Confronting The “Person of Faith” Non-Label Label

When a politician in America describes themselves as “a person of faith”, what are they telling us about themselves? Nothing. Nothing good, anyway. Everyone has faith and everyone is a person, so claiming to be a “person of faith” literally says tells us nothing about the person making the claim. As we all know (or […]
Three Points To Ponder On Primary Election Day

I’m only in my forties, but it seems very old of me to remember a day back when American conservatives actually seemed to want small government. I say “seemed” because I now realize that they never wanted small civil government. At least not for as long (and far longer) than I’ve been alive. What American […]
The Accusation = Guilt Trap: How abandoning scriptural standards of character and guilt helps anti-christians purge Christians from politics.

We live in an emotion-driven age. Virtue signaling snowflakes abound, posing and posturing relentlessly in order to take advantage of the latest moral fad of the moment in time to claim credit and secure their status as properly enlightened citizens. In this pursuit, they’re happy (and often quite eager) to ditch anything resembling a biblical […]
Congress has had a secret sexual assault coverup fund since the 1990s. #UnsealTheDeals

What do you call it when sexual predators from both major American political parties are given access to a taxpayer funded multi-million dollar slush fund created for the purpose of sweeping instances of sexual assault and intimidation under the rug? Whaddaya call it when these sexual predators are almost always high level Democrats and Republicans […]
When Uppity Christians Make “Conservative” Politicians Squirm

The whole “Jesus is Lord” thing is easy. To say, anyway. But once those three little words in that oft-repeated phrase are actually taken seriously and applied in real life right here, now, and in detail, things can get weird. Fast. In this, thoughtless use of the “Jesus is Lord” line is not unlike the Big Talk routinely spewing […]
Coulter Gets A Clue (Sort Of)

Here we are not even four months into Trumptopia and things are already so bad and so disappointing on so many levels that even Ann Coulter is noticing…and admitting that she’s noticing. Here’s how The Daily Caller addressed Coulter’s semi-awakening in an article posted yesterday: “Conservative author Ann Coulter was one of the most vocal […]
You have to vote for TrumpCare to find out what’s in TrumpCare.

Oh yeah, Republicans are different. Republicans are our only real hope here in ‘Merica. Trump will save us…from what, exactly? Socialism? Uh, no. Trump and the GOP are wholly committed to Socialism, just with a few sprinkles of crony capitalism (meaning: not free market based at all) thrown in to flavor things up a bit. […]
American “Conservative” Milo Enablers Draw The Line At Pedophilia…For Now

As we’ve chronicled again and again and again, American “conservatism” has become quite smitten with the LGBTQRSTD movement. Pagan conservatism is getting more gay by the minute. So much so that a raging, raunch-peddling, cross-dressing senior editor at Breitbart (you know, that “conservative” website) by the name of Milo Yiannopoulos has become the darling of millions of […]
America’s Growing Appetite For Gay Conservatism

Back in August and September, we chronicled the rise of gay conservatism in America by having a painful, necessary and painfully necessary look at Milo Yiannopoulos, a stark raving pagan homosexual who has become something of a darling with what passes for conservatives these days in ‘Merica. Now comes news that Simon & Schuster has ponied up a […]
Lock her up? Nah. (Or: Trump instantly caves on justice for Hillary.)

Well that didn’t take long. The chants of “lock her up!” barely had a chance to finish echoing through the countryside before The Donald decided that justice for Hillary really isn’t such a big deal after all. So what about all o’ those “Hillary for Prison” yard signs, bumper stickers, and t-shirts? How are they lookin’ […]
10 Things That Are Much More Important Than Voting For President

As we collectively lurch like a zombie toward the coronation of either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump as this cycle’s system-selected counterfeit savior, people are losing their minds. They’re just going nuts out there. Panic and hysteria abound. Fear is everywhere. Which is just the way they like it; with “they” being those who are […]
Ted Cruz Endorses GOP Anti-Christ For President

#TrusTed? #NeverTrump? Not so much, it turns out. Back in February, we asked: Would Ted Cruz endorse Donald Trump for President? Responses were swift and plentiful from many Cruz-loving politically active American evangelicals. Their battlecry went pretty much like this: Never! Ted Cruz will never ever never ever NEVER endorse Donald Trump! How dare you even suggest such a thing! […]
Anti-Christ American Conservatism: It’s All The Rage

For those still clinging to the increasingly flamboyant delusion that the secular Republican Party and its secular conservatism isn’t gonna lead its followers to hell just as surely as any gang of (more openly) Communistic, Progressive, anti-Christ thugs, God is shouting at you right now. He doesn’t have to, of course. He owes you nothing. But He’s showing you things […]
What Clinton, Trump, and Anthony Weiner tell us about America.

