How to undo history, American Socialist style.

One of the most important – perhaps the most important – thing that we can understand about mobs of young people rioting, looting, and pursuing open revolution in cities across the United States is that the course to where we are now was deliberately set many generations ago and that the state-run “education” of children […]
What The World Needs Now Is Christian Men Who Will Stand Up And Lead

It’s been said that the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. This seems true enough on its face. But what happens to a culture that has lost all sense when it comes to defining – or even acknowledging the reality of – good and evil? What […]
Roaring Toward Post-America Christianity: King Jesus Is Paving The Way To Something Much Better

Just over five years ago, I posted Roaring Into Post-America Christianity in anticipation of where the United States seemed to be heading through its continued reliance on old pride-fueled institutions and traditions rather than repenting and submitting to Christ as King in practice. It seemed clear then, as it does now, that America – including […]
What The World Needs Now Is A Christianity That Has A Pair

Many ask, but few seem to really want to know the answers to, the same basic questions: Why is our culture going to hell on a rocket? How did things get so bad so fast? Why do they only seem to be getting worse at a faster pace with each passing week, month, and year? […]
One Vine. One Bride. One True Israel.

How important is it to accurately identify True Israel? Very. But why? Why is it important? The first answer to that question is that the identity of True Israel should be important to us because it’s important to Jesus. True Israel is Jesus’ bride. True Israel is the apple of His eye. True Israel is […]
Wanna MAGA? Model Hungary.

Guess which country just cracked down on “gender studies” and shored up its economic future by increasing gold holdings by ten fold? That would be Hungary. Which is why Hungary is so hated by the NPC/Fake News media that would have us believe that such shifts in government and culture can’t actually be accomplished in […]
Pop Culture Matters (A Lot!) – An Intro To The New FBC Video Channel

Pop culture matters. A lot. For many reasons, including the fact that pop culture plays a significant role upstream of things like politics, economics, education, and art, all of which are very important to King Jesus and, as a result, should be very important to those who claim to love and serve King Jesus. Things […]
The Usefulness Of Enemies As Footstools

The Lord said to my Lord, “Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool.” – Luke 20:42 (quoting Psalm 110) One oft-neglected aspect of God promising to make Christ’s enemies into His footstool is the utility of a footstool. To be a bit more precise: Footstools are quite handy tools in […]
Nothingness, infinity, our ability to grasp neither, and why it’s all good for us.

Wanna try a fun and illuminating little exercise? Think of nothing. I mean nothing, as in: No thing. Can’t do it, can ya? And no, imagining a black space, a blank page, or an empty room doesn’t count as a win here, since a black space is a space, a blank page is a […]
Confronting The “Person of Faith” Non-Label Label

When a politician in America describes themselves as “a person of faith”, what are they telling us about themselves? Nothing. Nothing good, anyway. Everyone has faith and everyone is a person, so claiming to be a “person of faith” literally says tells us nothing about the person making the claim. As we all know (or […]
To despise the Law of God is to despise the Son of God. (Or: Truth you won’t hear in most American churches.)

If we have a low regard for God’s Law, we a have a low regard for God’s Son. We don’t hear that much from American church pulpits these days, do we? Yet few truths are more clearly conveyed in God’s Word. Again and again, Jesus is described as the embodiment and fulfillment of what? The […]
We’re not saved by our theology. We’re saved in spite of our theology.

We’re not saved by our theology. We’re saved in spite of our theology. And when we are saved – really, truly, and quite supernaturally saved by the grace of God alone and totally in spite of ourselves – we are saved by Him unto the ever-deepening pursuit and application of sound theology in each and […]
Claiming “In Christ” To Avoid Christ: Militant Vagueness As The Hip New Thing

“I don’t need to worry about the details of _______ , because I’m ‘in Christ’.” “Since I’m content being ‘in Christ”, I don’t have to worry about doing any particular thing in any particular way.” “As long as we’re ‘in Christ’, we don’t need to make a big deal out of specifics on things like […]
From Manger to Throne: The King of Kings and His Everything-Conquering Kingdom

