SJW Disease Turns Once-Popular WW2 Simulation Into Smoldering Pile Of Politically Correct Trash

What happens when the history-revising, reality-denying disease known as Social Justice Warrior-ism is allowed to infect a combat simulator based on World War 2? Check out our latest video to find out: If the above embedded player doesn’t work, you can access the clip by clicking here. Please share it wherever you think it might be […]
Wonder Woman’s Creepy SJW Origin Story

Bondage, bisexuality, polygamy, and a mission to move the culture towards a more favorable view of each of these things. That’s the Wonder Woman origin story that DC Comics doesn’t promote much…yet…and that’s the origin story we discuss in the following video, with an emphasis on the character of Wonder Woman, her creators, and those […]
Asgard & Wakanda: Marvel’s SJW Racial Theory On Display

Why would self-proclaimed champions of social justice, diversity, tolerance, and inclusion create two kingdoms with polar opposite approaches to race, tolerance, and inclusion? Because, as with practically every hot button buzzword Social Justice Warriors use, terms like diversity, tolerance, and inclusion don’t mean…well…what those words actually, objectively mean in the real world. In the alternate […]
How SJW’s Are (Accidentally) Liberating Comics By Running Marvel & DC Into The Ground

With the new Captain Marvel movie coming soon to a silver screen near you, and with the print comic book industry circling the drain under the weight of its newfound SJW religion, it seems like a good time to have a look at a beautiful little (but rapidly growing) thing known as #Comicsgate. In a […]
Wouldn’t it be great if our political leaders understood Christ as Lord?

As a quick scan of our political culture makes painfully plain, “We the People” have wandered (or run) far from many of the fundamental truths necessary to the pursuit or maintenance of true peace, prosperity, and freedom. We’ve wandered so far into the darkness that nothing short of divine intervention can save us. Thankfully, God […]
How Nike’s new Colin Kaepernick ad is much worse than Fox News will tell you.

According to corporate America and the pop culture it’s crafted carefully for generations, we’re supposed to “believe in something”…”even if it means sacrificing everything.” They’re not joking. They really mean it, and in all the worst ways possible, as the past fifty years or so should have made painfully plain to anyone with two brain […]
Let’s help MeWe put Facebook in its place.

What with all the hubbub recently about how the Big Tech guys are openly aiming to economically punish and deplatform all who would dare dissent from their precious Progressive Narrative, I’ve decided to diversify and decentralize Fire Breathing Christian’s social media presence. My first step in this direction comes by way of our brand new […]
Jordan Peterson & The Re-Popularization Of Longform Conversation

Of all the forms and flavors of Orwellian idiocy that Dr. Jordan B. Peterson has become widely known and appreciated for confronting, perhaps none has been as important as his reinvigoration of the long-lost (or is that long abandoned?) arts of longform thought and longform conversation by routinely trampling the notion that people these days […]
The Usefulness Of Enemies As Footstools

The Lord said to my Lord, “Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool.” – Luke 20:42 (quoting Psalm 110) One oft-neglected aspect of God promising to make Christ’s enemies into His footstool is the utility of a footstool. To be a bit more precise: Footstools are quite handy tools in […]
Clash of the Idols: The NFL vs. American Statism (Round 2)

Here in “the land of the free and home of the brave”, three things are guaranteed to happen each and every August: Tens of thousands of American baby boys and girls will be “legally” murdered in American police/military protected child mass murder and dismemberment facilities operating openly (and for a profit) in the name of […]
Why Leftists Routinely Murder Diversity (And Millions Of People Along The Way)

Why is it becoming commonplace for Leftists and anti-Christians of various sorts to openly advocate and practice acts of physical violence against those who dare not share (and have the nerve to openly oppose) their worldview? . For the same basic reason that major corporations are now colluding in an attempt to de-platform those who […]
The insanity of reality is sure making satire tough to ID. (While also killing our children, of course.)