So Bill Clinton is about as open a woman user/abuser/hater as the world has ever seen, yet the guy is adored by tens (and possibly hundreds) of millions of loyal Democrats and Progressives the world over and rakes in boatloads of cash to simply speak to people. Bill’s wife, Hillary, has enabled Bubba’s woman abusing/hating behavior […]
As if the Trump campaign wasn’t gay enough already. . .

“Show your pride and your support for Trump with this exclusive equality tee.” That’s the tagline posted for a neat new “LGBTQ for TRUMP” shirt posted at the Trump campaign’s online shop (pictured below): I wonder how many Veep wannabe Mike Pence has ordered? Whatever the answer to that one, other answers are, by the grace of […]
Wanna know what the GOP will stand for in 2030? Just look at the Democrat Party of 2016.

As we roll into the home stretch of the American Political Puppet Show‘s 2016 season, one thing is clear (or should be clear to anyone with two brain cells to rub together): The Republican and Democrat Parties are, especially at the national level, two wings of the same dragon. They are two heads of the […]
We’re not electing a pastor…so feel free to ignore everything the Bible says about character, wisdom, wickedness, virtue, vice, truth, judgment, success, and the wrath of God (via wicked leaders).

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction. ~ Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight. ~ Proverbs 9:10 . . . look for able men from all the people, men who fear God, who […]
What if Hitler and Stalin were in the Trump/Clinton slots on the ballot? Would we get a clue then?

What if Hitler and Stalin (literal clones, mere ideological replicas or whatever) were somehow in the Trump/Clinton slots on the ballot? (Some would argue that they are, but that’s not the point here.) What if Hitler had won the nomination of one of America’s two major political parties and Stalin had won the other? What would […]
America’s (Hard Earned) Political Buzzard Problem (See: Grant Starrett in Tennessee)

Buzzards circling overhead rarely constitute “a good sign”. And man, are the buzzards ever circling over America. These vultures take many forms and seem to be flocking and frolicking over pretty much every area of life here in “the land of the free” and the home of the NSA, but nowhere are they more obvious than in the […]
What happens after Trump thumps Hillary in November?

For whatever my thoughts on such things are worth (which is probably somewhere between very little and absolutely nothing), I’ve been suspecting for a while now that Trump is probably gonna win this thing pretty big in November. If pressed for a guesstimate, I’d say The Donald will likely have the biggest blowout win since the […]
What The Republican Convention Taught Us About Christian Prostitution

For all of my adult life, and much of my pre-adult life, I’ve been very interested in politics. For most of my Christian adult life, I was a proud member of what I’d now describe as the Rush Limbaugh conservative camp and an ardent adherent of “lesser of two evils” political philosophy. Then, by the grace […]
Filling The Great Commission Vacuum, Republican (And Democrat) Style

What do you do with a Great Commission sized vacuum? How do you fill a Great Commission shaped void? In America, the answer seems to be easy: You replace the Gospel-fueled Great Commission with the America-centered religion of American Statism. This America-centered religion is indeed a “big tent” operation, with a wide variety of expressions and flavors. […]
Republicans, Washington DC, And One Ring To Rule Us All

Can overtly unbiblical power be seized and reliably used for good? Or must it be destroyed? Can the intrusion of civil government into realms and areas of life beyond its very narrow, very small, God-ordained jurisdiction ever be expected to yield more help than damage or more good than evil in the culture upon which it […]
7 Things Christians Should Look For At The Republican Convention

