To despise the Law of God is to despise the Son of God. (Or: Truth you won’t hear in most American churches.)

If we have a low regard for God’s Law, we a have a low regard for God’s Son. We don’t hear that much from American church pulpits these days, do we? Yet few truths are more clearly conveyed in God’s Word. Again and again, Jesus is described as the embodiment and fulfillment of what? The […]
It’s Not Government’s Job To Protect Us From Weeds

It’s not the job of government to protect us from weeds. You’d think that much would be obvious, especially to self-described conservatives, and doubly so for conservative Christians, but you’d be wrong. Most “conservative Christians” in America are quite certain that it is government’s job to protect us from weeds (or, to be more precise, […]
Baby Christian or False Convert? (1 Minute of Truth VIDEO)

Baby Christian or false convert? That is the question…a question we aim to answer in our latest video: If the above embedded player doesn’t work, you can access the clip by clicking here. Please share it wherever you think it might be appreciated (or productively agitating). If you’ve benefitted from the work done at Fire Breathing […]
What does “satanic” mean, and why do we not seem to know?

What does it mean to be “satanic”? Does a thing have to be over-the-top creepy/bad, like Fifty Shades of Grey or a Ouija board, in order to qualify? Does a person have to do extra-spicy, super-duper evil stuff like subscribe to Playboy or vote Hillary in order to breach the satanic threshold? What does it take? What […]
Why most conservative Christian Americans love law…as long as it’s not God’s.

American conservatives, especially those who claim to be Christian, and even more especially those who are politically active, claim to love law. They’re all about “law and order”. They’re all for “law enforcement”. They passionately advocate for the United States being “a nation of laws”. They want “the law” enforced. They want “the law” respected. […]
How A “Two Kingdoms” Mindset Is Escorting America To Hell

“Jesus is Lord over all or He isn’t Lord at all.” Heard that one before? Yeah, me too. Funny thing is, I usually hear it from Americanized Evangelicals who rather emphatically do not believe that Jesus is Lord over all sorts of things – like politics, economics, business, art, law, games, sports, civil government, and children’s education […]
We’re not electing a pastor…so feel free to ignore everything the Bible says about character, wisdom, wickedness, virtue, vice, truth, judgment, success, and the wrath of God (via wicked leaders).

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction. ~ Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight. ~ Proverbs 9:10 . . . look for able men from all the people, men who fear God, who […]
As America Begs For Tyranny To “Save It”, The Kingdom Of God Advances On All Fronts

One empire is dying. While another emerges. As I sat through about an hour of live coverage of the Dallas police shootings earlier tonight (please pray!), this heavy but beautiful truth seemed to become clearer with each passing minute of professional commentary and expert analysis, not that this was the goal of said experts, of course. […]
America’s Ongoing Black Mass: Satanists To Openly Worship In The Heartland (Again)

So, according to numerous reports, Satanists are openly advertising and planning (yet another) Black Mass in America, this time in the heartland state of Oklahoma. Before we get into the particulars of this installment of Black Mass Over America, let’s take a step back and get some perspective… A long time ago, in a galaxy not […]
Utah, Porn, and America’s imagined “freedom” to do evil.

On the plus side: Utah has declared pornography to be “a public health crisis”. On the not-so-plus side: America (Utah included) has declared and continues to declare the production, sale and purchase of porn to be a “God-given right” and “freedom” which must be vigorously protected by the full force and power of the American […]
Yes, the Bible trumps the Constitution here in America (and everywhere else in God’s creation).

With “The Bible Bill” once again getting national press as it nears the finish line in the Tennessee State General Assembly, which is to consider an override of Governor Bill Haslam’s veto later today, this seems like a good time to share a few simple truths – truths that are intensely despised and actively opposed by even most professing […]
What does a satanic approach to religious liberty get you? (Hint: America)

Right now, before our unbelieving eyes, whether we want to see it or not or whether we understand what we’re seeing or not, the one true God is crushing the world’s greatest advocate for a satanic approach to liberty under His heel. God is grinding America into dust. Put another way: America is breaking itself to pieces […]
Why are “Pro-Life” leaders preserving abortion in Oklahoma?