Everybody loves babies. They’re easy to adore. Cute…helpless…dependent… Which is why celebrations of Christ’s birth that define this time of year are such an easy sell for many who openly despise the notion of a King of kings ruling over them (including many who claim to be Christian). It’s easy to fawn over a baby. […]
Raising Christian White Boys In A Culture Programmed To Hate Them

Oooooohhhhh…did you see that title?! It says “white boys”! Right there in the middle! White! Right before “boys”! Can you believe it?! I mean, in 2017 America – the self-described “land of the free and home of the brave” – to even use the word “white” like that is incredibly risky. It’s borderline taboo…minus the […]
Building Lifeboats Of Christian Culture As The American Titanic Sinks Beneath Our Feet (Part 2 – The Beautiful Basics)

So what do we do now? What do we as Christians in 2017 America do as the American Titanic – still swelling with pride and imagining itself to be unsinkable – breaks into pieces and disintegrates beneath our feet? What do we do? We build. We build calmly – as though we actually believe that […]
Can Snarky Language Glorify God?

Is it ever appropriate to speak harshly? Is it ever appropriate to speak in an irreverent tone? Is it ever appropriate to speak sarcastically? Is it ever appropriate to speak in a cutting, sometimes intensely critical manner? The short answer to each of these questions is: Yes. Not only is it sometimes appropriate to speak […]
Internet Culture, Lone Ranger Christianity, And The Pornification Of Church

Why settle for the ugliness of a local church body when you can have a much more attractive online version instead? Why gather with and commit to serving with a local bunch of often incredibly immature, confused, messed up, and biblically illiterate yahoos when you can instead bond with a group of awesome people who share your understanding […]
America’s Pastor-Led Abandonment Of The Great Commission

Does your Pastor embrace the Gospel-fueled Great Commission? Or does he not? Is your Pastor all about the full life-, culture-, and civilization Gospel? Or is his gospel something smaller. Much smaller. As in: man-sized with no room for anything else. Sadly, it’s this little man-sized, eek-a-person-into-heaven counterfeit gospel that has become the norm in most self-described “conservative, Bible believing” […]
Christ-Centered Teaching Produces Christ-Like Character

Claiming to be a Christian does not make one a Christian. Few would disagree with this simple statement, though more seem to be inching (or flat out running) away from even this once obvious truth as our culture doubles down on an approach reality defined by emotion, subjectivity, and pet causes over objective truth and consistent standards. […]
It’s time to recognize the flood…and build accordingly.

Prideful, unrepentant leadership…leading prideful, unrepentant masses of Americans. Apathetic, impotent American churches. Unbiblical, authority- and discipline-despising movements masquerading as “true Christianity”. Rampant State dependence and the open worship of America itself, both promoted and enabled by wicked political leadership and apathetic church leadership. A gender chaos movement that effortlessly sweeps and transforms the culture under the “shocked […]
Eye has not seen and ear has not heard…what sinless culture will look like.

“. . . no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him.” These oft repeated words from 1 Corinthians 2:9 (which are themselves quoted from Isaiah 64:4) are very familiar to Christians. While not quite attaining the greeting-card standard status of passages […]
Confronting The Myth Of Neutrality

People love to pretend. We love to pretend that we can be good without God. Why? Because pretending to have the ability to be good apart from God helps us to pretend that we can rightly understand and pursue things like law, art, politics, economics, and education apart from God. Which all helps us to pretend […]
God’s (Better Than Sci-Fi) Gift Of Health Tech

The means by which God often chooses to accomplish His purposes and bring glory to Himself often mystify, confuse, and even anger us. He frequently chooses to employ what seem to be very crude physical tools (all of which are His property to use as He sees fit, of course), the likes of which we […]
Preparing for Terminator, Part 2: Cultivating Our God-Given Talents In An Age Of Radical Change