Is more money what we need to save us? Maybe better corporate jobs? Or more corporate jobs? Or more corporate jobs paying more Federal Reserve-printed Monopoly money? Or better State-run Temples of anti-Christian children’s education? Or maybe a bigger military and a more empowered police state to “keep us safe”? Are these the things that we need to “Make […]
Conservatives Champion Trump As “Most Pro-Gay Candidate In American Electoral History”

Well, it’s that time again…Republican Party National Convention time! Ah yes, you can just feel the excitement…and taste the desperation. Few things convey our culture’s proud, arrogant, defiant devotion to pride over repentance as loudly and as clearly as national level Republican Party politics, and as the great American slide into darkness picks up steam, the […]
Some Thoughts On Satanic Conservatism

How long has paganized “conservatism”, often as wielded by the Republican Party in America, been actively escorting the culture to hell as the Left’s wingman? How long has secular “conservatism” been conceding point after point after point while marching its followers into the tyranny of American statism? At least for 150 years. Oh sure, the […]
Please pray that Donald Trump will be saved from the evangelical leaders who are sacrificing him for political gain.

Is Donald Trump playing America’s politically obsessed and thoroughly paganized evangelicals like a bunch of cheap fiddles, just like pretty much every GOP nominee before him? Oh yeah. Sure thing. No doubt about it. No surprise either. But could it be that these evangelicals – particularly the leaders of American evangelicalism – are actually playing Trump? […]
Clinton vs. Trump and American Christians vs. God

If Batman vs. Superman was bad (and it definitely was), then how should we categorize the ongoing barrage of teaser trailers for Clinton vs. Trump? How concerned should we be that fellow Christians seem to be once again falling right into the “Must Support The Lesser Evil” line? How alarmed should we be that American Christians seem to […]
How’s that “lesser of two evils” sewage tasting now?

While we may be tempted to feel all dirty, discouraged and downright icky at the prospect of America (led by American evangelicals) choosing Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton as this cycle’s left and right halves of the two-headed dragon that’s dragging what’s left of the culture to hell, it’s important to remember that there is much good that will – and […]
Yes “Christian” Trump supporters, your daughters notice your hypocrisy…and are stripping accordingly.

What do you call a person (other than Donald Trump himself) who’s well known for their criticism of Bill Clinton’s open infidelity and abuse of women, Hillary Clinton’s power-mad enabling of that abuse, and Barack Obama’s proud assault upon the institutions of marriage and family, all while somehow managing to dismiss and ignore Donald Trump’s […]
7 Things God Is Using Trump To Teach America

Thank God for Donald Trump! Yes, really. In The Donald’s ascendancy we are being graced with so much more clarity than we could ever have expected where our pride, unrepentance, and desperate condition as a people are concerned. God is indeed doing something “absolutely amazing” through Trump. So as we wade through the wails and […]
Ben Carson makes deal with The Donald: Endorses unrepentant biblically illiterate strip club promoter for President.

Here we go again. Another highly regarded “Christian leader” – this time one o’ the tip top faves of the super-duper-Christian-ish (and thoroughly paganized) Political Right – has “come out” as the latest in a long line of pragmatically pagan-minded politicos to endorse an unrepentant, biblically illiterate casino and strip club promoter for President. But how can […]
Trump Owns Evangelicals Through Relentless Barrage of Jedi Mind Tricks

GOP front-runner (and likely sith lord) Donald Trump continued to maintain a magical, svengali-like grip on the simple, submissive minds of thousands of voting evangelicals as his dark march toward the Republican nomination rolled through Super Tuesday and on into March. “Man, I wish I could do anything close to that,” said a still-recovering, disheveled and […]
How’s that GOP loyalty pledge looking now, Mr. Cruz/Bush/Rubio/Carson?

Deals with The Devil are a bad idea. As it turns out, deals with The Donald aren’t so bright either. Yet that’s exactly what Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, and all the rest of the Republican President wannabes jumped into back in the fall of 2015 when they each personally, proudly, and quite publicly pledged […]
The Mitt and The Donald: A Love (of Power) Story Gone Wrong

Just when you thought this season’s run of The American Political Puppet Show couldn’t get more wild, wacky, and flat out goofy, along comes the news that The Mitt is taking a swing at The Donald. Word is that The Mitt, after accepting The Donald’s warm political affections and support back in 2012, isn’t exactly […]
Super-Satanic Tuesday: How’s that “lesser of two evils” deal looking now?