While satire may not be the most important casualty (or even in the top ten) where our culture’s headlong, church apathy-fueled plunge into darkness is concerned, it’s worth noting that the more off-the-rails bat-guano crazy our All-American rocket ride to hell gets, the harder it becomes to easily identify satire. . Again, this is not […]
Salt, Light, & Child Sacrifice To Drag Queens

As we roll into August, two sad trends are likely to continue: 1. Public schools will continue to deny Christ as Lord while embracing the satanic model of education first advocated in Genesis 3, discipling the young accordingly, and 2. Millions of professing Christian parents will continue to feed their precious little 4-, 5-, and […]
Nothingness, infinity, our ability to grasp neither, and why it’s all good for us.

Wanna try a fun and illuminating little exercise? Think of nothing. I mean nothing, as in: No thing. Can’t do it, can ya? And no, imagining a black space, a blank page, or an empty room doesn’t count as a win here, since a black space is a space, a blank page is a […]
Why is each successive generation of public school product more Socialist than the last?

It’s August again, which, in even numbered years like this one, means two things ’round these parts: 1.) The vast majority of Americans – including most self-described conservative Christians, are dutifully feeding their children to the State for another year of explicitly anti-Christian, pro-Socilism/Statism “education”, and 2.) The same folks just finished happily supporting […]
Confronting The “Person of Faith” Non-Label Label

When a politician in America describes themselves as “a person of faith”, what are they telling us about themselves? Nothing. Nothing good, anyway. Everyone has faith and everyone is a person, so claiming to be a “person of faith” literally says tells us nothing about the person making the claim. As we all know (or […]
Three Points To Ponder On Primary Election Day

I’m only in my forties, but it seems very old of me to remember a day back when American conservatives actually seemed to want small government. I say “seemed” because I now realize that they never wanted small civil government. At least not for as long (and far longer) than I’ve been alive. What American […]
A Stack Of Foundations Does Not A Building Make

Film, literature, art. Movies, poems, comic books. For some weird and wildly unbiblical reason, these sorts of things are looked down on by many self-assessed “mature” or “deep” Christians. Just to be clear, I’m not talking merely about the perverted versions of these things presently permeating the culture. I’m talking about the things themselves – […]
To despise the Law of God is to despise the Son of God. (Or: Truth you won’t hear in most American churches.)

If we have a low regard for God’s Law, we a have a low regard for God’s Son. We don’t hear that much from American church pulpits these days, do we? Yet few truths are more clearly conveyed in God’s Word. Again and again, Jesus is described as the embodiment and fulfillment of what? The […]
The Purposefully Paralyzing Power Of Identity Politics . . . And Why It’s Destined To Fail

The cultural chaos unfolding around us is no accident. The assault upon God-given institutions and (*gasp*) hierarchies is quite purposeful. It’s no coincidence that as our culture loses its grip on even the most basic terms, like boy and girl, we also see wishful revolutionaries raging against God’s creations of family and church structure. The […]
The Left’s Long March To Dominating . . . Dying Dinosaur Institutions?

It’s easy to be distracted from a good joke when the world is burning around you. But sometimes the joke is so good – so delicious in its irony and powerful in its purpose – that we’re well served to take a sec out of our crazy busy lives to savor the awesomeness of the […]
Salt, Light, & Children’s Education – Prepping For The Fourth Annual Great Education Forum

Who said you can’t curse the darkness and light a great big glorious candle at the same time? . We can multitask, right? . When it comes to the life-and culture-shaping subject of children’s education, we ought to be able and willing to expose and tear down the educational idols of our age while at […]
Saving Sci-Fi (And Everything Else) From The SJW Madness

What happens when culture is surrendered to the enemy? What happens when Christians decide that they’re “too spiritual” to pursue excellence in film, literature, and art or that “there’s no point anyway” because “the culture will only get worse and worse anyway before the rapture”? Put another way, what happens when “Christians” stop believing, obeying, […]
Why not just ask the prospective Supreme Court Justice exactly what he thinks of abortion?