Yes, the robots are coming. They’re coming to push us. They’re coming to challenge us. And they’re coming to take many of our jobs. Technology of all sorts are at this very moment in the process of radically transforming our culture and civilization. So what are we to do? What are we to think? What are Christians to say in […]
Preparing For Terminator, Part 1: Identifying Our God-Given Talents In An Age Of Radical Change

We live in an age of radical change, challenge, and opportunity. This hit again as I read through an interesting article, The End of Employees, posted yesterday at The Wall Street Journal. The piece chronicled yet another profoundly challenging economic reality facing those enmeshed in the Corporate/Statist approach to life. The challenge in question centers on the fact that […]
From One Ark To Many: How God Is Preserving His People And Purging His Enemies

Contrary to popular opinions currently dominating American evangelicalism (and thereby leading the rest of American culture down the drain), it isn’t God’s people who are destined to be swept off the face of His earth. It isn’t the people of God who ultimately lose out here in “the real world”. It isn’t supernaturally saved, Spirit-filled New Creatures […]
Lone Ranger Christianity and Exception Obsession Syndrome

You know things are getting dark and wacky in America when a simple, clear (yet quite generic) call to encourage, pursue and support the building of the body of Christ on His terms as revealed in His word sends a fair amount of professing Christians – including many aiming to teach and lead others – into something of a […]
Welcome to the Year of our Lord, 2017. Now get to work.

Jesus owns and directs 2017 just as completely and perfectly as He owned and directed 2016, 2015, and every previous year in His creation of time. Let that sink in. Then smile accordingly. Our King is in complete control…however much that central fact of time and history may be denied or dismissed by many. So […]
Beware The Lone Ranger Super-Critic

Christians are to desire, seek, and encourage healthy local church bodies to serve in and biblically qualified elders to oversee them, submitting to those elders when God provides them. The perfect, sufficient Word of God lovingly makes this much very plain. (See Hebrews 13:17; 1 Timothy 3:1-7; Acts 20:17-28; 1 Peter 5:1-4; and Titus 1:5 […]
Happy Reformation Day 2016 (Now get to work!)

As we roll to and through yet another Reformation Day here on this side of the inevitable victory in every realm, area, nook and cranny of creation, there are a few things I’d like to take a moment to share as we all savor the moment, contemplate the opportunities, and tackle the mission that our King has […]
Flying Taxis, Freedom, Prosperity, and Decentralization

Trump/Clinton notwithstanding, things are getting better. Much better. And fast. God is not only preserving His people, but He’s raising up life-, liberty-, and prosperity-enhancing technology all around them. Decentralization is coming, phony empires are crumbling, and the Kingdom of God is advancing. Back in June, we posted How One Inevitable (And Fast-Approaching) Tech Will Radically Change Our […]
What will future generations of victorious Christians think of your individual impact for the Great Commission?

How will future generations of Spirit-filled Christians view your individual contribution to the Great Commission? When they read about it, I mean. On the Internet (or whatever comes after the Internet). And make no mistake: They will read about it. They will, in most cases, have access to oodles and oodles of details where your faith (or […]
How can we be anything but optimistic when we’re destined to conquer EVERYTHING?

What with all o’ the “Trump this” and “Clinton that” flyin’ ’round these days – including tons of our own posts both here and over at the satire site – is sure seems like a good time to remind ourselves of a few key things, most important among them that Christ is King, He holds […]
Sermon Audio Files Posted (Score another one for the awesomeness of technology!)

How awesome are the opportunities we’ve been given? How amazing are the tools that God has provided? How cool is the technology that He has raised up for our use to proclaim His name and advance His Kingdom right here and now? Along those lines, I’m happy to share the following links to audio files […]
Pikachu!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! (Or: When Christians are terrified by Pokemon, you know we’re in serious trouble.)

There are certain telltale signs of how the culture war is going. Whether we notice ’em or not, whether we like ’em or not when we do notice them, or whether we want to deal with them or not once we decide we don’t like ’em, they’re there all around us, jumping up and down […]
Foundations are the beginning, not the end. (So can we please get on with building something already?)