With the fear-driven American political puppet show drama about to hit its primary season peak (right on schedule), we’re well served to resist the relentless promotion of emotion-driven anxiety pitched by countless (and often “conservative Christian”) media mouthpieces and take a moment to calmly (you know, as if King Jesus is actually on His throne) assess just […]
Rubio and Cruz fight over who can ignore Scripture the most (in practice) while claiming to love it the loudest (in word).

In keeping with the now long-standing American tradition of professing Christian conservatives claiming the name of Christ and an affinity for the Bible in word while pretty much ignoring the Word of God on law and civil government in practice, Senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz have locked horns in a political life-and-death battle over who will carry the […]
South Carolina Evangelicals Ditch Scripture and Vote Trump

Ever heard the “we’re electing a president, not a pastor” line? Ever heard that sort of thing passionately flung from the mouth of a politically active professing Christian? Perhaps even from a popular Christian “leader”? Ever wondered what that line is supposed to mean exactly, aside from serving as an escape hatch or quick dodge away from anything the Bible actually says on leadership, […]
The Long Buh Bye (Some guys named Jeb Bush just can’t take a hint)

Some people just can’t take a hint. Or two. Or 140,258, the number of ballots cast for the top three vote getters in the Iowa Republican Caucus (Cruz, Trump and Rubio). Or 178,504, the number of ballots cast for the top three vote getters in the New Hampshire Republican Primary (Trump, Kasich and Cruz). article continues […]
Ted Cruz Brings the Gospel of American Statism to South Carolina Christians

Like inviting Dracula over for dinner, inviting a Statist over to preach has its consequences. One such consequence is the further promotion and cementing in place of the anti-Christ religion of American Statism as an ally or expression of biblical Christianity in the minds of American Christians who have for generations now been purposefully programmed to conflate secular conservatism […]
If the Devil won the GOP nomination…

Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. And he said to him, “All these I will give you, if you will fall down and worship me.” ~ Matthew 4:8-9 While there’s much that we don’t yet know as to where […]
Why choosing the lesser of two excrement sandwiches is a bad idea.

Regularly choosing to eat the “lesser” of two excrement sandwiches is a really bad idea. Embracing a diet composed exclusively of “lesser” excrement sandwiches will, at best, produce a long, drawn out and dramatically stinky death. Which brings us to America. As this presidential cycle’s installment of The American Political Puppet Show kicks into high gear, […]
Want bigger government? Vote Republican.

When’s the last time you heard a Republican President or a Republican Party nominee for President actively campaign on the elimination of Social Security? Or on the elimination of Medicare? Or on the elimination of Medicaid? Or on a dramatic reduction of the military industrial complex? Or on the elimination of the property tax, through which actual home […]
RoboRubio explodes on debate stage after getting stuck in its own feedback loop.

Who says the American Political Puppet Show isn’t entertaining? Oh sure, the whole thing’s a comically contrived, controlled game aimed at amusing and distracting Americans from noticing, much less dealing with, the real problems of ever-expanding Statism and the unfolding wrath of God upon a proud, unrepentant “We the People” (with the former being an example […]
Dr. Everett Piper stands firm against waves of evangelical Trump whores.

While at times it may seem (or smell) as though the whole of American evangelicalism is being led by a gang of smarmy, worldly, empire-building, numbers-driven spiritual whores and prostitutes, nothing could be further from the truth. God always provides. God always preserves a remnant within what often seems to be a hopeless and unsalvageable situation. While ginormo-ministries […]
“What Happens In Vegas” is running for President.

“What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.” If only. Now “what happens in Vegas” is running for President…and winning. Or at least leading in the polls so far, anyway. The Republican polls. With truckloads of support from “evangelical conservative Christians”, to boot. “Conservative Christian” leader Jerry Falwell Jr., President of Liberty University, made news recently […]
Which Republican Socialist will win the Iowa Caucus…and the hearts of “conservative Christians”?

