Jussie Smollett’s Christian-Enabled Hate Privilege
#HatePrivilege is all the rage. . In our culture, some people are not only free to hate, but are encouraged to do so at every turn by corporations, governments, and even “progressive” churches…all in the name of “fighting hate”. . Here in ‘Merika, if you want to openly discriminate against, oh, let’s just say for […]
DC Comics Artist Uses National Comic Book Day To Proclaim Brett Kavanaugh A “Likely Rapist”
What better way to spend National Comic Book Day if you’re an SJW contributor at DC Comics than to use your “comic pro” status on social media to proclaim that Brett Kavanaugh is “likely a rapist”? Why do the same SJW’s tend to think of Bill Clinton or [insert random Kennedy here] as heroes? And […]
Confronting The “Person of Faith” Non-Label Label
When a politician in America describes themselves as “a person of faith”, what are they telling us about themselves? Nothing. Nothing good, anyway. Everyone has faith and everyone is a person, so claiming to be a “person of faith” literally says tells us nothing about the person making the claim. As we all know (or […]
Three Points To Ponder On Primary Election Day
I’m only in my forties, but it seems very old of me to remember a day back when American conservatives actually seemed to want small government. I say “seemed” because I now realize that they never wanted small civil government. At least not for as long (and far longer) than I’ve been alive. What American […]
$elling The Flupocalypse
While we’ve had over fifty Super Bowls with each accompanied by a more frenzied, fantastic wave of hype and mass marketing than the last, there is an annual event that is actually closing the gap on the NFL’s crown jewel when it comes to over-the-top hyper-marketing and product merchandising to Americans. Enter: The Flupocalypse. Each […]
House Of Cards Indeed
Who knew Kevin Spacey could get even better at playing an American politician? As if our approach to politics, law, and leadership wasn’t gay enough or predatory enough already, this week brought news that Spacey, the legendary actor best known for his lead role as Frank Underwood in House of Cards, is both gay and a sexual predator. In typical […]
“Indivisible” Government = Idolatry Of Government
Every time a so-called conservative in America argues for the “indivisibility” of any particular government above any particular people, which they can’t seem to help doing when it comes to their beloved United States of America, I can’t help but imagine Twilight Zone theme music accompanying their presentation. Throw in the fact that most of these […]
Affleck’s Batman, Weinstein’s Super-Predator, And The Dawn Of Justice Over Hollywood
The cause, character, and continuing trajectory of the Harvey Weinstein scandal now consuming Hollyweird is, in essence, neatly summarized in one tiny little scene from last year’s big budget blockbuster “superhero” flick, Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice. Before we dive into that clip, it’s important to note that this Harvey Weinstein thing is a Big Deal, and […]
There were two mass shootings last weekend. They will both impact your freedom.
What if just hours before the terrible mass shooting in Las Vegas, a “democratic” government deployed mass violence against citizens because millions of those citizens were daring to cast votes on a subject that the “democratic government” in question didn’t want voted on? How would such an event impact the gun control debate? How would a […]
Beware The Emotional Ploy To “Put Politics Aside”
When someone says that we need to “keep politics out” of something, be it a football game or a recent tragedy, you can usually rest assured of one thing: A political agenda is afoot. What advocates of that agenda mean by “keeping politics out of ________” is that you need to keep your political opinions out […]
Newsflash: Singing The National Anthem *IS* A Political Statement
Of all the mind-blowingly stupid ideas being tossed around during The Great American National Anthem Crisis of 2017, one of the more revealing nuggets of idiocy is the oft-repeated contention that those who are protesting by not singing the national anthem before a football game “shouldn’t mix sports with politics”. They “shouldn’t use that time to make a […]
America Goes Full Lee-tard
How suicidally stupid are we? How murderously moronic has our approach to even the most basic things (like simple words) become? How idiotically infantile is our grasp on reality? Well, howsabout this for a quick reference point: ESPN just pulled a reporter named Robert Lee from his assignment to cover a football game in Virginia. Not. Even. […]
White Noise/Black Hearts
Since we’re apparently in the process of taking yet another plunge down the postmodern path to State-managed societal chaos and increasing government crackdowns on little things like speech, we probably ought to take a sec to at least notice some of the reasons for our continued march into darkness, beginning with: Americans no longer think. We feel. We emote. And of […]
Coulter Gets A Clue (Sort Of)
Here we are not even four months into Trumptopia and things are already so bad and so disappointing on so many levels that even Ann Coulter is noticing…and admitting that she’s noticing. Here’s how The Daily Caller addressed Coulter’s semi-awakening in an article posted yesterday: “Conservative author Ann Coulter was one of the most vocal […]
Meet The Deep State – America’s Liberty Obliterating Machine
When even the sitting President of the United States becomes an open target of the American Deep State, you know the end is near. What is the Deep State? So glad you asked. The American Deep State is the true governing force of the United States. It transcends presidential administrations and party affiliations. It remains entrenched and […]
The Beauty Of Snowflakes In Hell
Okay, first off, before we even get going here, despite what you may think the title implies, this post is not at all about me saying or discussing how I actually want any actual living person to actually go to actual Hell. I do not. I hope and pray that God will grace others with the same […]
Lock her up? Nah. (Or: Trump instantly caves on justice for Hillary.)