Countless ministries, organizations, churches and Christian business are dedicated to laying (or restoring) a firm foundation in what Hebrews 5 describes as “the elementary doctrines of Christ”. The nature of God. The nature of man. The fact of sin and the necessity of repentance, submission, and salvation. The sovereignty of God. These “elementary doctrines” are obviously important. They’re […]
5 Beautiful Things About Brexit

Well whaddaya know? Something very big and very awesome just happened. To the great shock and disappointment of millions and millions of globalists, elitists, and dispensationalists across the globe, and in spite of all the fear-mongering, political pessimism, late-breaking polling data, and a general expectation of failure by many Christians enmeshed in a Left Behind […]
Building Lifeboats Of Christian Culture As The American Titanic Sinks Beneath Our Feet (Part 1)

So what do we do now? More specifically, what do we as Christians in America do right here and now in the time and place in which our King has perfectly and purposefully positioned us? Which is another way of asking what Christians living by God’s grace in 2016 and on board the terminally broken and […]
How One Inevitable (And Fast-Approaching) Tech Will Radically Change Our World

Believe it or not, things are getting better. Much better. All the time. Things are getting much better in many ways, yet we’re not inclined to notice ’em because of so many other things getting so much worse so quickly. And let’s face it: We’re much more inclined to dwell on the negative – the disaster […]
How God’s Gift Of Technology Is Forcing Us To Think And Grow Biblically

Another day, another news story reporting on how automation is about to replace large numbers of human workers. Along with this comes the predictable combo of unbiblical joy and unbiblical fear – unbiblical joy in that those ridiculous McWorkers campaigning for fifteen bucks an hour are about to be replaced by R2-D2, and unbiblical fear that […]
Our Gospel-Fueled Optimism

Howsabout this as cause for optimism: In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. . . ~ Genesis 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not […]
Political Eschatology: How Optimistic Anti-Christs and Pessimistic Christians Are Shaping America

How we view the future dramatically impacts how we conduct ourselves in the present. Is the culture destined to go to hell? Is the plunge of humanity into increasing darkness unstoppable? Is the complete death of culture and civilization inevitable? Or is the Gospel-fueled Great Commission actually going to accomplish what it aims to […]
Milk, Meat and Maturity: How dwelling on entry-level truth keeps Christians in the kiddie pool.)

The basics of the Gospel are no doubt supernatural beauties and profound truths worthy of infinite contemplation and celebration…but if we do not move through those matchless gems at the foundation of our faith and onto the deeper things and details made clear through them, we will remain forever stuck in the kiddie pool. If we do not […]
Making All Things New vs. “Making America Great Again!”

As we wade through another season of Corporate/State-sponsored American Political Puppet Theater steeped in the predictable fear- and emotion-based unbiblical “solutions” offered up this time by the likes of Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders, it’s important that we keep our eyes on the prize, our hands on the wheel, and our minds focused […]
“What if we are living in early Church history?” – The Hell Razer Report Podcast

Today marks the launch of The Hell Razer Report, a 15 minute-ish weekly podcast that I’m happy and thankful to be hosting on Reconstructionist Radio. The inaugural episode centers on the question “What if we are living in early Church history?” and encourages Christians to understand, embrace, and enjoy the beautiful, matchlessly inspiring and […]
Why are we in this political nightmare? Ask your “evangelical Christian” pastor.

American evangelical leaders have worked very hard for a very long time to get us to where we are now. They’ve done more than anyone else to lead us into the socio-political hellhole in which we find ourselves sinking deeper with each passing Drudge Report refresh, and it’s very important that they get the credit they […]
Why Theonomy scares the hell out of people…and cultures…and civilizations…

Ever wonder what the most feared, loathed, hated and despised message to ever hit the ears and self-serving little hearts of unrepentant men and women might be? No need to wonder. Here it is: All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in […]
The more we are in the Word, the more dangerous to the world we become.