Confronting a devotee of The American Political Puppet Show is a lot like confronting a fan of professional wrestling. While they’ll of necessity concede much of the laughably contrived and choreographed nature of their prized fiction (you can only pretend so much), they just can’t bring themselves to admit what each and every connected dot […]
Jerry Falwell Jr. Endorses Biblically Illiterate Strip Club Owner for President

So American evangelicals have found their strip club owner! They’ve found the one strip club owner capable of saving the culture. They’ve found the one strip club owner able to “Make America Great Again!” At least that’s the proclamation of one Jerry Falwell Jr., who, according to various reports published today, has decided that Donald […]
Two Corinthians and Donald Trump walk into a bar…

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. ~ 2 Corinthians 3:17 Two Corinthians and Donald Trump walk into a bar…or make that a strip club. More specifically, the strip club in the Trump Taj Mahal casino, the first casino-housed strip club in America, opened by Trump in […]
The US Constitution is not the gold standard for law in America (or anywhere else).

Contrary to countless proclamations routinely rolling off the tongues of tens of millions of Americans, most of whom claim to be Christians, the US Constitution is not the gold standard for law in America (or anywhere else). It’s a very beautiful and impressive document in many unique and wondrous ways, but it is far from perfect. It has […]
Cosby, Clinton, Trump and the Real War on Women

Bill Cosby has been accused of sexual assault and abuse by scads of woman. At least some of the charges seem to be quite credible. Ditto for Bill Clinton. Yet while the former is being pummeled, pounded, defrocked and deconstructed for his hateful behavior, the latter is…well…being adored, championed, and showered with cash at every turn. This […]
American “conservatives” fund Planned Parenthood (again) in new budget deal.

In case you haven’t heard, a new “budget deal” has apparently been struck between the Pagan Political Right and the Pagan Political Left in Washington DC. So did we defund Planned Parenthood? Nope. Did we even reduce the public funding of Planned Parenthood? Nuh-uh. Not even a little? Nah. Not even a teeny, tiny, eensy-weensy […]
What if American Christians were half as committed to obeying Christ as they are to following the Republican Party?

Before I get into this, lemme make something plain: I love politics. I’ve been interested in politics since I can remember being able to remember. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Despite the thorough manner in which we’ve seen Christ’s creation of politics corrupted, contorted, and perverted into the slimy, steaming pile of filth that […]
When Ted Cruz wins the Republican nomination…

When Ted Cruz wins the Republican Party nomination for President of the United States, let’s remember that despite the fact that he may well be a super nice guy and that his father is an impressive man in many substantial ways, Mr. Cruz is, at the end of the day, a classic American Statist deeply […]
Why are American “Christian conservatives” so ridiculously liberal?

So why do self-described conservatives in America tend to openly (and often quite proudly) favor rank Socialistic/Marxist programs like Social Security and Public Schools? Why do they tend to automatically favor building a larger military and engaging in even more wars when we are, in a word, broke? (See yesterday’s How can a “broke” country have the […]
Marco Rubio: “God’s rules always win.” Now ignore ’em all and vote for me!

“God’s rules always win.” File that sweet line atop the Marco Rubio section of the “it would be awesome if they really believed it” section 0f quotes from GOP candidates now predictably making the rounds pretending to love and revere the law of God in order to snag the votes and cash of politically active professing Christians in America. As […]
Cruz Control: How Ted Cruz is positioned to win the GOP nomination…and why Christians shouldn’t pin their hopes on it.

Ted Cruz has an excellent chance of winning the Republican Party nomination. Over the past few months as I’ve been asked who I think will win the Pagan Political Right honor of facing the Pagan Political Left’s chosen representative in the contrived, controlled puppet show that is American presidential politics, I’ve picked Cruz. There are no […]
The Fear-Driven Voting of America’s “Conservative Christians”

Terrorism! Radical Muslims! The gay agenda! Barack Obama! Hillary Clinton! Justin Bieber! Fear! Fear! Fear! Panic! Panic! Panic! Crisis! Crisis! Crisis! If one thing is plain about the “conservative Christian” portion of America’s electorate, it is that fear is the primary motivator determining how its members spend their energy, resources, and votes. What Scripture refers […]
No Child Sacrifice Left Behind: New GOP Speaker of the House “doubtful about defunding Planned Parenthood”.