Legislation has been introduced to abolish abortion in Oklahoma. So you might be surprised to hear that high profile “Pro-Life” leaders have come out against the bill…but you shouldn’t be. Why have they come out against it? Why would “Pro-Life” leaders oppose a bill that aims to really, truly, and actually abolish human baby murder? Because, so say the […]
Why are we in this political nightmare? Ask your “evangelical Christian” pastor.

American evangelical leaders have worked very hard for a very long time to get us to where we are now. They’ve done more than anyone else to lead us into the socio-political hellhole in which we find ourselves sinking deeper with each passing Drudge Report refresh, and it’s very important that they get the credit they […]
The first thing The Devil wants us to do is the last thing The Devil needs us to do.

Let’s keep this simple, short, and sweet: Jesus Christ is the personal Source, Creator, Definer and Sustainer of everything in His creation. (See: Colossians 1:15-20.) And “everything” means everything, which certainly and obviously includes law, logic, art, economics, technology, civil government and everything else. So it is that the Person of Jesus Christ is the […]
Super-Satanic Tuesday: How’s that “lesser of two evils” deal looking now?

With the fear-driven American political puppet show drama about to hit its primary season peak (right on schedule), we’re well served to resist the relentless promotion of emotion-driven anxiety pitched by countless (and often “conservative Christian”) media mouthpieces and take a moment to calmly (you know, as if King Jesus is actually on His throne) assess just […]
Rubio and Cruz fight over who can ignore Scripture the most (in practice) while claiming to love it the loudest (in word).

In keeping with the now long-standing American tradition of professing Christian conservatives claiming the name of Christ and an affinity for the Bible in word while pretty much ignoring the Word of God on law and civil government in practice, Senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz have locked horns in a political life-and-death battle over who will carry the […]
Ted Cruz Brings the Gospel of American Statism to South Carolina Christians

Like inviting Dracula over for dinner, inviting a Statist over to preach has its consequences. One such consequence is the further promotion and cementing in place of the anti-Christ religion of American Statism as an ally or expression of biblical Christianity in the minds of American Christians who have for generations now been purposefully programmed to conflate secular conservatism […]
Obama to Select Scalia Replacement for US Supreme Court as Fear Grips (and Steers) the Hearts of American “Christians”

The US Supreme Court that imposed “gay marriage” and ObamaCare upon America is about to take a lunging lurch leftward. With today’s passing of Antonin Scalia, the laughably unfree “land of the free” is almost certain to see a significant slide even further down the rat-hole of DC-down tyranny and the perversion of law. A proud, unrepentant nation that exalts […]
Why Theonomy scares the hell out of people…and cultures…and civilizations…

Ever wonder what the most feared, loathed, hated and despised message to ever hit the ears and self-serving little hearts of unrepentant men and women might be? No need to wonder. Here it is: All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in […]
The Kingdom of God vs. The (Collapsing) Empire of America

As we watch a proud, unrepentant people cling to the idol of the American State and we see the judgment of the one true God come down upon that idol and its worshippers, we are well served to praise the King of kings for the peace, purpose, and mission that He has given His people right here and now […]
We don’t need another Constitution. We need another Declaration.

So now we have “legalized” “gay marriage” to go along with our “legalized” child sacrifice to go along with our “legalized” porn to go along with our “legalized” adultery-based business models to go along with all the rest of our now flagrantly, obviously, and catastrophically anti-Christ approach to law and civil government. And in the […]
The US Constitution is not the gold standard for law in America (or anywhere else).

Contrary to countless proclamations routinely rolling off the tongues of tens of millions of Americans, most of whom claim to be Christians, the US Constitution is not the gold standard for law in America (or anywhere else). It’s a very beautiful and impressive document in many unique and wondrous ways, but it is far from perfect. It has […]
Two things to pray about, please.

Howdy All, I hope that all is well with you and yours and that your week is rolling along nicely. I have two prayer requests as we head into what is shaping up to be an important weekend of preparation. First, please pray that we will continue to grow in impact despite some significant changes made via […]
Missouri bill makes a “gift” of sex between politicians and lobbyists.