Of all the Orwellian doublethink idiocy that passes for “serious political conversation” these days, none is more Orwellian or more idiotic than the prevailing notion that a President (or anyone else) shouldn’t dare ask in a straightforward manner what the exact position of a judge (or anyone else) is on abortion. Could it be that […]
The One Thing They Can’t Allow Us To Realize: WE DON’T NEED THEM

Of the many fundamental, life- and world-defining truths that Right-and Left-wing advocates of The System cannot abide us getting a handle on, among the most critical is that we don’t need them. We don’t need The State or its advocates to manage our lives outside of the very, very, very narrow parameters prescribed for civil […]
Old America-First Socialists & Young Public School Trained Socialists: The Two Front Economic War Being Waged On Biblically Minded Young People

What does a $21,000,000,000,000 debt + a bunch of “conservatives” championing a brand new American government Space Force add up to? Even more debt bondage for the young, as if there wasn’t enough already. Think about it. Please. Think…don’t feel…about it. Think! Think about what we are doing to young people and future generations of […]
Want to actually end the illegal immigration problem? Ditch the Welfare State.

What does the average American want more: The Welfare State or a real, working, easily implemented solution to the ongoing illegal immigration crisis? For roughly 99.9% of Americans, the answer is clear: The Welfare State. And that probably includes over 90% of professing conservative Christians here in “the land of the free” and home of […]
The Increasing Gayness Of The [Social] Gospel Coalition

Of all the flagrantly anti-Christ concepts pitched by “The Gospel Coalition” these days, one of most heinous is that of “gay Christian” as a legitimate category or condition that should be embraced by both the church and the individual afflicted with what Scripture clearly defines as an inherently dishonorable desire. While there are many approaches […]
Does MAGA Trump Scripture? Mike Pence Seems To Think So. . .

When it comes to the contrived, controlled Left/Right paradigm promoted by the system under which we (temporarily) live here in the “land of the free” and the home of the NSA, there are all kinds of fundamental questions that Christians are encouraged not to even notice, much less contemplate or answer. Questions like: Is it […]
No, It’s Not Because He’s A White Guy – 3 Simple Reasons Why Star Wars Fans Took A Pass On “Solo”

Like it or not and believe it or not, the Star Wars saga has become one of the most timely, relevant, and informative fronts in the culture war. Just to be clear, by “Star Wars saga” I don’t mean the films that are a part of the franchise. The saga to which I refer is […]
We’re not saved by our theology. We’re saved in spite of our theology.

We’re not saved by our theology. We’re saved in spite of our theology. And when we are saved – really, truly, and quite supernaturally saved by the grace of God alone and totally in spite of ourselves – we are saved by Him unto the ever-deepening pursuit and application of sound theology in each and […]
Pando Calrissian And Disney’s Ongoing Rape Of Star Wars

Let’s begin with the obvious: Disney loves to sexualize children. Disney also loves to bring chaos (“fluidity”) to the foundations of healthy sexuality, healthy family life, and healthy culture in general both through the sexualization of children and as the means by which more and more children might be sexualized in the future. So now […]
Ranking Star Wars Flicks Heading Into “Solo: A Star Wars Story”

I’ve got a bad feeling about this. And I’m not alone. With three awful Disney Star Wars flicks already in the can and previews for Solo looking…well…pretty much on trend with the shallow, stupid, flagrantly SJW direction of the franchise, it’s hard to be optimistic at this point. Hopeful, yes. Optimistic, no. There’s a difference. […]
Signs Of Our Culture Of Death

One of the telltale signs of a culture of death is its devaluing of children. Here in 2018 America we’re well down that road, happily shifting into higher gears as we rocket along with over 60,000,000 of our own babies’ bodies in the rearview mirror, having been murdered for convenience in the name of American-style […]
Amerikan Visionary Suggests Million Pope March On Christian Education Conference

Ever had the urge to protest a bunch of unrepentantly backward-thinking yahoos who just won’t get with your Social Justice program? Ever had the itch to picket a Christian conference on education that won’t submit to the hierarchal ranking of sin as decreed by your Great Leader(s)? Ever been bit so bad by the SJW […]
Avengers Celebrate May 4th By Destroying “Franchise Fatigue” Excuse For Star Wars Implosion

Ever since George Lucas handed Star Wars over to Darth Disney’s ridiculously feminist Sithette Kathleen Kennedy, May the fourth ain’t been what it used to be. Disney’s SJW pornification of the once wondrous Star Wars franchise has been painful to experience, with one train-wreck of a film following the next as the beauty, charm and […]
Who needs Boy Scouts when there are no boys?

