Another video, another reminder. Another reminder that “another boy!” has been murdered, pulled to pieces, and had those pieces taken to market all in the name of “liberty” and the “right” of a woman to murder her own child here in “the land of the free” and the home of “the brave”. (See: […]
Planned Parenthood’s Baby Body Part Trophy Sale
Lemme get this straight: Walter Palmer’s killing and subsequent decapitation of Cecil the Lion so that he might have a trophy to commemorate the kill is evil. (A position with which I would agree.) …and… Planned Parenthood’s ongoing, systematic mass slaughter of baby boys and girls, from whose still twitching bodies little lung and liver trophies are […]
Save the lions. Kill the babies. Welcome to hell.
“Legally” sacrifice our own little baby boys and girls by the tens of millions on the altar of convenience and profit? Sure. Why not? Openly operate “legal” baby butchering businesses who carefully preserve the parts of those systematically massacred baby boys and girls so that said baby bits might be sold for maximum profit? Sure. Why not? […]
Detroit celebrates All-American “right” to worship Satan. [insert “U! S! A!” chant here]
For all o’ those professing conservative Christians in America who are somehow actually still confused as to “how, oh how(!)” our culture could have possibly sunk so quickly and deeply into its present vile and disgusting state, our friends the Satanists have once again come along on cue to dutifully remind us of what is really at the […]
The (All-American) Demonic Defenses of Planned Parenthood
If one thing is being made painfully clear these days, it’s that America is a thoroughly satanic culture. Pride defines us. And we’re proud of that. “We the People” see ourselves (and are encouraged by our Corporate-owned American State to see ourselves) as the gold standard for goodness on earth. We’re the “last best hope for humanity”. We’re […]
How’s that Pagan “conservatism” workin’ out for ya, Christian?
So how is our Pagan “conservatism” and America worship working out for us? How’s that 40+ year “pro-life commitment” from the GOP panning out? (See: Note to ‘Merica: There is no “God-given right” to murder children. Repent accordingly.) How’s that GOP/”conservative” defense of “family values” playing out? (See: Of course Jeb Bush is “fine” with […]
Is it okay to ask the military what happened to our freedom?
I know that this is touchy. I know that we’ve been conditioned to avoid even the consideration of such thoughts and subjects. I know that even asking the question will have many tempted to immediately tar and tag me as “unpatriotic” or some sort of commie pinko who should just shut up, stop thinking such things, stop […]
Selling murdered baby parts in America? Sure. Why not?
So let me see if I get this straight: We can openly murder tens of millions of our own little babies in a cold, clinical, systematic manner for the sake of convenience and profit in the name of “freedom”, “liberty” and our “God-given right” to do that sort of thing day after day, year after year, […]
Note to ‘Merica: There is no “God-given right” to murder children. Repent accordingly.
What would you call a person who casually discusses over a nice crunchy salad their personal role in the systematic murder and dismemberment of innocent children so that their little baby body parts might be most effectively marketed and fed to others? Evil? Sure. Demonic? Yeah. Disgusting, vile, and repulsive? Yes, yes, and yes. But […]
Confronting Americult
For those hoping, praying, and pulling for true restoration in America, the past weekend offered us the clearest sign yet that we are nowhere near even beginning to head in that direction as a people. The one thing to watch for in this or any other culture where death is near and restoration is desperately […]
Get with the Big Gay Program or be driven out of business in “the land of the free” and “the home of the brave”.
As we head into a weekend where we will be relentlessly nudged and pressured to sing about how “free” we are and how much “liberty” we have here in the “land of the free” and the home of the NSA, we are well served to consider the following “American Freedom Update” as reported earlier today by Portland’s […]
Are we really free? Do we even want to know?
Are we free to ask if we’re really free in America? The short answer to that one is, thankfully: Yes. Here I am asking the question, after all, and here you are reading (and presumably considering) it. So yeah, at a basic level, yes, we are indeed free to openly ask if we’re really free […]
America’s Preferred (and Protected) Symbol of Slavery and Oppression
As you may have noticed, people are talking a lot about flags lately. And slavery. And oppression. And hate and feelings and sensitivities. And how Confederate flags and icons are uniquely worthy of a purge here in “the land of the free” and the home of the NSA. That’s the Corporate American Statists’ spin on […]
When, if ever, should we actively disobey or disarm Police?