God is reconciling everything by the blood of the cross. He is doing this through His Spirit-filled people faithfully proclaiming and applying His Gospel-fueled Great Commission, all by His grace and all for His glory: . . . we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge […]
Pulling Things Together vs. Tearing Things Apart

Christ revives. Christ restores. Christ reconciles. Christ resurrects dead things and gives them true life. As Christians living in the West at the tail end of 2015, we tend to have little trouble accepting this beautiful truth as it applies to men’s souls. And that’s about it. When it comes to art, law, economics, business, […]
Fear Not: The Future Is Christian

One of the great things about a new Star Wars flick blowing through the land is the incredible opportunity that it gives Christians to engage, process, and clarify to a watching culture what is truly beautiful, what is truly ugly, what is truly good, what is truly bad, why it all matters and where it’s all really going from […]
Celebrating the Conquering King (Or: Why Christmas is Cool)

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end, on the throne of […]
Being supernaturally optimistic in a naturally pessimistic world.

The past six months or so have been fairly wild and wacky here in America. It’s been a surreal, bizarre time in a decidedly Twilight Zone kind of way. Without Christ as the Anchor in this storm, it’s easy to see how a typical “good conservative” (and perhaps even professing Christian) American might have gotten concerned, alarmed, or even […]
A long time from now in a galaxy far, far away…

A long time from now in a galaxy far, far away (and in every galaxy in all of creation, come to think of it)… All evil empires will have been completely vanquished and long faded from the scene… The LORD said to me, “You are my Son; today I have begotten you. Ask of me, […]
Thank God for the Gospel-fueled Great Commission

Can you believe that God has each and every one of us here and now for perfect purpose to play specific roles in an unstoppable mission and adventure established before the very foundations of the world? (See: Ephesians 1:3-14 and Romans 8:28-31.) Can you believe that He has chosen to use such undeserving little wormy creatures as […]
“…on earth as it is in heaven.”

Preemptive surrender has never really been what you’d call a winning strategy. [Insert French army joke here.] Yet that’s exactly what Christians in America have been conditioned to do for a very long time now. For many generations we’ve become increasingly sold on the notion that everything here on earth is destined for darkness. It’s all doomed. It’s all […]
Happy Reformation Day! (Now get to work!)

‘Round this time last year we posted On October 31, are we walking dead or are we supernatural reformers? There we asked a handful of questions, including: What is true biblical Reformation? What does the supernatural Gospel do to a person who, by the grace of God, repents and believes in response to the command to do so? […]
Why do we prefer ignorance and bondage to truth and freedom?

The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent. . . ~ Acts 17:30 One awesome – and awesomely convicting – principle revealed in Scripture is that we are responsible for the light that has been given us. Not merely the light that we choose to soak in, choose to meditate […]
What if 3% of Americans were Christian?

One way that America’s ongoing cultural disintegration is particularly striking is that most of those guiding and shaping our culture are professing Christians. Most of the people writing books, making movies, winning elections, and managing the pursuit of everything from art and law to education and civil government are, in fact, professing Christians. When something like Fifty Shades […]
The True Gospel Conquers Everything; The Modern American “Gospel”…Not So Much

Here’s some good news about the Good News of the Gospel: It’s about much more than your precious personal salvation. It’s about everything. The Gospel of King Jesus touches, purifies and conquers everything. It’s not about a Kingdom waiting out there in the future somewhere. It’s not about a Kingdom off in some far distant […]
Christ really is conquering EVERYTHING. How cool is that?

Right here and right now in the little sliver of time on the little sliver of land on the little planet we call earth, Jesus Christ is working perfectly by His grace through His Spirit-filled people in accordance with His Gospel-fueled Great Commission so that all things might be restored by the power of His […]
The Difference Between Thumping the Bible and Believing It

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. ~ 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (emphasis added) Do we believe this? Do we actually believe that Scripture equips us adequately for every […]
Cultures of death die. America is a culture of death. You do the math.

Cultures of death specialize in one thing: Death. That much shouldn’t be too awful tricky to figure out. It’s fairly obvious. But as Christians in America who are living in such a culture, we are well served to note, remind ourselves, and patiently remind others of these hard, obvious truths so that we and they might be […]
We can’t “pray away” the clarity of Scripture…and we shouldn’t want to.