Well that didn’t take long. The chants of “lock her up!” barely had a chance to finish echoing through the countryside before The Donald decided that justice for Hillary really isn’t such a big deal after all. So what about all o’ those “Hillary for Prison” yard signs, bumper stickers, and t-shirts? How are they lookin’ […]
10 Things That Are Much More Important Than Voting For President
As we collectively lurch like a zombie toward the coronation of either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump as this cycle’s system-selected counterfeit savior, people are losing their minds. They’re just going nuts out there. Panic and hysteria abound. Fear is everywhere. Which is just the way they like it; with “they” being those who are […]
Wanna know what the GOP will stand for in 2030? Just look at the Democrat Party of 2016.
As we roll into the home stretch of the American Political Puppet Show‘s 2016 season, one thing is clear (or should be clear to anyone with two brain cells to rub together): The Republican and Democrat Parties are, especially at the national level, two wings of the same dragon. They are two heads of the […]
The Death Of “Man” (You can’t even use the word anymore)
Right about a year ago in a post titled Murdered language, murdered babies, and how one leads to the other, we addressed the manner in which the purposeful perversion of language plays a vital role in both initiating and perpetuating the decline of a culture into ultimately terminal darkness. In chronicling more recent steps being taken in […]
What if Hitler and Stalin were in the Trump/Clinton slots on the ballot? Would we get a clue then?
What if Hitler and Stalin (literal clones, mere ideological replicas or whatever) were somehow in the Trump/Clinton slots on the ballot? (Some would argue that they are, but that’s not the point here.) What if Hitler had won the nomination of one of America’s two major political parties and Stalin had won the other? What would […]
What The Republican Convention Taught Us About Christian Prostitution
For all of my adult life, and much of my pre-adult life, I’ve been very interested in politics. For most of my Christian adult life, I was a proud member of what I’d now describe as the Rush Limbaugh conservative camp and an ardent adherent of “lesser of two evils” political philosophy. Then, by the grace […]
7 Things Christians Should Look For At The Republican Convention
Is more money what we need to save us? Maybe better corporate jobs? Or more corporate jobs? Or more corporate jobs paying more Federal Reserve-printed Monopoly money? Or better State-run Temples of anti-Christian children’s education? Or maybe a bigger military and a more empowered police state to “keep us safe”? Are these the things that we need to “Make […]
Please pray that Donald Trump will be saved from the evangelical leaders who are sacrificing him for political gain.