In a Police State, when the Police speak (or beat or tackle or shoot), you don’t challenge them. You simply conform to their will and obey. You don’t think for yourself in that moment. You don’t critically evaluate what one person is doing to another when the one doing it is wearing a badge. And you […]
The Dennis Hastert Example and NSA Control of National Government
Okay, so let’s put on our thinking caps and try real hard to concentrate for just a second or two and consider the (probably very significant) relationship between two points… 1. The NSA needs to “protect our freedom and liberty” by gathering information on the citizens of the United States on a scale and at a level […]
It’s funny how things like riots and looting make people less apathetic about law.
If law and lawlessness are up to man to define here on earth, then we can know a few things about what law and lawlessness will look like here on earth: The definitions of both will always be in flux. ‘ There is no objective standard by which to limit the range of said fluctuation. . […]
Four Family-Empowering Techs That Christians Should Master
For all the “end times” wackiness unfolding around us, there’s a whole lot to be excited about in a very good way right here and right now in God’s creation. Sure, American culture is coming apart at the seams on a macro level in pretty much every realm of life as a consequence of its proud, ongoing rebellion against […]
Privacy is for masters. Transparency is for slaves. Welcome to “the land of the free” and the home of the NSA.
Are Americans free? Or are we not? Do Americans have privacy? Or do we not? Do Americans actually own land privately? (See: “property tax”/rent-to-the-State) Or do we not? Do Americans live in anything resembling a “free market”? Or is the money printed out of thin air by a very few used to own and control […]
Why are we surprised that “educated” Americans are open to murdering toddlers and infants?
More and more “educated” Americans are in favor of legalizing the murder of toddlers and infants. In an article published by The College Fix today titled Trending: More college students support post-birth abortion, we learn that a large and growing number of young “educated” folks in America are openly, matter-of-factly supportive of allowing the murder of […]
America’s lesson to creation: Pride, freedom and liberty are stupid, destructive, and gay…when centered on anything but God.
What does pride, freedom, and liberty look like when severed from the law and nature of God their basis? We are increasingly able to provide a one-word answer to that ugly question, and that answer is: America. As reported earlier today, the Supreme Court of the United States has turned away appeals Monday from five […]
So even the Germans are creeped out by our Surveillance State.
So even the Germans are creeped out by our Surveillance State. Nice. I mean, you’ve got to admit, that’s a pretty impressive thing we just did there. Way to go, ‘merica! [insert “U!-S!-A!” chant here] As The Washington Post reported today, Germany has formally requested that the US CIA station chief based in the country just go ahead […]
Prancing Ponies, Bible Belt Satanists, and America’s Proud Rebellion
. . . At this moment in our history, our unique claim to fame is that, when it comes to sheer size and scale of blasphemy and idolatry, there has never in all of human history been a greater, more boastful spiritual whore than America. There’s not even a close second, really, though one could make the case for Old Testament Israel being the closest thing to a competitor for this particular award.
What makes America truly untouchable in this contest isn’t just the globe-spanning scope and influence of her rank prostitution. It’s the fact that she does it all while mouthing her “love for Jesus” that makes it a truly unique and bone chilling horror. This combo gives allows her to coast to the easiest of wins where the gold medal for rebellion is concerned.
But hey, if you’re gonna do something, be the best at that thing, right?
And in America, if there’s one thing we know, it’s that we’re #1!
The Smell of Progress
I can remember living in Seattle just over a decade ago, right before the world was scheduled to end by way of another colossal Microsoft screw-up. Maybe all the techno-apocalyptic hubbub was just another marketing ploy concocted for the likes of Hal Lindsey and Pat Robertson, or maybe it was all a part of prepping the world for Vista. We may never know, but, whatever the case on the Y2K front, Seattle in 1999 definitely was an interesting place to be.
The political sea was churning.
The world was watching.
Progress was in the air.
Everybody Expects…the Liberal Inquisition! (Part 2)
On April 29th, 2004, Canada’s governor general signed into law a measure that criminalized public expression in opposition to homosexual behavior, officially categorizing some orthodox Christian beliefs, when verbalized publically, as “hate speech”.
Welcome to the hopey, changey world of tolerance and inclusiveness, Perez Hilton style.
The Scarlet ‘R’
Every protest of the “progressive” agenda is fundamentally fueled by pervasive racism in America…or so the Liberal Inquisition would have you believe. Any expression of even the slightest suspicion regarding President Obama, Obamacare, Obama pals like Charlie Rangel or ACORN is immediately tagged as racially motivated.
Everybody Expects…the Liberal Inquisition!
By now, everybody expects the Liberal Inquisition. Before one can even finish the thought preceding any pronouncement critical of anything “progressive”, they must resign themselves to the knowledge that, should they actually let their politically incorrect words fly, they will be branded.
The Scarlet R will be upon them.