Who needs Boy Scouts when there are no boys? To be more precise, when there is no objective, biologically defined construct known as “a boy”, and when even one’s sex is regarded as subject only to the subjective, feelings-based whims of any given moment, then what place could there be for an organization like the […]
3 Things To Remember When Public School Teachers Go On Strike For Pay Raises

Public school product just gets worse and worse. Trusted old cover-up tools like grade inflation aren’t getting the job done anymore. Wave after wave of super-confident and proud, yet stunningly ignorant and incompetent public school product is washing over the culture, and no matter how many artificial A’s and participation trophies are handed out, there’s […]
When do we call an idiot factory an idiot factory? Would a 2/3 nationwide illiteracy rate do the trick?

What if the vast majority of an entire wave of public school product couldn’t even read or understand mathematics proficiently? What if two thirds (that’s two outta three students for those of you who struggle with fractions) of public school product was that intellectually hobbled and incompetent after years and years of State-run “education”? Would […]
It’s Not Government’s Job To License Professionals

Free men and women don’t go to the State for permission to pursue a profession. They simply pursue the profession. Free men and women aren’t required to submit to the State in order to earn the right to use their God-given talents and abilities. They simply use their God-given talents and abilities. Free men are […]
It’s Not Government’s Job To Protect Us From Weeds

It’s not the job of government to protect us from weeds. You’d think that much would be obvious, especially to self-described conservatives, and doubly so for conservative Christians, but you’d be wrong. Most “conservative Christians” in America are quite certain that it is government’s job to protect us from weeds (or, to be more precise, […]
Britain Would Rather Murder A Child Than Expose Its Socialized Medical System To Competition

Freedom and liberty are incompatible with Socialism. And murderously so. When freedom and liberty are sacrificed on the altar of Socialism (which America has embraced as its guiding idol for some time now, by the way), the literal sacrifice of children follows in short order. This truth has been born out in tragic fashion once […]
Critical Race Theory & The Radical Stupidity Of Dividing The Church By Race

Two things we need to know as Social Justice Warriors of all kinds strive to advance the cause of Cultural Marxism throughout the land: 1. Critical Theory is a big deal right now, in both secular and Christian subcultures. 2. Critical Theory is not to be confused with critical thought. Truth be told, the two concepts […]
What will it take for American pastors to preach the Word of God on children’s education?

One of the most tragi-comedic displays emanating from self-described Christians in America these days is the way that most of them still excuse, defend, enable, and/or encourage the perpetuation of public schools. The willful (and suicidal) idiocy of this situation only grows more cringe-worthy as each near-daily revelation of the evil foundation of public schools […]
What if Russia launched missile strikes on Planned Parenthood operations in America?

It’s been a revealing year or so here in “the land of the free” and the home of the NSA. The American Perpetual War Machine is as itchy for war with Russia as it’s ever been and we’re as nonchalant as we’ve ever been about committing flagrant acts of war all over the globe while […]
Cultural Marxism & The Marinovian Industrial Complex

You’re either with ’em or you’re against ’em. You either obey the authoritative edicts of their Great Leaders or you will suffer their wrath. You either submit to their hierarchal pyramid of sin seriousness or you will be harassed, impugned, and shouted down to the best of their ability (which, thankfully, is a level of […]
Why is “The College Experience” so good at producing skanks, idiots, and SJW snowflakes?

College campuses have long been known and even openly celebrated as massive dens of debauchery, a place where “kids” go to “sow their wild oats” and enjoy “the college experience”, which is assumed to include indulging in all manner of sexual depravity and substance abuse. The basic idea is (and has been for longer than […]
10 Real Meanings Of “We Can’t Afford To Homeschool!”