Is Donald Trump playing America’s politically obsessed and thoroughly paganized evangelicals like a bunch of cheap fiddles, just like pretty much every GOP nominee before him? Oh yeah. Sure thing. No doubt about it. No surprise either. But could it be that these evangelicals – particularly the leaders of American evangelicalism – are actually playing Trump? […]
How fear-fueled politics compels cowardly American Christians to choose wicked leadership. – Fire Breathing Christian Podcast Episode 7
In this installment of The Fire Breathing Christian Podcast, we begin a week-long run of diving deep into subjects and issues shaping the culture around us, beginning with America’s fear-fueled approach to politics. We examine the useful myth of “the lesser evil” and take look at how we’ve allowed fear of everything and everyone but God to […]
“Should We Say The Pledge of Allegiance? (Hint: No.)” – The Hell Razer Report Podcast
Should we personally pledge our loyalty to the indivisible power of the State over us? Would the Founding Fathers have taken such a pledge during or after their very well documented rejection of such indivisible State power? Should we care that the American Pledge of Allegiance was written by a socialist in the late 1890s for […]
Clinton vs. Trump and American Christians vs. God
If Batman vs. Superman was bad (and it definitely was), then how should we categorize the ongoing barrage of teaser trailers for Clinton vs. Trump? How concerned should we be that fellow Christians seem to be once again falling right into the “Must Support The Lesser Evil” line? How alarmed should we be that American Christians seem to […]
How’s that “lesser of two evils” sewage tasting now?
While we may be tempted to feel all dirty, discouraged and downright icky at the prospect of America (led by American evangelicals) choosing Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton as this cycle’s left and right halves of the two-headed dragon that’s dragging what’s left of the culture to hell, it’s important to remember that there is much good that will – and […]
The Gender Chaos Corporate Media Matrix: Second Wachowski Brother Comes Out As A Pretend Woman; Wins Instant Approval
Isn’t it weird how announcements of celebrity “transgender” conversions are instantly canonized, lionized and accommodated in any way possible by every American Corporate owned mass media tool covering ’em? Gender chaos is clearly a primary goal and focus of the Corporate/State System here in 2016 America. Few things are as pervasively and promiscuously pimped, pumped, and promoted […]
Which Republican Socialist will win the Iowa Caucus…and the hearts of “conservative Christians”?
Confronting a devotee of The American Political Puppet Show is a lot like confronting a fan of professional wrestling. While they’ll of necessity concede much of the laughably contrived and choreographed nature of their prized fiction (you can only pretend so much), they just can’t bring themselves to admit what each and every connected dot […]
How the “born gay” lie led us to infinite “sexual fluidity”.
Nobody’s “born gay”. And most homosexual deathstyle advocates know it. How does that “make you feel”? Used? Spun? Disrespected? Deceived? In Born…or Soft-Wired to be Gay?, Eric Holmberg of The Apologetics Group follows up on an important article that he wrote back in October on the subject of pomosexuality (which we then covered in Is Pomosexuality a […]
Marco Rubio: “God’s rules always win.” Now ignore ’em all and vote for me!
“God’s rules always win.” File that sweet line atop the Marco Rubio section of the “it would be awesome if they really believed it” section 0f quotes from GOP candidates now predictably making the rounds pretending to love and revere the law of God in order to snag the votes and cash of politically active professing Christians in America. As […]
Oops, we “accidentally” armed al Qaeda with anti-tank missiles…again…
Over the past week – a week in which US President Barack Obama once again put a fine point on America’s long running desire to see Syria’s Bashar Al-Assad deposed – Russia has responded by pointing out an obvious and very inconvenient truth for proponents of US-as-Global-Good-Guy fiction. That inconvenient truth is that ISIS is, like al Qaeda before […]
Weaponized Victimhood in a Crybully Culture
If there’s one thing that oughta be painfully clear by now, it’s that there are some whose precious feelings, emotions and desires are to be diligently treasured and vigorously protected as delicate, fragile little shards of goodness essential to humanity’s progress. These carriers of the Progressive Spirit that is humanity’s one true hope must be shielded, coddled, […]
The Fear-Driven Voting of America’s “Conservative Christians”
Terrorism! Radical Muslims! The gay agenda! Barack Obama! Hillary Clinton! Justin Bieber! Fear! Fear! Fear! Panic! Panic! Panic! Crisis! Crisis! Crisis! If one thing is plain about the “conservative Christian” portion of America’s electorate, it is that fear is the primary motivator determining how its members spend their energy, resources, and votes. What Scripture refers […]
The queer shall inherit the earth? Actually, no. (Stonewall vs. Stonewall: A Collision of Kingdoms)
“The queer shall inherit the earth.” That’s what a gang of tolerance Nazis desperately trying to shout down, drown out, and generally intimidate dissent (all in the name of love, of course) had scrawled on a banner they carried along to protest a college campus appearance by Pastor Doug Wilson. That banner and those Nazis are featured subjects […]
Pedophilia: The next new “Alternate Sexuality”.