Prayer is awesome. It’s a matchlessly wondrous and supernaturally powerful means of growth and comfort to the Christian. Through prayer we are able to commune and communicate with the God of all creation in a personal, intimate manner. Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of […]
Year Two Begins…and maybe a Fire Breathing Christian podcast?

Howdy y’all and Happy Anniversary! Yesterday was the last day in Year One of the Fire Breathing Christian blog experiment. Yesterday’s article was also the 365th FBC post for the year, which was kinda cool. So we’re jazzed and very thankful for all of the support, encouragement, and new connections we’ve made with Brothers and Sisters as a result […]
We’re not here to watch. We’re here to fight…and win (by His grace and for His glory).

Contrary to popular American “Christian” mythology, true believers are not placed here to be polite, culturally compliant observers passively watching the world go to hell while nurturing a nice, neat little “gospel” that is kept safely sequestered and tucked away in “its proper place” (at church, in Bible studies, in “our hearts”, etc.). (See also: Beware the “Gospel in a […]
Our Star Trek just got one step closer to reality.

Back in October, we asked the question: Enterprise, Falcon, or Galactica? What will Christians use to explore the restored cosmos? It appears that Enterprise may have jumped out to an early lead of sorts. According to a report posted by The Mirror earlier this week, something akin to “Star Trek impulse drive” may have actually been developed: Flying to […]
What if America had as many Christians as it does gay activists?

3%. That’s what it took to move America to where it is now. 3%. That’s all that was required to transition us from a people who at least loosely based their morality on some vaguely understood and appreciated Christian foundation into one that is openly and proudly based on self-centered, self-referential, and self-serving lust. (See: Limp Wristed Gospels […]
Who needs church discipline when you can have “church” growth instead?

Church discipline. Now there’s a hip, cool, trendy subject in the modern American church, am I right? For most reading this, including even most professing Christians in most supposedly “conservative” Christian churches, the term is at best odd, unfamiliar, and, more of often than not, tends to be viewed as something ugly. Church discipline sounds […]
Churches Get Their Flags In Order (Please send this on to your pastors)

Ready for some good news? News that is so good, so inspiring, and so practically applicable that you’ll want to share it with your pastor and local church leadership? As regular readers know, one of the drumbeat issues here at Fire Breathing Christian has been the loving but firm confrontation and correction of the now commonplace idolatry of America […]
Happy Secession Day!

Happy Secession Day, America! After last week’s wave of catastrophic “Supreme Court” decisions handed down from the Federal level (see: “Supreme Court” Votes for Wrath of God Upon America), more and more Americans are beginning to think long and hard about the radical decentralization of political power that played such a pivotal role in bringing […]
The Little gospel That Can’t

What happens to a people when their Gospel goes from great to small? What happens in a land where the Gospel retreats from actively engaging and defining every area of life and instead becomes a “private matter” restricted to prayer closets and church buildings? What happens to a culture where the Gospel shrinks from the loving confrontation and correction commanded in Scripture (see: […]
What would happen if Christians just said no to American Statism?

“Follow the money.” “Money makes the world go ’round.” These are reliable clichés for good reason; they point to truth. The ability to control individuals, cultures and civilization through control of their ability to pursue, attain and multiply wealth is as well established a fact of human history as one will find. Money is practical. It’s […]
Jesus Conquers Everything

There’s nothing like serving the living, active, reigning King of Creation on a lifelong mission of eternal consequence that He has personally called and perfectly equipped you to assuredly accomplish by His grace, for His glory, and to the eternal benefit of His people. I mean, WOW! Can I get an “amen!”? [I know you’re […]
Who owns America? (Hint: Not “We the People”.)

Who owns America? Contrary to popular ‘Merican belief, the correct answer is not “We the People”. (See: We the people…are not God.) The correct answer is Christ. While that is the correct answer, it is not at this time in ‘Merican history a particularly popular answer, even (and often especially) among many self-identified “conservative Christians” […]
What if Christians are most responsible for our wrecked culture?