It looks like video documentation of Planned Parenthood ghouls doing everything from casually chit-chatting over drinks about profiting from the sale of baby body parts to plucking the brain from a living child for profitable harvest wont be enough to get us to even remove federal funding from Planned Parenthood …much less shut down Planned […]
America’s open economic rape of the young via Social Security.

For as long as I’ve been alive and politically aware, Social Security has been known as “the third rail” of American politics, meaning that it is charged, untouchable, and sure to bring death to anyone who tries to grab hold and do something about it. That third rail is more dangerous and more entrenched […]
Buh-bye, Jeb: Bush gives himself the “warm kiss” of death.

Somewhere between his offer to give “a warm kiss” to a certain kind of Democrat and diving headlong into the Marco Rubio shaped woodchipper parked next to him at last night’s GOP debate in Colorado, Jeb Bush finally fully flamed out. Stick a fork in him; he’s done. Jeb’s most viable path to winning the Republican Party nomination now involves […]
Beyond Debate: The never-ending “conservative” pitch for Statism (A biblical review of Round 1 of the GOP “debate” – Fire Breathing Christian Podcast Episode 6)

Ever notice how all the supposedly “conservative” leaders anointed and appointed by the national Republican Party seem to always end up leading us deeper and deeper into the Socialism and state-dependency that they claim to oppose? (See: How’s that Pagan “conservatism” workin’ out for ya, Christian?) Ever notice that no matter how many Republican Representatives, Senators, […]
5 things every Statist will agree on at tomorrow’s Republican “debate”.

Can you feel the magic? Black magic, I mean. Can you taste the thick artificial flavoring? Are you choking on the overly and overtly manufactured “excitement”? As in: The most legit items on the menu are Donald Trump’s mood and hair. Can you hear the controlled/contrived political puppet show predictably shifting into its standard seasonal gear en route to taking us to […]
How unrepentant and lost is Donald Trump? And what does that tell us about America?

The Donald is on fire. And so is American culture. Coincidence? Nope. In the past month, The Trumpinator has moved from a merely dominant top spot in the polls to an even more “absolutely amazing” position, leaving his fellow Republicans struggling to figure out just how to tackle the brash billionaire who promises to “make America great again” without […]
Fox News Equates God’s Law With Islam. American “Conservative Christians” say, “Amen!”

If there’s one thing that absolutely terrifies the typical politically “conservative” churchgoing professing Christian in America, it is the Nature of God as revealed in His Word and Law. More specifically, they’re petrified at even the thought of that Law-Word being taken seriously. As in: applied. As in: for real. As in: Not just […]
The Ted Cruz Problem: How praising the Bible without submitting to the Bible gets us into all sorts of trouble. (Fire Breathing Christian Podcast Episode 4)

I don’t know ’bout you, but when I hear someone answer a nationally televised debate question by making a clear appeal to Scripture as the means by which God clearly speaks to man, I’m impressed. I ‘m happy. I’m compelled to amen(!) and woohoo(!). Senator Ted Cruz made just such an appeal in the first […]
What if Christians were as confident and clear as Donald Trump?

It’s no mystery why Donald Trump, also known as The Donald and also known here as The Trumpinator, is crushing his bug-like competitors for the Republican Party nomination. No mystery at all. Just ask someone – anyone – who is even marginally supportive of the Trump 2016 campaign why they are into that campaign at all and […]
Politics, education, and the uncomfortable truth about sin. (Radio interview on the “Stand Up for the Truth” program.)

Yesterday I was once again honored to be on the Stand Up for the Truth show with Mike and Amy, and man, lemme tellya, it got really interesting. We started off kicking around the current season of The American Political Puppet Show and talked a bit about what Christians should expect from the current crop […]
The Ultimate (and completely safe) “Debate”-Watchers’ Drinking Game

D-Day has arrived. Zero hour is nearly upon us. I am of course speaking of The Big Show (of the moment): Tonight’s 10-man corporate controlled political puppet cage match being put on by Fox News in Cleveland. The stakes are high and the contrived drama is higher. Trumpamania is already running wild and The Donald will be taking center […]
Welcome to the 2016 Parade of Republican Statists