What would you give up in housing, car(s), clothes, vacations, and/or toys in order to get (or keep) your little ones out of the State-run “education” system and secure for them in its place both daily on-site parenting and a Christ-centered approach to the pursuit of knowledge? Would you be willing significantly downgrade your home […]
Claiming “In Christ” To Avoid Christ: Militant Vagueness As The Hip New Thing

“I don’t need to worry about the details of _______ , because I’m ‘in Christ’.” “Since I’m content being ‘in Christ”, I don’t have to worry about doing any particular thing in any particular way.” “As long as we’re ‘in Christ’, we don’t need to make a big deal out of specifics on things like […]
The Amerikan Vision: Virtue Signaling, Inquisitions & SJW Appeal

Should Christians promote “Social Justice”? Should we become “Social Justice Warriors”? Should we take up the “Social Justice” flag as a big red banner around which to rally? (And let’s face it: That particular banner is very red.) Or are we better served (and better serving others) by standing clearly against the SJW vibe and […]
10 Things Christians Should Know About Government

As Christians in 2018 America we’ve been blessed with opportunities that few others in human history have even come close to experiencing. For this we should be eternally grateful. At the same time, as Christians in 2018 America we’ve become far removed from the worldview that inspired Pilgrim Puritans to plant the seeds that eventually […]
Liberty, Tyranny & Romans 13

How has God defined His creation of civil government? The question itself sounds more than a little weird to the typical American ear these days. The notion of civil government as God’s creation is foreign to us. Even so, and as Scripture makes abundantly clear, civil government is indeed His creation. It’s His property. With […]
Anything Worth Funding Can And Should Be Funded VOLUNTARILY

Wanna see just how far from freedom-loving even the typical “conservative” in America has become? Ask ’em why their precious public schools should be funded by the confiscation and redistribution of property and wealth. Then watch ’em squirm before defending said confiscation and redistribution of wealth. That’s what passes for “conservatism” in America these days. […]
GOP Funds Planned Parenthood To The Tune Of Half A Billion Dollars…While Campaigning On Defunding Planned Parenthood

For those convinced that the Democrat Party is clearly the greater evil when compared to its Republican counterpart, I respectfully offer the following question for your consideration: Is “the lesser evil” political party the one that openly campaigns for things like the mass murder of babies through operations like Planned Parenthood, or the one that […]
The Fourth Awakens

My fantabulous wife Holly and I just got the word a little while back that Baby Buss #4 is on the way. [Insert shouts of joy and hallelujah choir music here.] Which has me thanking God and thinking about a lotta things (including some of the interesting reactions from many in this dying culture who […]
Are we acting more like citizens of the Kingdom of God or are we acting more like citizens of Babel?

In our actual approach to life, liberty, law, government, and everything else, are we behaving more like citizens of the Kingdom of God or are we behaving more like citizens of Babel? Are we striving to build life and culture on God’s terms? Or ours? Are we a people defined by repentance, reformation, and restoration? […]
Bookends Of History And The Resurrection Of Knowledge

Why are we here? Why do bad things happen all around us? Is there any meaning or purpose to it all? If so, what is that meaning? These are some of the fundamental questions that we explored in last week’s Tennessee General Assembly Bible study as we wrapped up our six-part “Know Your Enemy” series. […]
Lone Ranger Christianity’s Cathy Newman Complex

– – – If you’ve benefitted from the work done at Fire Breathing Christian, we ask that you consider financially supporting the cause. You can do this in one of three ways: You can drop a few bucks in the tip jar by making a one-time donation through PayPal. You can also donate using cryptocurrencies […]
What Does “International Women’s Day” Even Mean When Men Are Women Too?

What does “International Women’s Day” even mean in a world where men are women too? Besides the obvious fact that I’m a woman-hating, transphobic bigot for even asking the question. If being a woman is simply a matter of momentary identification, then what’s the big deal? Where’s the value? Where’s the meaning? What exactly is […]
The Price of Darkness

What is the price of rejecting Christ as King? What is the real-world practical consequence of dismissing Him as Lord in any particular area of life? These are some of the questions we’ll be exploring in this week’s Tennessee General Assembly Bible study as we tackle Part 5 of our “Know Your Enemy” series. This […]
Remember: Apart from God’s grace, you and I are complete morons.