Like a kid who desperately wants to ignore the increasingly clear meaning of increasingly bad report cards, American “Christians” have been conditioned to give themselves a million fantastically childish ways out – a never-ending list of reasons to dismiss any and all reports of their persistent failure and betrayal of both the culture in which they’ve been placed and the Lord they […]
When the Bible gets hairy. (Or: Is it ever right for men to have long hair?)

For some strange reason, I seem to be asked far more than most about the propriety (or impropriety) of men wearing long hair. Okay, so maybe my being asked about this fairly regularly really isn’t so strange, weird or surprising at all, since I just happen to have long hair myself. Very long hair, actually, and I […]
Creflo and the Dollar Whores (almost) get their jet!

Spiritual prostitution is an illustration frequently used by God to describe those who claim Him with their lips while openly and unrepentantly embracing worldly passions and idols. Chasing after everything from power, fame and wealth for one’s own glory and benefit is a theme of human history because it is a theme of unregenerate human character. Modern American culture only amplifies […]
What’s with that shark-fishie graphic thing?

One question I get from time to time is some version of, “So what’s with the shark-fishie graphic thing?” That seems like a fair and reasonable thing to ask, so here’s what I hope will be a helpful answer. The shark/fish image that I use here at Fire Breathing Christian is meant to convey several things, including: […]
Why “Christians” throw Christians under the bus…and then run ’em over.

Leonard Ravenhill once said, “If Jesus had preached the same message that ministers preach today, He would never have been crucified.” This is something to think about as we live in a very proud America defined by three things: A population overwhelmingly comprised of professing Christians. . A landscape dotted by thousands and thousands of often very well […]
Man up, buttercup. Rome wasn’t conquered in a day.

Let’s be honest: things can seem pretty grim at times. This world can look pretty bad. Abortion. ISIS. Justin Bieber. The list of horrors goes on and on… At home and abroad, on literal and cultural battlefields of major import, minor import, and all levels in between, things seem to only be going from bad […]
What are you, some kind of [insert label here] or something?!

So what are you, some kind of Calvinist or something? Are you postmillennial? Are you…*gasp*…a __________?! [Note to readers: Before continuing this post, if you’re a professing Christian, please take a moment to prayerfully consider whether you actually believe that truly converted, supernaturally reborn New Creatures in Christ can (and often will as a part of the individual […]
What if we are living in early Church history?

What if we are living in early Church history? What if we are at this moment going about our lives in a day that is much closer to when Christ initiated His Great Commission than it is to the day that He will physically return in total triumph? What if there are thousands and thousands […]
Did “conservative” British Prime Minister Cameron just confirm that man-centered “law” is about lead us to Orwellian hell?

The UK Independent recently posted an interesting little article smartly titled, This is the creepiest thing David Cameron has ever said. Therein we are treated to the following gem of quote attributed to conservative British Prime Minister Cameron: “For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens: as long as you obey […]
Happy Earth as the Lord’s Footstool Day!

Isn’t it awesome to live in the real world? And by “real world” I do not mean the real world as the world and worldly like to imagine and portray it to be. I mean the real world as it is. Really. More specifically, I mean the world – the creation – that is right […]
Toybox Christianity: Trading the comprehensive splendor of the Gospel for a cheap, shiny little plaything.

First off, in a spirit of full disclosure and a God-given desire for the pursuit of truth, the whole truth, and nothin’ but the truth, I am compelled to report that: I love toys. Which is why I hate Toybox “Christianity”. Through its happy/smiley/fluffy promotion of rank, self-serving spiritual immaturity, apathy, and laziness, Toybox “Christianity” retards and destroys everything […]
It’s all fun and games…’til someone actually defines Christianity.