Wanna know where the long term embrace of a wildly unbiblical “lesser of two evils” approach to leadership selection leads? Wanna know how easy it is for anti-Christian corporate/banking elites to steer us straight on into hard core Statism through their production, promotion, and control of The All-American Political Puppet Show? Well there’s no need to wonder. Just […]
Just in case you still think Republicans are ever going to actually stop abortion…

So which of the two All-American Pagan political parties gave us the majority of Supreme Court Justices who gave us “legal” abortion in America? The Republicans. And which of the two All-American Pagan political parties gave us the majority of Supreme Court Justices who gave us ObamaCare, which expands federal funding of…you guessed it…abortion. The Republicans. […]
Trumpamania runs wild! (Yes, he can really win…and yes, we really deserve him.)

August 6. That’s the day America is waiting for. That’s the day that it is on! August 6 in Cleveland, Ohio: Trumpamania gets real. Or unreal. Or more unreal. Or…well…you get the picture. Whatever it is, this Trumpamania thing is getting serious. Seriously funny, seriously sad, and seriously bizarre all at the same time. It’s […]
How’s that Pagan “conservatism” workin’ out for ya, Christian?

So how is our Pagan “conservatism” and America worship working out for us? How’s that 40+ year “pro-life commitment” from the GOP panning out? (See: Note to ‘Merica: There is no “God-given right” to murder children. Repent accordingly.) How’s that GOP/”conservative” defense of “family values” playing out? (See: Of course Jeb Bush is “fine” with […]
God bless America. And Planned Parenthood.

Revelation leading to repentance can be a very hard thing. That’s it’s nature. But that doesn’t make it any less a blessing from God. Thankfully, these days we’re getting a whole lotta revelation. Not much in the way of repentance yet, but God is graciously keeping the revelations coming anyway. (See: Will America repent or will America be […]
When Conservatism Trumps Christianity

One of the most simultaneously mystifying and terrifying realities of our day is that there are those who really, truly, and actually believe that professional wrestling is real. I mean really real. Not just that it exists. Not just that it’s “fun” for some in a silly kinda way. Not just that it’s like a harmless, if idiotic, parody […]
Of course Jeb Bush is “fine” with the idea of “transgender” soldiers in the US military. That’s just what Pagan Right politicians do.

Since there are still so many professing Christians in America who are entranced and enthralled by the Pagan Left/Pagan Right political puppet show that has dominated the scene here in ‘Merica for generations now (I was once way into this camp myself), it’s always a good idea to point out how the top tier “conservative […]
Jeb! (not Bush) Launches Presidential Campaign with “Conservative” Case for the Welfare/Warfare Nanny State

For those still enslaved to the Pagan Right/”Anybody but [insert name of Pagan Left candidate here]” political puppet show paradigm under which we are being led ever-deeper into Statism by our favorite “conservative” “Christian” “leaders”, a Big Gun from the Pagan Right side of the puppet show stage is about to make it official. As AP reports, Jeb! […]
Rand Paul calls out the NSA (again); Establishment Republicans Defend Orwellian Statism (as usual)

As National Journal reported this morning, After Over 10 Hours, Rand Paul Ends His NSA Filibuster. The article chronicled Senator Paul’s recent stand on the Senate floor in bold opposition to the Orwellian Surveillance State that has taken deep, diabolical root here in the “land of the free” and the home of the…you guessed it…NSA. (See: […]
Rubio makes Orwellian case for perpetual war even better than Bush; “conservative Christians” swoon.

If there’s one thing that American “conservative Christians” have been conditioned to love, it’s war. War overseas, of course – the kind that you can take in via Fox News from the relative safety and comfort of your rented-from-the-State-to-fund-State-controlled-children’s-“education” home here in “the land of the free” and the home of the NSA. (See: How […]
How Jeb Bush despises privacy and freedom for the masses…yet will still get millions of “conservative Christian” votes (and campaign contributions).

There are roughly 2.4 gajillion good reasons to not vote for Jeb (or any other) Bush to “lead” us (or anyone else that we care about), but one of the best has to be his open, flagrant, bone-chillingly creepy adoration of the emerging Orwellian State in America. The man simply despises in practice the core values […]
How did Christians destroy conservatism?