What a difference a summer makes, am I right? We now have “gay marriage” (pronounced “gay mirage“) in America, where we like to beg for the wrath of God upon us by pretending to make it “legal”. (See: “Supreme Court” Votes for Wrath of God Upon America.) Then there’s “Transgenderism”. You can’t check out in an […]
Beyond Debate: The never-ending “conservative” pitch for Statism (A biblical review of Round 1 of the GOP “debate” – Fire Breathing Christian Podcast Episode 6)
Ever notice how all the supposedly “conservative” leaders anointed and appointed by the national Republican Party seem to always end up leading us deeper and deeper into the Socialism and state-dependency that they claim to oppose? (See: How’s that Pagan “conservatism” workin’ out for ya, Christian?) Ever notice that no matter how many Republican Representatives, Senators, […]
Fox News Equates God’s Law With Islam. American “Conservative Christians” say, “Amen!”
If there’s one thing that absolutely terrifies the typical politically “conservative” churchgoing professing Christian in America, it is the Nature of God as revealed in His Word and Law. More specifically, they’re petrified at even the thought of that Law-Word being taken seriously. As in: applied. As in: for real. As in: Not just […]
The Ted Cruz Problem: How praising the Bible without submitting to the Bible gets us into all sorts of trouble. (Fire Breathing Christian Podcast Episode 4)
I don’t know ’bout you, but when I hear someone answer a nationally televised debate question by making a clear appeal to Scripture as the means by which God clearly speaks to man, I’m impressed. I ‘m happy. I’m compelled to amen(!) and woohoo(!). Senator Ted Cruz made just such an appeal in the first […]
What if Christians were as confident and clear as Donald Trump?
It’s no mystery why Donald Trump, also known as The Donald and also known here as The Trumpinator, is crushing his bug-like competitors for the Republican Party nomination. No mystery at all. Just ask someone – anyone – who is even marginally supportive of the Trump 2016 campaign why they are into that campaign at all and […]
If ISIS did to one American child what Planned Parenthood does to millions, we’d go to war and kill them for it.
What if ISIS released a video of one of its agents calmly, coolly, and clinically murdering and dismembering an American baby? What if ISIS did to one single solitary American baby boy or girl what Planned Parenthood is “legally” empowered by America to do to American babies here in “the land of the free” and the […]
The Ultimate (and completely safe) “Debate”-Watchers’ Drinking Game
D-Day has arrived. Zero hour is nearly upon us. I am of course speaking of The Big Show (of the moment): Tonight’s 10-man corporate controlled political puppet cage match being put on by Fox News in Cleveland. The stakes are high and the contrived drama is higher. Trumpamania is already running wild and The Donald will be taking center […]
Welcome to the 2016 Parade of Republican Statists
Wanna know where the long term embrace of a wildly unbiblical “lesser of two evils” approach to leadership selection leads? Wanna know how easy it is for anti-Christian corporate/banking elites to steer us straight on into hard core Statism through their production, promotion, and control of The All-American Political Puppet Show? Well there’s no need to wonder. Just […]
How’s that Pagan “conservatism” workin’ out for ya, Christian?
So how is our Pagan “conservatism” and America worship working out for us? How’s that 40+ year “pro-life commitment” from the GOP panning out? (See: Note to ‘Merica: There is no “God-given right” to murder children. Repent accordingly.) How’s that GOP/”conservative” defense of “family values” playing out? (See: Of course Jeb Bush is “fine” with […]
13 questions you’re NOT supposed to ask on “Independence Day” in America.