It’s easy to nod and agree with the idea of grace. It’s easy to say “amen” when we hear someone proclaim the beauty and necessity of having grace toward one another. But when we’re “in the moment” – particularly a moment of confrontation with someone holding a position or advocating a cause with which we […]
The Corruption Of Education

What if education means much more than the systems and certifications we’ve been conditioned (or educated) to obsess over? What if our approach to education has us focused on the wrong things as a way of distracting us from the things that matter most? These are some of the important questions we’ll be exploring in […]
Harvard Collides With America’s Hierarchy Of Human Value (Where White Males Are At The Bottom, Of Course)

For all the blather, bluster, and propaganda about equality in America, we all know that there’s a rigid, set Hierarchy of Human Value here in “the land of the free” and the home of the NSA – a sliding scale upon which each individual’s comparative legitimacy is determined based upon the number of “victim” or […]
Government Deploys Public School Drones In Battle For “Gun Control”

The drones are coming. Not the unmanned mechanical kind that we’ve become all too familiar with in recent years, though the drones we’re talking about are every bit as State-programmed as any Predator-like product deployed in any of our numerous, perpetually ongoing overseas military campaigns. While those mechanical tools are generally employed to enhance the […]
The Case Against Judging God

Is it ever wise to put God on trial? Is it ever proper to judge God’s motives and works by our standards? This week in our Tennessee General Assembly Bible study, we’ll be tackling Part 3 of our “Know Your Enemy” series. This week we will be focusing on the inherent stupidity (and danger) of […]
Nobody Does Mass Shootings Like Governments Armed With Gun Control

Every time there’s a mass shooting in America, advocates of centralized power in media, politics, and government use that event as an opportunity to do two things: 1. Continue to ignore the most massive of mass shootings and mass murders in human history while they… 2. Aggressively promote the core policy that made most, if […]
Tackling The Myth Of Neutrality In The State Capitol

This week in our Tennessee General Assembly Bible study, we tackled Part 2 of our “Know Your Enemy” series, with a focus on the myth of neutrality. It was a blast! Our parallel study for staff members and anyone else involved in the legislative process in Nashville will happen on Friday at noon, so please pray […]
Bambi vs. Godzilla vs. Christianity

For those who don’t know of or follow Jordan B. Peterson, you should probably start paying attention. Not because Dr. Peterson has a Christian worldview. He doesn’t. (So please pray for him on that count.) We should be paying attention to him because he’s moving – or at least forcefully nudging – culture in a […]
Know Your Enemy: Understanding the serpent, the fall, and the nature of rebellion against Jesus.

How important is it to rightly understand what happened in Eden when the serpent made its pitch and Eve bit on it (literally)? How important is it that we understand the basic foundation of the satanic proposition recorded in Genesis 3 so that we might identify and confront various versions of the same lame lie […]
A Blowtorch In The Darkness: Bible Study And Discipleship In The State Capitol

Amidst the craziness and cultural rot that’s been defining things around here for far too long, something supernaturally cool is going on. Many things, actually, but one I want to take a sec to get you up to speed on is the Bible study and discipleship ministry that was launched just over two weeks ago […]
CDC Director Owned Stocks In Vaccine Company That CDC “Regulates”

In case you missed it, the Director of the CDC, Brenda Fitzgerald, abruptly resigned her position atop the institution charged with the task of testing and monitoring the safety of vaccines, among other things. Her “get outta Dodge” moment came in the aftermath of an incendiary report that exposed her as holding stock in several […]
What’s the real “state of the union”? Do we even want to know?

It’s that “State of the Union” time again, a time when political leaders at State and Federal levels give grand speeches yammering on about how great, awesome, and incredibly well off we are. While some of the points they make are rooted in truth, most are not. But how do we know which is which? […]
“Progressives” promote #MeToo, #TimesUp, Snoop Dogg, and Hillary Clinton at the same time…and why that’s a good thing. #Grammys2018

It takes a special kind of moron (or, in this case, group of morons) to even attempt to simultaneously promote #MeToo, #TimesUp, Snoop Dogg, and Hillary Clinton, yet that’s exactly what we got from the good “Progressives” running the music industry these days. While this sort of thing fits with the brazenly hypocritical and bizarrely […]
BFFs Be Gone! Public Schools Now Want To Ban “Best Friends”

First public schools gave up on even attempting to coherently define such tricky concepts as “boy” and “girl”, banking on the fact that most American parents would ultimately decide to just roll along with their “professionally” orchestrated plunge into terminal idiocy…and they did. Even after the American public school system “came out” as totally pro-gay, […]
$elling The Flupocalypse