How crackpot crazy has our approach to law and civil government become as “We the People” strive to have anything but the Word of God to rule over us? (See also: Porn, America, and what “rights” look like to people at war with God.) Just how nutty and desperate to “work around” the clear, detailed, […]
Jesus isn’t anybody’s co-pilot.

Everything wrong with us springs from our personal refusal to submit to Christ as King in practice. Everything wrong with our culture flows from our corporate rejection of Christ as Lord in practice. One of the cutesy (and therefore most repulsive) ways we’re naturally wired to express contempt for Christ’s rule over all of creation is by paying lip service to Him as […]
Why do we prefer ignorance and bondage to truth and freedom?

The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent. . . ~ Acts 17:30 One awesome – and awesomely convicting – principle revealed in Scripture is that we are responsible for the light that has been given us. Not merely the light that we choose to soak in, choose to meditate […]
The True Gospel Conquers Everything; The Modern American “Gospel”…Not So Much

Here’s some good news about the Good News of the Gospel: It’s about much more than your precious personal salvation. It’s about everything. The Gospel of King Jesus touches, purifies and conquers everything. It’s not about a Kingdom waiting out there in the future somewhere. It’s not about a Kingdom off in some far distant […]
By What Standard?

~ If you know of anyone who might appreciate this or other Stick People for Jesus comics, please share it. If you’d like to see comics like this continue, please click here to help. Please also “like” us on Facebook, “+” us on Google+, follow us on Twitter and feel free to sign up for new articles by email using the […]
Should Muslims and Satanists be allowed to seek public office in America?

Should an openly practicing Muslim be allowed to seek and hold office in America? What about a Satanist? Should an openly practicing Satanist be allowed to seek and hold office in America? If not, why not? If so, should “We the People” be open to voting for them? What about those of us who claim Christ […]
Pedophilia: The next new “Alternate Sexuality”.

What a difference a summer makes, am I right? We now have “gay marriage” (pronounced “gay mirage“) in America, where we like to beg for the wrath of God upon us by pretending to make it “legal”. (See: “Supreme Court” Votes for Wrath of God Upon America.) Then there’s “Transgenderism”. You can’t check out in an […]
Christians rally for the “rights” of Satanists to worship Satan in America.

Interesting and important conversations are taking place in America. Critical and challenging thoughts are being entertained in a serious way by many Americans for the first time in a good long while (if ever). We are now being forced, by the grace of God, to consider what it means exactly to worship and what it […]
We really need your help. Thank you for your prayerful consideration!

. Howdy All, First off, a big thank you(!) to those who support the Fire Breathing Christian mission with your prayers, by sharing the blog posts (and now podcast episodes), and by offering up kind and encouraging words by email and social media. That encouragement is like wind in our sails! God has been so very good to us […]
Dear America: Jesus isn’t running for King and His Law isn’t “up for a vote” either. Repent accordingly.

Jesus is King. King over America. Right now. Really. And not just King in some hyper-spiritual, intangible “out there” sense in some (safely) distant heaven or in some (safely) future kingdom. Not in some way that limits Him to church buildings or to choir lofts or to the precious little hearts of His sheep. Nope, He is Lord right […]
Liars, Jokers, and Thieves: Do we really want Jesus or do we just want His stuff?

“In God We Trust!” “God bless America!” “Oh, how I love Jesus!” This lingo is all over the place in America. As the culture war rages, loud and proud appeals are constantly made by tens of millions of American professing Christians – especially “conservatives” – who claim to love, trust, and adore God. But what do […]
Why do we allow the open practice of Islam, witchcraft, and Satanism in America?

One of the weirdest and most telltale signs that we’ve become a people completely disconnected from reality is the way that here in America, even most “conservative” professing Christians have come to cherish and defend the concept of religious pluralism. The idea that we have the “God-given ‘right’” to worship any god or practice any religion […]
Little Gospel Syndrome and the Death of American Culture

Wouldn’t it be great if people took God seriously? Wouldn’t it be great if people took God seriously enough to take His Word seriously? In detail, I mean. As in, all of it. As in, out of a true love for Him (see: John 14:15). Wouldn’t it be great if the professing Christian church in America […]
Fox News Equates God’s Law With Islam. American “Conservative Christians” say, “Amen!”