I love fireworks and cookouts as much as the next guy. More than the next guy, usually. And I love America too…so much that I will no longer play the role of enabler. I will no longer look the other way. I will no longer pretend. I will no longer lie and encourage the lying […]
Are we really free? Do we even want to know?
Are we free to ask if we’re really free in America? The short answer to that one is, thankfully: Yes. Here I am asking the question, after all, and here you are reading (and presumably considering) it. So yeah, at a basic level, yes, we are indeed free to openly ask if we’re really free […]
America’s Preferred (and Protected) Symbol of Slavery and Oppression
As you may have noticed, people are talking a lot about flags lately. And slavery. And oppression. And hate and feelings and sensitivities. And how Confederate flags and icons are uniquely worthy of a purge here in “the land of the free” and the home of the NSA. That’s the Corporate American Statists’ spin on […]
51,000,003 reasons why America owes Nazi Germany an apology.
[Author’s note: Since this was written in the summer of 2015, America has added millions to the death toll of innocent baby boys and girls murdered in the name of “freedom” and “liberty”. – SAB 11/8/17] The typical American guy is a stat hound. In the Internet-fueled era of things like fantasy football and day-trading, we’ve become […]
If a Duggar came out as a homosexual who’d acted out in their mid-teen years, they’d be the most celebrated creature in the media universe.
There can be little doubt that if a Duggar came out as a homosexual who’d acted out sexually in their mid-teen years, they’d be the most celebrated, adored and defended creature in the modern mainstream media universe. That much should be obvious at this point, whatever one’s perspective might be on the many tragic aspects of the […]
How Jeb Bush despises privacy and freedom for the masses…yet will still get millions of “conservative Christian” votes (and campaign contributions).
There are roughly 2.4 gajillion good reasons to not vote for Jeb (or any other) Bush to “lead” us (or anyone else that we care about), but one of the best has to be his open, flagrant, bone-chillingly creepy adoration of the emerging Orwellian State in America. The man simply despises in practice the core values […]
Don’t be fooled by Hillary.
As if a witch leading Iowa legislators in prayer last week wasn’t comically tragic enough, the weekend followed up by treating us to the official launch of Hillary 2016. Adding some interesting zing to the Hillary launch was what some have called an “astounding typo”. Apparently, in promotion of her Big Day, the official Hillaryland press release phrase that included the line: “fought children […]
The NCAA, the NFL, and why your grandkids will be pro-gay.
Before we even get started on the latest installment of As The World Turns Gay, let’s start up front by acknowledging the one overarching rule as to how we are all told that we must handle the LGBTQ issue and pretty much any other culturally impactful subject. The Rule of rules is this: Anything but […]
Jedi Say the Dumbest Things
If you know of anyone who might appreciate this post, please share it. If you’d like to help support the Fire Breathing Christian mission, please click here. Please also “like” us on Facebook and feel free to sign up for new articles by email using the button in the upper right corner of the FBC home page. Thank you […]
Get with the Big Gay Program…or suffer the economic consequences.
The anti-Christian economic momentum spearheaded by unbelieving elites atop Corporate America seems to shift into a higher gear with each passing month. Where once it was stunning to hear of such things as Christians being fired for their fidelity to Scripture on the subjects of family, marriage, and sexuality, now such tales have become the expected norm. […]
Finger Puppet Soup and the War in Ukraine
Rosie will be two in March, and some of her favorite things in the known universe are “hot soup” and “fingapuppets”. So it should come as no surprise that she found a way to combine the two. “Hot soup” has been a Rosie fave ’round here for a long time now. Watching mommy make things […]
“The state of our union is strong!” (and other culture-killing lies that “Christians” enable)
One of the most telling signs of our vulgar and prideful animosity toward Christ the King is our comfort with the knowledge that He will not be addressed by our “leaders” in a formal, official context in anything but the most vague, superficial sense, if at all. He may be cited or used as an […]
How do we stop America’s voter-assisted suicide?
It’s Election Day in America, and all the familiar gears, wheels, and tools of propaganda are in full motion. The (mostly) controlled game is on and the (mostly) contrived drama is thick. “Will the Republicans be returned to power in the Senate?” “Will the Democrats be taught a painful lesson?” “Will the country be saved […]
Ebola is an STD? So what? We have ObamaCare!