While we’ve had over fifty Super Bowls with each accompanied by a more frenzied, fantastic wave of hype and mass marketing than the last, there is an annual event that is actually closing the gap on the NFL’s crown jewel when it comes to over-the-top hyper-marketing and product merchandising to Americans. Enter: The Flupocalypse. Each […]
West Point Hosts “Wedding” Between Two Active Duty Homosexuals

When it comes to the U.S. military giving God the finger again and again and again, I don’t write the mail. I just deliver it. So please don’t go off in a military-worshiping snowflakey little tizzy because I simply report basic ugly realities, like: we now have a lesbian general leading in our increasingly gay […]
Swamps, Shitholes, And 13 Things To Remember As The FISA Memo Nuke Explodes Over DC

How sadly appropriate it is that a week begun with relentless media obsession over President Trump having supposedly referred to certain nations as “shitholes” now ends with the looming release of a detailed memo that could seriously threaten and possibly even crack the very foundation of America’s farcical approach to freedom, liberty, and democracy? Before […]
You Can’t Vaccinate Away Stupidity (But You Can Vaccinate Toward It)

It’s flu season again in America. Which means that every Walgreen’s, CVS, school, and hardware store here in “the land of the free” and the home of the NSA seems to be relentlessly pimping and profiting from flu vaccines. Which also means that we are well served to remember that once upon a time, not […]
True Freedom REQUIRES The Freedom To Fail

1. The primary purpose of State “help” is to foster State dependence. 2. More and more Americans love – and demand – State “help” in practically every area of life. These two realities make it plain that, barring radical repentance and reformation, we are (and should be) a doomed people – and by “people” here […]
Weaponized Ignorance: The Great Success Of Public Schools

Public schools don’t get nearly enough credit for the truly amazing job they’re doing. In an age when wildly inaccurate things are routinely paraded around as truth, one of the most ridiculously off-base assertions regularly repeated by Americans from all across the political spectrum is the contention that public schools are somehow failing in their […]
Disney’s SJW Pornification Of Star Wars

Ever since The Farce Awakens hit the scene in 2015, I’ve been kind of dreading the arrival of The Least Jedi. Okay, scratch the kinda. From the age of five, when I first saw Star Wars in 1977, I was a full-blown fanatic for the series, eager to catch midnight premier showings of each new […]
As Feminism Rambles On, Women Get Progressively More Miserable

Feminism makes women miserable. This is the well-documented (and entirely predictable) trend spanning several generations now. And why? Because feminism is at war with femininity. As with most of the Orwellian propaganda terminology permeating the culture these days, feminism is no more pro-femininity than Progressivism is about actual human progress. Feminism is about attacking and […]
Bad Gas: How American Politicians Constantly “Help” Americans Avoid Adulthood

It should come as no surprise that professional politicians – men and women who sit atop ginormous bureaucratic systems loaded with State-approved “professionals” of all sorts – would be inclined to make us all dependent on said professionals. Republican, Democrat, Left and Right wing leaders who are “in the system” all tend to agree: We […]
Why Trump Should Identify As A Woman To Become The First Woman President

During the 2016 presidential campaign, there was a whole lotta noise about how Hillary was going to “break the glass ceiling” by becoming the first woman President. But why would we need an actual woman for that? If Bruce Jenner can be a woman, then why can’t Donald Trump? Why can’t Trump just “identify as […]
Everything Is Theological

Everything we do conveys our understanding of God. Everything we touch, and how we touch it, says something meaningful about our relationship with the Creator of everything. Everything that we think, say, eat, wear, buy, sell, play, promote, tolerate, laugh at, dread, or enjoy manifests a sort of doctrinal position regarding our appreciation and respect […]
Thank God for the big things, the little things, and everything in-between.

We’re blessed to live in amazing times – times that seem to get more interesting and more intense with each passing month. While many professing Christians would agree with this general sentiment, most of ’em would also tend to spin it in a negative direction. The temptation is great to zone in on things like […]
From Manger to Throne: The King of Kings and His Everything-Conquering Kingdom

Everybody loves babies. They’re easy to adore. Cute…helpless…dependent… Which is why celebrations of Christ’s birth that define this time of year are such an easy sell for many who openly despise the notion of a King of kings ruling over them (including many who claim to be Christian). It’s easy to fawn over a baby. […]
Consensual immorality is not the solution. It’s the root of our problem.