If there’s one thing that absolutely terrifies the typical politically “conservative” churchgoing professing Christian in America, it is the Nature of God as revealed in His Word and Law. More specifically, they’re petrified at even the thought of that Law-Word being taken seriously. As in: applied. As in: for real. As in: Not just […]
Resistance to Tyranny is Obedience to God (Thank you for the reminder, Kim Davis.)

Thank God for Kim Davis! Thank God for the example she has been at this critical moment. (See: Woman jailed for obeying God in America…while Gay America chants “love wins!”) Thank God for the thoughts and conversations that her biblical stand has ignited. (See: Do we actually believe that God’s Law is binding? Or do […]
There are no “Sword of Truth-free” zones anywhere in God’s creation. Just sayin’.

We’re “educated” from toddlerhood in America to keep The Sword of Truth “in its place” (if we must have one at all), which is, as we are reminded again and again and again: In its sheath and safely stored away at home. Or at church. Or in a prayer closet. Or in our precious, sweet little heart. Or whatever…you […]
Get with the Big Gay Program…or go to jail.

How ready for jail time are you? How ready for jail time is your family? How willing and how prepared to suffer serious persecution for the Word of God in a lawless culture are you, your family, your friends, and your local church? How ready are you to lose friendships, connections, status, employment, employment opportunities, and material […]
Do we actually believe that God’s Law is law? Or do we not?

Is God’s Word truth? Or is it not? This is what’s known in deep theological terms as “an important question”. This important question has been highlighted by Kim Davis’ arrest and incarceration in Grayson, Kentucky. So what is our answer? Our real answer, I mean? All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for […]
The Difference Between Thumping the Bible and Believing It

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. ~ 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (emphasis added) Do we believe this? Do we actually believe that Scripture equips us adequately for every […]
5 Reasons Why American “Christians” Cheer the Persecution of American Christians

We live in wild and wacky times. And its probably gonna get a whole lot wilder and wackier before it gets much better. That much seems certain. The America of 2015 is so far down the pike (and drain) from the America of just 2000 or 2005 that it really can be hard for many […]
Woman jailed for obeying God in America…while Gay America chants “love wins!”

County Clerk for Rowan County, Kentucky – Kim Davis – was led off to jail today after refusing to issue licenses for “gay marriages” in direct violation of the unbreakable, unshakable, universally binding Word of God. Welcome to America. Welcome to the New America, where we are now reaping the full, foul fruit of “We the […]
Presuppositional Civil Government: Who we view as owning civil government determines how we will pursue civil government.

What is government? More specifically, what is civil government? Put another way, what is The State? What are its roles, responsibilities, and limitations? Where might we as Christians go to find the answers to these important questions…hrmmm….I wonder… Maybe to…The State? Ummm…nope. Okay, maybe State-certified and State-approved educators then? Uh…no. Bad idea. Well, howsabout other […]
Why is Ashley Madison “legal” in America?

Why is an openly operating adultery business like Ashley Madison “legally” allowed and protected in America? For the same reason that the mass-murder of babies is “legal” in America. (See: Selling murdered baby parts in America? Sure. Why not?) And for the same reason that “gay marriage” is “legal” in America. (See: “Supreme Court” Votes for Wrath […]
Murdered language, murdered babies, and how one leads to the other.

In America, we claim a lot of things, usually in a loud and proud fashion. That’s just how we roll (and have been encouraged to roll by the State/Corporate-owned schools and pop-culture under which we’ve been discipled). As a natural and purposeful consequence of our Pagan discipleship, we proudly claim the “right” to do any […]
The Ultimate (and completely safe) “Debate”-Watchers’ Drinking Game

D-Day has arrived. Zero hour is nearly upon us. I am of course speaking of The Big Show (of the moment): Tonight’s 10-man corporate controlled political puppet cage match being put on by Fox News in Cleveland. The stakes are high and the contrived drama is higher. Trumpamania is already running wild and The Donald will be taking center […]
Welcome to the 2016 Parade of Republican Statists

Wanna know where the long term embrace of a wildly unbiblical “lesser of two evils” approach to leadership selection leads? Wanna know how easy it is for anti-Christian corporate/banking elites to steer us straight on into hard core Statism through their production, promotion, and control of The All-American Political Puppet Show? Well there’s no need to wonder. Just […]
We’re not here to watch. We’re here to fight…and win (by His grace and for His glory).