I’m a Christian. You’re a Christian. Practically everybody in America is a Christian. Naturally then, this makes practically every politician in America a Christian (Barack Obama, George H.W. Bush, and Bill Clinton included, of course). Just ask ’em. When they respond by saying that they’re a Christian, that can only mean one thing: They’re a […]
Roaring into Post-America Christianity

Christ is the perfection and embodiment of justified optimism. Satan is the epitome and lowly priest of delusional pessimism. The present, all-encompassing rule of Christ as King over every realm of His creation is the most invigorating, inspiring, optimism-igniting truth that can wash over the mind, spirit, and soul of man. This is why everything that the enemy does and […]
Our Suicidal Lawlessness

If you know of anyone who might appreciate this post, please share it. If you’d like to help support the Fire Breathing Christian mission, please click here. Please also “like” us on Facebook and feel free to sign up for new articles by email using the button in the upper right corner of the FBC home page. Thank […]
The devil only holds what we leave in his hands.

What does Satan own? What does the devil control? What does the enemy dominate? Only what we leave in his wicked, pathetic little hands. Put another way: The devil only holds what we let him keep. Our mission – our Great Commission – is to press the crown rights of King Jesus in every realm of […]
From Post-Christian America to Post-America Christianity

How necessary is America to Christ? How necessary is America to Christians? How submissive to Christ as King is the modern American Corporate State? How has the pervasive, unquestioned Christian adoration of America been manipulated by those atop the U.S. Super State in order to distract, distort, and redirect Christian energy toward building and strengthening an increasingly obvious anti-Christian kingdom […]
Love, Truth and Theonomy

If you know of anyone who might appreciate this post, please share it. If you’d like to help support the Fire Breathing Christian mission, please click here. Please also “like” us on Facebook and feel free to sign up for new articles by email using the button in the upper right corner of the FBC home page. Thank you […]
If we love Him, we will keep His commandments.

This is the first published version of what has gone on to become the Stick People for Jesus web comic here at FBC. ~ If you know of anyone who might appreciate this post, please share it. If you’d like to help support the Fire Breathing Christian mission, please click here. Please also “like” us on […]
“Theonomy” is dead! Long live Theonomy!

The title of this post is my spin on the closing line from an article by American Vision’s Joel McDurmon, who recently debated Jordan Hall (of Pulpit & Pen) on subject matter central to theonomy. While I’ve not yet seen the debate (cannot wait! …but will have to), and I anticipate numerous future opportunities to tackle many […]
Thank God for challenges!

If there’s one thing we’re not inclined to be thankful for, it’s challenges. I’m not talking about the “challenge” of stiff competition in a board game, on the ball field, or at the shooting range. I’m talking about the big and sometimes scary ones that come our way: Cancer. Starvation. Serious persecution. The loss of a loved one. […]
Our great eternal adventure is underway…right here and now…

While reading about the looming presidential dictate regarding the legalization of millions of presently “illegal aliens”, a headline link in the margin of the page grabbed me. It read, “It’s ridiculous how beautiful Scarlett Johansson is!” While I’m not about to argue for or against the theoretical or actual ridiculousness of Ms. Johansson’s appearance, the […]
Christianity in a Box: Containing the Contagion of Obedience to Christ

If there’s one thing that secular progressive liberals, the vast majority of professing American Christians, and Satan can agree on, it is this: The Word of God is not to be our source, standard, and blueprint for education, economics, business, law, government and politics right here and now on planet earth, in America or anywhere else. For […]
Enterprise, Falcon, or Galactica? What will Christians use to explore the restored cosmos?

Enterprise, Falcon, or Galactica? What’ll it be? Yeah, I’m serious. And yeah, this is a big deal. (I will explain later; please hang in there and humor me ’til then.) Now, back to the important question: If you were living in a place and a time where things like space travel and space traveling ships were […]
Intro to Fire: The Power and Purpose of the Common Believer

“FIRE…God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, and not of the philosophers and savants. Certitude. Feeling. Joy. Peace.” ~ Blaise Pascal . I can remember holding my wife’s hand when she died. Even now I can vividly recall the moment before and the moment after, but it was the difference […]