We Americans are indeed a very funky people. Unfortunately, almost all of our funkiness is of the bad sort these days. As we covered earlier this month, 110 million Americans have an STD at any given moment. That’s over one third of our population. Clearly, generations of State-controlled education and corporate-controlled pop-culture are paying off. […]
What do we actually know about Ebola and why does it matter?
One of the more annoying realities of “crises” such as the Ebola scare is that we get to witness (and often become willing participants in) some of the wackiest, weirdest, over the top crazy hysteria- and/or denial-laced idiotic behavior known to man. Okay, maybe that’s a stretch. Or not. Either way, we are all […]
How ’bout that awful Patriots’ D last night? Along the Mexican border, I mean…
Did you see the game last night? The Patriots got smoked. They looked terrible. They couldn’t score against the Kansas City Chiefs and they couldn’t stop the Chiefs from scoring on them. So bad was it, in fact, that Tom Brady’s future has been called in question. “Is the Brady era over” is the question […]
Fiat $lavery: We have been bought and paid for…with nothing.
You are owned. You are someone else’s unearned possession. You are the controlled commodity of sinful, self-serving men and women. And so am I. We are in the same camp together. We are slaves to the same masters. This is inescapably true for the most obvious of reasons; so obvious and so painful that we can […]
Openly Reject God’s First Commandment? YES! WE! CAN!
Imagine, if you will, Barack Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton (though not necessarily together – we don’t wanna be too fantastic here), John Kerry, Stuart Smalley, Joe Biden and Bill Maher all gathered ‘round the base of ol’ Mount Sinai as Moses brings down the following decree to man directly from the mind and hand of […]
Everybody Expects…The Liberal Inquisition!
“Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!” This was the launch phrase for my favorite recurring skit on Monty Python’s Flying Circus. In most of its appearances, The Inquisition would intrude suddenly on unrelated sketches in which one character, expressing frustration with another, would announce “I didn’t expect the Spanish Inquisition!” Right on cue, the Inquisition […]
Need (another) war? No sweat! Just play The Hitler Card.
As global economic foundations continue to crack and crumble, this sort of thing is just gonna happen…again and again. War, war, and more war. Enemies here, there, and everywhere. Of course, we fund, fuel, and train most of those enemies, but let’s not stop to notice that. Nope. Nothing to see here… Just prior to Mitt Romney’s glorious Washington Post […]
Mitt Romney preaches the New World Order gospel of perpetual war and an all-powerful State…again…
Just when you think you can chill out and relax on a quiet Thursday evening after a long, productive day…Mitt Romney has to go and open his Neo-Conning, god-in-waiting, presidential wannabe yapper… Or, to be more precise, The Mitt has to go and release a new Washington Times op-ed piece in which he dutifully plays the role […]
Problem>Reaction>Solution – Why we will beg to have our freedoms taken away and go to war forever.
Ever wonder how it is that most “conservative Christians” have been so successfully morphed into enthusiastic tools to help bring about an increasingly socialistic, Orwellian State? Ever wonder why it is that many so-called conservatives in America are now openly socialistic in practice when it comes to everything from Social Security and Medicare to Medicaid […]
Note to Allen West: American “Christians” have dismembered FAR more children than ISIS this year.
In case y’all haven’t heard, Allen West, along with pretty much every other Neo-Con tool in America, thinks that we need to man up, get serious, and roll headlong into serious war mode in Iraq…again… Why, you may ask? (While such questions are still allowed to be asked here in the “land of the free” and […]
The America Idol (Or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Almighty State)
I don’t know about you, but I’m not at all into the idea of bending over at the airport so that the TSA can check my underwear for al-Qaeda. Particularly when the Southern border is swung wide open and anyone able to hop, skip, or giggle their way across the border gets an American taxpayer-funded […]
Singing Sweet, Sweet Lies in the “Land of the Free” and the Home of the NSA
A.W. Tozer once said that “Christians don’t tell lies, they just go to church and sing them”. Sad and true as that observation may be, lying to one’s self by song is hardly an affliction unique to believers. It’s human nature to imagine that uncomfortable truths aren’t really true at all or, if they are, that […]
Tears of a Clown: How Republicans mourn the death of America…while making it happen.