Contrary to popular American “Christian” mythology, true believers are not placed here to be polite, culturally compliant observers passively watching the world go to hell while nurturing a nice, neat little “gospel” that is kept safely sequestered and tucked away in “its proper place” (at church, in Bible studies, in “our hearts”, etc.). (See also: Beware the “Gospel in a […]
Planned Parenthood’s Baby Body Part Trophy Sale

Lemme get this straight: Walter Palmer’s killing and subsequent decapitation of Cecil the Lion so that he might have a trophy to commemorate the kill is evil. (A position with which I would agree.) …and… Planned Parenthood’s ongoing, systematic mass slaughter of baby boys and girls, from whose still twitching bodies little lung and liver trophies are […]
Save the lions. Kill the babies. Welcome to hell.

“Legally” sacrifice our own little baby boys and girls by the tens of millions on the altar of convenience and profit? Sure. Why not? Openly operate “legal” baby butchering businesses who carefully preserve the parts of those systematically massacred baby boys and girls so that said baby bits might be sold for maximum profit? Sure. Why not? […]
Presuppositional Law: Where we begin with law determines where we end.

What is law? What is the basis for law? What ultimately determines whether a thing is lawful or lawless? What we often automatically and unconsciously presuppose about the origin and nature of law determines what we will allow ourselves to see and consider from that point forward. Our presuppositions about the essence of law dictate which “truths” we […]
Detroit celebrates All-American “right” to worship Satan. [insert “U! S! A!” chant here]

For all o’ those professing conservative Christians in America who are somehow actually still confused as to “how, oh how(!)” our culture could have possibly sunk so quickly and deeply into its present vile and disgusting state, our friends the Satanists have once again come along on cue to dutifully remind us of what is really at the […]
The (All-American) Demonic Defenses of Planned Parenthood

If one thing is being made painfully clear these days, it’s that America is a thoroughly satanic culture. Pride defines us. And we’re proud of that. “We the People” see ourselves (and are encouraged by our Corporate-owned American State to see ourselves) as the gold standard for goodness on earth. We’re the “last best hope for humanity”. We’re […]
How’s that Pagan “conservatism” workin’ out for ya, Christian?

So how is our Pagan “conservatism” and America worship working out for us? How’s that 40+ year “pro-life commitment” from the GOP panning out? (See: Note to ‘Merica: There is no “God-given right” to murder children. Repent accordingly.) How’s that GOP/”conservative” defense of “family values” playing out? (See: Of course Jeb Bush is “fine” with […]
Note to ‘Merica: There is no “God-given right” to murder children. Repent accordingly.

What would you call a person who casually discusses over a nice crunchy salad their personal role in the systematic murder and dismemberment of innocent children so that their little baby body parts might be most effectively marketed and fed to others? Evil? Sure. Demonic? Yeah. Disgusting, vile, and repulsive? Yes, yes, and yes. But […]
Who needs church discipline when you can have “church” growth instead?

Church discipline. Now there’s a hip, cool, trendy subject in the modern American church, am I right? For most reading this, including even most professing Christians in most supposedly “conservative” Christian churches, the term is at best odd, unfamiliar, and, more of often than not, tends to be viewed as something ugly. Church discipline sounds […]
13 questions you’re NOT supposed to ask on “Independence Day” in America.

I love fireworks and cookouts as much as the next guy. More than the next guy, usually. And I love America too…so much that I will no longer play the role of enabler. I will no longer look the other way. I will no longer pretend. I will no longer lie and encourage the lying […]
Polygamy in America? Sure, why not?