So the latest spin flowing from pop-culture mouthpieces and those easily led by such folks (including many professing Christians) is that the problem with sexual immorality in ‘Merica isn’t the sexual immorality itself. Oh no! Nope, the problem with sexual immorality these days in here the “land of the free” and the home of the […]
What “National Security” Really Means

One of the Pavlovian trigger phrases routinely deployed to promote our blind adoration and defense of The Establishment ruling over us is the notion of “national security”. This phrase and concept – “national security” – has been and continues to be used regularly to consistently nudge us toward accepting and even advocating scores of systems […]
The System-Shaking Power Of Cryptocurrency

Of the many things causing The Establishment to soil itself these days, cryptocurrency is high on the list. Few things terrify Establishment elites and dependents like the thought of a currency system operating outside of State control. Without the power to magically produce “money” out of thin air, their endless programs and wars would die […]
The Accusation = Guilt Trap: How abandoning scriptural standards of character and guilt helps anti-christians purge Christians from politics.

We live in an emotion-driven age. Virtue signaling snowflakes abound, posing and posturing relentlessly in order to take advantage of the latest moral fad of the moment in time to claim credit and secure their status as properly enlightened citizens. In this pursuit, they’re happy (and often quite eager) to ditch anything resembling a biblical […]
How about background checks for governments wanting guns?

Ever stopped to notice that most gun grabbers like to grab a lot more than guns? Like private property rights, privacy rights, free speech liberties, and vulnerable women, to name a few in no particular order. It’s as though the more power some people are given (particularly people operating in the highest levels of the […]
The Progressive Feminist “Women’s Champion” Formula: Vote To Keep Abortion Legal So That You Can Grope/Fondle/Assault At Will

Ah, how quickly the world changes…and yes, often for the better… Just yesterday, it seems – or about two months ago, to be more precise – it was the open, accepted norm for progressive feminist types like Bill Clinton, Al Franken, and _______ Kennedy to have free reign to grope, fondle, and even rape women […]
Vaccines & Vampires: How shooting up dead baby bits became “normal” in America.

While there are many reasons to be anything from skeptical to outraged over the manner in which vaccines have proliferated in America, one of the more under-reported problems with many popular vaccines products pumped into the bloodstreams of Americans by the millions each year is the fact that they’ve been crafted using cells harvested from […]
Raising Christian White Boys In A Culture Programmed To Hate Them

Oooooohhhhh…did you see that title?! It says “white boys”! Right there in the middle! White! Right before “boys”! Can you believe it?! I mean, in 2017 America – the self-described “land of the free and home of the brave” – to even use the word “white” like that is incredibly risky. It’s borderline taboo…minus the […]
Congress has had a secret sexual assault coverup fund since the 1990s. #UnsealTheDeals

What do you call it when sexual predators from both major American political parties are given access to a taxpayer funded multi-million dollar slush fund created for the purpose of sweeping instances of sexual assault and intimidation under the rug? Whaddaya call it when these sexual predators are almost always high level Democrats and Republicans […]
Castrated Christianity

Sure, we all know that Snowflake Culture has overtaken and redefined America, but how did it happen? How did feelings come to trump facts? How did niceness (incoherently defined and selectively applied, of course) come to displace the spirit of loving confrontation and correction necessary to the pursuit of truth, the preservation of liberty, and […]
Okay, so this is too cool not to share…

While you may not have instantly noticed that the wire baskets set sideways on a table in the above picture are actually computer screens, that’s exactly what they are. The two kiddos parked on each side of the table facing a “computer screen” of their own are none other than my daughter Rosie (4) and […]
49% Of Americans Now Support Slavery…As Long As It’s Slavery To The American Military Industrial Complex

“Who owns you? Does the American State own you or do you own you? According to most American Christians, particularly those of a self-identified conservative bent, if you are an able-bodied male within a certain age range (which is always adjustable according to the “needs”/whims/desires of The State, of course), the American State owns you. […]