In The Crisis on the Border, published this week by The Wall Street Journal, Peggy Noonan dutifully resumes her well-worn role of conservative-ish Republican voice of reason/propaganda, showing us once again that at least some of the good folks in Republicanville are paying very close attention and are very, very, very concerned about our nation’s desperate and rapidly deteriorating condition. Yessiree, they […]
American Culture Speaks: Iconic celebrity addresses the relationship between women, work, and family.
With the hope of better understanding the culture by which we have been defined and for which America now evangelizes the world (including its own children), the following quote promoting a “news” piece published earlier today is presented without additional comment for your consideration: “My mom taught us we CAN have it all!” ~ Kim Kardashian […]
American Pride and Romans 1 Cheeseburgers.
Burger King Sells Gay Pride Whopper. That’s the title of an article posted Tuesday at USA Today. Not. Even. Kidding. But should we really be surprised? I mean, hasn’t corporate America been pushing “the gay pride whopper” in various ways for a very looooooooong time now? So why not in burger form, then? Seems reasonable enough…in […]
Prancing Ponies, Bible Belt Satanists, and America’s Proud Rebellion
. . . At this moment in our history, our unique claim to fame is that, when it comes to sheer size and scale of blasphemy and idolatry, there has never in all of human history been a greater, more boastful spiritual whore than America. There’s not even a close second, really, though one could make the case for Old Testament Israel being the closest thing to a competitor for this particular award.
What makes America truly untouchable in this contest isn’t just the globe-spanning scope and influence of her rank prostitution. It’s the fact that she does it all while mouthing her “love for Jesus” that makes it a truly unique and bone chilling horror. This combo gives allows her to coast to the easiest of wins where the gold medal for rebellion is concerned.
But hey, if you’re gonna do something, be the best at that thing, right?
And in America, if there’s one thing we know, it’s that we’re #1!
A Mark of the Beast
Throughout church history there’s been intense curiosity and fascination with the “mark of the beast” described in the book of Revelation. While serious interest in the truth of God as revealed in His Word is a wonderful thing, in recent decades much of what is marketed as end times intrigue has been detached from its biblical foundation. Once that happened, it was bound to blossom into something quite ugly, and blossom it has.
Intro to Fire – The Power and Purpose of a Common Believer (Excerpt from “Fire Breathing Christians”)
This has been a long time in the making, but the day has finally come…
Posted here is the introduction from Fire Breathing Christians – The Common Believer’s Call to Reformation, Revival, and Revolution. The book will be released in late October. In the days leading up to launch, I will be posting excerpts from many of its 21 chapters so that you might get a feel for the material without having to go to the trouble or expense of purchasing a copy. Of course, if you like what you see, I fully expect you to buy at least three copies.
There are No Ducks
In this present era of happy progressive Orwellian hope and change, if something walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and generally goes about the business of acting like a duck, not only are you discouraged from imagining, much less speaking of it actually being a duck, you’re probably a racist, right-wing, hyper-religious, Palin-worshipping nutcase for even recognizing the possibility that it might be so.
Of course, ducks aren’t really the problem here. Unless they vote Republican. (And why would any self-respecting creature of the wild ever do that?)
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell – It’s Not Just for Homos Anymore
In the wake of last week’s horrifying act of anything-but-Islamic-terrorism perpetrated by the “Allahu Akbar!” shouting Nidal Malik Hasan and the subsequent State-controled media’s comically persistent attempts at promoting spin the likes of which would’ve made George Orwell’s imagination explode, we have learned something:
If you’re an Islamic fanatic currently embedded in the ranks of the U.S. military, we really don’t wanna know.
So do try to keep it to yourself, okay?