Just when our proud plunge into cultural oblivion didn’t seem able to get any more pathetic, it has. And even though we had to see this particular turn for the ridiculous coming from many miles away, it still stings now that it’s finally arrived, kind of like last week’s Supreme Court decision. (See: “Supreme Court” Votes […]
Why using the Ten Commandments as a lucky rabbit’s foot is a really bad idea.

Contrary to popular American mythology, things like Bibles and Ten Commandments monuments make lousy (and particularly blasphemous) lucky rabbits’ feet. When we use them as superstitious icons and trinkets of protection – as we routinely do here in “the land of the free” and the home of the NSA – we aren’t proclaiming our fidelity to […]
Limp Wristed Gospels Make Limp Wristed Cultures

How’s that “real world”, “pragmatic political” approach to life working out for you, American Christian? How’s it actually shaping and molding the future of your children and grandchildren here in the “land of the free” and the home of the NSA? How are all o’ those mountains of votes and billions of dollars spent on “good […]
“Supreme Court” Votes for Wrath of God Upon America

The “Supreme Court” verdict is in: “Gay marriage” is legit. [insert “U! S! A!” chant here] Of course, in Reality – as in, the unbreakable reality of a universe defined and held together by God – there is no such thing as “gay marriage”. (See: The Eternal Model for Marriage is Christ the King and […]
So this is what a (church built) zombie apocalypse looks like…

There’s something surreal about what’s happening here in “the land of the free” and the home of the NSA. Something creepy. Something disturbing. Many are understandably captivated by the looming “Supreme Court” decision as to whether American “law” is going to submit to God’s perfect, unalterable definition of marriage or become further broken by another sad, suicidal attempt to rebel against Truth. But […]
Why our “Supreme Court” insanity is anything but surprising.

First, the good news: A decision has been made where the definition of marriage is concerned. It is a right decision. It is a good decision. It is a loving decision. Moreover, it is a perfectly right, good and loving decision. It is unbreakable, immutable, inescapable and undeniable. Any who would try to break, […]
When, if ever, should we actively disobey or disarm Police?

In a Police State, when the Police speak (or beat or tackle or shoot), you don’t challenge them. You simply conform to their will and obey. You don’t think for yourself in that moment. You don’t critically evaluate what one person is doing to another when the one doing it is wearing a badge. And you […]
When the Bible gets hairy. (Or: Is it ever right for men to have long hair?)

For some strange reason, I seem to be asked far more than most about the propriety (or impropriety) of men wearing long hair. Okay, so maybe my being asked about this fairly regularly really isn’t so strange, weird or surprising at all, since I just happen to have long hair myself. Very long hair, actually, and I […]
Note to ‘Merica: There is no “God-given right” to worship false gods. Repent accordingly.

This may be news to most American “Christians” and most, if not all, of the “conservative Christian” Presidential candidates that they are likely to overwhelmingly support in the latest Pagan Right pitch to “save America”, but, believe it or not: There is no “God-given right” to openly worship false gods. While we’re on the subject, it’s probably also important […]
What are you, some kind of [insert label here] or something?!

So what are you, some kind of Calvinist or something? Are you postmillennial? Are you…*gasp*…a __________?! [Note to readers: Before continuing this post, if you’re a professing Christian, please take a moment to prayerfully consider whether you actually believe that truly converted, supernaturally reborn New Creatures in Christ can (and often will as a part of the individual […]
The State as God in practice: How we currently evangelize through government, law and education.

How did it come to this? How did we in the name of freedom come to openly allow the systematic murder and dismemberment of our own children? How did we in the name of liberty come to accept the sacrifice of children by the tens of millions on the twin altars of convenience and profit? […]
How to NOT stop the Big Gay Bullies that are raping the culture.

First off, let’s take a moment to duly note how pathetic and emasculated we’ve become here in the “land of the free and the home of the brave” when it is the assumed norm that American culture and civilization is going to be nagged, bullied and bought into compliance by a bunch of loudmouthed and fabulously malicious androgynous fruitloops. Way to go, ‘Merica! And […]
We the people…are not God.

We the people are not God. We the people are commanded to submit to Christ as King in practice. We the people are not special or “exceptional” in any way that gives us a free pass to ignore, dismiss or reject Christ as King in practice. We the people are commanded to repent of our past and […]
It’s funny how things like riots and looting make people less apathetic about law.