How did we end up with “conservatives” defending everything from Social Security and Medicare to State-controlled children’s “education”, which is straight out of the Communist Manifesto? How did we get a supposedly “right wing” political movement in America that is effortlessly molded and mobilized in support of one explicitly Socialist/Marxist policy after another, all while most of its […]
How do we stop America’s voter-assisted suicide?

It’s Election Day in America, and all the familiar gears, wheels, and tools of propaganda are in full motion. The (mostly) controlled game is on and the (mostly) contrived drama is thick. “Will the Republicans be returned to power in the Senate?” “Will the Democrats be taught a painful lesson?” “Will the country be saved […]
Need (another) war? No sweat! Just play The Hitler Card.

As global economic foundations continue to crack and crumble, this sort of thing is just gonna happen…again and again. War, war, and more war. Enemies here, there, and everywhere. Of course, we fund, fuel, and train most of those enemies, but let’s not stop to notice that. Nope. Nothing to see here… Just prior to Mitt Romney’s glorious Washington Post […]
Mitt Romney preaches the New World Order gospel of perpetual war and an all-powerful State…again…

Just when you think you can chill out and relax on a quiet Thursday evening after a long, productive day…Mitt Romney has to go and open his Neo-Conning, god-in-waiting, presidential wannabe yapper… Or, to be more precise, The Mitt has to go and release a new Washington Times op-ed piece in which he dutifully plays the role […]
Politics, Religion, and the Threat of Spontaneous Combustion

Remember when all the really bad hypotheticals were still hypotheticals? Ah, those were the good ol’ days…days when America was merely on the verge of moral implosion, heading toward the brink of socio-economic collapse, and so on. Now we’re there. We have imploded morally and we are on the brink of total socio-economic darkness. The really bad hypotheticals of just a generation past – at least most of them – aren’t hypothetical anymore. (click on the above graphic or headline link to read the article)
Note to Allen West: American “Christians” have dismembered FAR more children than ISIS this year.

In case y’all haven’t heard, Allen West, along with pretty much every other Neo-Con tool in America, thinks that we need to man up, get serious, and roll headlong into serious war mode in Iraq…again… Why, you may ask? (While such questions are still allowed to be asked here in the “land of the free” and […]
Tennessee’s opportunity to beat Lamar…for biblical reasons.

Lamar Alexander. He’s folksy. He’s polite. He’s “successful”. And he’s a Republican. So he’s gotta be good then, right? Well… He’s also for adding new taxes, against eliminating Cabinet departments, for raising existing tax rates, for increasing the so-called “debt limit”, for expanding Food Stamps, for “Cash for Clunkers”, against defunding the “Bridge to […]
The America Idol (Or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Almighty State)

I don’t know about you, but I’m not at all into the idea of bending over at the airport so that the TSA can check my underwear for al-Qaeda. Particularly when the Southern border is swung wide open and anyone able to hop, skip, or giggle their way across the border gets an American taxpayer-funded […]
It’s all on us: Why WE are responsible for the death (or restoration) of America

. Somewhere deep down, we have to know that the mess in America is our fault. You and me. I know, I know…it’s sooooo much more fun to blame Them for all of it – the Democrats, the liberals, the progressives, the Muslims, the gay activists… And yeah, I’m also well aware that there are a whole […]
Tears of a Clown: How Republicans mourn the death of America…while making it happen.

In The Crisis on the Border, published this week by The Wall Street Journal, Peggy Noonan dutifully resumes her well-worn role of conservative-ish Republican voice of reason/propaganda, showing us once again that at least some of the good folks in Republicanville are paying very close attention and are very, very, very concerned about our nation’s desperate and rapidly deteriorating condition. Yessiree, they […]
Four Marks of Conservatism’s Counterfeit Gospel

For those of you hoping to find validation for leftist progressive causes or worldviews here after reading (and perhaps smiling at) the title of this post, lemme save you some time and say plainly from the get go: Not. Gonna. Happen. Not at all. The manner in which leftist progressives passionately wage their futile, pouty […]
Why Settle for the Lesser Evil? (Sample Chapter from “Stupid Elephant Tricks – The Other Progressive Party’s War on Christianity”)
“Why Settle for the Lesser Evil?” Now there’s a campaign slogan you don’t see every day, at least not yet. (continued)