The Gayness of State Controlled Media
In the aftermath of yesterday’s elections, I stumbled upon the following gem from our professional, unbiased, utterly trustworthy and dependable journalists at the state controlled Associated Press. I’ve reproduced it in its entirety so that you might bask in the full, undiluted glow of this shining example of contemporary American journalistic brilliance: Dejection fills Maine ballroom after marriage vote […]
Dr. James White: Barack Obama’s Dream for a Secular, Non-Christian Nation
While basking in the nuke-like afterglow of The One’s recent speech to the “Human Rights Campaign”, a homosexuality/bisexuality/pick-your-sexuality/anything-goes advocacy group, I’ve been cobbling together information for a project on this subject and recently came across an outstanding video posted on YouTube by Dr. James White of Alpha and Omega Ministries.
I’ve placed this video at the Fire Breathing Christian home page as well as at the James White video page.
Hmmm…a connection? Maybe?
Man must realize that a fundamental law of necessity reigns throughout the whole realm of Nature and that his existence is subject to the law of eternal struggle and strife . . .where the strong are always the masters of the weak and where those subject to such laws must obey them or be destroyed, one general law leading to the advancement of all organic beings . . . let the strongest live and the weakest die.”
Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
Obama Youth Continue Socialism Sing-Along
Another day, another gaggle of kiddos paraded about to sing their programmed praises of Statism and its messianic advocate-in-chief, Barack Hussein Obama.
On the up side, this installment of Obamaism praise and worship was orchestrated in a private school setting.
On the down side, this installment of Obamaism praise and worship was orchestrated in a private school setting.
Vampires…Werewolves…and Communists? (The Real Horror of Liberalism)
Before we get to the vampires and werewolves, a word from three invisible men:
Abolition of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists. On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain…
One-Trick Donkey: The Democrat and His Precious Race Card
Bubba Clinton…Van Jones…Jimmy Carter…Al Gore…Walter Mondale…Jesse Jackson…Jeremiah Wright!
Arianna…Donahue…Charlie Rangel…Barry O…Chris Matthews…John Dingell… Janeane Garafalo!
Think Billy Joel’s We Didn’t Start the Fire and just keep adding names as they pop into your head. I stopped at verse three-hundred-twenty-nine, but there’s nothing to keep you from going on with this little musical exercise, well, forever. If there’s one thing that might (remember, I said might) rival the sanctity of infanticide as a holy rite in the cult of progressive liberalism, it is the sacred art of playing the race card.
Little Fascists on Parade: Public School Praise and Worship, Obama Style
How do you get a Christian hymn into the public “education” system?
Easy: Swap out the name of Jesus in favor of Barack Hussein Obama.
Sprechen Sie Propaganda?
The One and his disciples have been quite ambitious in their efforts to bring change to America. Nowhere has their zealotry been more evident than in their desire to co-opt and employ federally funded arts programs for the purpose of advancing the Statist cause.
The Scarlet ‘R’
Every protest of the “progressive” agenda is fundamentally fueled by pervasive racism in America…or so the Liberal Inquisition would have you believe. Any expression of even the slightest suspicion regarding President Obama, Obamacare, Obama pals like Charlie Rangel or ACORN is immediately tagged as racially motivated.
Everybody Expects…the Liberal Inquisition!
By now, everybody expects the Liberal Inquisition. Before one can even finish the thought preceding any pronouncement critical of anything “progressive”, they must resign themselves to the knowledge that, should they actually let their politically incorrect words fly, they will be branded.
The Scarlet R will be upon them.
Prostitution: Do it for the Children. (An ACORN Public Service Announcement)
The ACORN wars have gone guerilla on the right side (they’ve been operating that way on the left from the start). Earlier today, BigGovernment.com posted two shots of these lovely little painted ACORN PSAs as they were found in the Los Anges area.
With the recent outbreak of “ACORN Funded Prostitution Zone” signs popping up in, on and around L.A., it looks like area residents will be treated to some visual reminders of the sorts of activities promoted by ACORN not just in L.A., but from coast to coast across the nation.
Defy the Laws of Mathematics, Economics and Logic? YES! WE! CAN!
“I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits either now or in the future. Period”.
Thus saith The One.
So let it be written; so let it be done.
Only in an America populated by drones primarily educated through a government controlled idiot factory could such a contention inspire serious applause.