If law and lawlessness are up to man to define here on earth, then we can know a few things about what law and lawlessness will look like here on earth: The definitions of both will always be in flux. ‘ There is no objective standard by which to limit the range of said fluctuation. . […]
Who defines “lawlessness”? Who defines “law”? (Or: Why it’s no surprise that Baltimore is burning.)

For those of us marveling at the latest wave of carnage rolling through Baltimore as America continues its unrepentant embrace of true lawlessness, please consider the following: If legislators in a certain place declare “gay marriage” to be legal, is it legal?. . If legislators in a certain land declare that systematically murdering and dismembering innocent children […]
Our Big, Gay, Cross-dressing Army. (Or: How ridiculously ungodly have we and our military become?)

The big, gay hits just keep a-comin’. This week we’ve already touched on the gloriously progressive turn that has come to and through American culture by way of “Transgender” approaches to Kindergarten. Last week it was the launch of a “Transgender” Girl(?) Scouts program in Utah(!). Today we’re acknowledging America’s fabulous new high heels wearing crop of U.S. […]
Religious “Freedom” Update: Witch leads American heartland “lawmakers” in “prayer”.

If you know of anyone who might appreciate this post, please share it. If you’d like to help support the Fire Breathing Christian mission, please click here. Please also “like” us on Facebook and feel free to sign up for new articles by email using the button in the upper right corner of the FBC home page. Thank you […]
Our Suicidal Lawlessness

If you know of anyone who might appreciate this post, please share it. If you’d like to help support the Fire Breathing Christian mission, please click here. Please also “like” us on Facebook and feel free to sign up for new articles by email using the button in the upper right corner of the FBC home page. Thank […]
America’s “freedom” to murder children and worship false gods.

Child sacrifice is about as ugly – and as American – as it gets. With “we the people” as god in practice, and Christ the King utterly disregarded whenever His crystal clear commands conflict with the desires, traditions and feelings that god, we have for generations been proudly set upon on a sure path to the wildest […]
Which Jesus?

~ If you know of anyone who might appreciate this post, please share it. If you’d like to help support the Fire Breathing Christian mission, please click here. Please also “like” us on Facebook and feel free to sign up for new articles by email using the button in the upper right corner of the FBC home page. Thank […]
If we love Him, we will keep His commandments.

This is the first published version of what has gone on to become the Stick People for Jesus web comic here at FBC. ~ If you know of anyone who might appreciate this post, please share it. If you’d like to help support the Fire Breathing Christian mission, please click here. Please also “like” us on […]
Why treating God like Charlie Brown’s mom is a really bad idea.

For the vast majority of professing Christians in America, their claim to Christianity centers on little more than their claim to Christianity. Put another way, they are Christians because they say that they are Christians. Their emotions tell them so. Their pastors or priests tell them so. So it must be true. And if you even […]
Loving America by Killing the America Idol

The conflation of Christianity with America has become one of the most effective tools of Statists in corralling, co-opting, and controlling the “conservative” masses here in the “land of the free” and the home of the NSA. I was reminded of this when I recently bumped into a Tea Party advocate manning a small display at […]
What is the ruling law of our land?

What is the ultimate ruling law of the land? And I mean right here and now in 2015 America. The biblical answer is crystal clear…and dismissed out of hand by most American “Christians”: The ultimate ruling law of this land (and every other) is, has always been, and shall forever be the unbreakable Word of God. […]
Exodus: Gods and Kings and Morons

As many have already noticed, there are some very cool stories in the Bible. Supernaturally cool and, better yet, true stories. One of the sweetest – yet most overlooked – aspects of the presentation of these supernaturally cool true stories by God in history and His thoughtful preservation of them in the loving, vivid detail of His Word is the fact that […]
How to truly love (and really save) America.

What does love mean? What does it mean to love someone or something? Most of us would describe love first as an intense emotion or feeling of endearment toward someone or something. Most of us would describe loving a person or thing then in very subjective, emotion-driven terms. And most of us would therefore be very, […]
This Satanic Temple Holiday Display Has Been Brought To You By: American Pride and “Freedom”

So what does it look like for a culture to proudly, arrogantly, and openly mock God? Well, just check out this headline from CBS: Satanic Temple Approved For Capitol Holiday Display And what culture would dare to openly mock the God of creation in such a flagrant and vile manner? Why ‘Merica, of course. [insert […]
The (unintended) truth of “No justice, no peace!”

“No justice, no peace!” In America, this means, “Do what we want or we will burn, pillage, and destroy.” It is the threat of lawlessness…offered under cover of justice. And it serves as a nice summary of just where American culture is when it comes to law, order, and peace. As we’ve touched on more than a […]
Does the Gospel teach us to oppose or embrace the Law of God?

One of the most beautiful, awe-inspiringly amazing truths of God’s plan for His people is that they are saved by His grace alone through faith alone in His Son alone. Helping to further amplify and clarify the incomparable graciousness of the gift of salvation is the mind-boggling fact that it is supernaturally imposed upon His people while they still hate Him. He […]
What does Jesus bring to politics, education, law, and economics?

The Bible is loaded with foundational statements that are bizarre, offensive and often quite disgusting to the unbelieving ear. We are commanded to “eat Christ’s flesh and drink His blood”. We are told that He is “the bread of life”, “the Word made flesh”, and that He is “the way, the truth, and the life” personified. […]
Christianity in a Box: Containing the Contagion of Obedience to Christ

If there’s one thing that secular progressive liberals, the vast majority of professing American Christians, and Satan can agree on, it is this: The Word of God is not to be our source, standard, and blueprint for education, economics, business, law, government and politics right here and now on planet earth, in America or anywhere else. For […]
Ever wonder why Pharaoh’s charioteers went along with his plan? Ever wonder if we are like them?

I’m still a sucker for Cecil B. DeMille’s The Ten Commandments. Sure, it has the truly special special effects that one would expect from a 1956 production and yeah, the dialogue is, at points, even more special than the effects. But man, Charlton Heston and Yul Brynner! Oh yeah! That’s what I’m talkin’ ’bout! […]
Well color me satanic and call me America! (Or: How our cherished tolerance for false gods is killing us.)

While there are many profound problems with the notion of religious pluralism as enshrined in American culture, the biggest bad thing about our wildly unbiblical permissive approach to life and worship is that God despises it (see: Exodus 20:3, or check out Openly Reject God;s First Commandment? YES! WE! CAN!) In a tragic yet anything-but-surprising alert posted by the […]
Openly Reject God’s First Commandment? YES! WE! CAN!

Imagine, if you will, Barack Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton (though not necessarily together – we don’t wanna be too fantastic here), John Kerry, Stuart Smalley, Joe Biden and Bill Maher all gathered ‘round the base of ol’ Mount Sinai as Moses brings down the following decree to man directly from the mind and hand of […]
7 Empowering Truths for Politically Active Christians

1. All power in heaven and on earth belongs to Jesus…right now. The living Lord of creation was not at all vague when He tasked His people with the Great Commission before flying into the clouds: “And Jesus came and said to them, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go […]
POLL: If God is serious about the First Commandment, Americans should…

What are we to do when it comes to The First Commandment? Click on the above picture to cast your vote and register your opinion…it’s the American way!
Prancing Ponies, Bible Belt Satanists, and America’s Proud Rebellion
. . . At this moment in our history, our unique claim to fame is that, when it comes to sheer size and scale of blasphemy and idolatry, there has never in all of human history been a greater, more boastful spiritual whore than America. There’s not even a close second, really, though one could make the case for Old Testament Israel being the closest thing to a competitor for this particular award.
What makes America truly untouchable in this contest isn’t just the globe-spanning scope and influence of her rank prostitution. It’s the fact that she does it all while mouthing her “love for Jesus” that makes it a truly unique and bone chilling horror. This combo gives allows her to coast to the easiest of wins where the gold medal for rebellion is concerned.
But hey, if you’re gonna do something, be the best at that thing, right?
And in America, if there’s one thing we know, it’s that we’re #1!